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1、笔译二级实务模拟试卷 4及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 Japan owes a lot to China. Chinese demand for Japanese goods has helped Japans economy recover, while competition has pressured executives to start restructuring Japans companies and banks. Japan is an example of how China is offering

2、 two benefits to the global economy. One is the way in which China is acting as an economic engine, buying up ever-increasing amounts of goods and natural resources. The other is the flow of inexpensive Chinese goods that drag down consumer prices across the world. There are downsides, like the decl

3、ine of manufacturing industries from Detroit and Perth. Folks in developed economies losing jobs or taking pay cuts would hardly agree that Chinas rising influence is a good thing. But at the moment, Chinas 9.5 percent growth rate is proving more of a blessing than a bane for countries like Japan. Q

4、uietly, at the start of this decade, Japanese companies began shifting production abroad, cutting costs, selling off extraneous businesses and paying down debt. The government also stepped up efforts to attract more foreign direct investment, something Japan had little use for in the past. Taken tog

5、ether, these actions largely prompted by Chinas advance, have led to the most organic and convincing recovery Japan has seen in years. While Japan has much further to got to make its economy more globally competitive, it is worth noting how far it has come from the dark days of the late 1990s. There

6、 are many benefits inherent in Chinas advance. One of them was spelled out by Anatole Kaletsky, an editor and economic columnist at The Times of London. He wrote on August 18 that Chinas rise is making the richest nations even richer. Along with pushing down global prices of mass-produced goods, Chi

7、nas influence may actually be pushing up the prices of products and services China does not or cannot make. That can be seen in the prices of things that China consumes oil, financial services, luxury goods and real estate. Kaletsky said that as prices of luxury goods and financial services are driv

8、en higher, prosperous countries with service industries become wealthier, compared with manufacturing countries. SECTION 2 Optional Translation (30 points) 2 Ever since the economist David Ricardo offered the basic theory in 1817, economic scripture has taught that open trade free of tariffs, quotas

9、, subsidies or other government distortions improves the well-being of both parties. U.S. policy has implemented this doctrine with a vengeance. Why is free trade said to be universally beneficial? The answer is a doctrine called “comparative advantage“. Heres a simple analogy. If a surgeon is highl

10、y skilled both at doing operations and performing routine blood tests, its more efficient for the surgeon to concentrate on the surgery and pay a less efficient technician to do the tests, since that allows the surgeon to make the most efficient use of her own time. By extension, even if the United

11、States is efficient both at inventing advanced biotechnologies and at the routine manufacture of medicines, it makes sense for the United States to let the production work migrate to countries that can make the stuff more cheaply. Americans get the benefit of the cheaper products and get to spend th

12、eir resources on even more valuable pursuits. That, anyway, has always been the premise. But here Samuelson dissents. What if the lower-wage country also captures the advanced industry? If enough higher-paying jobs are lost by American workers to outsourcing, he calculates, then the gain from the ch

13、eaper prices may not compensate for the loss in U.S. purchasing power. “Free trade is not always a win-win situation,“ Samuelson concludes. It is particularly a problem, he says, in a world where large countries with far lower wages, like India and China, are increasingly able to make almost any pro

14、duct or offer almost any service performed in the United States. If America trades freely with them, then the powerful drag of their far lower wages will begin dragging down U.S. average wages. The U.S. economy may still grow, fie calculates, but at a lower rate than it otherwise would have. 3 Ugand

15、as eagerness for genuine development is reflected in its schoolchildrens smiles and in the fact that so many children are now going to school. Since 1997, when the government began to provide universal primary education, total primary enrollment had risen from 3 million to 7.6 million in 2004. Schoo

16、ls have opened where none existed before, although there is some way to go in reaching the poorest areas of the country. Uganda has also made strides in secondary and higher education, to the point that it is attracting many students from other countries. At the secondary level, enrollment is above

17、700,000, with the private sector providing the majority of schools. For those who want to take their education further, there are 12 private universities in addition to the four publicly funded institutions, together providing 75,000 places. Education is seen as a vital component in the fight agains

18、t poverty. The battle for better health is another, although it is one that will take longer to win in a country that carries a high burden of disease, including malaria and AIDS. Here, the solutions can only arise from a combination of international support and government determination to continue

