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1、笔译二级实务模拟试卷 3及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 In its plans to develop Greece as a year-round tourist destination, the Ministry of Tourism is focusing on alternative forms of tourism, beyond the sun, sea and sand classical summer holiday. Among other sectors, these include health

2、and beauty tourism. Apart from stunning natural beauties, nature has endowed Greece with hot springs whose therapeutic properties were already known in ancient times. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was the first to discover their virtues some 25 centuries ago. The geographical location of thes

3、e springs is not accidental as it is related either to tectonic events or volcanic activities. Their waters are therapeutic for ailments such as rheumatism, arthritis and complaints related to lungs, kidneys, blood circulation and dermatology, among others. Of more than 750 natural springs, around 8

4、0 operate professionally as natural spas, many with accommodation and other facilities. In consultations with tourism associations, hoteliers and tourism investment consultants, the government is drafting a new law to define the rules for health tourism. Expected to be approved by Parliament early n

5、ext year, the law will establish the legal framework and the prerequisites for health tourism centers, including provisions for handicapped guests. One condition will be that such centers will have to operate all year, not just in summer. Another is that hotels providing health facilities should be

6、near a hospital or an airport. The Development Law, which came into force in December 2004, provides attractive incentives, such as subsidies or tax breaks for health tourism center investments. The government is encouraging regional development in areas in northwestern Greece. Doctors and investors

7、 from Sweden, Britain and Germany have already shown interest in establishing health tourism centers in Greece, to take advantage of the countrys mild climate, low humidity and year-round sunshine. In addition to hydrotherapy, some centers will deal with illnesses of the psyche depression, psycholog

8、ical problems and addictions. The serenity of many parts of Greeces countryside is seen as therapeutic for people from northern countries where cold, dreary climates can lead sufferers to depression and suicide. Spread throughout Greece, many natural mineral springs are owned by the National Tourism

9、 Organization of Greece and managed by the Tourism Development Co. The latter is gradually divesting itself of its. large and diverse portfolio through long-term leasing of its holdings, including mineral springs and spas. SECTION 2 Optional Translation (30 points) 2 It was a dark and stormy evening

10、, rapidly turning into the proverbial dark and stormy night, and I needed to find a place to stay. I was driving along an Austrian freeway, so I did what Ive done on any number of previous occasions: I took the near exit and looked for a sign pointing to the nearest gasthof, or inn. The exit was Gle

11、isdorf, between Graz and the Hungarian border. And off the highway, a couple of kilometers along the road, there it was, a sign at a lefthand turn, pointing up a narrow country road into the dark. The sign read “Gasthof Gruber“ so of course I followed the indication. Fifteen minutes or so later, I f

12、ound myself in the village of Markt, at a quaint-looking inn whose windows glowed invitingly and whose balconies were full of flowers. A smiling woman in a floor-length dirndl led me to a comfortable room, equipped with a television and private bath. I dropped my bags, went back downstairs, and sett

13、led into the dining room, which was heated by a big, old-fashioned tiled stove. Soon I was sipping a glass of sturm, a mildly alcoholic, fleshly fermented grape juice, and digging in to a bowl of delicious soup. The room, with a full breakfast, cost 30, or about $ 36, and my dinner, with wine, cost

14、10. One of the pleasures of driving in Austria is, in fact, stopping for the night. All parts of the country are studded with family-run country inns that, like the Gasthof Gruber, offer spotless, moderately priced rooms and good, sometimes excellent, food that often features specialties of the regi

15、on. Room prices average 25 to 35 for a single. Some inns are clustered in towns or villages along main roadways. But many are deep in the countryside or in mountain hamlets reached by winding lanes. Standardized green signs bearing the name of a gasthof and the symbols of a bed and crossed knife and

16、 fork point the way at many intersections. In popular vacation areas, there may be half a dozen or more such signs stacked on one post or standing next to each other at a turn-off. In years of driving regularly in Austria, I have rarely booked a room in advance, trusting always that I will find a pl

17、easant place to stay by following the signs. Ive rarely been disappointed, and often my night in a gasthof has proved such an enjoyable oasis between bouts of long-distance driving that I found it difficult to leave in the morning and get back on the road. 3 For five years I have maintained our nati

