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1、笔译二级实务模拟试卷 25及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 Workforce is defined as the total number of people who are available to work and earn incomes. The definition includes everyone who is employed or seeking paid employment, so it includes employers and the self-employed. Although the

2、size of the workforce depends a great deal on the size of the total population, there are several other influences which also affect it. The age distribution of the total population has a very marked effect on the available workforce. If the population has a high proportion of very young people or o

3、f those too old to work, then the available workforce would be lower than if there were an evenly spread age distribution. If the population grows rapidly from natural increase, i.e. , the number of births greatly exceeds the number of deaths, then as the total population increases, the proportion i

4、n the workforce declines. Sometimes a population is described as aging, which means that the birth rate is either falling or growing very slowly, and as people retire from the workforce, there are not enough young people entering it to replace those who are leaving it. The population is top-heavy wi

5、th older people. So the percentage of the population in the workforce declines when there is either a rapid increase in births or a falling birth rate. The age distribution of the population has several important effects on the economy. If the population is aging and there is an increase in the numb

6、er of people retiring without a corresponding increase in the number entering the workforce, this raises the problem of the ability of the economy to provide a reasonable level of social services to the retired group. If the aged are to be cared for in special homes or hotels, finances must be avail

7、able for that purpose. If the size of the workforce is small relative to the total population, then the government tax receipts are relatively low and either the government has less money available to it or the workforce members have to be taxed more heavily. 2 Honesty is the best policy, as the Eng

8、lish saying goes. Unfortunately, honesty often deserts us when no one is watching. British psychologists reported last week. Researchers at UKs Newcastle University set up an experiment in their psychology departments coffee room. They set a kettle, with tea, coffee and milk on the counter and hung

9、up a sign listing the prices for drinks. People helping themselves to a cup of drink were supposed to put a few cents in the box nearby. The scientists hung a poster above the money box, and it changed each week between images of gazing eyes and pictures of flowers. The researchers found that staff

10、paid 2. 76 times mole for their drinks when the image of the eyes was hung. “ Frankly we were shocked by the size of the effect. “ said Gilbert Roberts, one of the researchers. Eyes are known to be a powerful perceptual(感官的 )signal for humans. “Even though the eyes were not real, they still seemed t

11、o make people behave more honestly. “ said Melissa Bateson, a behavioral biologist and leader of the study. Researchers believe the effect sheds light on our evolutionary past. It may arise from behavioral features that developed when early humans formed social groups to strengthen their chances of

12、survival. For social groups to work, individuals had to co-operate, rather than act selfishly. “Theres an argument that if nobody is watching us, it is in our interests to behave selfishly. But when were being watched we should behave better. So people see us as co-operative and behave the same way

13、towards us. “ Bateson said. The new finding indicates that people have a striking response to eyes. That might be because eyes and faces send a strong biological signal we have evolved to respond to. The finding could be put to practical use, too. For example, images of eyes could increase ticket sa

14、les on public transport and improve supervision systems to prevent antisocial behavior. SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 3 一直以 来,哈佛大学要求在校本科生除了自己的主修专业课程之外,还要修习一系列课程,以确保他们受到的本科教育涵盖了宽泛的研究课题和研究方法。哈佛大学新的通识教育项目大胆地致力于将学生在课堂上学到的知识与校园围墙外的生活、甚至毕业后的生活联系起来。通识教育课程的内容和其他课程内容具有相连性,但教学方式并不一样。通识教育课程的目的不是

15、将学生带人一门学科,而是将一门学科融入学生的生活。通识教育项目把艺术和科学与学生们面临的 21世纪的世界以及毕业后的生活联系起来,让学生了解哈佛大学所有的研究课题和研究技巧。 通识教育 课程由本科生主修课程之外的一系列课程组成,从而取代了过去 30多年来一直实行的核心课程体系。目前,有很多的通识教育课程是由较大的核心课程转化而来,其他诸如 “生命的定义:从夸克 (quark)到意识 ”这类课程就是全新的了。这些新课程将课堂学习和其更广泛的含义联系起来,不仅是跨学科的,还超越了课堂本身。其中有些课程还是由不同系别的教授联合授课的。 4 与你的个人外表和自我态度一样,你做生意的方式也可以使客户产生

16、良好的印象。当拜访客户时,很重要的一点是谈话开门见山。他并不会真的对你所谈论的天气状况,前一天 晚上的总统演说,或是星期天的橄榄球赛感兴趣。他也不会对你夸奖他的西装好看,和墙上的照片中他女儿的美丽感兴趣。这样的闲聊是一种不真诚的表现形式,而且侵占了他的时间。我一直认为直截了当是最有效的,因此我向你保证任何一个商人都会因为你能这样做而对你尊重有加 正如外表决定了人的第一印象,外表也同样决定了一种产品,一个地方及一个公司的第一印象。 比方说,你也许注意到了生意兴隆饭店的泊车服务生会把劳斯莱斯、奔驰一凯迪拉克等汽车停在最显眼的位置,这样你在走向饭店门口的时候一定会看到它们。我过去以为这么做是 因为有

17、钱人给了更多小费,但真实的原因是每个成功的饭店经营者都懂得良好的形象能推销食品。他想告诉公众:我们招待的是懂格调的客人。因此,很明显,我们的食物一定是精心烹饪的。 一个干净整洁的外表也表示你讲效率有条理 我所知道的公司无不希望拥有这样的形象。如果你曾经走进过汽车维修站一间干净而整齐的车库,我确信你会和别人一样,认为把车留在那里维修感觉更舒服一些。 笔译二级实务模拟试卷 25答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 劳动力的定义是可以工作和赚取收入的总人数。这定义包括所被雇用的每个人或者说所需要支付的雇用,所以它包括雇

