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本文([外语类试卷]大学英语四级(阅读)模拟试卷17及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(postpastor181)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语四级(阅读)模拟试卷 17及答案与解析 Section B Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice. 0 According to a survey, which was based on the

2、 responses of over 188,000 students, todays traditional-age college freshmen are “more materialistic and less altruistic (利他主义的 )“ than at any time in the 17 years of the poll. Not surprising in these hard times, the students major objective “is to be financially well off. Less important than ever i

3、s developing a meaningful philosophy of life.“ It follows then that today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting. Interest in teaching, social service and the “altruistic“ fields is at a low. On the other hand, enrollment in business programs, engineering and computer sc

4、ience is way up. Thats no surprise either. A friend of mine (a sales representative for a chemical company) was making twice the salary of her college instructors her first year on the job even before she completed her two-year associate degree. While its true that we all need a career, it is equall

5、y true that our civilization has accumulated an incredible amount of knowledge in fields far removed from our own and that we are better for our understanding of these other contributions be they scientific or artistic. It is equally true that, in studying the diverse wisdom of others, we learn how

6、to think. More important, perhaps, education teaches us to see the connections between things, as well as to see beyond our immediate needs. Weekly we read of unions who went on strike for higher wages, only to drive their employer out of business. No company; no job. How shortsighted in the long ru

7、n! But the most important argument for a broad education is that in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, we improve our moral sense. I saw a cartoon recently which shows a group of businessmen looking puzzled as they sit around a conference table; one of them is talking on the intercom (对讲机

8、): “Miss Baxter,“ he says, “could you please send in someone who can distinguish right from wrong?“ From the long-term point of view, thats what education really ought to be about. 1 According to the authors observation, college students _. ( A) have never been so materialistic as today ( B) have ne

9、ver been so interested in the arts ( C) have never been so financially well off as today ( D) have never attached so much importance to moral sense 2 The students criteria for selecting majors today have much to do with _. ( A) the influences of their instructors ( B) the financial goals they seek i

10、n life ( C) their own interpretations of the courses ( D) their understanding of the contributions of others 3 By saying “While its true that. be they scientific or artistic“ (Lines 1-3, Para. 5), the author means that_. ( A) business management should be included in educational programs ( B) human

11、wisdom has accumulated at an extraordinarily high speed ( C) human intellectual development has reached new heights ( D) the importance of a broad education should not be overlooked 4 Studying the diverse wisdom of others can _. ( A) create varying artistic interests ( B) help people see things in t

12、heir right perspective ( C) help improve connections among people ( D) regulate the behavior of modern people 5 Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? ( A) Businessmen absorbed in their career are narrow-minded. ( B) Managers often find it hard to tell right from wrong.

13、( C) People engaged in technical jobs lead a more rewarding life. ( D) Career seekers should not focus on immediate interests only. 5 In order to host the Olympics, a city must submit a proposal to the IOC. After all proposals have been submitted, the IOC votes. If no city is successful in gaining a

14、 majority in the first vote, the city with the fewest votes is eliminated, and voting continues with successive rounds until a majority winner is determined. Typically the Games are awarded several years in advance, allowing the winning city time to prepare for the Games. In selecting the site of th

15、e Olympic Games, the IOC considers a number of factors, chief among them which city has, or promises to build, the best facilities, and which organizing committee seems most likely to stage the Games effectively. The IOC also considers which parts of the world have not yet hosted the Games. For inst

16、ance, Tokyo, the host of the 1964 Summer Games, and Mexico City, the host of the 1968 Summer Games, were chosen in part to popularize the Olympic movement in Asia and in Latin America. Because of the growing importance of television worldwide, the IOC in recent years has also taken into account the

17、host citys time zone. Whenever the Games take place in the United States or Canada, for example, American television networks are willing to pay significantly higher amounts for television rights because they can broadcast popular events live in prime viewing hours. Once the Games have been awarded,

18、 it is the responsibility of the local organizing committee not the IOC or the NOC of the host citys country to finance them. This is often done with a portion of the Olympic television revenues and with corporate sponsorships, ticket sales, and other smaller revenue sources, such as commemorative p

19、ostage stamps or proceeds from a national lottery. In many cases there is also direct government support. Although many cities have achieved a financial profit by hosting the Games, the Olympics can be financially risky. When the proceeds from the Games were less than expected, the city was left wit

20、h large debts. 6 During voting, the city _ will win host of Olympics. ( A) getting most votes in the first vote ( B) getting more than half votes ( C) being supported by a major city ( D) going around successfully 7 In selecting the host city, the IOC will consider several factors EXCEPT _. ( A) the

