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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 798及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled How to Make Good Use of College Life. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 大 学生活是人生中一个重要的阶段; 2. 有些大学生不珍惜宝贵的时光; 3. 我们应怎样充分利用大学时光。

2、二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the pas

3、sage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 What is Culture? Culture, in anthropology(人类学 ), the patterns of behavior and thinking that people living in social groups learn, create, and share

4、. Culture distinguishes one human group from others. It also distinguishes humans from other animals. A peoples culture includes their beliefs, rules of behavior, language, rituals, art, technology, styles of dress, ways of producing and cooking food, religion, and political and economic systems. Cu

5、lture is the most important concept in anthropology (the study of all aspects of human life, past and present). Anthropologists commonly use the term culture to refer to a society or group in which many or all people live and think in the same ways. Likewise, any group of people who share a common c

6、ulture and in particular, common rules of behavior and a basic form of social organization constitutes a society. Thus, the terms culture and society are somewhat interchangeable. However, while many animals live in societies, such as herds of elk (麋鹿 ) or packs of wild dogs, only humans have cultur

7、e. Characteristics of culture People have culture primarily because they can communicate with and understand symbols. Symbols allow people to develop complex thoughts and to exchange these thoughts with others. Language and other forms of symbolic communication, such as art, enable people to create,

8、 explain, and record new ideas and information. A symbol has either an indirect connection or no connection at all with the object, idea, feeling, or behavior to which it refers. For instance, most people in the United States find some meaning in the combination of the colors red, white, and blue. B

9、ut those colors themselves have nothing to do with, for instance, the land that people call the United States, the concept of patriotism, or the U.S. national anthem (圣歌 ), 7he Star Spangled Banner. People have the capacity at birth to construct, understand, and communicate through symbols, primaril

10、y by using language. Research has shown, for example, that infants have a basic structure of language a sort of universal grammar built into their minds. Infants are thus predisposed(有 倾向 ) to learn the languages spoken by the people around them. Language provides a means to store, process, and comm

11、unicate amounts of information that vastly exceed the capabilities of nonhuman animals. For instance, chimpanzees (黑猩猩 ), the closest genetic relatives of humans, use h few dozen calls and a variety of gestures to communicate in the wild. People have taught some chimps (黑猩猩 ) to communicate using Am

12、erican Sign Language and picture-bused languages, and some have developed vocabularies of a few hundred words. But an unabridged (完整的 ) English dictionary might contain more than half-a-million vocabulary entries. Chimpanzees have also not clearly demonstrated the ability to use grammar, which is cr

13、ucial for communicating complex thoughts. In addition, the human vocal tract, unlike that of chimpanzees and other animals, can create and articulate a wide enough variety of sounds to create millions of distinct words. In fact, each human language uses only a fraction of the sounds humans can make.

14、 The human brain also contains areas dedicated to the production and interpretation of speech, which other animals lack. Thus, humans are predisposed in many ways to use symbolic communication. People are not born with culture; they have to learn it. For instance, people must learn to speak and unde

15、rstand a language and to abide by the rules of a society. In many societies, all people mast learn to produce and prepare food and to construct shelters. In other societies, people must learn a skill to earn money, which they then use to provide for themselves. In all human societies, children learn

16、 culture from adults. Anthropologists call this process enculturation, or cultural transmission. Enculturation is a long process. Just learning the intricacies (复杂 ) of a human language, a major part of enculturation, takes many years. Families commonly protect and enculturate (使适应某种文化的 ) children i

17、n the households of their birth for 15 years or mere. Only at this point can children leave and establish their own households. People also continue to learn throughout their lifetimes. Thus, most societies respect their elders, who have learned for an entire lifetime. Humans are not alone in their

18、ability to learn behaviors, only in the amount and complexity of what they can learn. For example, members of a group of chimpanzees may learn to use a unique source of food or to fashion same simple tools, behaviors that might distinguish them from other chimpanzee groups. But these unique ways of

19、life are minor in comparison to the rich cultures that distinguish different human societies. Lacking speech, chimps are very limited in what they can learn, communicate to others. People living together in a society share culture. For example, almost all people living in the United States share the

20、 English language, dress in similar styles, eat many of the same foods, and celebrate many of the same holidays. All the people of a society collectively create and maintain culture. Societies preserve culture for much longer than the life of any one person. They preserve it in the form of knowledge

21、, such as scientific discoveries; objects, such as works of art; and traditions, such as the observance of holidays. Culture helps human societies survive in changing natural environments. For example, the end of the last Ice Age, beginning about 15,000 years ago, posed an enormous challenge to whic

22、h humans had to adapt. Before this time, large portions of the northern hemisphere were covered in great sheets of ice that contained much of the earths water. In North America, large game animals that roamed (漫游,游历 ) the vast tundra (冻土地带 ) that provided people with food and materials for clothing

23、and simple shelters. When the earth warmed, large Ice Age game animals disappeared, and many land areas were submerged by rising sea levels from melting ice. But people survived. They developed new technologies and learned how to live on new plant and animal species. Eventually some people settled i

24、nto villages of permanent, durable houses and farms. Cultural adaptation has made humans one of the most successful species on the planet. Through history, major developments in technology, medicine, and nutrition have allowed people to reproduce and survive in ever-increasing numbers. The global po

25、pulation has risen from 8 million during the Ice Age to almost 6 billion today. 2 People in one society will all share its culture or patterns of behavior. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 Although culture is only specific to humans, non-human animals also have cultural behaviors. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 The

