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1、笔译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 16及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this part is 120 minutes. 1 Almost fifteen or twelve thousand years ago, a fresh people drifted into the south of Spain, and left very remarkable drawings of themselve

2、s upon exposed rock faces there. 2 The Egyptians had never submitted very willingly to the rule of their Semitic (闪米特人 ) shepherd kings, and about 1600 BC a vigorous patriotic movement expelled these foreigners. 3 The importance of the Hebrews in the world is due to the fact that they produced a wri

3、tten literature, a world history, a collection of laws, chronicles, psalms, books of wisdom, poetry and fiction and political utterances which became at last what Christians know as the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible. 4 The third quarter of the eighteenth century saw the remarkable and unstable spe

4、ctacle of a Europe divided against itself, and no longer with any unifying political or religious idea, yet through the immense stimulation of mens imaginations by the printed book, the printed map, and the opportunity of the new ocean-going shipping, Europe was still able in a disorganized and cont

5、entious manner to dominate all the coasts of the world. 5 The Second World War in some ways gave birth to less novelty and genius than the First. It was, of course, a greater cataclysm, fought over a wider area, and altered the social and political structure of the world at least as radically as its

6、 predecessor perhaps more so. 6 As the West sleepwalks into the 1980s in which confidence and steadfastness will be increasingly needed and decreasingly found, and as a cry for “leadership“ issues from millions who would not recognize it if they saw it and probably reject it if they did, John Paul I

7、I becomes more fascinating. 7 A New Nation At the beginning of the 20th century, Australia was an open and democratic “new world“ society. In the absence of a strongly defined aristocracy or ruling class, there was a sense that one person was as good as another. It was commonly held that people made

8、 what they could of themselves, given their abilities. The Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901 through the proclamation of the Constitution for the Federation of six states. The founders of Federation believed that they were creating something new and were concerned to avoid the pitfalls of

9、 the old world. They wanted Australia to be harmonious, united and egalitarian. They had progressive ideas about human rights, observance of democratic procedures and the value of a secret ballot. They drew the line on matters of race, however; one of the first acts of the new Commonwealth Parliamen

10、t was to pass the Immigration Restriction Act 1901, which ensured that immigrants would be of primarily European origin. (The “White Australia“ policy was gradually dismantled after World War II until by the mid-1970s it was totally abolished. Australia now has a non-discriminatory migration policy.

11、 ) Numerous diverse links with Britain existed , which many people continued to regard as “the mother country“. Australias constitutional links with Britain have been progressively loosened since that time. The great champion of Federation was Sir Henry Parkes, who believed that Australia was ready

12、for unity because of “ the vigor, the industry, the enterprise, the foresight, and the creative skill of its people“. World War I had a devastating impact on Australia. In 1914 the male population of Australia was less than 3 million, yet almost 400,000 of those volunteered to fight in World War I.

13、As many as 60, 000 of those who volunteered never came back, and tens of thousands more were wounded, many very seriously. Australians have inherited strong traditions from the war years. None is more special or treasured in the Australian ethos than the “ Anzac“ tradition of courage, a tradition fo

14、rged at Gallipoli in Turkey in 1915. Anzac Day, 25 April, is now a national day of commemoration of the sacrifice of Australians in all wars in which they have fought. The period between the two world wars was one of uncertainty and instability as large numbers of servicemen sought to reconstruct th

15、eir lives. Social and economic divisions widened and became more pronounced during the hard years of the Depression in the 1930s when many Australian financial institutions failed. World War II was a difficult, but in some respects empowering, event in Australian history. Australian forces made a si

16、gnificant contribution to the Allied victory in Europe and in Asia and the Pacific. The generation that fought in World War II and survived came out of the war with a sense of pride in Australias capabilities. 8 Between Rome and China The second and first centuries BC mark a new phase in the history

17、 of mankind. Mesopotamia and the eastern Mediterranean are no longer the center of interest, and no longer the dominant regions of the world. Power had drifted to the west and to the east. Two great empires now dominated the world, this new Roman Empire and the renascent Empire of China. Rome extend

