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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 607及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled College Students sense of Responsibility. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1有的大学生有很强的责任意识,有的却连最基本的责任感都没有; 2大学生肩负些哪责任; 3大学阶段是大学生成

2、长的重要阶段,呼吁大学生加强责任感。 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the informati

3、on given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 The Sixth Sense When you were a child, did you ever wonder how your mother knew when you were writing on the wall with crayons (

4、蜡笔 ), even though she couldnt possibly see or hear you? . Or why she always came outside and called you just as you headed for forbidden territory? How did she know? If you asked her, she probably told you that it was her “mothers intuition“. That never really explained anything, but it gave you som

5、ething to think about. Just exactly what is a mothers intuition? Unfortunately, not even mothers who profess to having it can explain exactly what it is. Some would say it was a “sixth sense“ or a funny feeling that prompted them to check on their childrens whereabouts and activities. Others have cl

6、aimed to hear a voice inside their heads that called their childrens names or had a “flash vision“ of what their children were doing. In any event, almost every mother seems to have it and will swear by its reliability. A typical example of this ability is the case of a woman who claims that her int

7、uition prevented each of her five children from serious mishaps. Once she awoke in the middle of the night and felt the need to check on her son Paul, who was three years old at the time. He wasnt in his bed, so she raced down the stairs to fend him. She found him outside, sleepwalking, headed strai

8、ght toward a flight of concrete steps. Then again, there was a time when one of her daughters fell off a horse and broke her arm. The child neither cried nor yelled for help. But the mother, sensing that something was wrong, came out of the house and found her in a field just minutes after the accid

9、ent. How did she know? “Just a feeling,“ she said, “that something was wrong. “ The concept that people are capable of having a sixth sense is not a new one. Numerous studies of ESP ( extra sensory perception ) have been under way for decades. What they have revealed only supports the theory that pe

10、ople are capable of having and using another sense beyond sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. But no single group of people seems to have this ability as consistently as mothers do. Why is this? Some theorize that the close and intimate relationship that mother and child have for the first years o

11、f a childs life sets up an empathy (感情移入 ) that no other relationship could possibly duplicate. In other words, a mother “tunes in“ to the thoughts and behavior of her child more than any other person could. Therefore, even though she may be preoccupied with household chores or social activities, a

12、part of her is constantly alert for her childs safety. Not an unreasonable theory-since most of us are the product of our mothers devotion. But how does this explain why a mother will know that her child is in danger, even though the child itself may not be aware of it? This is the question which ha

13、s kept mothers intuition a mystery. Something beyond that which we can logically explain somehow seems to warn a mother when her child approaches danger. An interesting illustration of this sixth sense involves the famous escape artist, Houdini. As the story goes, Houdini was planning to perform an

14、escape from a steel trunk wrapped in chains and dropped into a frozen river. Because the river was so cold, hed only have a few minutes to escape in order to survive. They wrapped Houdini in a straight jacket, locked him into the trunk, secured the chains, and then dropped him into the river through

15、 a hole cut into the ice. Minutes passed and Houdini did not appear. When enough time had passed to make it apparent that Houdinis escape had failed, the grief-stricken party left the scene and reported that Houdini had died. One friend remained at the hole in the ice, not yet convinced that Houdini

16、 had drowned. To his utter amazement, Houdini did indeed surface at the spot. When the half-frozen artist had recovered enough, he told his friend that he had not accounted for the current of the river under the ice. The river had carried the trunk downstream and when he got out of the trunk, he cou

17、ldnt find the hole cut into the ice. He managed to get oxygen from air pockets caught between the ice and the water, but he had no way of finding the hole through the thick ice. Then he heard his mothers voice calling him. He followed her voice, and it led him to the hole in the ice where his friend

18、 was waiting. This was amazing, first, because his mother lived in another city and was nowhere near the scene of the frozen river. But more amazing than that was the fact that, when Houdini tried to call his mother, he was informed that she had died just hours before. What had told Houdinis mother

19、that he was in danger-even beyond the grave? How had she been able to protect her child in spite of the fact that she was no longer living? Someday, perhaps, we will know. Someday we may understand the kind of communication that exists between mother and child and be able to expand on that knowledge

20、 to a better form of communication in all relationships. There is no doubt that such a thing as a mothers intuition exists. And the fact of its existence may be an indication that all of us are capable of having another instinct-a sixth sense. 2 What is the focus of this passage? ( A) Sense of dange

21、r. ( B) Sense of obligation. ( C) Life instinct. ( D) Maternal intuition. 3 What was three-year-old Paul doing when he was saved? ( A) Sleepwalking. ( B) Riding a horse. ( C) Calling for help. ( D) Falling downstairs. 4 What does the author tell us about ESP? ( A) It is a new concept about the sixth

22、 sense. ( B) Studies showed no one really has this sense. ( C) People have been studying it for many years. ( D) This ability can be more or less cultivated. 5 What does the author think of the theory concerning the mother-child relationship? ( A) Its groundless. ( B) Its reasonable. ( C) Its incred

23、ible. ( D) Its mysterious. 6 Why was Houdini dropped into a frozen river? ( A) He was punished for breaking faith. ( B) He was performing an escape art. ( C) He was caught escaping from jail. ( D) He was practicing swimming in winter. 7 All onlookers left the icy river disappointedly except ( A) one

24、 of Houdinis friends ( B) Houdinis mother ( C) a loyal policeman ( D) Houdinis coach 8 What happened to Houdini in the end? ( A) He was drowned in a deep river. ( B) He was frozen to death under the ice. ( C) He failed to escape from the think. ( D) He surfaced at the expected spot. 9 When Houdini t

