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本文([外语类试卷]山东省成人本科英语模拟试卷8及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(Iclinic170)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、山东省成人本科英语模拟试卷 8及答案与解析 一、 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the correspo

2、nding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 0 People have been fond of roses since the beginning of time. In fact, it is said that the wise and knowing Confucius had a 600-book library specifically on how to care for roses. The rose is a legend on its own. The story goes

3、that during the Roman Empire, there was a beautiful girl named Rhodanthe. Her beauty drew many suitors(求婚者 ). Exhausted by their pursuit(追求 ), Rhodanthe was forced to hide in the temple of her friend Diana to stay away from her suitors. Unfortunately, Diana became jealous(嫉妒的 ). And when the suitors

4、 broke down her temple gates to get near their beloved Rhodanthe, she became angry, turning Rhodanthe into a rose and her suitors into thorns(刺 ). In Greek legend, the rose was created by Chloris, the Greek goddess of flowers. It was just a lifeless seed that Chloris found one day in a clearing in t

5、he woods. She asked Aphrodite, the goddess of love, to give her beauty, Dionysus, the god of wine, to give her a sweet scent(气味 ), and the three Graces to give her charm, brightness and joy. Then Zephyr, the West Wind, blew away the clouds so that Apollo, the sun god, could shine and make this flowe

6、r blossom. And so the rose was born and was immediately called the Queen of Flowers. The first true primary red rose seen in Europe was introduced in 1792 from China, where it had been growing wild in the mountains. Immediately, rose breeders began using it to make a hybrid(杂交品种 ). Absolute perfecti

7、on still hasnt been gained, and of course never will! There is a special rose language invented as a secret means of communication between lovers who were not allowed to express their love for one another openly. In the mid- 18th century the wife of the British ambassador in Constantinople described

8、 this in her letters, which were published after her death. These letters inspired many books on the language of flowers, each describing the secret message hidden in each flower. A red rose bud(花蕾 )stands for secret affection, an open white rose asks “Will you love me?“, an open red rose means “Im

9、full of love and desire“, while an open yellow rose asks “Dont you love me anymore?“ 1 The author takes Confucius as an example in Para. 1 to show _. ( A) roses mysteries ( B) Confucius broad knowledge ( C) roses impact on human beings ( D) peoples love for roses 2 We can learn from Para. 2 that _.

10、( A) Rhodanthe was quite clever ( B) Rhodanthe didnt expect Dianas jealousy ( C) many of Rhodanthe s suitors were shy ( D) Rhodanthe felt proud to have so many suitors 3 In Greek legend, the rose_. ( A) was brought into the woods by Zephyr ( B) should owe its sweet smell to Dionysus ( C) got sunshin

11、e from the goddess of love ( D) got her brightness from Aphrodite 4 The underlined word “this“ in the last paragraph means _. ( A) the description of Confuciuss care for roses ( B) communication between lovers ( C) a special rose language ( D) the roses legend 5 A red rose bud means “_“. ( A) I dont

12、 love you anymore ( B) Id like to express my love openly ( C) Im longing for your love ( D) I have no hopes for love 5 In 1939 two brothers, Mac and Dick McDonald, started a drive-in restaurant in San Bernardino, California. They carefully chose a busy corner for their location. They had run their o

13、wn businesses for years, first a theater, then a barbecue restaurant, then another drive-in. But in their new operation, they offered a new, shortened menu: French fries, hamburgers, and sodas. To this minimal selection they added one new concept: quick service, no waiters or waitresses, and no tips

14、. Their hamburgers sold for fifteen cents. Cheese was another four cents. Their French fries and hamburgers had a remarkable uniformity, for the brothers had developed a strict routine for the preparation of their food, and they insisted on their cooks sticking to their routine. Their new drive-in b

15、ecame incredibly popular, particularly for lunch. People drove up by the hundreds during the busy noontime. The self-service restaurant was so popular that the brothers had allowed ten copies of their restaurant to be opened. They were content with this modest success until they met Ray Kroc. Kroc w

16、as a salesman who met the McDonald brothers in 1954, when he was selling milk shake-mixing machines. He quickly saw the unique appeal of the brothers fast food restaurants and bought the right to franchise(授权 )other copies of their restaurants. The agreement included the right to duplicate the menu,