18、ons solid commitment to scientific research and technological development, because I believe theyre essential to our nations economic growth and to building the right kind of bridge to the 21st century. The balanced budget I will submit in just a few weeks to Congress reflects this continued commitm

19、ent. And, in my upcoming State of the Union Address, Ill talk more about what we arc doing to keep America on the cutting edge of the scientific and technological advancements that are driving our new global economy. Still, its good to remember that scientific advancement does not occur in a moral v

20、acuum. Technological developments divorced from values will not bring us one step closer to meeting the challenges or reaping the benefits of the 21st century. This week, like many Americans, I learned the profoundly troubling news that a member of the scientific community is actually laying plans t

21、o clone a human being. Personally, I believe that human cloning raises deep concerns, given our cherished concepts of faith and humanity. Beyond that, however, we know there is virtually unanimous consensus in the scientific and medical communities that attempting to use these cloning techniques to

22、actually clone a human being is untested, unsafe and morally unacceptable. We must continue to maintain our deep commitment to scientific research and technological development. But when it comes to a discovery like cloning, we must move with caution, care. and deep concern about the impact of our a

23、ctions. That is why I banned the use of federal funds for cloning human beings while we study the risks and responsibilities of such a possibility. And thats why I sent legislation to Congress last June that would ban the cloning of human beings for at least five years while preserving our ability t

24、o use the morally and medically acceptable applications of cloning technology. Unfortunately, Congress has not yet acted on this legislation. Yet, its now clearer than ever the legislation is exactly what is needed. The vast majority of scientists and physicians in the private sector have refrained

25、from using these techniques improperly, and have risen up to condemn any plans to do so. But we know its possible for some to ignore the consensus of their colleagues and proceed without regard to our common values. So today, again, I call on Congress to act now to make it illegal for anyone to clon

26、e a human being. SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 4 矿产资源是自然资源的 重要组成部分,是人类社会发展的重要物质基础。中国是世界上最早开发利用矿产资源的国家之一。过去 50年来,中国在矿产资源勘探开发方面取得巨大成就。这为中国经济的持续、快速、健康发展提供了重要保障。 中国政府高度重视可持续发展和矿产资源的合理利用,把可持续发展确定为国家战略,把保护资源作为可持续发展战略的重要内容。 中国是一个人口众多、资源相对不足的发展中国家。中国主要依靠本国的矿产资源来保障现代化建设的需要。同时,中国又积极引进国外资本和技术开发中

27、国矿产资源,利用国外市场与国外矿产资源,并努 力推动中国矿山企业和矿产品进入国际市场 . SECTION 2 Optional Translation (20 points) 5 中国目前已经建成 1.9万公里公路。自 1990年以来,中国每年都要新增 3700公里公路。到 2020年公路网将连接中国所有主要城市。中国公路总里程将仅次于美国,达到 55000公里。 高速公路网将带来深远的影响。城市带将形成;人们的生活方式将会发生变化;枢纽城市的经济增长率将迅速上升,因为便利的交通条件将吸引更多的投资者。 许多国际开发商支持 这种看法。世界银行和亚洲开发银行正用巨额贷款支持中国开展公路建设。它们

28、认为公路建设对于缓解贫困至关重要。自上世纪末,亚洲开发银行已减少它在中国经济发达的东部地区的公路投资,而将重点转向较为贫困的西部地区。 在公路建设中,中国也很重视支线公路建设,因为支线公路可以使小城镇充分利用附近干线公路建设带来的发展机遇。 6 长期以来西方人一直怀疑由草药制成的中成药是否有效。在过去的几年内,中国传统医药在世界范围内经历了严格的科学审查。 为证明和提高传统治疗方法的效益,中国大陆投入了巨资 在这方面进行艰苦研究。香港一直在努力使自己成为世界上传统中医研究的带头人。台湾也提出它将把自己建成一个中医技术中心。 传统中医药的研究工作在亚洲以外地区的大学和其它机构也蓬勃开展。这些揭开

