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1、笔译二级实务模拟试卷 14及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 In its plans to develop Greece as a year-round tourist destination, the Ministry of Tourism is focusing on alternative forms of tourism, beyond the sun, sea and sand classical summer holiday. Among other sectors, these include health

2、 and beauty tourism. Apart from stunning natural beauties, nature has endowed Greece with hot springs whose therapeutic properties were already known in ancient times. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was the first to discover their virtues some 25 centuries ago. The geographical location of the

3、se springs is not accidental as it is related either to tectonic events or volcanic activities. Their waters are therapeutic for ailments such as rheumatism, arthritis and complaints related to lungs, kidneys, blood circulation and dermatology, among others. Of more than 750 natural springs, around

4、80 operate professionally as natural spas, many with accommodation and other facilities. In consultations with tourism associations, hoteliers and tourism investment consultants, the government is drafting a new law to define the rules for health tourism. Expected to be approved by Parliament early

5、next year, the law will establish the legal framework and the prerequisites for health tourism centers, including provisions for handicapped guests. One condition will be that such centers will have to operate all year, not just in summer. Another is that hotels providing health facilities should be

6、 near a hospital or an airport. The Development Law, which came into force in December 2004, provides attractive incentives, such as subsidies or tax breaks for health tourism center investments. The government is encouraging regional development in areas in northwestern Greece. Doctors and investor

7、s from Sweden, Britain and Germany have already shown interest in establishing health tourism centers in Greece, to take advantage of the countrys mild climate, low humidity and year-round sunshine. In addition to hydrotherapy, some centers will deal with illnesses of the psyche depression, psycholo

8、gical problems and addictions. The serenity of many parts of Greeces countryside is seen as therapeutic for people from northern countries where cold, dreary climates can lead sufferers to depression and suicide. Spread throughout Greece, many natural mineral springs are owned by the National Touris

9、m Organization of Greece and managed by the Tourism Development Co. The latter is gradually divesting itself of its large and diverse portfolio through long-term leasing of its holdings, including mineral springs and spas. 2 A 17-year U. S. study has finally answered one of the most pressing questio

10、ns about diabetes: Can tight control of blood sugar prevent heart attacks and strokes? The answer, reported Thursday in The New England Journal of Medicine, is yes. Intense control can reduce the risk by nearly half. And, the study found, the effect occurred even though the patients had only had a r

11、elatively brief period of intense blood sugar control when they were young adults. None the less, more than a decade later, when they reached middle age, when heart disease and strokes normally start to appear, they were protected. The study involved those with Type 1 diabetes, which usually arises

12、early in life and involves the death of insulin-secreting cells. The question of whether rigid blood sugar control protects against heart disease and strokes has divided the field for decades, diabetes researchers said. “Its really a major question that has been around for a long time,“ said Dr. Jud

13、ith Fradkin, who directs diabetes research at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Researchers knew that diabetes was linked to heart disease at least two-thirds of diabetics die of heart disease. But although studies showed that controlling blood sugar protects agai

14、nst damage to the eyes, kidneys and nerves, there was no conclusive evidence that it would have the same effect on heart disease and strokes. “In that sense, this is a landmark study,“ said Fradkin. But the result also gives rise to questions: Does the same effect occur in people with Type 2 diabete

15、s, which usually occurs later in life and involves an inability to respond to insulin? And why would tight control of blood sugar for one brief period have such a pronounced effect later? Fradkin said she expected the results would hold for Type 2 diabetes. Another large U. S. federal study is addre

16、ssing that question, she notes, but it is already known that tight control of blood sugar in Type 2 diabetes protects against nerve, kidney and eye damage, just as it does with Type 1 diabetes. In addition, a study in Britain hinted although it did not demonstrate that Type 2 diabetics who keep thei

