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1、托福(写作)历年真题试卷汇编 7及答案与解析 Writing Based on Knowledge and Experience 1 Writing Based on Knowledge and Experience Directions: For this task, you will write an essay in response to a question that asks you to state, explain, and support your opinion on an issue. Typically, an effective essay will contain

2、a minimum of 300 words. Your essay will be judged on the quality of your writing. This includes the development of your ideas, the organization of your essay, and the quality and accuracy of the language you use to express your ideas. You have 30 minutes to plan and complete your essay. Write your e

3、ssay in the space provided. Question Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In modern times, parents will learn more from children than children learn from parents. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 2 Writing Based on Knowledge and Experience Directions: For t

4、his task, you will write an essay in response to a question that asks you to state, explain, and support your opinion on an issue. Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 300 words. Your essay will be judged on the quality of your writing. This includes the development of your ideas,

5、 the organization of your essay, and the quality and accuracy of the language you use to express your ideas. You have 30 minutes to plan and complete your essay. Write your essay in the space provided. Question Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should share their

6、scientific discoveries with other countries. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Writing Based on Reading and Listening 3 Writing Based on Reading and Listening Directions: For this task, you will read a passage about an academic topic and you will listen to a lecture about the

7、 same topic. You may take notes while you read and listen. Then you will write a response to a question that asks you about the relationship between the lecture you heard and the reading passage. Try to answer the question as completely as possible using information from the reading passage and the

8、lecture. The question does not ask you to express your personal opinion. You may refer to the reading passage again when you write. You may use your notes to help you answer the question. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words. Your response will be judged on the quality of your w

9、riting and on the completeness and accuracy of the content. You should allow 3 minutes to read the passage. Then listen to the lecture. Then allow 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Write your response in the space provided. Reading You will have 3 minutes to read the passage. As fossil fue

10、l reserves have begun to dwindle, more emphasis has been placed on alternative energy sources, one of which is bioenergy. It was an exciting discovery when we found that algae could produce renewable bioenergy, but there are still three problems in using algae for fuel. First, growing the algae requ

11、ires a large amount of water and land. The original intention of algae engineering for biofuel was to save natural resources; on the contrary, it would use vast amounts of natural resources such as water and land. Second, the equipment for planting and refining the algae is expensive. It is a huge p

12、roject to develop and learn how to use algae related equipment that requires lots of time, labor and money. Thus, planting algae leads to a low return on investment, which is not conducive to increasing a farmers income and standard of living. Finally, algae only grows in air with a high CO2 density

13、. In order to promote algal growth, lots of CO2 will be released into the air, which will cause serious air pollution. Even though the fuel produced from the algae is environmentally friendly, producing the fuel may harm the environment. It makes little sense. We might be robbing Peter to pay Paul h

14、ere. Then you will hear: Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about. Lecture Question Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how they cast doubt on points made in the reading passage. 4 Writing Based on Reading and Listening Directions: For this tas

15、k, you will read a passage about an academic topic and you will listen to a lecture about the same topic. You may take notes while you read and listen. Then you will write a response to a question that asks you about the relationship between the lecture you heard and the reading passage. Try to answ

16、er the question as completely as possible using information from the reading passage and the lecture. The question does not ask you to express your personal opinion. You may refer to the reading passage again when you write. You may use your notes to help you answer the question. Typically, an effec

17、tive response will be 150 to 225 words. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on the completeness and accuracy of the content. You should allow 3 minutes to read the passage. Then listen to the lecture. Then allow 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Write your respo

18、nse in the space provided. Reading You will have 3 minutes to read the passage. Recently, NASA has announced that after extensive observation the astronomers on the space station have discovered yellow light radiating from Mercury. This has many people speculating about the cause of this. There are

19、three good possible explanations for this phenomenon. Firstly, according to scientific studies, the radiation of ultraviolet light from the sun during the day makes the oxygen atoms on earth become oxygen molecules, and it is this process that generates yellow light. Observing Mercury through this y

