1、笔译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 6及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this part is 120 minutes. 1 China will become the biggest cross-border investor by the end of this decade, with global offshore assets tripling from $6. 4tn at present
2、to nearly $20tn by 2020, say researchers. 2 It was a ruling of the court that had consumers boiling with anger and many a free trader crying foul. 3 Levi Strauss persuaded the court that, by selling its jeans cheaply alongside soap powder and bananas, Tesco (乐购超市 ) was destroying the image and so th
3、e value of its brands which could only lead to less innovation and, in the long run, would reduce consumer choice. 4 From early on, the design tended to be inward-facing, with malls following theories of how customers could best be enticed in a controlled environment. 5 Not only are segments of the
4、show sandwiched between ads for Coca-Cola and Ford, but some of these companies brands and products are evident in the show. 6 Having traffic in an exhibition is a double-edged sword though: some is good because it makes your booth look popular, but you dont want to get tied up with people that aren
5、t buying what youre selling. 7 Rockefeller Fund to Abandon Fossil Fuels for Renewables The heirs to the Rockefeller oil fortune have decided to sell their investments in the coal industry and Canadas oil sands, and review their remaining fossil fuel holdings for possible sale in one or two years. St
6、ephen Heintz, president of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, suggested that John D. Rockefeller, the oilman who established the familys fortune, would approve of the decision and would be “leading the charge“ into renewable energy if he were alive today. However, Christophe de Margerie, chief executive
7、 of Total, one of the worlds largest oil companies, criticised the move, saying he had told the fund that “ without energy, the Rockefeller Centre wouldnt exist“. The Rockefeller fund is one of hundreds of foundations, colleges and charities that have divested fossil fuel holdings over the past year
8、 in response to a grass-roots campaign modelled on the anti-apartheid campaigns that targeted investments in South Africa. Campaigners say 800 funds responsible for $ 50bn of investment have pledged to sell some or all of their holdings in fossil fuels. The effort to make oil, gas and coal investmen
9、ts as unpopular as tobacco has been a prominent theme in advance of todays New York climate summit organised by UN secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon. “ Stay away from this fossil fuel-based investment. Do much more on renewable energy,“ he told a meeting of business and government leaders yesterday. Mr
10、. Heintz acknowledged that the Rockefeller Funds holdings were not very large but said that selling them would send a “signal“ about its views on the future of energy. “The science is crystal clear“ on climate change, he said. “Weve just got to leave the bulk of the remaining fossil fuels in the gro
11、und. “ Several large energy companies have sent representatives to the New York summit, according to the UN, including Chinas Sinopec, Frances Total, Norways Statoil and Royal Dutch Shell. Meanwhile, the World Bank announced more than 1,000 companies and investors had expressed support for putting a
12、 price on the carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels that drive climate change. They include Shell, which has had an internal carbon price for some years, as well as Nokia, LG Electronics and Lego. 8 Make Your Trade Show a Success How to make your next trade show a success? Here are some
13、 useful suggestions: At the show Do be sure to greet everyone passing by, but if they talk to you, qualify them. Ask if they are in the market for your product or service. Ask if they have a problem (that you have a solution for, of course). Ask if they are using any of your competitors products. As