18、ed its power to the Euphrates, but it was never able to get beyond that boundary. It was too remote. Beyond the Euphrates the former Persian and Indian dominions of the Seleucids fell under a number of new masters. China, now under the Han dynasty, which had replaced the Tsin dynasty at the death of

19、 Shi-Huang-ti, had extended its power across Tibet and over the high mountain passes of the Pamirs into western Turkestan. China at this time was the greatest, best organized and most civilized political system in the world. It was superior in area and population to the Roman Empire at its zenith. I

20、t was possible then for these two vast systems to flourish in the same world at the same time in almost complete ignorance of each other. The means of communication both by sea and land were not yet sufficiently developed and organized for them to come to a direct clash. Yet they reacted upon each o

21、ther in a very remarkable way, and their influence upon the fate of the regions that lay between them, upon central Asia and India, was profound. A certain amount of trade tricked through, by camel caravans across Persia, for example, and by coasting ships by way of India and the Red Sea. In 66 BC R

22、oman troops under Pompey followed in the footsteps of Alexander the Great, and marched up the eastern shores of the Caspian Sea. But many centuries were still to pass before definite knowledge and direct intercourse were to link the great parallel worlds of Europe and eastern Asia. To the north of b

23、oth these great empires were barbaric wildernesses. What is now Germany was largely forest lands; the forests extended far into Russia and made a home for the gigantic aurochs. Then to the north of the great mountain masses of Asia stretched a band of deserts, steppes, and then forests and frozen la

24、nds. In the eastward lap of the elevated part of Asia was the great triangle of Manchuria. Large parts of these regions, stretching between South Russia and Turkestan into Manchuria, were and are regions of exceptional climatic insecurity. They are lands treacherous to man. The western part of this

25、barbaric north was the region of origin of the Nordic peoples and of the Aryan speech. The eastern steppes and deserts of Mongolia was the region of origin of the Hunnish or Mongolian or Tartar or Turkish peoples for all these several peoples were akin in language, race, and way of life. And as the

26、Nordic peoples seem to have been continually overflowing their own borders and pressing south upon the developing civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Mediterranean coast, the Hunnish tribes sent their surplus into the settled regions of China. For a time there were simultaneously two fairly effecti

27、ve empires in the world capable of holding back the barbarians and even forcing forward the frontiers of the imperial peace. The thrust of the Han Empire from north China into Mongolia was strong and continuous. The Chinese population welled up over the barrier of the Great Wall. Behind the imperial

28、 frontier guards came the Chinese farmer with horse and plough, ploughing up the grasslands and enclosing the winter pasture. The Hunnish peoples raided and murdered the sellers, but the Chinese punitive expeditions were too much for them. The nomads were faced with the choice of settling down to th

29、e plough and becoming Chinese taxpayers or shifting in search of fresh summer pastures. Some took the former course and were absorbed. Some drifted north-eastward and eastward over the mountain passes down into western Turestan. 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (40 points) Translate the followi

30、ng passage into English. The time for this part is 60 minutes. 9 罗盘、火药、造纸术和印刷术是中国古代四大发明,是中国古代先进科技的标志,对世界文明作出了巨大贡献。 10 中国有文字可考的历史可以追溯到 4000多年前,中国被认为同古代埃及、巴比伦和印度齐名的世界四大古代文明之一。 11 西安, 是中国西北部陕西省的省会,历经许多朝代的沉浮。在 1200多年中,它曾断断续续地成为十三个朝代的首都。 12 19世纪 30年代,英国向中国大规模走私鸦片,在政治、经济、社会等诸多方面给中国带来严重危害。 13 1911年孙中山领导的辛亥