19、spending public money on preventive care and better public health information. Current government plans include recruiting thousands of nurses, increasing the availability of drugs and building 200 new maternity units. Ugandas high rate of population growth, at 3.6 percent per annum, poses a special

20、 challenge in the fight against poverty, says Finance Minister Gerald Ssendaula, who points out that the fertility rate, at 6.9 children per female, is the highest in Africa. The governments newly revised Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP) puts the “restoration of security“ at the top of the cur

21、rent government agenda. This is because it estimates that Uganda has lost 3 percent of its gross domestic product each year that the conflict has persisted. Displaced people are not only a financial burden, they are unable to contribute to the economy. The other core challenges identified by the rev

22、ised PEAP are finding ways to keep the lowest income growing, improving the quality of education, giving people more control over the size of their families and using public resources transparently and efficiently. It is a document that other poor countries could learn from. SECTION 1 Compulsory Tra

23、nslation (20 points) 4 进入新世纪,国际形势继续发生深刻复杂的变化。世界多极化和经济全球化在曲折中发展。科技进步日新月异,我们既面临着必须抓住的发展机遇,也面临着必须认真应对的严峻挑战,尽管当今世界还存在着这样那样的矛盾和利益冲突,不确定、不稳定因素有所增加,但和平与发展仍是当今时代的主题,世界要和平、国家要发展、人民要合作是不可阻挡的历史潮流。 当前亚洲形势总体稳定,和平、发展、合作已成为前进中亚洲的主流。经过共同努力,亚洲有关国家摆脱了金融危机的阴影,战胜了非典和禽流感疫情的冲击,经济结构调整取得成效, 产业升级换代步伐加快,区域合作方兴未艾,抗御风险能力不断增强。亚

24、洲仍然是全球最具发展活力的地区之一,也继续是全球贸易的重要增长点之一。我们对亚洲的发展前景充满信心。 SECTION 2 Optional Translation (20 points) 5 近年来,中国经济保持快速发展,为世界经济发展注入了活力。实践证明了中国在加入世贸组织之前的预言:中国的发展离不开世界,世界的发展需要中 国。未来 20年,在全面建设小康社会的进程中,中国一定会对世界经济的发展和实现全人类的共同进步做出历 史性的贡献。为此,中国将继续扩大外贸,大力实施西部大开发战略,进一步改善投资环境,为外商提供更大的商机。同时,中国将引导和支持更多有比较优势的企业对外投资,开展平等互利、

25、形式多样的经济技术合作。中国将进一步加强双边、多边和区域经济合作,实现世界各国各地区的共同发展。 6 移动电话正在成为 2 l世纪一个主要的技术领域。在几年之内,移动电话将会发展成为多功能的通信工具,除了语音之外,还可以传输和接收视频信号、静止图像、数据和文本。个人通信的新纪元即将到来。 在一定程度上多亏了无线网络的发展 ,电话正在与个人电脑和电视融合起来。不久之后,配有高分辨率显示屏的轻巧手机便可以与卫星连接。人们可以随时随地通话,收发电子邮件或者参加视像电话会议。这种手机也许还会吸收电脑的许多主要功能。移动通信工具有望带来一些互联网所能提供的新服务,如股票交易、购物及预订戏票和飞机票。 电

26、信革命已在全球范围内展开。不久之后,用一台装置就可以收到几乎任何形式的电子通信信号。最有可能的是一部三合一手机。在家里它可以用作无绳电话,在路上用作移动电话,在办公室里用作内部通话装置。有些专家甚至认为移动视像电话将超过电视, 成为主要的视频信息来源 . 笔译二级实务模拟试卷 4答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 日本从中国得到的好处是很大的。中国需要日本的商品,这就有助于日本经济的恢复,而竞争又迫使主管人员着手对日本的公司和银行进行结构性改革。 以日本为例,可以说明中国怎样为全球的经济带来两大好处。一方面,中

