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1、托福(作文)模拟试卷 45及答案与解析 Writing Based on Knowledge and Experience 1 A friend of yours has received some money and plans to use all of it either to go on vacation or to buy a car. Your friend has asked you for advice. Compare your friends two choices and explain which one you think your friend should cho

2、ose. Use specific reasons and details to support your choice. 2 The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring? Use examples and details in your answer. 3 What are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer. 4 M

3、ovies are popular all over the world. Explain why movies are so popular. Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer. 5 In your country, is there more need for land to be left in its natural condition or is there more need for land to be developed for housing and industry? 托福(作文)模拟试卷 45

4、答案与解析 Writing Based on Knowledge and Experience 1 【正确答案】 The advice you would give your friend on now to use his or her money Receiving money is always an unexpected delight. Making the decision of how to spend this money is always a difficult choice. What it comes down to. however, is the individua

5、ls personal preferences, lifestyle, and priorities. If one of my friends has to choose between buying a car and going on vacation, I would carefully consider their lifestyle and advise them based on their wants and needs. Living in a city can be a very high-paced, stressful way to live. Having a car

6、 would bring many conveniences that would make the experience much more enjoyable. First and foremost, a car can get you around the city very quickly and directly. This would be an important factor if my friend goes to school or works far away from home. Second, a car offers privacy. If my friend do

7、es not enjoy public places, then a car would be an excellent option. Cars also have their disadvantages. A car has many additional costs beyond the initial expense of buying one. One must pay for insurance, gasoline, and any incidental fees such as repairs. If my friend does not have a lot of extra

8、money besides his/her inheritance, a car may not be the best option. A vacation is also an excellent decision. If my friend works at a high-stress job, then a vacation is sometimes the only way to relax and forget about ones worries in the working world. Vacations to faraway lands can give a person

9、more perspective on the world, and can also provide excellent memories. However, vacations always have to end, and one must return to his/her everyday life. Therefore, I think that if my friend lives far away from his/her work or school and has a little bit of extra money, then a car would be the be

10、st option. However, if he/she lives near his/her work and holds a high-stress position, I would suggest that a vacation would be a better option. As mentioned above, how we spend our money is a very personal decision, based on ones own priorities. In the end, only my friend can decide what is best f

11、or him/her. 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 What changes the 21st century will bring? Technology is being developed at an unprecedented speed. The 21st century is bound to be very different from the previous one, as we can expect that the speed at which new technologies are invented and expanded will continue to

12、 increase. I believe that the major changes that we will see in the century will be found in environmental issues, health issues and knowledge access. The situation of the environment in todays society is precarious at best. The world is continuing to build new and more wasteful production plants, f

13、illing the atmosphere with poisonous gases. There are many environmental scientists working to create new ways of cleaning our air. I believe that these technologies will reach an apex in the 21st century, thus solving the worlds pollution problem. In addition to this, I also believe that we will co

14、me up with new, less dangerous methods of producing the goods we have come to depend on. Many new diseases have been discovered in. the last 50 years. AIDS and SARS are excellent examples of this terrible fact, and alone, these two viruses have killed a large number of people. Cancers and heart dise

15、ases have also become much more widespread in the last 100 years, shortening the lifespan of millions of people. Doctors are working all over the world in hopes of eradicating these diseases. Every day they come one step closer to finding cures to all of the above-mentioned ailments, and many others

16、. Moreover, our ability to access knowledge will become much more advanced in this century. More and more countries are getting “plugged in“ to the Internet, and are adding their information to the vast collection of knowledge already found on this medium. The sharing of knowledge will also help to

17、increase literacy around the world. People will be more interested in having this skill if it means they can have better, more efficient means of communicating. In conclusion, I am very optimistic about the changes that will come during this century. Environmental issues will cease to be a problem,

18、people will be able to live longer, richer lives with the eradication of diseases, and more people will be able to share knowledge due to the advance of the Internet. Everyone has a good reason to be excited in this fast-paced, evolving time. 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 What makes a good parent? Being a pare

19、nt is the oldest job in existence. Even in the time of the cavemen, it was important to be a good parent. What it means to be a good parent has evolved greatly over the years. In todays society, however, I believe that there are three important characteristics that indicate whether a person is a goo

20、d parent or not. The first of these traits is the capacity for love. Children must feel loved by their parents if they are going to grow into well-developed, stable adults. Children who grow up in a house filled with love are relaxed and peaceful, and do not cause trouble. These children demonstrate