17、 the equipment, even their red and white buildings with the golden arches. Today McDonald s is literally a household name. Its names for its sandwiches have come to mean hamburger in the decades since the day Ray Kroc watched people rush up to order fifteen-cent hamburgers. In 1976, McDonald had ove

18、r $1 billion in total sales. Its first twenty-two years is one of the most incredible success stories in modern American business history. 6 This passage is mainly about _. ( A) the business careers of Mac and Dick McDonald ( B) how McDonalds became a billion-dollar business ( C) Ray Krocs business

19、abilities ( D) the development of fast-food services 7 As used in this passage, the word “minimal“ means _. ( A) attractive ( B) interesting ( C) basic ( D) novel 8 We can conclude from this passage that _. ( A) Mac and Dick McDonald never became wealthy because they sold their idea to Kroc ( B) Ray

20、 Kroc was a good businessman ( C) the location the McDonalds chose was the only source of the great popularity of their drive-in ( D) forty years ago there were numerous fast-food restaurants 9 Mac and Dick McDonald had experience in managing all of the following businesses except ( A) a barbecue re

21、staurant ( B) a drive-in ( C) an ice-cream parlor ( D) a theater 10 As used in this passage, the word “unique“ means_. ( A) aesthetic ( B) financial ( C) ethnic ( D) unparalleled 10 For one Japanese man and his wife, attending the World Cup match between Japan and Russia on Sunday is likely to be a

22、bitter sweet experience. Kazusada and Mari Sumiyama will be in the stands in memory of their son Yoichi, a fervent(狂人的 )soccer fan who died in the September 11 attacks in the United States. Yoichi, 34, was so excited last year by the prospect of the World Cup that he called his parents in February f

23、rom New York, where he worked for Fuji Bank in the World Trade Center, asking them to apply for tickets, the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper said. When his parents visited Yoichi in July, his father Kazusada also a soccer devotee(热衷者 )told him he had picked up two tickets and they would make it a father-s

24、on event. “1 will manage to get vacation somehow,“ an overjoyed Yoichi reportedly said. “I will be there no matter what. “ But fate intervened in September, when Yoichi was one of 2,823 people killed after two hijacked planes slammed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center and destroyed them.

25、 Although Yoichi had left his office high in the South Tower after the first plane struck the other tower and evacuated to the ground floor, he went back up following an announcement that it was safe and was there when the second plane hit. In February this year, following long days of grieving when

26、 they were unable to eat or meet people, Kazusada suggested to Mari that she attend the World Cup match their son had looked forward to so much, the Yomiuri said. To do so, however, meant officially changing the name on the ticket. This in turn meant having Yoichi declared dead a step that Japanese

27、are often reluctant to take in cases where a body has not been recovered. Early in April, on virtually the same day that they received the new ticket issued in Maris name, came word that Yoichis remains had been found. “I am going to the match because I know it will please my son, “ Mari was quoted

28、by the Yomiuri saying. Kazusada in turn said: “Most likely, our son is now moving around, free of the limits of time and space. 1 am sure that, somewhere, he too will be watching the match. “ 11 The Japanese couple went to see the match between Japan and Russia _. ( A) because they both are football

29、 fans ( B) because they want to feel the atmosphere of the stadium ( C) just for fun ( D) to memorize their son 12 All the following is true about Yoichi EXCEPT that _. ( A) he was a fervent soccer fan ( B) he was crazy for the coming World Cup held in his own country before his death ( C) he died i

30、n the 9. 11 attack just because he wanted to help others ( D) he was supposed to see the match in person 13 According to the passage, which of the following is true about the death of Yoichi in the September 11 attack? ( A) He could have avoided the disaster. ( B) He died when the first plane struck

31、 the tower in which he worked. ( C) He died when he was working. ( D) He went back to his own office because he had something important to do. 14 We can infer from the 3rd paragraph that _. ( A) the old couple still thought that their son would come back one day before their decision to see the matc

32、h ( B) the old couple didnt believe that their son had been dead because the body had not been recovered ( C) the old couple accepted the reality when they decided to attend to the World Cup match ( D) the old couple were convinced in April that their son had been dead 15 Whats the main idea of this