27、国买进越来越多的商品和自然资源,起着拉动经济的火车头作用。另一方面,中国不断出口便宜的商品,使全世界的消费品价格 下降。 不足之处也是有的,比如从底特律到珀斯的制造业日渐衰落。在发达国家,有人丢了工作,有人减了工资,他们大概不会觉得中国的影响日益增长是什么好事。 不过,眼下中国百分之 9.5%的增长率对日本这样的国家来说,与其说它是祸,不如说它是福。 本世纪一开始,日本的公司就悄悄地着手把生产转移到国外,降低成本,把没有直接联系的工商企业卖掉,偿还债务。政府还加紧吸引更多的外国直接投资,而这是日本过去不怎么加以利用的。 这些举措大都是中国的进步所诱发的,其综合效果就是日本得到了多年不曾有过的最

28、有组织的、最明显的恢复。虽然日本要使自己的经济更有全球竞争力,还有很长的路要走,但是它摆脱二十世纪末的黑暗时期,取得了多大的进展,也是不容忽视的。 中国的进步必然带来许多好处。其中有一条,伦敦泰晤士报编辑兼经济专栏作家阿纳托尔 卡莱茨基作了阐述。 8月 18日他写道,中国的兴起正使得富国更富了。 中国的影响一方面压低了大规模生产的商品的全球价格,一方面可能实际上也抬高了中国不提供或无法提供的产品和服务的价格。看一下中国消费品的价格,就一目了然了间 比如石油、金融服务、奢侈品 和房地产。 卡莱茨基指出,由于奢侈品和金融服务的价格上升,服务业发达的国家比制造业国家获益更大。 【试题解析】 1 Ja

29、pan owes a lot to China. 日本从中国得到的好处是很大的。 分析 用词选词采分点。 owe sb. a lot“欠 (债等 ),感激,把 归功于 ”,可引申翻译为 “得到很多好处 ”。 2 Chinese demand for Japanese goods has helped Japans economy recover, while competition has pressured executives to start restructuring Japans companies and banks. 中国需要日本的商品,这就有助于日本经济的恢复,而竞争又迫使主管

30、人员着手对日本的公司和银行进行结构性改革。 分析 理解结构采分点及基本素质采分点。 该复合句可以翻译成三个短句。主句的主语 Chinese demand for Japanese goods可以翻译成一句话 “中国需要日本的商品 ”,其中,名词 demand要进 行词性转换,翻译成动词。主句的动宾结构 has helped Japans economy recover要增加主语,翻译成另外一句:这就有助于日本经济的恢复。原句中的由 while引导的复合句翻译成第三个独立的句子。 3 One is the way in which China is acting as an economic e

31、ngine, buying up ever- increasing amounts of goods and natural resources. 一方面,中国买进越来越多的商品和 自然资源,起着拉动经济的火车头作用。 分析 理解结构采分点。 虽然本句为复合句,但要翻译成简单句。 which引导定语从句,用来修饰前面所提到的 the way。 One is the way翻译成状语 “一方面 ”,然后用从句的主语 China做主语同分词短语 buying up ever-increasing amounts of goods and natural resources翻译成一句话。原句的主语和

32、谓语部分放在最后翻译。 engine意为 “发动机,机车,火车头 ”,在这里选择 “火车头 ”的含 义。但短语 economic engine不能直译为 “经济火车头 ”,要增加动词 “拉动 ”,译为 “拉动经济的火车头 ”。 4 The other is the flow of inexpensive Chinese goods that drag down consumer prices across the world. 另一方面,中国不断出口便宜的商品,使全世界的消费品价格下降。 分析 理解结构采分点及选词用词采分点。 从句 that drag down consumer prices

33、 across the world翻译成一个并列动宾结构“使全世界的消费品价格下降 ”。 flow意思是 “流动, (河水 )泛滥 ”,实际上本文指的是中国的商品卖到国外或出口,所以泽成 “卖出 ”或 “出口 ”。 5 There are downsides, like the decline of manufacturing industries from Detroit and Perth. 不足之处也是有的,比如从底特律到珀斯的制造业日渐衰落。 分析 选词用词采分点。 downside指 “底侧,下降趋势 ”。因 为上面提到了优势,这里应该讲其不足的地方,译为 “不利因素 ”或者 “不足

34、之处 ”。 6 Folks in developed economies losing jobs or taking pay cuts would hardly agree that Chinas rising influence is a good thing. 在发达国家,有人丢了工作,有人减了工资,他们大概不会觉得中国的影响日益增长是什么好事。 分析 理解结构采分点。 该复合句可以翻译成几个简单句,以便符合汉语的习 惯。先把主句的主语 Folks in developed economies losing jobs or taking pay cuts翻译成两个小句: Folks in