21、 time zone of the host city ( B) the existing facilities of the host city ( C) whether the area has hosted the Games ( D) whether profit could be made by the host city 8 According to the passage, one of the reasons for Tokyo to be the host of Olympics in 1964 may be _. ( A) its a major city of Japan

22、 ( B) its a famous city ( C) its a city in Asia ( D) its nice and cool in summer 9 Every Olympic Games is financed by_. ( A) the local government and the financial organizations ( B) the local government and the organizing committee ( C) the IOC and the National Olympic Committee ( D) the local comp

23、anies and the local media 10 The word “proceeds“ in the last sentence most probably means “_“. ( A) sponsorship ( B) reputation ( C) financial support ( D) financial profit 10 If youre finding it tough to land a job, try expanding your job-hunting plan to include the following strategies: Set your t

24、arget. While you should always keep your options open to compromise, you should also be sure to target exactly what you want in a job. A specific job hunt will be more efficient than a random one. Schedule abundant interviews. Use every possible method to get interviewsanswering ads, using search fi

25、rms, contacting companies directly, surfing the Web, and networking. Even if a job is not perfect for you, every interview can make you learn from it. Follow up. Even if someone does not hire you, write them a thank-you note for the interview. Then, some weeks later, send another brief letter to exp

26、lain that you still have not found the perfect position and that you will be available to interview again if the original position you applied for or any other position, for that matter is open. Do this with every position you interview for, and you may just catch a break. Make it your full-time job

27、. You cant find a job by looking infrequently. You have to make time for it. If youre unemployed and looking for a job, devote as much time as you would to a full-time job. If you have a job while youre looking, figure out an organized schedule to maximize your searching time. Network vertically (纵向

28、地 ). In the research phase of your job hunt, talk to people who are on a level above you in your desired industry. Theyll have some insights that people at your own level wont have, and will be in a good position to hire you or recommend you to be hired. Keep your spirits up. Looking for a job is on

29、e of the toughest things you will ever have to do. Maintain your confidence, stay persistent, and think positively, and eventually you will get a job that suits you. 11 According to the author, your job-hunting plan had better be as_as possible. ( A) random ( B) clear ( C) fixed ( D) complex 12 The

30、“search firms“ are most probably_. ( A) companies that have vacant posts available ( B) companies that supply website-search service ( C) companies that provide job-hunting service ( D) companies that study job market and employment rate 13 3 When hunting a job, youd better communicate with people o

31、n a level above you because _. ( A) they will hire you soon ( B) they will ask someone to hire you ( C) you will benefit from their fame ( D) you can learn from them 14 As indicated in the passage, in order to get a suitable job, you should_. ( A) always keep an optimistic spirit ( B) mainly focus o

32、n a full-time job ( C) apply for one job at one time ( D) follow other peoples footsteps 15 Whats the best title for this passage? ( A) Interview Strategies. ( B) Interview Ceremony. ( C) Job-hunting Experience. ( D) Job-hunting Strategies. 15 It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement bec

33、ause once you are inside, the organizational constraints (约 束 ) influence wage increases. One thing, however, is certain: your chances of getting the raise you feel you deserve are less if you dont at least ask for it. Men tend to ask for more, and they get more, and this holds true with other resou

34、rces, not just pay increases. Consider Berns story: I did not get what I wanted when I did not ask for it. We had cubicle (小隔间 ) offices and window offices. I sat in the cubicles with several male colleagues. One by one they were moved into window offices, while I remained in the cubicles. Several m

35、ales who were hired after me also went to offices. One in particular told me he was next in line for an office and that it had been part of his negotiations for the job. I guess they thought me content to stay in the cubicles since I did not voice my opinion either way. It would be nice if we all re

36、ceived automatic pay increases equal to our merit, but “nice“ isnt a quality attributed to most organizations. If you feel you deserve a significant raise in pay, youll probably have to ask for it. Performance is your best bargaining chip (筹码 ) when you are seeking a raise. You must be able to demon

37、strate that you deserve a raise. Timing is also a good bargaining chip. If you can give your boss something he or she needs (a new client or a sizable contract, for example) just before merit pay decisions are being made, you are more likely to get the raise you want. Use information as a bargaining

38、 chip too. Find out what you are worth on the open market. What will someone else pay for your services? Go into the negotiations prepared to place your chips on the table at the appropriate time and prepared to use communication style to guide the direction of the interaction. 16 According to the p

39、assage, before taking a job, a person should _. ( A) demonstrate his capability ( B) give his boss a good impression ( C) ask for as much money as he can ( D) ask for the salary he hopes to get 17 What can be inferred from Beths story? ( A) Prejudice against women still exists in some organizations.