29、传统医学秘密的研究工作可能会为中西医都大感头疼的疾病患者带来福音。 尽管在理论上中西医之间还存在着分歧,一些对中医药感兴趣的著名国际制药公司已开始在中国实施小规模的研究项目。一批新药已在亚洲各地接受试验。 笔译二级实务模拟试卷 3答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 希腊正计划发展成为全年开放的旅游胜地。除原有的阳光、海水和沙滩的夏季假日旅游项目之外,旅游部正在集中精力开发其他类型的旅游项目,其中,有一项叫做健康与美容旅游。 大自然赐予希腊的,除令人惊叹的天然美景之外,还有许多温泉,其医疗性能,在古代即已闻名于世

30、。医学之父希波克拉底,约 2500年前就首先发现了温泉的这种功效。 温泉的地理分布也并非偶然,因为这是与地壳运动或火山活动相关的,温泉的泉水对许多疾病有疗效,例如风湿病、关节炎以及 与肺、肾、血液循环和皮肤有关的各种疾病。在 750多个天然温泉之中,有约 80处是按照天然水疗中心的规格经营的,许多地方具备住宿条件和其他设施。 政府经与旅游协会、酒店老板和旅游投资顾问协商,正在起草一部新的法律,以便使健康旅游有章可循。预计此项法律明年初即可在议会通过,这样就为建立各健康旅游中心确定一个法律框架,并提出先决条件,包括有关残疾客人的各项条款。一个条件是,这类中心必须常年营业,而不是只在夏季营业。另一

31、个条件是,提供保健设施的旅店要建在医院或机场附近。 2004年 12月生效的发展法 规定了颇具吸引力的奖励措施,例如健康旅游中心投资者可享受补贴或减税优惠。政府鼓励在希腊西北部各地实行区域开发。 瑞典、英国和德国的医生和投资者已经表示有意在希腊建立健康旅游中心,以利用希腊温和的气候、较低的湿度和常年的阳光。有些健康旅游中心除进行水疗外,还治疗精神方面的疾病 抑郁症、心理问题和上瘾的习惯等。希腊乡村有许多地方安宁恬静,人们认为这样的环境对北欧人来说可以起到医疗的作用,因为北欧各国气候阴冷,能使患者染上抑郁症,乃至自杀。 天然矿泉遍布希腊各地,许多矿泉归希腊国家旅游组织所有 ,由旅游开发公司经营。

32、旅游开发公司正逐步减轻自身庞杂的任务,采取的办法是长期出租其所控的地产,包括矿泉和水疗中心。 【试题解析】 1 In its plans to develop Greece as a year-round tourist destination, the Ministry of Tourism is focusing on alternative forms of tourism, beyond the sun, sea and sand classical summer holiday. Among other sectors, these include health and beauty

33、 tourism. 希腊正计划民展成为全年开放的旅游胜地,除原有的阳光、海水和沙滩的夏季假日旅游项目之外,旅游部正在集中精力开发其他类型的旅游项目,其中,有一项叫做健康与美容旅游。 分析 理解结构采分点。 该句采用合句法和断句法进行翻译。介词短语 In its plans to develop Greece as a year-round tourist destination可以翻译成小句 “希腊正计划发展成为全年开放的旅游胜地 ”。 Among other sectors, these include health and beauty tourism和 the Ministry of T

34、ourism is focusing on alternative forms of tourism合成一句,译成 “旅游部正在集中精力开发其他类型的旅游项目,其中,有一项叫做健康与美容旅游 ”。在翻译短语 beyond the sun, sea and sand classical summer holiday时要增词“项目 ”。 sector相当于 forms of tourism。 2 Their waters are therapeutic for ailments such as rheumatism, arthritis and complaints related to lung

35、s, kidneys, blood circulation and dermatology, among others. 温泉的泉水对许多疾病有疗效,例如风湿病、关节炎以及与肺、肾、血液循环和皮肤有关的各种疾病。 分析 理解表达采分点。 waters译成 “温泉泉水 ”。 complaints related to要省译,直接翻译出疾病的名称即可。 3 In consultations with tourism associations, hoteliers and tourism investment consultants, the government is drafting a new