35、developed economies losing. jobs可以译成 “在发达国家,有人丢了工作 ”;动宾结构 taking pay cuts译成 “有人减了工资 ”。整个句子的谓语及其宾语从句 would hardly agree that Chinas rising influence is a good thing增加主语 “他们 ”,译成第三 个分句 “他们大概不会觉得中国的影响日益增长是什么好事 ”。介词短语 in developed economies中的 economics不能直接译成 “经济 ”,因为它实际上指的是经济发达的国家,所以译成 “发达国家 ”为宜。 7 But

36、at the moment, Chinas 9.5 percent growth rate is proving more of a blessing than a bane for countries like Japan. 不过,眼下中国 9.5%的增长率对日本这样的国家来说,与其 说它是祸,不如说它是福。 分析 基本素质采分点。 more ofthan.“ 与其说是 不如说是 ” ; blessing意为 “祝福 ”, bane意为“毒药,祸害 ”,两者属于对应的,这里应该分别译为 “福和祸 ”。 8 Taken together, these actions largely promp

37、ted by Chinas advance, have led to the most organic and convincing recovery Japan has seen in years. 这些举措大都是中国的进步所诱发的,其综合效果就是日本得到了多年不曾有过的最有组织的、最明显的恢复。 分析 理解结构采分点。 该句翻译成两个分句。原句的主语及其修饰语 these actions largely prompted by Chinas advance译成单独一句 “这些举措大都是中国的进步所诱发的 ”。 action指“行为,行动 ”,但在此处指的是所采取过的方法或措施,所以译成 “

38、举措 ”或 “措施 ”。谓语动词及后面部分 have led to the most organic and convincing recovery Japan has seen in years译成另外一句 “其综合效果就是日本得到了多年不曾有过的最有组织的、最明显的恢复 ”。 9 While Japan has much further to got to make its economy more globally competitive, it is worth noting how far it has come from the dark days of the late l990

39、s. 虽然日 本要使自己的经济更有全球竞争力,还有很长的路要走,但是它摆脱20世纪末的黑暗时期,取得了多大的进展,也是不容忽视的。 分析 基本素质采分点。 worth noting指 “值得关注 ”,可采用正说反译法,译成 “不容忽视 ”。 has much further to got要用增词法,译成 “还有很长的路要走 ”。 10 One of them was spelled out by Anatole Kaletsky, an editor and economic columnist at The Times of London其中有一条,伦敦泰晤士报编辑兼经济专栏作家阿纳托尔 卡

40、莱茨基作了阐述。 分析 基本素质采分点。 spell out意为 “详细解释,清楚地说明 ”。 The Times of London指 “伦敦泰晤士报 ”。 11 Along with pushing down global prices of mass-produced goods, Chinas influence may actually be pushing. up the prices of products and services China does not or cannot make. 中国的影响一方面压低了大规模生产的商品的全球价格,一方面可能实际上也抬高了中国不提供或

41、无法提供的产品和服务的价格。 分析 理解结构采分点。 句中的介词短语 Along with pushing down global prices of mass-produced goods可以翻译成独立句子 “中国的影响一方面压低了大规模生产的商品的全球价格 ”同Chinas influence may actually be pushing up the prices of products.译成并列句。 SECTION 2 Optional Translation (30 points) 2 【正确答案】 自从经济学家李嘉图于 1817年提出基本理论以来,经济学方面的经典著作都说自由贸易

42、免除关税、限额和补贴,也没有政府的其它小动作,因此会增加双方的利益。美国的政策是不遗余力地实行这一理论。为什么说自由贸易可以使大家普遍受益呢 ?这可以在所谓 “相对优势 ”的理论中找到答案。 打个简单的比方,假如一位外科医生,既擅长动手术,又会做常规的验血工作,要取得较好的效益,就应让她集中精力做手术,同时雇一个能力较差的技术员去搞化验,因为这样就能让这位外科医生最有效地利用自己的时间。 引申而言,虽然美国既擅长发明高级的生物技术,又精于日常的药品生产,明智的做法还是把药品生产从美国转移至生产费用更低的国家。这样,美国人就可以一方面因廉价产品获利,一方面把自己的资源用来从事更有价值的事业。这一

