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本文([外语类试卷]大学英语四级(2013年12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷37及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(visitstep340)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语四级( 2013年 12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷 37及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Popularity of Microblog. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: Write your essay on Answer

2、Sheet 1. 1近年来, “微博 ”越来越流行,许多人利用 “微博 ”来表达心声、交流想法、传递信息; 2 “微博 ”流行的原因; 3目前 “微博 ”中可能存在的问题。 Section A ( A) She will help the man later. ( B) She doesnt want to help the man with the homework. ( C) The man should do the homework himself. ( D) The man should watch the program first. ( A) She didnt notice t

3、he posters. ( B) Betty probably made the posters. ( C) The collection doesnt belong to Mary Ann. ( D) Mary Anns posters are very attractive. ( A) They didnt like the restaurant. ( B) The man generally eats more than the woman. ( C) The woman eats more than the man. ( D) They ate all the meals. ( A)

4、He is indifferent of the interview. ( B) He is worried about the result. ( C) He is confident about his performance. ( D) He is angry with the HR. ( A) Her present was a surprise to him. ( B) He had hoped the gift would surprise her. ( C) She wasnt surprised by the gift after all. ( D) He didnt know

5、 about the surprise party either. ( A) She can probably do the job. ( B) She has heard about the letter. ( C) She has written many letters. ( D) She knows who the translator is. ( A) He was pleased to get the medal. ( B) He was very courageous. ( C) He used to be a firefighter. ( D) He was accused o

6、f causing fire. ( A) She doesnt like either of them. ( B) John copied it from Jim. ( C) Jim copied it from John. ( D) One composition is the copy from the other. ( A) It needs cleaning. ( B) It needs regular servicing. ( C) It needs a new battery. ( D) It was ruined by water. ( A) S3.99. ( B) $5.50.

7、 ( C) $6.99. ( D) $9.50. ( A) The shop guarantees the battery for a year. ( B) The man will clean it without extra. ( C) The man can repair watches very quickly. ( D) The shop is offering a special discount. ( A) Tourism. ( B) Business studies. ( C) Information technology. ( D) English. ( A) Contras

8、ting negotiation styles. ( B) Studying information technology. ( C) Contrasting cultures. ( D) Studying international trade. ( A) Classmates. ( B) Colleagues. ( C) Teacher and student. ( D) Customers. ( A) English for Special Purpose. ( B) Electronic Stability Program. ( C) Extrasensory Perception.

9、( D) Electrosensitive Programming. Section B ( A) She often practices taking notes. ( B) She often practices oiling the gate. ( C) She often practices singing high notes. ( D) She often practices overcoming her weakness. ( A) Because he had run out of gas. ( B) Because his tires were stabbed. ( C) B

10、ecause he had heard a noise. ( D) Because he was attracted by Mrs. Jones. ( A) The noise came from the tires. ( B) The noise came form the brakes. ( C) The noise came from Mrs. Jones singing. ( D) The noise came from another car passing by. ( A) Hard work is the most important thing for ones success

11、. ( B) Hard work may invite good luck. ( C) Good luck plays an important role in ones success. ( D) Success has nothing to do with luck. ( A) Working hard may prepare yourself opportunity. ( B) Success always depends on opportunity. ( C) Opportunity can replace hard work in job hunting. ( D) Working

12、 hard will ensure you success. ( A) Its Columbus pure luck. ( B) It proves that the earth is not round. ( C) It enriched the American people. ( D) Its one of the biggest lucky mistakes. ( A) He suffered a nervous breakdown. ( B) He was wrongly diagnosed. ( C) He was seriously injured. ( D) He develo

13、ped a strange disease. ( A) He was able to talk again. ( B) He raced to the nursing home. ( C) He could tell red and blue apart. ( D) He could not recognize his wife. ( A) Twenty-nine days. ( B) Two and a half months. ( C) Several minutes. ( D) Fourteen hours. ( A) They welcomed the publicity in the

14、 media. ( B) They avoided appearing on television. ( C) They released a video of his progress. ( D) They declined to give details of his condition. Section C 26 Emily Dickinson is one of the greatest American poets. She was born in a【 B1】_New England village in Massachusetts on December 10, 1830. Sh