14、k if the prospect (a likely or potential customer) is a decision-maker or influencer. Ask these questions, but then listen. Give them a chance to talk. Determine the likelihood of their company ever buying from you. If they are not a qualified prospect, thank them, and move on. If they are, continue
15、 your discussion. Get their contact information, and get some kind of personal information as well and make a note of it (this will help with your follow-up later). If you think you can get a sale, by all means go for it. Dont put off until tomorrow what you can accomplish today. After the show Your
16、e back from your show, youre tired, and you have a pile of mail and a folder full of emails to go through. Youve got two meetings to go to, and your boss wants to go over a new project with you. Youve just worked a Saturday. Your buddies are over at the coffee maker talking about the game. Youve got
17、 too much to do. You gave all your prospects your business card and brochure, so theyll call you when theyre ready to order. Youve done your job. Stop. Assume that your business card and brochure are in a plastic bag with 50 other companies on the floor in your prospects office. Hes in the same boat
18、 as you. Hell get to the plastic bag when he gets time, which turns out to be never, and three months later the entire contents go into the office recycling bin. Making a phone call to all prospects I found that I could double or triple my new customers from a trade show by doing one thing: follow-u
19、p. Call all of your prospects within three days of getting back to work. Hopefully you wrote a personal note on the back of each prospects business card so that you can mention it and show that you remember him. Dont stop with one call. Call back in two weeks, and then in a month. You arent cold-cal
20、ling because you already know your prospect. Follow-up is more work, but with all the work you already invested in preparing for and going to the show, its a waste to not finish the job. 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (40 points) Translate the following passage into English. The time for this
21、 part is 60 minutes. 9 茶叶出口 721吨,创汇额达 292万美元,同比分别增长 2 4倍和 1 7倍。 10 在过去五年,中国的进出口总额年均增长 12 2,从世界第三位提升到第二位,其中出口额跃居世界第一位。 11 这个全球第三大个人电脑厂商第一季度在中国市场的占有率为 31 3,较去年第四季的 36有所下降,但仍居中国市场老大位置。 12 人民币升值有助于减少中国的贸易顺差、为内需增长留出更大的空间,还能够降低进口产品的价格。 13 国内品牌出口量的急速拉升,是以出口均价的下滑为代价的;而外资品牌的出口均价基本平稳,甚至不降 反升。 14 出口加工区拓展保税物流功能
22、后,国内采购入区货物入区视同出境,即获得退税资格。 15 外资与外贸 我们要扩大全方位主动开放。坚持积极有效利用外资,推动服务业扩大开放,打造内外资企业一视同仁、公平竞争的营商环境,使中国继续成为外商投资首选地。建设好、管理好中国上海自由贸易试验区,形成可复制可推广的体制机制,并开展若干新的试点。扩展内陆沿边开放,让广袤大地成为对外开放的热土。 从战略高度推动出口升级和贸易平衡发展。今年进出口总额预期增长 7 5左右。要稳定和完善出口政 策,加快通关便利化改革,扩大跨境电子商务试点。实施鼓励进口政策,增加国内短缺产品进口。引导加工贸易转型升级,支持企业打造自主品牌和国际营销网络,发展服务贸易和
23、服务外包,提升中国制造在国际分工中的地位。鼓励通信、铁路、电站等大型成套设备出口,让中国装备享誉全球。 在走出去中提升竞争力。推进对外投资管理方式改革,实行以备案制为主,大幅下放审批权限。要推出一批重大项目,加快基础设施与邻国互联互通,拓展国际经济技术合作新空间。 统筹多双边和区域开放合作。推动服务贸易协定、政府采购协定、信息技术协定等 谈判,加快环保、电子商务等新议题谈判。坚持推动贸易和投资自由化便利化,实现与各国互利共赢,形成对外开放与改革发展良性互动新格局。 16 外商直接投资 今年我国吸收外商直接投资继续保持增长,增幅基本适度。吸收外资在保持相当规模的基础上,外商投资结构进一步优化,高
24、新技术领域吸收外资大幅增长,服务贸易领域吸收外资在全国总量中所占比重有所上升。外商投资区域进一步得到改善,东部地区吸收外资全面增长,东部和西部地区合同外资金额增幅较大。今年1 5月份,全国新批设立外商投资企业 17359家,同比增长 14 39;合同外资金额 572 41亿美元,同比增长 49 76;实际使用外资金额 259 11亿美元,同比增长 11 34。截止到今年 5月底,全国累计已有 482636个外商投资企业被批准设立,合同外资金额 10003 71亿美元,实际使用外资金额 5273 81亿美元。如果不发生大的问题,今年全年我国实际使用外资金额预计与去年大体持平,力争比去年有所增长。
25、为做好吸收外商投资工作,不断提高吸收外资的质量和水平,中国政府紧紧抓住当前全球新一轮结构调整的重要战略机遇期,进一步扩大开放,在继续保持各项吸收外资政策的连续 性和稳定性的同时,改善投资环境,制订相应政策,进一步推进外商投资产业结构优化,增强我国在吸收外资方面的国际竞争力。 笔译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 6答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this part is 120 minutes. 1 【正确