31、革命,推翻了清王朝 200多年的统治,同时也结束了延续 2000多年的封建君主制,这是中国近代史上最伟大的事件之一。 14 新民主主义革命的胜利,社会主义制度的建立,为当代中国的发展进步奠定了根本政治前提和制度基础。 15 海上丝绸之路 海上丝绸之路 ,正如陆地上的丝绸之路,起源于汉朝 (公元前 202年至公元 220年 )。众所周知,在汉朝时期,大部分未加工和加工过的蚕丝都是沿着陆地上的丝绸之路来运输的,这些丝绸主要产于中国南部和东部的沿海地区。自古以来,这些地区不仅盛产丝绸,也是欣欣向荣的造船中心,因此这些地区不但能提供出口商品,也能将商品通过海路运输出去。在汉朝,这种生产与运输的双重功能

32、提供了发展海上贸易的物质基础。汉武帝 (公元前 140-87年在位 )时期开辟的海上通道,抵达非洲和欧洲,是世界上第一条大洋航道和最早的海上贸易通道。这使中国能积极寻找海外市场, 建立外贸关系,为海事丝绸之路奠定了基础。在唐代 (公元 618-907),中国船只从广州启航,穿过南海,驶向西方,正式开创了海上丝绸之路。这条南海航道不仅运输丝绸,还刺激了物质、文化的交流。东南亚、南亚、西非甚至欧洲的国家派遣使者,经由这条海路,到达中国,建立外交关系,购买丝绸,从事各种贸易活动。于是这条海上丝绸之路变成了促进友好关系、连接东西方的通道。 16 宋朝 公元 960年,一个新兴势力,宋 (公元 960一

33、 1279),再次统一了中国大部分地区。但在 1127年宋朝廷因没能打退游牧民族的入侵 而被迫放弃北方。所以宋朝又被分成北宋 (公元 9601127)和南宋 (公元 1127一 1279)两个阶段。 宋朝的创始人建立了有效的中央集权制,广泛任用民间的学术文人,地方的军事官员及其党羽都被中央任命的官员所替代。这种官员体系使得宋朝的权力比以往任何朝代都更集中在皇帝和官僚机构手中。 宋朝在城市发展方面是非常显著的,这不单指其在管理上的职能,而且还包括其作为贸易、工业和海上贸易的中心的职能。 在文化方面,宋朝在过去几百年的基础上又发展了,这些发展不仅包括唐朝的思想,还包括历史文献、绘画 、书法及光滑的

34、瓷器等。 笔译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 16答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this part is 120 minutes. 1 【正确答案】 差不多一万五千或一万两千年前,一个新的民族漂泊到了西班牙南部,在那里裸露的岩石表面留下了描绘自己的出色图画。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【 正确答案】 埃及人从来不曾心甘情愿地屈服于他们闪米特牧羊人王朝的统治,大约公元前 1600年,一场轰轰烈烈的爱国运动

35、将这些异族人逐出家园。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 希伯来人之所以在世界上占有重要地位,是因为他们创造了书面文献,包括世界历史、法律汇编、编年史、赞美诗、智慧篇、诗歌、小说、政治言论,最终这就是基督教徒熟悉的旧约圣经,亦即希伯来圣经。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 18世纪的第三个 25年,欧洲呈现出派系分裂、自我削弱、不再拥有任何统一的政治或宗教 思想的动荡局面,非常引人瞩目;但是,由于印刷书籍、印刷地图以及新型远洋运输所带来的机遇极大地激发了人们的想象力,欧洲仍然有能力控制全世界的所有沿海地区,只不过秩序混乱,争吵不休。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 在某些

36、方面,第二次世界大战不像第一次世界大战那样产生了诸多新奇事物和天才伟人。当然,它是一场更大的灾难,卷入的地区更广,改变全球社会及政治结构的激烈程度至少不亚于一战,或许更为激烈。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确答案】 当西方恍恍惚惚地进入 80年代的时候,日益需要人们 具有信念和坚韧精神,但这种信念与精神却逐渐隐退。千百万人迫切地呼唤 “领导 ”,而当胜任的领导人物出现的时候,他们却又可能视而不见,或者见到了又弃之如敝屣。在此情况下,约翰 保罗二世在西方变得越发具有魅力。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 新国家的诞生 20世纪初,澳大利亚社会是一个开放民主的 “新世界 ”。这里没有明确