40、 ( B) If people want what they deserve, they have to ask for it. ( C) People should not be content with what they have got. ( D) People should be careful when negotiating for a job. 18 We can learn from the passage that_. ( A) unfairness exists in salary increases ( B) most people are overworked and

41、 underpaid ( C) one should avoid overstating ones performance ( D) most organizations give their staff automatic pay raises 19 To get a pay raise, a person should_. ( A) advertise himself on the job market ( B) persuade his boss to sign a long-term contract ( C) try to get inside information about t

42、he organization ( D) do something to impress his boss just before merit pay decisions 20 To be successful in negotiations, one must _. ( A) meet his boss at the appropriate time ( B) arrive at the negotiation table punctually ( C) be good at influencing the outcome of the interaction ( D) be familia

43、r with what the boss likes and dislikes 大 学英语四级(阅读)模拟试卷 17答案与解析 Section B Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice. 【 知识模块】

44、 阅读 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 事实细节题。根据第 1段可知,根据调查,当今处于传统年龄的大学一年级的学生在 17年来的民意测验中是 “最追求物质享受、最自私的 ”,这与 A所述相一致。 【知识模块】 阅读 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 事实细节题。根据第 2段第 1句指出现在大学生选择专业的目的是为了经济上的富裕, B中的 financialgoals对应文中的 financial well off,故正确。 【知识模块】 阅读 3 【正确答案】 D 【试 题解析】 句意理解题。本句首选强调 Career职业的重要性,之后强啁我们也必须理解其他领域的知识,所以这句目的是强调

45、全面教育的重要性,故 D正确。 【知识模块】 阅读 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 事实细节题。根据第 5段第 2句:同样毋庸置疑的还有,学习他人的各种智慧时,我们也学会怎样去思考。句中 how to think与 B中的 see things inright perspective 意思最为相反,故 B正确。 【知识模块】 阅读 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 事实 细节题。根据文章的第 5至 6段可知,作者认为罢工要求加薪等一些追求眼前利益的行为是目光短浅的,故 D正确。 【知识模块】 阅读 【知识模块】 阅读 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 事实细节题。也可归类为词义推断题。

46、根据第 1段第 3句,只要弄清楚 majority的准确意思,即可做出正确选择。本题最具干扰的是选项 A,其中的 most(最多的 )与 majority(大多数 )意思很相近, majority通常是指超过半数以上的多数,而获得 most votes的国家也不一定等于获得超过半数以上的选票因 此选项 A是不对的。 【知识模块】 阅读 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题考查列举处。本题可用排除法找出答案。本文第2段列举了影响奥运会选址的四个因素,选项 A、 B、 C分别对应着其中一个因素,只有选项 D不在其中。 【知识模块】 阅读 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 推理判断

47、题。本题考查举例处。第 2段中东京获得 1964奥运会主办权这个事实是用于支持上一句 (第 2句 )的说法的,第 2句指出奥运会选址还会考虑哪个地区从没举办过奥运会,结合第 3句,即可推断选项 C正确。 选项 A、 B和 D可能符合现实,但是文中并无相关依据。 【知识模块】 阅读 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本文第 3段指出了举办奥运会的资金来源,通过对比选项与这 3句的陈述,即可找出正确选项为 B。选项 A具有干扰性,其中financial organizations意为 “金融组织 ”,虽与第 1句中的 organizingcommittee和finance等词相似,但

48、意思却完全不同。 【知识模块】 阅读 10 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 词义推断题。 proceeds所 在的句子是对上一句的进一步说明,其中,本句最后的 large debts对应上一句的 financially risky,因此,此句中的proceeds对应上句的 financial profit。 【知识模块】 阅读 【知识模块】 阅读 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 事实细节题。第 2段第 3句是一个表示对比的句子,表明了找工作应该 specific,而不应该 random,由此可确定 B是正确选项。本题较具干扰性的是选项 C,但是 specific(明确的 )并不表示找工作

49、的计划应该 fixed(不能改变 )而且 fixed与第 2句中的 compromise(折中 )表达的意思矛盾,因此选项 C不正确。 【知识模块】 阅读 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 词义推断题。本题可用排除法通过对比得出正确答案。文中第 3段第 2句列举了安排面试的方法,选项 A其实与该句第三个方法中的 companies所指一致;选项 B与句中最后两个方法重叠了;选项 D根本不能表达 search的意思:所以只有 C是正确的。 【知识模块】 阅读 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 推理判断题。本题考查复合句 的理解。从倒数第 2段第 3句的定语从句可见,和高一层次的人物交谈,主要是因为他们具有你所不具备的 insights,由此可推断出和他们交谈可以向他们学习,即选项 D。选项 A和 B中因为有 hire一词,因此看起来与原文有相似之处,但是选项 A和 B中的 will表示的语气过于绝对,与原文中 be in a good position(易于 )不相符。 【知识模块】 阅读 14 【正确答案】 A 【

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