36、 law to define the rules for health tourism. 政府经与旅游协会、酒店老板和旅 游投资顾问协商,正在起草一部新的法律,以便使健康旅游有章可循。 分析 理解表达采分点。 association指 “协会 ”。不定式短语 to define the rules for health tourism可以译成 “以便使健康旅游有章可循 ”,也可以翻译成 “为健康旅游制定相关规章 ”。 4 The Development Law, which came into force in December 2004, provides attractive incent

37、ives, such as subsidies or tax breaks for health tourism center investments. 2004年 12月生效的发展法规定了颇具吸引力的奖励措施,例如健康旅游中心投资者可享受补贴或减税优惠。 分析 基本素质采分点。 Development Law指已经制定出的法律,要用书名号 “发展法 ”。 came into force指 “生效 ”。 tax breaks这里指 “减税 ”。 5 The government is encouraging regional development in areas in northweste

38、rn Greece.政府鼓励在希腊西北部各地实行区域开发。 分析 理解表达采分点。 regional development译成 “区域开发 ”,两个介词短语 in areas in northwestern Greece译成 “在希腊西北部各地 ”。 6 In addition to hydrotherapy, some centers will deal with illnesses of the psyche depression, psychological problems and addictions. 有些健康旅游中心除进行水疗外,还治疗精神方面的疾病 抑郁症、心理问题和上瘾的习

39、惯等。 分析 选词用词采分点。 deal with后面跟的是疾病名称,在这里应该译成 “治疗 ”。 7 The serenity of many parts of Greeces countryside is seen as therapeutic for people from northern countries where cold, dreary climates can lead sufferers to depression and suicide. 希腊乡村有许多地方安宁恬静,人们认为这样的环境对北欧人来说可以起到医疗的作用,因为北欧各国气候阴冷,能使患者染上抑郁症,乃至自杀。

40、分析 理解结构采分点。 该句为复合句,从句由 where引导,翻译时用连词 “因为 ”表示原因。主句中的主语 The serenity of many parts of Greeces countryside译成独立句 子 “希腊乡村有许多地方安宁恬静 ”。谓语部分 is seen as therapeutic for people from northern countries已成另外一句,增加主语,同时也可增加 “人们认为 ”,译成 “人们认为这样的环境对北欧人来说可以起到医疗的作用 ”。 8 The latter is gradually divesting itself of its

41、large and diverse portfolio through long-term leasing of its holdings, including mineral springs and spas. 旅游开发公司正逐步减轻自身庞杂的任务,采取的办法是长期出租其所控的地产,包括矿泉和水疗中心。 分析 理解表达采分点。 the latter在新句子中,上下文不很明确,不能直接翻译成 “后者 ”,要译出上一句提到的全称 “旅游开发公司 ”。 SECTION 2 Optional Translation (30 points) 2 【正确答案】 那是一个风雨交加的黄昏,天很快黑下来,成了

42、大家都熟悉的那种风雨交加 的黑夜。我需要找个地方停下来歇息。我当时正开着车行驶在奥地利的一条公路上。于是我就仿照以前多次的做法,在不远的一个出口下了公路,看有没有路标指示最近的旅店。他们管旅店叫 “盖斯霍夫 ”。 那出口名叫格累斯朵夫,位于格拉兹和匈牙利边境之间。下了公路之后,又开了大约两公里,在向左拐弯的地方,果然有一个路标,指向一条狭窄的乡间小路,远处是一片漆黑。那路标上写着 “格鲁伯旅店 ”I我当然就顺着路标指的方向驶去。 大约过了一刻钟,我来到马科特村,停在一家古色古香的旅店门前。那旅店的窗户透出诱人的灯光,阳台上摆 满了花。一个女人笑容满面,身穿落地长裙,把我领到一间舒适的屋子里,屋