18、用者和自我雇用者。 尽管劳动力的总数在很大的程度上取决于人口总数,但它同样受其他因素的影响。总人数的年龄分布状态对可利用的劳动力有很大的影响。如果人口中有很大一部分年龄很小或者很大,那么它的可利用劳动力的总数就要比年龄分布平均的可利用劳动力的总数低。如果人数自然增长,也就是说出生数远大于死亡人数,那么随着总人数增加,劳动力的总数就会减少。 有时人口可描述为人口老化,意 思就是当出生率下降或增长得很慢的时候,有人退休而又无足够的年轻人代替那些即将离开的人,这就形成了人口老龄化。所以当人口增长快或出生率下降的时候,劳动力的人口百分比就会下降。 人口年龄的分布会对经济产生影响。如果人口老化,退休人员

19、增加而无新成员的加入时,就会产生为退休人群提供合理化社会服务的经济问题。如果老人需要在特殊的老人之家或旅馆得到关怀和照顾,必须有足够的资金来保障这种服务。如果相比较于总人数,劳动力的总数太小,政府的税收就会相应的减少。政府就会减少资金的投入,或者工作人员的税收将会增加。 2 【正确答案】 上周英国心理学家报道,英语中有句谚语说,诚实才是上策。不幸的是,当没有人监督时,诚实常常离开我们。 英国纽卡斯尔大学的研究者在他们的心理学系的咖啡室做了一项试验。他们在柜台上设置了一把壶,放置了茶叶,咖啡和牛奶同时在各种饮料上面标明了价格。只要在盒子旁边放上几美分,客人就可以自己动手做一杯饮料。科学家在装钱的

20、盒子上方贴了一个海报,这张海报要么是一张比较形象的监视的眼睛要么就是花。研究者发现当张贴画有眼睛的海报时,人们为自己的饮料付费要多出 2 76倍。其中的一位研究者吉尔伯特 -罗伯特说: “坦白地说我们对此很震惊。 ” 眼睛是人类最有力的感官信号。一位行为生物行为学家和该项研究的学者 梅丽撒 -巴特森说: “即使海报上的眼睛画像不是真的,但它们还是似乎能使人们表现得更诚实。 ” 研究者认为此效果就是使我们进化的过去清楚地显示出来。它可能起始于早期人类形成社会群体以增强他们生存机会时发展出来的行为特点。对于一个社会群体的工作,个人必须合作,而不是自私地行事。班纳森说, “现在有一种观点就是如果没有

21、人监视我们,我就会为了自己的利益而自私地行事,但是当我们被监视的时候,我们做的 会更好。所以人们觉得我们是可以合作的,他们也会以同样的合作方式对待我们。 ” 这项新的发现表明人们对眼睛有很强的反应。这可能是因为眼睛和脸可以给我们很强的我们已经进化到可以对之产生反应的生理信号。这项发现也可以用于实践。例如,形象的眼睛可以在公共交通中提高售票率,提高监督系统阻止不符合社会规则的行为。 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 3 【正确答案】 Traditionally, the undergraduates of Harvard Universit

22、y are required to study their major subjects as well as a series of other courses in order to ensure their undergraduate education covers extensive research themes and methods. The general education program at Harvard University bravely aims at combining the knowledge the students learn in classes w

23、ith the life outside campus or even the life after graduation. The content of the general education program is of connection with other subjects, but the teaching method is different. The target of general education program is not to immerse a student into certain subject, but to introduce that subj

24、ect into the life of that student. The general education program links art and science together with the 21th century facing the student and the life after the graduation, making students familiar with all the research themes and methods. The general education program consists of a wide range of cou

25、rses besides the major subjects for the undergraduates, and supercedes the core system that has been practiced for the past three decades. At present, many courses under the general education program derive from major core courses , and some other subjects such as The Definition of Life, From Quark

26、to Consciousness are completely new. These courses combine the class learning with wider implication, which are not only inter-discipline, but also beyond class learning itself, and some of which are taught by different professors from different disciplines. 4 【正确答案】 Just like your personal appearan

27、ce and attitude, the manner you adopt in doing business can also decide whether the impression you leave to the customer is good or not. When visiting your customer, a key is to be direct and frank about your aims. In effect, the customer will not be interested in what you say in your small talk, su

28、ch as the weather, the last nights presidential speech or the Sundays Rugby match, nor will he be interested in your flattering admiration for his suits or the beauty of his loving daughter depicted in photograph hung on the wall. The kind of meaningless chatting is a form of insincerity, and wastes

29、 his valuable time. I always think that the directness and frankness is the utmost effective, so I promise you that any merchant will pay great respect to you for your doing so like this. Just as the appearance decides the first impression you show to others, the appearance also decides the first im

30、pression of one product, place and company. For example, you may find that the parking steward of a booming hotel always directs Rolls-Royce , Benz and Cadillac etc. to park at showy places in order to attract the eyes of the passers-by. I once believe that this practice is caused by tips given by t

31、he luxury cars owners, but the real reason is that the manager of a successful hotel is extremely clear of the manipulation of promotion techniques by nice images. He wants to tell the public: The guests we treat are elegant, so clearly, our meals must be delicious. A neat appearance also suggests that your are efficient and orderlyAll the companies I know hope to possess this kind of benign image. If you have stepped into a tidy garage of an auto service station, I am sure you will be convinced like anybody else that it is more comfortable to leave your car to be maintained there.

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