20、ellow haze naturally makes people think that this light is radiating from Mercury. Secondly, according to some meteorologists, lightning may be responsible for the appearance of yellow light. When lightning flashes, people see a kind of harsh light radiating from it and may mistake it for yellow lig

21、ht from Mercury. There is a third position that claims the yellow light people claim to have seen radiating from Mercury does not exist at all. Because people living in different areas will be influenced by their own climate when doing the observation, this yellow light may be just produced as an il

22、lusion in a specific region. Then you will hear: Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about. Lecture Question Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how they cast doubt on points made in the reading passage. 托 福(写作)历年真题试卷汇编 7答案与解析 Writing Based on K

23、nowledge and Experience 1 【正确答案】 Parents play an important role in our everyday lives, but different people will have different ideas about how much parents today can really teach their children. Although some people may think children today can teach their parents more than the parents can teach th

24、em, I believe parents will always be the ones doing most of the teaching. The first reason that I believe parents will always teach their children more than their children can teach them is that parents have a lot more life experience than their children. When a child makes a decision, they can only

25、 draw on a few years of life experience. But parents have a lot more life experience so that they have better understanding of how the world works. A child may want to eat only sweets and candy. Parents, however, know that this will do harm to the childs health. They may know people who have develop

26、ed diabetes as a result of bad habits and so they are able to teach their children about the risks involved with eating too much sugar. Parents have more life experience than their children, so they can teach their children a lot more than the kids could possibly teach the parents. Another reason I

27、think parents teach their children more than their children can teach them is that parents can teach their children how to manage anger and act properly. Since children learn most effectively by example, the way you express and handle yourself when youre frustrated or angry can have a major effect o

28、n how your child learns to express anger, too. For example, yelling, lashing out or becoming verbally abusive toward others may lead children to emulate this behavior. By contrast, counting to 10, breathing deeply and talking about your emotions will help kids learn positive anger management skills.

29、 In short, parents should provide their children with basic instruction in proper behavior and self-conduct. While many people think that children today will teach their parents more than their parents can teach them, I believe that parents will always be the better teachers. 【试题解析】 “孩子与家长 ”已经成为了托福考

30、试中的常考话题。针对本题观点,我们首先可以思考一个问题,如何才能成为一个合格的老师呢 ?答案当然是要有经验。顺着这个思路继续往下想,孩子和家长谁的经验更丰富呢 ?肯定是家长。虽然在有些情况下,比如电子产品的使用和英语学习方面,孩子的确会比家 长更胜一筹,家长的确应该多跟孩子学习。但是大多数情况下家长都凭借着丰富的人生阅历和生活经验成为了孩子最好的老师。 2 【正确答案】 Whether or not the government should share their scientific discoveries with other countries is an often debated

31、topic. While some people may feel that modern countries are competing with each other and should not share with other countries their scientific discoveries, I do not believe that this is the case. I believe that modern countries are no longer isolated. Rather, every major power in the world is part

32、 of a global network of information, trade, and progress. In order for the world to continue its forward momentum, national governments should be willing to share any major scientific discoveries with other countries, so that there is international trust and global advancement. First, we must rememb

33、er that trust between nations has always been a pivotal factor in maintaining peace. When major nations refuse to share their scientific advancements with others, a sense of distrust and unease develops among them. During the Cold War, America would not share any of its scientific discoveries with R

34、ussia or China, which kept all three countries from reaching their full potential. Only after the end of the Cold War did these three major powers begin sharing their knowledge. By doing so, they had improved their mutual trust and deep understanding. Another reason that countries should share scien

35、tific knowledge is that it aids in global advancement. Many countries are unable to put much money into scientific innovation, so they rely on major nations like China, America, India, and others to make these discoveries, and then share them globally. When countries maintain secrecy, people in less

36、 developed countries will suffer. For example, if American scientists find a way to extract water from the atmosphere using a simple invention, its poorer African nations that will benefit most from the discovery. If one government decides to keep its innovations secret, the larger world would not b