43、里有电视,还有专用的卫生间。 我放下行李,回到楼下,在餐厅里坐下。那里有一个老式镶瓷砖的大火炉,烧得屋里暖洋洋的。不一会儿,我就端着一杯斯托姆酒品尝起来。这是一种新酿制的低度葡萄酒。接着我又喝了一碗味道鲜美的汤。我的房间,加上全套的早餐,一共花了 30欧元,合 36美元。我那顿晚饭,连酒在内,共花了 10欧元。 其实,在奥地利开车旅行,乐趣之一就是停下来过夜。全国各地到处都有家庭经营的乡间旅店,就像格鲁伯旅店那样,房间一尘不染 ,价格适中,饭菜可口,有时极好,往往带有地方风味。一个单人房间的租金平均 25至 35欧元。 有些旅店集中在主要公路沿线的村镇里。也有许多旅店远在乡间,或地处山村,需要

44、顺着蜿蜒的车道行驶才能到达。 在许多交叉路口可以看到标准化的绿色路标,上面写着一家旅店的名字,画着一张床和交叉的刀叉组成的标记,指引道路。在游人众多的度假区,会在岔路口看到五六个甚至更多上面说的那种路标钉在同一根柱子上,或并排站在那里。 几年来,我经常在奥地利驾车旅行,很少预定房间,从不怀疑只要跟着路标走,准能找到一个好地 方过夜。我还没怎么失望过,而且我常感到在旅店过夜的确是长途驾车途中最愉快的歇息,弄得我第二天早上都舍不得离开,不愿重新上路了。 【试题解析】 1 It was a dark and stormy evening, rapidly turning into the prove

45、rbial dark and stormy night, and I needed to find a place to stay. 那是一个风雨交加的黄昏,天很快黑下来,成了大家都熟悉的那种风雨交加的黑夜。我需要找个地方停下来歇息 。 分析 选词用词采分点。 该句中的并列句 and I needed to find a place to stay单独译成一句。 proverbial指 “有谚语式的,众所周知的,公认的 ”,这里可译为 “大家都熟悉的 ”。 2 I was driving along an Austrian freeway, so I did what Ive done on

46、any number of previous occasions: I took the nearest and looked for a sign pointing to the nearest gasthof, or inn. 我当时正开着车行驶在奥地利的一条公路上。于是我就仿照以前多次的做法,在不远的一个出口下了公路,看有没有路标指示最近的旅店。他们管旅店叫 “盖斯霍夫 ”。 分析 理解结构采分点及选词用词采分点。 第一个逗号前面的句子可以翻译成一个独立的句子。 exit指 “出口,太平门 ”,此句短语应为 “最近的出口 ”; sign pointing指 “路标指示 ”。 3 And

47、off the highway, a couple of kilometers along the road, there it was, a sign at a lefthand turn, pointing up a narrow country road into the dark. The sign read “Gasthof Gruber“ so of course I followed the indication.下了公路之后,又开了大约两公里,在向左拐弯的地方,果然有一个路标,指向二条狭窄的乡间小路,远处是一片漆黑。那路标上写着 “格鲁 伯旅店 ”我当然就顺着路标指的方向驶去。

48、 分析 选词用词采分点。 into the dark 采用切分法翻译 “远处是一片漆黑 ”。 read不能译成 “读 ”,这里指的是路标上 “写着 ”。 4 Fifteen minutes or so later, I found myself in the village of Markt, at a quaint-looking inn whose windows glowed invitingly and whose balconies were full of flowers. 大约过了一刻钟,我来到马科特村,停在一家古色古香的旅店门前。那旅店的窗户透出诱人的灯光,阳台上摆满了花。 分

49、析 理解结构采分点及基本素质采分点。 该句分译成两句。从句 whose windows glowed invitingly and whose balconies were full of flowers要单独翻译成一句,作为解释。 I found myself in “发现自己在 ”应采用意译法,译为 “我到了 ”。 quaint意思是 “离奇有趣的;优雅的;奇怪的 ”, .quaint-looking inn.引申译为 “古色古香的旅店 ”。 invitingly在此指 “诱人地 ”。 5 All parts of the country are studded with family-run country inns that, like the Gasthof Gruber, offer spotless, moderately priced rooms and good, sometimes excellent, food that often features specialties of the region.全国各地到处都有家庭经营的乡间旅店

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