37、的贵族阶级或统治阶级,只有人人平等的观念。人们普遍认为,澳大利亚社会崇尚人尽其才,充分实现自我。 1901年,澳大利亚通过颁布使六州结成联邦的宪法,宣告澳大 利亚联邦成立。缔造者们相信,他们是在创造新生事物,因而注意避免重蹈旧世界的覆辙。他们要把澳大利亚建设成一个和睦、统一、人人平等的社会。他们有着关于人权的先进思想,遵守民主程序,推崇无记名投票方式。 但是,在种族问题上他们却区别对待。联邦议会刚一成立,就迅速通过了 1901年移民限制法;该法保证移民主要源自欧洲。 (二战以后,逐渐取消 “白澳政策 ”,到 20世纪 70年代中期才彻底废除。如今,澳大利亚奉行的是无歧视移民政策。 )澳大利亚同

38、英国保持着千丝万缕的联系,许多人仍将英国视为 “祖国 ”。但从那时起,澳大利 亚与英国的宪法联系逐渐变得松散。 亨利 -帕克斯爵士是澳大利亚联邦的伟大捍卫者。他认为,澳大利亚已经具备了统一的条件,因为 “它的人民充满活力,勤劳进取,富有远见和创造力 ”。 第一次世界大战给澳大利亚带来了灾难性的影响。 1914年,澳大利亚男性人口不足 300万,但其中近 40万人自愿参战。结果, 6万名志愿军人一去不回,数万人受伤,许多人伤势严重。澳大利亚人继承了战争年代的光荣传统。在澳大利亚民族精神中,最为特殊、最受珍视的莫过于 “澳新军团 ”英勇无畏的传统。锻造这种传统的是 1915年在土耳其发生的加 利波

39、利战役。如今, 4月 25日被定为澳新军团节。每年这一天都要举行全国性的纪念活动,缅怀澳大利亚人在所有他们经历过的战争中所作的牺牲。 两次世界大战之间的那段时间局势动荡不定,大批军人退役,渴望重建生活。社会和经济差距扩大。在 20世纪 30年代经济大萧条的艰难岁月中,许多澳大利亚金融机构倒闭,进一步加剧了社会和经济差距。 在澳大利亚历史上,第二次世界大战是一段艰苦时期,但就某些方面而言却增强了澳大利亚的威力。澳大利亚军队对盟国在欧洲、亚洲和太平洋取得的胜利作出了重大贡献。参加过二战并活着回来的那 一代澳大利亚人,由此产生了对祖国的自豪感。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 罗马与中国 公

40、元前二至一世纪开启了人类历史的新篇章。美索不达米亚地区和地中海东部不再是人们关注的焦点,也不再是世界的统治中心。权力向东、西分化。两个强大的帝国统治了整个世界,一个是新罗马帝国,另一个是复兴的中华帝国。罗马的势力延伸到了幼发拉底河一带,但从没越过这个界线。那里实在太偏远了。在幼发拉底河对岸,曾经属于波斯人和印度人的塞琉西王朝又落入了一连串新的统治者手中。而在中国,当秦始皇死后,替代了秦 朝的汉朝已经控制了整个西藏地区,并越过帕米尔高原,扩展到土耳其斯坦的西部地区。 那时的中国是世界上最伟大、最有序和最文明的国家。在领土范围和人口总数上,中国都超越了罗马帝国的巅峰时期。在当时,两大强国仍有可能同