37、e able to learn and take advantage of these discoveries. No nation is totally isolated, and we must all remember that we are part of a global network of information and brilliance. When one government keeps secrets from the rest of the world, no one benefits, and the people are the ones suffering th

38、e most. 【试题解析】 我们经常关注新闻时会发现,地域发展的不平衡是一个很严重的问题。国家间的贫富差距加剧了地区矛盾和冲突,威胁着世界的和平。不和平、不稳定的局势,势必影响着世界的进步和发展。因此,发达国家应该帮助落后国家,给予它们先进的科技,这样才能实现国家之间共同发展,共同进步。 Writing Based on Reading and Listening 3 【听力原文】 First of all, I want to say that the emergence of any new thing will undergo a period of discussion and qu

39、estioning. It is helpful for its development. As for “algae fuel, “ which we have been discussing this week, someone recently explained some perceived shortcomings of algae fuel. While they bring up some interesting points, I believe the use of algae as an alternative bio-energy resource has a brigh

40、t future. First, the algae can survive almost anywhere. It can grow on infertile land and even in dirty water. Therefore, planting the algae wont waste land or water. On the contrary, it will make unusable natural resources usable. Second, the algae grows fast. Farmers can harvest and re-grow the al

41、gae in only a few weeks. This is quite different from corn that is harvested only twice a year. So, farmers can make more because they have so many harvests and this can offset the high cost of the equipment. Finally, it is well known that factories release a large quantity of CO2. The algae can be

42、planted beside these factories. This will not only promote the growth of the algae, but also lesson CO2 pollution in the area. 3 【正确答案】 The reading states there are three problems in using algae for fuel. In the lecture, the professor answers the readings three objections to algae fuel. The first ar

43、gument put forward in the reading against algae fuel is that it requires vast amounts of water and land, which are scare natural resources. The professor addresses this concern by explaining that algae can grow in almost any environment. Therefore, the algae can make a better use of otherwise unusab

44、le natural resources. The second argument against algae fuel is the cost involved in setting up production. Conversely, the professor says that the cost of the new equipment will be offset by the quick growing cycle of the algae. The farmers will be able to make more money because they will have mor

45、e harvests each year than with traditional crops such as corn. The faster growth cycle will ensure that the investment pays off for the farmer. The final argument the reading presents against algae fuel is the large amount of CO2 needed to successfully grow algae. The professor rebuts this objection

46、 by explaining that the algae can be grown next to factories that already emit high amounts of CO2. In this way, no new CO2 needs to be emitted and the negative effects of CO2 production can be mitigated. 【试题解析】 针对海藻燃料的利弊,阅读文章反对生产和使用这种燃料,并提出三点理由:首先,生产海藻燃料本身就消耗大量资源;其次,其生产设备昂贵并需要耗费较长时间学习如何使用;最后,培育海藻所产

47、生的二氧化碳对环境不利。而听力文章认为这三点理由都存在问题,不能证明海藻燃料不适合使用。 4 【听力原文】 Recently, the discovery of radiation of yellow light from Mercury has been explained in three different ways, all of which we believe are far-fetched. Some scientists assert that the light produced in the process by which radiation of ultraviolet

48、 rays from the sun in the daytime turn oxygen atoms into oxygen molecules is yellow; however, other scientists have observed that the light produced in this process is actually green, not yellow. The second possible reason for the yellow light presented by the reading is lightning.However, according

49、 to meteorologists, the natural phenomenon of lightning usually occurs during the day, not at night. But the radiation of yellow light from Mercury, on the contrary, often happens at night. This suggests that lightning cannot explain the radiation of yellow light because the two phenomena do not typically occur at the same time. As to the suggestions that this kind of yellow light is actually an illusion caused by climate differences in different regions, there is other proof that shows this is an unreasonable explanation. The yellow light has not been observed from only

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