15、e was the second child of the family. She died in the same house fifty-six years later. During her lifetime she never left her native land. She left her home state only once. She left her village very few times. And after 1872 she【 B2】 _left her house and yard. In the last years of her life she【 B3】

16、 _to a smaller and smaller circle of family and friends. In those later years she dressed in white,【 B4】 _strangers, and communicated chiefly through notes and poems even with【 B5】 _. The doctor who attended her illness was allowed to “examine“ her in another room, seeing her walk by an open door. S

17、he was thought of as a “strange“ 【 B6】 _in her home village. When she died on May 15, 1886, she【 B7】 _the rest of the world. Only seven of her poems had appeared in print. But to think Emily Dickinson only as a strange figure is a serious mistake. She lived simply and deliberately. She faced the ess

18、ential facts of life.【 B8】 _Henry James, a famous American novelist, she was one of those on whom nothing was lost. Only by thus living could Dickinson manage both to fulfill her【 B9】_as a daughter, a sister and a housekeeper and to write on the average one poem a day. She read only a few books but

19、knew them deeply. Her poems are simple but remarkably rich.【 B10】 _1950s was she recognized as one of the greatest poets. 27 【 B1】 28 【 B2】 29 【 B3】 30 【 B4】 31 【 B5】 32 【 B6】 33 【 B7】 34 【 B8】 35 【 B9】 36 【 B10】 Section A 36 They go to one of the worlds most prestigious universities and pride thems

20、elves on their superior intellect but almost half of Cambridge students admit they are not immune from the temptation to cheat and submit essays they find on Google, a survey suggests. The results of a(n) 【 C1】 _online poll of more than 1,000 students【 C2】_by the student newspaper Varsity found that

21、 49 per cent of undergraduates pass other peoples work off as their own at some point during their university【 C3】 _. Only 5 per cent said they had【 C4】 _been caught plagiarizing(剽窃 ). Academics in universities across the country have been【 C5】 _by their peers of turning a blind eye to the practice

22、to【 C6】 _their institutions to improve their national and international ranking. One student told Varsity, “Sometimes, when I am really fed up, I Google the essay【 C7】 _, copy and throw everything on to a blank word【 C8】 _and jiggle(微调 )the order a bit. They usually end up being the best essays.“ La

23、w students were most prone to(倾向于 )plagiarism with 62 per cent of those questioned 【 C9】 _to breaking university rules. A university spokesman told Varsity that it regarded plagiarism as a “serious and potentially disciplinary offence which can lead to failure to obtain, or withdrawal of a【 C10】 _.“

24、 He said the university was planning to introduce detection software to crack down on the problem. A)scholarship B)submitting C)career D)title E)actually F)seemingly G)ensure H)conducted I)degree J)document K)promote L)accused M)confessed N)admitting O)anonymous 37 【 C1】 38 【 C2】 39 【 C3】 40 【 C4】 4

25、1 【 C5】 42 【 C6】 43 【 C7】 44 【 C8】 45 【 C9】 46 【 C10】 Section B 46 Promote Learning and Skills for Young People and Adults A)This goal places the emphasis on the learning needs of young people and adults in the context of lifelong learning. It calls for fair access to learning programs that are appr

26、opriate, and mentions life skills particularly. B)Education is about giving people the opportunity to develop their potential, their personality and their strengths. This does not merely mean learning new knowledge, but also developing abilities to make the most of life. These are called life skills

27、 including the inner capacities and the practical skills we need. C)Many of the inner capacities often known as psycho-social skills cannot be taught as subjects. They are not the same as academic or technical learning. They must rather be modeled and promoted as part of learning, and in particular

28、by teachers. These skills have to do with the way we behave towards other people, towards ourselves, towards the challenges and problems of life. They include skills in communicating, in making decisions and solving problems, in negotiating and expressing ourselves, in thinking critically and unders

29、tanding our feelings. D)More practical life skills are the kinds of manual skills we need for the physical tasks we face. Some would include vocational skills under the heading of life skills the ability to lay bricks, sew clothes, catch fish or repair a motorbike. These are skills by which people m

30、ay earn their livelihood and which are often available to young people leaving school. In fact, very often young people learn psycho-social skills as they learn more practical skills. Learning vocational skills can be a strategy for acquiring both practical and psycho-social skills. E)We need to inc