41、时在这个世界大放异彩,却对彼此一无所知。因为当时无论海、陆的交通方式都还未充分发展,两国因而没有正面交锋。 但两大帝国对彼此的影响是显著的,且对中亚和印度这些处于两国之间地区的命运也有深远影响。两国之间已达成一定的贸易量,例如,由骆驼商队经波斯地区交易,或由船只取道印度和红海往来。公元 前 66年,庞培率领的罗马军队追随着亚历山大大帝的步伐来到里海的东岸。不过还要经过很多个世纪之后,欧洲与东亚才确切知晓彼此的存在并建立直接的来往。 这两个帝国的北部都是大片的荒野。如今的德国在当时是大片林地,森林一直延伸到今天的俄罗斯境内,当时那里是一种体型庞大的野牛的家园。亚洲众多高山的北面则依次延伸出沙漠、

42、草原、森林和冻土地带。亚洲高地的东边有满洲大三角。这一地区中的大部分,相当于今天的俄国南部与土耳其斯坦之间,从过去到现在气候条件都极其异乎寻常和不稳定。这些地区对人类而言都很危险。 原始 北国的西部是北欧民族和印欧语系的发源地。东部的蒙古草原和沙漠则是匈奴人、蒙古人、鞑靼人或土耳其人的故乡 因为这些地区的人们无论从语言、人种和生活方式上都很相似。北欧地区似乎一直人满为患,人口不断涌向南部,进入美索不达米亚和地中海沿岸地区正在发展的文明之中,匈奴各部落过剩的人口也流入了中国太平的地区。 曾有一段时间,世界上同时存在着两个伟大的帝国,只有他们有能力抵抗野蛮民族的入侵,甚至大力推进世界的和平。大汉帝

43、国从北方进军蒙古,他们的进攻激烈而持久。中华民族不断跨越长城的界限。边境推到哪里,带着马匹和犁头的中国农民就来到哪里。他们开垦草地,在冬季圈起牧场。匈奴抢劫甚至杀害商人,但面对中华民族的讨伐,他们无力抵抗。这些游牧民族面临着两种选择:定居下来从事耕作并向中华帝国纳税,或者转移阵地去寻找新的夏季牧场。一部分人选择前者,融入中国。另一部分人向东北和东部迁徙,越过山峰进入西土耳其斯坦。 【知 识模块】 英译汉 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (40 points) Translate the following passage into English.

44、The time for this part is 60 minutes. 9 【正确答案】 The four great inventions in ancient China/ by ancient Chinese the compass, gunpowder, papermaking and printing were signs/ symbols of ancient Chinas advanced science and technology and made great contributions to world civilization. 【知识模块】 汉译英 10 【正确答案

45、】 Since Chinese writing had a long history of more than 4, 000 years (With written records dating back 4, 000 years) , China is regarded/ recognized as one of the worlds four great ancient civilizations, along with/ together with ancient Egypt, Babylon and India. 【知识模块】 汉译英 11 【正确答案】 Xian, capital o

46、f Northwest Chinas Shaanxi Province, has seen the rise and fall/ ups and downs of a great number of dynasties. It was the capital of 13 dynasties intermittently over 1, 200 years. 【知识模块】 汉译英 12 【正确答案】 In the 1830s, Britain smuggled/ illegally imported opium to China in large quantities/ on a large s

47、cale, bringing severe damage to China in politics, economy, society and other aspects (causing political, economic, social and other disasters to China). 【知识模块】 汉译英 13 【正确答案】 The Revolution of 1911 led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, which not only overthrew/ toppled the 200-plus-year-old Qing Dynasty, but also

48、 terminated/ ended the two-millennium-long feudal monarchy, was one of the greatest events in modern Chinese history. 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【正确答案】 The victory of the new-democratic revolution and the establishment of the socialist system provided the fundamental political prerequisite and institutional basi

49、s/ foundation for the development/ progress of contemporary China. 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 Maritime Silk Road Like the land Silk Road , the maritime Silk Road began in the Han dynasty (202 BC-220 AD). As is widely known, during the Han dynasty the majority of processed and unprocessed silk, which was mainly produced in the southern and eastern coastal areas of China, was transported along the land Silk Road. In ancient times these regions were prosperous centers of both silk production and ship building; therefore, the regions could not only supply export comm

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