25、ried to call his mother, he was told that _. 10 In the future, we may be able to expand on our knowledge of the kind of communication between mothers and children to _. 11 It remains unanswered what _ is. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversat

26、ions. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the

27、best answer. ( A) The studio lost the roll of film. ( B) He ran out of money to pay for the film. ( C) The fill hasnt been developed yet. ( D) He didnt take pictures for lack of film. ( A) The opportunity is too rare to pass over. ( B) He should line up for the program as others do. ( C) He should c

28、oncentrate on his studies. ( D) He should consider going together with others. ( A) The man dare not face Rachel because he refuses to help. ( B) The man types well but is unwilling to help. ( C) The man doesnt think he would be of much help. ( D) The man doesnt have enough time, so he cant help her

29、. ( A) In a bookstore. ( B) At a newsstand. ( C) In the library. ( D) In the classroom. ( A) An open door. ( B) An open discussion. ( C) Complete secrecy. ( D) A closed door. ( A) A shop assistant. ( B) A telephone operator. ( C) A waiter. ( D) A postal clerk. ( A) She doesnt want to lend it out and

30、 wont. ( B) She will lend it next time but not now. ( C) She remembers the last time she lent it to him. ( D) She will lend it this time, but never again. ( A) She is full. ( B) She has problems digesting apples. ( C) She is afraid there arent enough apples. ( D) She just wants a small one. ( A) The

31、y lived in groups and were cave people. ( B) There were societies in Ice Age. ( C) They were advanced in arts. ( D) They had a smart way of building shelters. ( A) By staying in their animal skin houses. ( B) By making their homes facing south. ( C) By bathing themselves in the sun. ( D) By burning

32、trees. ( A) Read the book quickly. ( B) Speak slowly. ( C) Tell him more about the Ice Age societies. ( D) Lend him the magazine. ( A) Time really flies. ( B) The plans after graduation. ( C) The economic status of China. ( D) How to get a masters degree. ( A) China has a long history. ( B) China ha

33、s a colorful and rich culture. ( C) Its not expensive and people are friendly. ( D) The scenery in China is beautiful. ( A) He plans to do a masters degree of law. ( B) He wants to be a teacher. ( C) He plans to find a job in a joint venture company. ( D) He has no plan. ( A) If you are very sophist

34、icated. ( B) If you are very hard-working. ( C) If your academic merits are excellent. ( D) If you are wealthy. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once

35、. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Its private airline service. ( B) Being an American Post Office. ( C) Its transporting small packages. ( D) The low cost of its service. ( A) 35. ( B) 130. ( C) 10000. ( D) 113 ( A) Because

36、it is the largest airport in America. ( B) Because it has a good sorting system. ( C) Because it has a favorable location. ( D) Because it is the most important city for business in America. ( A) In the yellow pages. ( B) In the red pages. ( C) In the white pages. ( D) In the blue pages. ( A) In the

37、 front of the white pages. ( B) Right after the white pages. ( C) At the end of the telephone book. ( D) On the first page of the telephone book. ( A) The public telephones often go wrong in malting a long distance call. ( B) It is not very expensive to make a long distance call on a public telephon

38、e. ( C) Youll probably not be charged for dialing a wrong number in matting a long distance call. ( D) Youd better not make a long distance call on a public telephone for it charges too much. ( A) A novel named Uncle Toms Cabin. ( B) The harshness of the plantation life. ( C) Works about the south.

39、( D) Works about the village life. ( A) Village life in the south. ( B) Customs of the south. ( C) Village life in the New England states. ( D) The Civil War. ( A) Because she wrote about village life in her best works. ( B) Because she was the first one to use local dialect for her characters in he

40、r works. ( C) Because she wrote about the customs of the villages with a bit imagination. ( D) Because her settings were often described actually and in detail. ( A) Because she did not like the life of the south. ( B) Because she was born in the south and was tired of the life there. ( C) Because s

41、he was a teacher. ( D) Because she was familiar with the life there. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are requir

42、ed to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 Transport is one of the aids

43、to trade. By moving goods from places where they are plentiful to places where they are【 36】 , transport adds to their value. The more easily goods can be brought over the distance that【 37】 producer and consumer, the better for trade. The great【 38】 made in transport during the last two hundred yea

44、rs were【 39】 by a big increase in trade. Quicker transport makes possible mass-production and big business,【 40】 supplies from, and selling goods to, all parts of the【 41】 . Big factories could not【 42】 without transport to carry the large number of workers they need to and from their homes. Big cit

45、y stores could not have developed unless customers could travel easily from the【 43】 and goods delivered to their homes.【 44】 . Transport also prevents waste. Much of the fish landed at the ports would be wasted if it could not be taken quickly to inland towns.【 45】 . Foods which at one time could b

46、e obtained only during a part of the year can now be obtained all through the year. Transport has raised the standard of living. 【 46】 . Means of communication send information about prices, supplies, and changing conditions in different parts of the world. In this way, advanced communication system

47、s also help to develop trade. Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in

48、 the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. 47 Success of a speech is often【 47】 to the skills of the speaker, with merits being given to speakers who are c

49、onfident, articulate(表达能力强 ), knowledgeable and able to deliver a speech with【 48】 But often it is not the speakers who write these moving speeches, it is a speechwriter. Some believe that the best speechwriters have an【 49】 talent, a natural creative instinct, and that speechwriting is an art form. So what about those of us who do not possess such genius? Can we still produce successful speeches? In an interview, Dr Max Atkinson【 50】 a number of speechwriting techniques. He also【 51】 how these t

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