26、 colors red, white and blue have a connection with the American flag. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 Infants dont have the capacity to communicate and understand through symbols. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 Animals are not born with the capacity to use symbolic communication although some animals such as chimp

27、anzees can be trained to develop certain amount of vocabularies. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 7 Nonhuman animals have no culture because they dont have a developed brain. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 8 Four distinguishing characteristics of culture are mentioned in the passage. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 9 Apart from

28、language, the passage gives another example of symbolic communication, which is _. 10 _ provides a means to store, process and communicate information that nonhuman animals cant. 11 _ is the major part of enculturation. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2

29、 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decid

30、e which is the best answer. ( A) Feel sorry that she cant help the man. ( B) Lend the man her pencil and paper. ( C) Ask someone else to help the man. ( D) Give the man the notes. ( A) The pear. ( B) The weather. ( C) The seafood. ( D) The cold. ( A) She can use his car. ( B) She can borrow someone

31、elses car. ( C) She must get her car fixed. ( D) She cant borrow his car. ( A) In a library. ( B) In a bookstore. ( C) In the classroom. ( D) In a department store. ( A) A movie. ( B) A lecture. ( C) A play. ( D) A speech. ( A) He usually talks quietly. ( B) He usually assigns homework. ( C) He didn

32、t teach class today. ( D) He noticed that the students didnt do their homework. ( A) The teacher postponed the meeting. ( B) There wont be a test this afternoon. ( C) The students will be attending the meeting. ( D) The students will take an English test this afternoon. ( A) He enjoys writing home e

33、very week. ( B) He never fails to write home once a week now. ( C) He doesnt write home once a week now. ( D) He has been asked to write home every week. ( A) It was left in Davids office. ( B) It was left in Kates office. ( C) It was lost in the train some day. ( D) It was left in the Johnsons. ( A

34、) Because he/she hasnt seen your CV. ( B) Because he/she wants to make sure you are not lying on your CV. ( C) Because he/she wants to know how it relates to the job you are applying for. ( D) Because he/she wants to sec if you are articulate. ( A) You will not get the job. ( B) There usually arent

35、right answers. ( C) You will appear inarticulate. ( D) The interviewer will check your CV for the answer. ( A) People with such skills save them time and money. ( B) People with such skills are more intelligent. ( C) People with such skills are usually better educated. ( D) They are not, but they ar

36、e important for job interviews. ( A) Your appearance. ( B) Qualifications and experience. ( C) Communication skills and your personality. ( D) cross-cultural communication skills. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some qu

37、estions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) To show his friendliness to her. ( B) To show his interest in reading. ( C) To tell her about the importance of the UN. (

38、D) To let her write her name and address inside. ( A) Pleased. ( B) Surprised. ( C) Satisfied. ( D) Worried. ( A) An official of the UN. ( B) A coffee shop owner. ( C) A friend of the authors. ( D) Alexs friend from California. ( A) She died across from the US Department of Housing and Urban Develop

39、ment. ( B) US Department of Housing and Urban Development threw the dead woman out onto the street. ( C) She died in Washington D. C. , the nations capital. ( D) No one cared about the homeless woman. ( A) Because they do not want to pay for the houses. ( B) Because they have financial troubles. ( C

40、) Because they like traveling across the country. ( D) Because they like drinking out. ( A) Finding houses; training for jobs; medical treatment. ( B) Treatment for those who use drugs or alcohol; finding places to live; training for jobs. ( C) Finding them jobs; sending them to hospitals; looking f

41、or houses. ( D) Building houses for homeless people; teaching them English; finding doctors for them. ( A) 4. ( B) 8. ( C) 5 ( D) 18 ( A) America ( B) England ( C) Italy ( D) Spain ( A) Breakfast only. ( B) Breakfast and dinner. ( C) Dinner only. ( D) Breakfast, lunch and supper. ( A) He wanted to b

42、ecome a lawyer. ( B) He wanted to become a writer. ( C) He wanted to become a musician. ( D) He wanted to become a painter. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When

43、the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just h

44、eard or write down the 34 Working relations with other people at the place of work include relationships with fellow employees, workers or colleagues. A major part of work or job 【 B1】 _ comes from getting on with others at work. Working relations will also include those between the boss and yoursel

45、f: management-employee relations are not always straightforward, 【 B2】 _ as the managements 【 B3】 _ of your performance can be 【 B4】 _ to your future career. There will always be 【 B5】 _ about which employees will want to talk to the management. In small businesses the boss will 【 B6】 _ work alongsi

46、de his workers. Anything, which needs to be 【 B7】 _ out, will be done face-to-face as soon as a problem arises. There may be no formal meetings or 【 B8】 _ . The larger the business, the less direct contact there will be between employees and management. 【 B9】 _ . Some companies have specially organi

47、zed consultative committees for this purpose. In many countries of the world today, especially in large firms, employees join a trade union and ask the union to represent them to the management. 【 B10】 _ . The process through which unions negotiate with management on behalf of their members is calle

48、d collective bargaining. 【 B11】 _ . Occasionally a firm will refuse to recognize the right of a union to negotiate for its members and a dispute over union recognition will arise. 35 【 B1】 36 【 B2】 37 【 B3】 38 【 B4】 39 【 B5】 40 【 B6】 41 【 B7】 42 【 B8】 43 【 B9】 44 【 B10】 45 【 B11】 Section A Direction

49、s: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. 45 There was

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