33、 passage? ( A) An old couple went to see a World Cup match in memory of their son. ( B) A crazy football fan named Yoichi who died in the September 11 attack. ( C) The September 11 attack caused so much suffering to many families. ( D) A moving story of an old couple and their son. 15 Do women tend

34、to devalue(贬低 )the worth of their work? Do they apply different standards to rewarding their own work more critically than they do to rewarding the work of others? These were the questions asked by Michigan State University psychologists Lawrence Messe and Charlene Callahan-Levy. Past experiments ha

35、d shown that when women were asked to decide how much to pay themselves and other people for the same job, they paid themselves less. Following up on this finding, Messe and Callahan-Levy designed experiments to lest several popular explanations of why women tend to get less in pay situations. One t

36、heory the psychologists tested was that women judge their own work more harshly than that of others. The subjects for the experiment testing this theory were men and women from the Michigan State undergraduate student body. The job the subjects were asked to perform for pay was an opinion questionna

37、ire(调查表 )requiring a number of short essays on campus-related issues. After completing the questionnaire, some subjects were given six dollars in bills and change and were asked to decide payment for themselves. Others were given the same amount and were asked to decide payment for another subject w

38、ho had also completed the questionnaire. The psychologists found that, as in earlier experiments, the women paid themselves less than the men paid themselves. They also found that the women paid themselves less than they paid other women and less than the men paid the women. The differences were sub

39、stantial. The average paid to women by themselves was $2.97. The average paid to men by themselves was $4.06. The average paid to women by others was $ 4.37. In spite of the differences, the psychologists found that the men and the women in the experiment evaluated their own performances on the ques

40、tionnaire about equally and better than the expected performances of others. On the basis of these findings, Messe and Callahan Levy concluded that womens attachment of a comparatively low monetary value to their work cannot be based entirely on their judgment of their own ability. 16 The experiment

41、 designed in the passage would be most relevant to the formulation(陈述,表述 )of a theory concerning the_. ( A) generally lower salaries received by women workers in comparison to men ( B) reluctance of some women to enter professions that are traditionally dominated by men ( C) anxiety expressed by som

42、e women workers in dealing with male supervisors ( D) prejudices often suffered by women in attempting to enter the workforce 17 How is the research of Messe and Callahan-Levy related to earlier experiments in the same field? ( A) It suggests a need to discard methods used in earlier experiments. (

43、B) It tends to weaken the assumptions on which earlier experiments were designed. ( C) It suggests that the problem revealed in earlier experiments may be more widespread than previously thought. ( D) It helps to explain a phenomenon revealed in earlier experiments. 18 Which of the following stateme

44、nts is supported by the facts stated in the passage? ( A) Men tend to pay themselves more than they pay other men for the same work. ( B) Women tend to pay men more than they pay other women for the same work. ( C) Men tend to pay women less than they pay other men for the same work. ( D) None of th

45、e above. 19 The work of Messe and Callahan Levy tends to support which of the following notions? ( A) Women are generally less concerned with financial rewards for their work than men are. ( B) Men are willing to pay women more than women are willing to pay themselves. ( C) Payment for work should g

46、enerally be directly related to the quality of the work. ( D) Women judge their own work more critically than they judge the work of men. 20 It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _. ( A) it is not always reliable to measure womens ability by how much they earn ( B) women would rather attac

47、h importance to sacrifices than ask for repayment for their work ( C) women tend to assess their ability of work by their own self-worth rather than monetary values ( D) women generally remain indifferent to how much money they should obtain from their work 二、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30%)

48、Directions: In this part, there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 21 The witness said in the

49、 court that Marys death wasnt an accident; her husband, the murderer, did it . ( A) by chance ( B) by nature ( C) in advance ( D) on purpose 22 These people once had fame and fortune; now _ is left to them is only poverty. ( A) all that ( B) all what ( C) all which ( D) that all 23 Very few experts _ with completely new answers to the world s economic problems. ( A) come on ( B) come round ( C) come up ( D) come to 24 Since his retirement, Peter Smith, who was_a teac

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