43、向就是讨论问题的前提。但是现在萨缪尔森却提出了不同的看法。如果低工资国家也掌握了先进的产 业,怎么办 ? 据他估计,假如把过多的美国工人失去的较高工资的工作包到国外去,美国从廉价商品的获益不见得能补偿它购买力下降造成的损失。 萨缪尔森断言: “自由贸易并不总是一种双赢的局面。 ”他说,当今世界这个问题尤其突出。因为像印度和中国这样的大国,它们的工资低得多,可是他们的能力又在不断提高,美国能生产的产品,他们几乎都能生产,美国能提供的服务,他们也几乎都能够提供。 假如美国与这些国家进行自由贸易,它们低得多的工资产生的巨大影响就会把美国的平均工资往下拉。据他推算,美国的经济仍然 会增长,不过比应有的

44、增长速度要低。 【试题解析】 1 Ever since the economist David Ricardo offered the basic theory in 1817, economic scripture has taught that open tradefree of tariffs,quotas, subsidies or other government distortionsimproves the well-being of both parties自从经济学家李嘉图于 1817年提出基本理论以来,经济学方面的经典著作都说自由贸易免除关税、限额和补贴,也没有政府的其它小

45、动作,因此会增加双方的利益。 分析 用词选词采分点。 open trade是专门术语,应译成 “自由贸易 ”;如果把句中的 distortion译成 “曲解,歪曲事实的做法 ”在文中意思不通,应意译为 “小动作 ”;根据语境判断, party在这里是 “一方 ”。 2 with a vengeance不遗余力地。 分析 理解结构采分点。 固定短语 with a vengeance指 “激烈地、过度地 ”,跟 vengeance的原意 “报仇 ”无关。 3 Why is free trade said to be universally beneficial?The answer is a do

46、ctrine called“comparative advantage”为什么说自由贸易可以使大家普遍受益呢 ?这可以在所谓 “相对优势 ”的理论中找到答案。 分析 理解结构采分点。 句中的 is said to 不能翻译成 “被说成 ” 加上 “被 ”字,是错译,也不符合汉语习惯;根据语境, “comparative advantage”要译成 “相对优势 ”,而不是 “对比优势 ”。 4 by extension 引申而言 分析 理解结构采分点。 根据上下文,上文中说到医生会做的事,然后谈论美国政府也应该这样,可见这里 by extension是起过渡作用的。应译成 “引申而言 ”,也可以

47、译为 “换句话说;这也就是说 ”等。 5 what if 如果 怎么办 分析 理解结构采分点。 what if 等 于 what would happen if 6 If enough higher-paying jobs are lost by American workers to outsourcing,he calculates, then the gain from the cheaper prices may not compensate for the loss in U.S. purchasing power据他估计,假如把过多的美国工人失去的较高工资的工作包到国外去,美国从廉

48、价商品的获益不见 得能补偿它购买力下降造成的损失。 分析 用词选词采分点。 outsourcing(以立约方式 )将工作包出去,这里指的是 “让外国人来担当美国人失去的高薪职位。 ”在翻译 US purchasing power 时,应该采用增词法,加上 “下降 ”两字,才能把原文的意思表达完整。 7 a win-win situation双赢 分析 基本素质采分点。 这就是平常说的 “双赢 ”,也就是说双方都可以获利,根据字面意思,我们也可以推断的出来。生活中有好多的较为流行的话语 大多是直译过来的, 如:禽流感bird flu;所以我们在考试过程中要勤于推敲,但平时要尽量作到准确。 8 I

49、t is particularly a problem, he says, in a world where large countries with far lower wages. like India and China, are increasingly able to make almost any product or offer almost any service performed in the United States他说,当今世界这个问题尤其突出。因为像印度和中国这样的大国,它们的工资低得多,可是他们的能力又在不断提高,美国能生产的产品,他们几乎都能生产,美国能提供的服务,他们也几乎都能够提供。 分析 理解结构采分点。 首先要在译文中进行句序调整,根据汉语习惯把 “他说 ”(he says)提前。其次,采用断句翻译法。句子为定语从句,由 where引导。把主句 It is particularl

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