21、 good social skills, and are usually well-liked by others. In contrast, it has been shown that children who grow up in unloving families are anxious and mean-spirited. Trust is also very important for a childs development. If a parent is always prying into a childs privacy, the child will think he/s

22、he is doing something wrong to deserve such mistrust. This leads to the child hiding things from the parent, which therefore leads to dishonesty. Also, trust leads to independence. When children are trusted, they feel more pressure to keep that trust, and therefore act honestly. They will make wise

23、decisions, which will allow them to grow into independent adults. It is also of utmost importance for a parent to have a well-developed sense of responsibility. A parent must be able to be present for the child twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The parent must organize everything for a chi

24、ld, especially one under the age of ten. This requires careful planning and multi-tasking. If a person is ready to become a parent, they must be ready for all of these added responsibilities. In conclusion, a good parent has a large capacity for love, trusts his/her child, and must be very responsib

25、le. Without these key attributes, the child will suffer and grow into a dysfunctional adult. One must take the job of parenting very seriously to ensure the childs healthy development. By harnessing the above-mentioned qualities, parents will ensure that their children will be the best they can be.

26、【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Why movies are so popular all over the world? One of the most popular pastimes today is movie-going. What started as moving-picture shows has dramatically developed into an industry that spends millions upon millions of dollars while still turning a gigantic profit. Movies are so

27、popular because they are the most fascinating and easiest escape means from increasing pressure, which comes from family, school, working place, society, and so many other directions. Combined with acoustic and visual effects, movies are definitely more appealing for audiences who have exhausted the

28、mselves in the real world than are those printed novels. It must have been much easier to see a movie than to read a novel, since all that the audience should do is simply to sit there in a soft chair in the dark about 150 minutes. Captured and involved, the audience in a movie theater will forget e

29、verything but the story in action on the screen. Movies have a magic power to let people immerse themselves in fiction. The point is that almost everyone longs for the power of snapping his/her fingers and seeing his/her wishes and dreams instantly granted. Everyone longs for eternity of love, many

30、idealize about it but now in the theater it is time to “feel“ it. Every move the character makes, every breath the character takes, all seem to happen around, and clearly sensible. On the screen, no entire life needed, movies illustrate all aspects of love we can imagine: all aspects of love, from t

31、he mushy warm and fuzzy feelings we feel with our children and companion animals, to platonic love we have with friends and acquaintances, to the romantic soul mate kind of love, to the agape kind of unconditional love, it is the full gamut. Dramas are created in order for us to play out different s

32、ides of ourselves. In short, movies are so popular because many can escape into the world of fantasy and live vicariously through the characters and in doing so, it can work out different feelings and emotions that they may not have the opportunity to do in their “normal“ lives. 【知识模块】 作文 5 【正确答案】 L

33、and in your country to be left in its natural condition or to be developed? With a population accounting nearly for one quarter of the world population, my country, China, has been suffering from serious loss of arable land, which now hardly accounts for 7% of overall arable land of the world. Yet s

34、ome people simply do not realize that land loss is so crucial that we one day might be incapable of averting that catastrophe if we now close our eyes to it. Industrial development without careful consideration regarding land preservation has caused problems more serious than people can ever imagine

35、. Take, for example, the great Three Gorges dam, which will be put into operation next year. While the country benefits from gargantuan potential of electricity generation, we have to face up to various environmental conservation issues concerning the geological and ecological environment along both

36、 river sides and the whole upper reaches. The professional designers of the great dam now have to work out a practical way to prevent and remedy pollution effectively, which has already been the focus of world attention. After the entrance of the WTO, industry development is more and more important

37、for our country, yet we should be careful about the pollution which is inevitably caused by industry. Recent surveys have shown that refuse treatment engineering is not well financed in China, while attentions are drawn to those much more obvious achievements. Industrial pollution accidents occur fa

38、r more frequently in our still developing country than in other more advanced countries. The urban population also produces astoundingly large amounts of pollution. Today the alleged white pollution is creeping all over the country people throw plastic bags and films everywhere, never feeling anything wrong. We no doubt need land either for natural conditions or for industry, and it seems we need more if possible. Nevertheless, we live in a world where everything has its cost, and some day in the future, I believe, we will inescapably pay for what we have ignored. 【知识模块】 作文

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