17、r blood sugar low have less heart disease and strokes. Fradkin said she hoped the emerging evidence and improving therapies would make a difference. SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 3 北京,是中华民族的远祖 “北京人 ”的故乡;同时 也是世界闻名的文化古城。三千多年前,这里已是周朝封国 燕国 的都城。公元十世纪后,辽、金、元、明、清五个封建王朝以此作为陪都或国都。 1949年中华人民共和国

18、成立,定北京为首都。 在漫长的历史进程中,各民族不同的文化在这块宝地上相互渗透交融,孕育成一种特有的北京韵味。那金碧辉煌的宫阙殿堂,那雄伟壮丽的城墙门楼,那纵横交错的大街小巷,那淳朴憨厚的民风民俗,以及那些充满地方色调的店铺摊贩 北京,无一时,无一处,无一事不令人流连怀念,津津乐道。 4 在战地,我们的生活特别快乐。虽然我们睡的 是潮湿的地铺,喝的是泥沟里的污水,吃的是硬饭冷菜,穿的是单薄的衣裤,盖着从上海妇女慰劳会 (Shanghai Womens Armed Forces Relief Association)捐赠的薄被,睡在朔风凛冽的堂屋里,但我们这一群平时过惯了舒服生活的小姐,一点也不

19、感觉到辛苦。病了时,反正有的是看护;冷起来时,七八个人挤作一堆;缸里没有水了,自己去挑;灶里没有柴,自己去砍;至于洗衣、扫地、烧饭,更是我们每天必做的勤务。我们当中,有两个会理发的,三个会缝衣的,五个会做拿手好菜的;还有喜欢写新诗的、写旧诗的、写小说的、演剧的、唱歌的,各种各样的人才都有。 笔译二级实务模拟试卷 14答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 希腊正计划发展成为全年开放的旅游胜地。除原有的阳光、海水和沙滩的夏季假日旅游项目之外,旅游部正在集中精力开发其他类型的旅游项目,其中,有一项叫做健康与美容旅游。

20、大自然赐予希腊的,除令人惊叹的天然美景之外,还有许多温泉,其医疗性能,在古代即已闻名于世。医学之父希波克拉底,约 2500年前就 首先发现了温泉的这种功效。 温泉的地理分布也并非偶然,因为这是与地壳运动或火山活动相关的,温泉的泉水对许多疾病有疗效,例如风湿病、关节炎以及与肺、肾、血液循环和皮肤有关的各种疾病。在 750多个天然温泉之中,有约 80处是按照天然水疗中心的规格经营的,许多地方具备住宿条件和其他设施。 政府经与旅游协会、酒店老板和旅游投资顾问协商,正在起草一部新的法律,以便使健康旅游有章可循。预计此项法律明年初即可在议会通过,这样就为建立各健康旅游中心确定一个法律框架,并提出先决条件

21、,包括有关残疾客人的各项条款。一个条件是,这类中心必须常年营业,而不是只在夏季营业。另一个条件是,提供保健设施的旅店要建在医院或机场附近。 2004年 12月生效的发展法规定了颇具吸引力的奖励措施,例如健康旅游中心投资者可享受补贴或减税优惠。政府鼓励在希腊西北部各地实行区域开发。 瑞典、英国和德国的医生和投资者已经表示有意在希腊建立健康旅游中心,以利用希腊温和的气候、较低的湿度和常年的阳光。有些健康旅游中心除进行水疗外,还治疗精神方面的疾病 抑郁症、心理问题和上瘾的习惯等。希腊乡村有许多地方安宁恬静,人们认为这样的环 境对北欧人来说可以起到医疗的作用,因为北欧各国气候阴冷,能使患者染上抑郁症,