31、rease our life skills at every stage of life, so learning them may be part of early childhood education, of primary and secondary education and of adult learning groups. Life skills can be put into the categories that the Jacques Delors report suggested; it spoke of four pillars of education, which

32、correspond to certain kinds of life skills Learning to know: Thinking abilities: such as problem-solving, critical thinking, decision making, understanding consequences. Learning to be: Personal abilities: such as managing stress and feelings, self-awareness, self-confidence. Learning to live togeth

33、er: Social abilities: such as communication, negotiation, teamwork. Learning to do: Manual skills: practicing know-how required for work and tasks. F)In todays world all these skills are necessary, in order to face rapid change in society. This means that it is important to know how to go on learnin

34、g as we require new skills for life and work. In addition, we need to know how to cope with the flood of information and turn it in to useful knowledge. We also need to learn how to handle change in society and in our own lives. G)Life skills are both concrete and abstract practical skills can be le

35、arned directly, as a subject. For example, a learner can take a course in laying bricks and learn that skill. Other life skills, such as self-confidence, self-esteem, and skills for relating to others or thinking critically cannot be taught in such direct ways. They should be part of any learning pr

36、ocess, where teachers or instructors are concerned that learners should not just learn about subjects, but learn how to cope with life and make the most of their potential. H)So these life skills may be learnt when learning other things. For example: Learning literacy may have a big impact on self-e

37、steem, on critical thinking or on communication skills; Learning practical skills such as driving, healthcare or tailoring may increase self-confidence, teach problem-solving processes or help in understanding consequences. I)Whether this is true depends on the way of teaching what kinds of thinking

38、, relationship building and communication the teacher or facilitator models themselves and promotes among the learners. It would require measuring the individual and collective progress in making the most of learning and of life, or assessing how far human potential is being realized, or estimating

39、how well people cope with change. It is easier to measure the development of practical skills, for instance by counting the number of students who register for vocational skills courses. However, this still may not tell us how effectively these skills are being used. J)The psycho-social skills canno

40、t easily be measured by tests and scores, but become visible in changed behavior. Progress in this area has often been noted by teachers on reports which they make to the parents of their pupils. The teachers experience of life, of teaching and of what can be expected from education in the broadest

41、sense serve as a standard by which the growth and development of individuals can be assessed to some extent. This kind of assessment is individual and may never appear in international tables and charts. K)The current challenges relate to these difficulties: We need to recognize the importance of li

42、fe skills both practical and psycho-social as part of education which leads to the full development of human potential and to the development of society. The links between psycho-social skills and practical skills must be more clearly spelled out, so that educators can promote both together and find

43、 effective ways to do this. Since life skills are taught as part of a wide range of subjects, teachers need to have training in how to put them across and how to monitor learners growth in these areas. In designing curricula and syllabuses for academic subjects, there must be a balance between conte

44、nt teaching and attention to the accompanying life skills. A more conscious and deliberate effort to promote life skills will enable learners to become more active citizens in the life of society. L)Governments should recognize and actively advocate for the transformational role of education in real

45、izing human potential and in socio-economic development. Ensure that curricula and syllabuses address life skills and give learners the opportunity to make real-life applications of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Show how life skills of all kinds apply in the world of work, for example, negotiatin

46、g and communication skills, as well practical skills. Through initial and in-service teacher training, increase the use of active and participatory learning/teaching approaches. Examine and adapt the processes and content of education so that there is a balance between academic input and life skills

47、 development. Make sure that education inspectors look not only for academic progress through teaching and learning, but also progress in the communication, modeling and application of life skills. Advocate for the links between primary and(early)secondary education because learning life skills need

48、s eight or nine years and recognize that the prospect of effective secondary education is an incentive to children, and their parents, to complete primary education successfully. M)Funding agencies should support research, exchange and debate, nationally and regionally, on ways of strengthening life

49、 skills education. Support innovative(创新的 )teacher training in order to combine life skills promotion into subjects across the curriculum and as a fundamental part of what school and education are about. Recognize the links between primary and secondary education in ensuring that children develop strong life skills. Support, therefore, the early years of secondary education as part basic education. N)As support to governments and in cooperati

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