26、答案】 研究人员称,到 2020年中国将成为世界最大跨境投资者,其全 球离岸资产将增至现有水平的三倍,即从目前的 6 4万亿美元增至近 20万亿美元。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 法庭的一项裁决令消费者感到义愤填膺,自由贸易商也大呼不公平 (怨声载道 )。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 李维 -施特劳斯使法庭相信乐购超市把李维斯品牌的牛仔裤同肥皂粉和香蕉放在一起廉价出售,这一做法有损李维斯的品牌形象,损坏了其品牌价值,最后只能导致品牌缺乏创新,从长远来说,减少消费者的选择。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 一开始,商场倾向于重 视内部的设计,当时的思路是,在一个受
27、控的环境中,对顾客产生尽可能大的诱惑力。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 不仅节目板块之间穿插着很多可口可乐和福特公司的广告,节目中也会明显出现某些公司的品牌和产品。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确答案】 但是在展会上拥有人气是把双刃剑 (真是有利有弊啊 )!拥有适度的人气是好事儿,这样你的展台看上去很受欢迎;但你也不会喜欢被不会买你产品的人不断纠缠。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 洛克菲勒基金告别化石燃料转向可再生能 源 洛克菲勒 (Rockefeller)石油财富的继承人已决定抛售他们在煤炭业和加拿大油砂行业的投资,并决定审议他们所持的剩余化石燃料股份,看是否可能在一两
28、年后出售。 洛克菲勒兄弟基金 (Rockefeller Brothers Fund)总裁斯蒂芬 -海因茨 (Stephen Heintz)指出,假如洛克菲勒家族财富的创建人石油大亨约翰 -D-洛克菲勒 (John D Rockefeller)本人还在世,他也会赞同这一决定,会 “身先士卒 ”进军可再生能源。 不过,全球最大的石油公司之一,道达尔 (Total)的首席执行官马哲睿 (Christophe de Margerie)批评了此举,他说自己曾警告过该基金会, “假如没有能源,洛克菲勒中心将不复存在 ”。 在过去一年里,数百家基金会、大学和慈善机构减持了化石燃料的股份,洛克菲勒基金会便是其
29、中之一,目的是响应反对投资南非的草根运动,这是一场效仿反种族隔离的草根运动。 活动人士宣称,负责 500亿美元投资的 800家基金已承诺出售部分或全部化石燃料股份。 在今天联合国秘书长潘基文 (Ban Ki-moon)组织的纽约气候峰会开幕前夕,努力让石油、天然气和煤炭投资变得像烟草投资一样不得人心,已成为一个突出的主题。 昨天,潘基文对与会的商界和政界领导人说: “请远离基于化石燃料的投资,更多地投资于可再生能源。 ” 海因茨坦承,洛克菲勒基金持有的化石燃料股份并不多,但他表示,出售这些投资是发出该基金会对未来能源看法的 “信号 ”。 对于气候变化,他说, “科学是十分清楚的。我们只能把大部
30、分现存的化石燃料留在地底下。 ” 根据联合国信息,几家大型能源公司已派代表出席此次纽约峰会,包括中国的中石化,法国的道达尔,挪威国家石油公司 (Statoil)以及荷兰皇家壳牌 (Royal Dutch Shell)。 同时,世界银行宣布 1000多家企业和投资机构已经表示支持对燃烧化石燃料所产生的二氧化碳排放实行收费,因为燃烧化石燃料加速了气候变化。这些企业和投资机构包括壳牌 (多年来,它内部已实行碳排放收费 )、诺基亚 (Nokia)、 LG电子 (LG Electronics)和乐高 (Lego)。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 成功举办交易会 怎样才能成功举办今后的交易会呢
31、?以下建议想必有用 ! 在交易会上 务必问候每位经过你的人。如果他们和你攀谈,就要对他们作出评估。询问他们是否喜欢你的产品或服务。问问他们是否有困难 (当然,对此你有解决办法 )。问问他们是否在使用你竞争对手的产品。还要问你的潜在客户是否是位高权重,是否是位有影响力的人物。问了这些问题,还要听听他们说些什么。给他们说话的机会。判断他们公司购买你产品的可能性。 如果他们不是符合条件的客户,向他们道谢,然后继续寻找。如果符合条件,那就继续交谈。留下他们的联系方式,获取其个人信息,加以备注 (以备今后跟踪联络 )。倘若你认为你能完成一笔交 易,那就要全力以赴。今日事要今日毕。 交易会后 从交易会回来
32、,你很累,但还是要处理大量的信件和邮件。你还要参加两个会议,你的上司要和你讨论新项目。周六你刚刚加过班。而你的朋友们在边喝咖啡边讨论体育赛事。你有很多事要做。你已经把名片和公司简册发给了你的潜在客户,他们会在有需要订货时打电话给你。你已经完成了你的任务。 先别忙。假设你的名片和公司简册与其它五十家公司的资料一起装在塑料袋里,放在潜在客户的办公室地板上。你的客户和你一样忙碌。如果他有时间,他会去翻一下那个塑料袋子。但他永远都不 会有那个时间,所以三个月后整袋的东西被扔进了废物箱 !给潜在客户打电话我发现从交易会回来之后如果做一件事,就会使自己的新客户增加两到三倍,那就是随访。回公司上班后三天内给
33、所有潜在客户打电话。但愿你真的在每位潜在客户的名片背面写下了对其的个人描述,这样你就能和客户提及你对他的印象,表明你还记得他。不要只打一次电话。两周后再打一次,然后一个月后再打一次。你已经认识了你的潜在客户,所以你这样做不是在客户不知情的情况下作电话销售。随访是加重了工作负担,但既然已经为参加交易会大费周章了,不把工作彻底完成就白费了之前所有 的努力。 【知识模块】 英译汉 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (40 points) Translate the following passage into English. The time for th
34、is part is 60 minutes. 9 【正确答案】 Tea exports were/ registered 721 tons, bringing in/ earning foreign exchange of US $ 2. 92 million, up 240 percent and 170 percent respectively from a year earlier/ from the previous year/ year on year/ year over year. 【知识模块】 汉译英 10 【正确答案】 During the past five years,
35、Chinas import and export volume grew by an annual average of 12. 2% and rose from third to second place in the world, with its export volume rising to the worlds No. 1 (and China has become the largest exporter in the world). 【知识模块】 汉译英 11 【正确答案】 The worlds third-largest PC seller/ manufacturer saw
36、its share of the Chinese market fall/ dip to 31. 3 percent in the first quarter from 36 percent in the fourth last year. However, it remains the No. 1 player in the Chinese market (it still held onto its leading position). 【知识模块】 汉译英 12 【正确答案】 The RMB appreciation is helping to reduce trade surplus
37、(is conducive to a reduction in Chinas trade surplus) , leaving plenty room for domestic demand to expand and resulting in lower prices for imported products. 【知识模块】 汉译英 13 【正确答案】 The export surge of domestic brands (The sharp rise in domestic brand exports) was achieved at the cost of the decline/