22、乃至自杀。 天然矿泉遍布希腊各地,许多矿泉归希腊国家旅游组织所有,由旅游开发公司经营。旅游开发公司正逐步减轻自身庞杂的任务,采取的办法是长期出租其所控的地产,包括矿泉和水疗中心。 2 【正确答案】 美国一项进行了 17年的研究为糖尿病亟需解决的问题之一找到了答案。这个问题就是:严格控制血糖能不能预防心脏病发作和中风 ? 据周四新英格兰医学杂志报道,答案是肯定的。严格控制血糖几乎可以使发病的危险减半。 研究发现,即或病人年轻时只对血糖严密控制过一段较短的时间,也会有效果的。十多年后,他们人到中年,心脏病和中风通常开始出现,这时他们就会受到保护。这项研究的相关病人患有 1型糖尿病,这种病往往在年纪

23、不大时就会发生,是分泌胰岛素的细胞死亡造成的。 糖尿病研究人员指出,严格控制血糖是否能防止心脏病发作和中风的问题,在糖尿病研究领域一直存在着互相对立的看法,已有数十年之久。 “这的确是一个重大问题,困扰我们已经很久了。 ”朱迪思 ?福莱德金博士说道。她在全国糖尿病、消化及肾脏疾病研究所主持糖尿病方面 的研究。 研究人员早就知道,糖尿病与心脏病有联系 糖尿病患者至少有三分之二死于心脏病。然而,尽管早有研究结果表明控制血糖可以防止眼睛、肾脏和神经受损,却一直没有充分的证据证明控制血糖对防止心脏病和中风也能起同样的作用。 “就这一方面而言,这是一项具有里程碑意义的研究, ”福莱德金说道。 但这项研究

24、成果也引起了一些问题: 2型糖尿病患者通常在年纪较大时发病,而且不能对胰岛素作出反映,对于这样的病人,也能产生同样的疗效吗 ?为什么在一段不长的时间里严格控制血糖,会在日后产生深远影响 ? 福莱德金说,她预期这项研究结果将同样适用于 2型糖尿病。她说,美国另外一项大规模的国家级研究项目正在解决这一问题。现已查明,严格控制血糖对 2型糖尿病的作用和对 l型糖尿病的作用相同,能防止神经、肾脏和眼睛受到损伤。此外,英国进行的一项研究已经露出迹象 虽然没有公开表示 表明 2型糖尿病患者,凡是保持血糖低的,患心脏病和中风的可能性就小。 福莱德金说,她希望随着新证据的出现和医疗方法的改进,情况将有所变化。

25、 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 3 【正确答案】 Beijing is-the hometown of Peking Man, the forefather of the Chinese people, and a cultural city of world renown. It was the capital of the state of Yan, a principality of the Zhou Dynasty, as early as over 3,000 years ago. Beginning from the 10

26、th century, it was the secondary capital or the national capital of the five dynasties of Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing. In 1949, Beijing again became the capital of the Peoples Republic of China. In the long course of history, different cultures of the many ethnic groups in this treasured land of

27、Beijing were integrated to show a special Beijing charm that is unique from other places in China. The magnificent palaces, the imposing city walls and gatetowers, the labyrinth of streets and lanes, the unsophisticated local customs, the distinctive shops and vendors booths Everything in Beijing wi

28、th its unique charm never fails to attract visitors to Beijing and make them talk about it with great relish. 4 【正确答案】 Our lives in the battle zone were particularly happy. We slept on damp bedrolls, drank dirty ditch water, ate undercooked rice with cold side dishes, dressed in thin clothes, covere

29、d ourselves with flimsy blankets donated by the Shanghai Womens Armed Forces Relief Association, and slept in drafty corridors pierced by the north wind, but these young women didnt experience this as hardship though we were used to a lives of comfort. When we were ill, well, there were a lot of nur

30、ses around. When we were cold, seven or eight would huddle up together. When there was no water in the jar, one of us would go to fetch more. When there was no firewood for the stove, one of us would go to chop some. As for the laundry, sweeping and cooking, these were tasks we performed every day. There were two in the group who could cut hair, three could sew, and five could whip up a tasty meal. There were some who had a taste for writing new or traditional poetry or stories, and others who liked to act or sing. Every sort of talent could be found among us.

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