38、fall/ decrease in the average export price, while/ whereas the average export price of foreign brands remained stable and even had a slight increase. 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【正确答案】 When the export processing zone adds/ includes bonded logistics into its functions, goods procured in China ( domestically-procur
39、ed goods), when entering these zones, can be regarded/ treated as having been transported outside the boundaries and qualify for a tax rebate (enjoy tax refund policies). 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 Foreign Capital and Foreign Trade We will take the initiative to open Chinas doors wider in all aspects. To
40、make sure that China will continue to be a top destination for foreign investors, we will persist in making proactive and effective use of foreign capital, opening more service sectors to foreign investment, and providing a fair business environment where domestic and overseas companies can compete.
41、 We will make a success of the construction and administration of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zoneso as to develop a mechanism that can be reproduced elsewhere, and we will experiment with new models. We will also open the countrys interior and border regions to the rest of the world so as
42、 to convert these vast tracts of land into hot destinations for opening up. Strategically, we will export higher-quality/ more sophisticated products and develop a more balanced foreign trade. The growth rate of this years aggregate import and export values is expected to be about 7. 5%. We will try
43、 to stabilize and optimize our export policies to reform customs clearance and will conduct more pilot projects in cross-border e-commerce. To increase the importing of products that are in great demand in China, we will introduce policies that encourage imports. In order for “China-made“ to enjoy a
44、 higher status in the international division of labor, the processing trades will be guided in their transformation and upgrading, enterprises will receive support in their effort to create Chinese brands and develop international marketing networks, and the service trades and outsourcing will be ad
45、vanced. China will encourage the export of complete packages of large equipment in such areas as telecommunications, railroads and power stations, so that Chinese equipment will win worldwide recognition. China will sharpen its competitive edge by reaching out to the rest of the world in “going glob
46、al“. We will reform the management of investments overseas by practicing mainly the filing system and delegating much of the power of examination and approval to lower-level administrative departments. We will start a group of major projects and be better connected with neighboring countries in infr
47、astructure to expand the space for international economic and technologicalpartnerships. We will make comprehensive plans for bilateral, multilateral and regional opening up and cooperation. We will press ahead with negotiations on service-trade agreements, government procurement agreements and IT a
48、greements, and accelerate negotiations on new areas including environmental conservation and e-business. We will persistently promote the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment to realize multiple-wins for (both) China and other countries and to form a new pattern of beneficial inte
49、raction between opening up to the external world on the one hand and reform and development on the other. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16 【正确答案】 Foreign Direct Investment This year, Chinas FDI (foreign direct investment) attraction kept a momentum of increase with a moderate growth rate. On the basis of a considerable scale, FDI attraction is further improved/ optimized in terms of investment structure/ mix. FDI attraction in the high-tech sector has been significantly increased, and FDI in the service trade sector/ the service secto
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