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1、笔译二级实务模拟试卷 9及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 The Dreadlock Deadlock In the fall of 1993 Christopher Polk transferred from FedExs hub in Indianapolis to take over a delivery route in Flatbush District, Brooklyn, N.Y. But moving to the countrys largest community of Caribbean and A

2、frican immigrants only precipitated a far more profound journey. “I was becoming culturally aware of the history of the black people,“ says Polk, now 31, “and that gave me these spiritual questions.“ His answer came providentially, by way of a music video featuring Lord Jamai, who raps about the Ras

3、tafarian belief in the sanctity of dreadlocks the cords of permanently interlocked strands first worn by African chiefs perhaps 6,000 years ago. Now a practicing Rastafarian, Polk sports thick garlands that gently cascade onto his shoulders. “Your hair is your covenant,“ he says. “Once you grow your

4、 locks, it puts you on a path.“ Unfortunately, that path was a collision course with Federal Expresss grooming policy, which requires men to confine their dos to “a reasonable style“. After years of deliberation, Polks bosses gave him a choice: shear his locks or be transferred to a lower-paid job w

5、ith no customer contact. He refused both options and was terminated in June 2000. His tale is not unique. Although Rastafarians number about 5,000 nationally, today dreadlocks, twists or braids are at the height of fashion, nearly as common as Afros were 30 years ago. If Afros symbolized militancy,

6、dreads signal a more spiritual self-declaration, a figurative locking with African ancestors. As Stanford professor Kennell Jackson, who teaches a course called “African Coiffures and Their New World Legacies“ puts it, “Theres a divinity to these locks.“ Divine or not, some employers consider them u

7、nacceptably outr. Six other New York-area FedEx employees have lost their jobs because of dreadlocks. They have sued, alleging religious discrimination; the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and New Yorks attorney general have also charged FedEx with violating religious protections in the

8、 Civil Rights Act. The dreadlock deadlock may be easing. FedEx altered its policy slightly a few weeks ago: in the future, observant employees who seek a waiver may wear their locks tucked under uniform hats, says a company spokeswoman. The concession isnt enough to settle the lawsuits yet. The EEOC

9、 also wants reinstatement for the fired drivers, says trial attorney Michael Ranis. Hes optimistic. Some new styles, he knows, grow more appealing over time. SECTION 2 Optional Translation (30 points) 2 The theory of evolution by natural selection was put forward in the 1850s independently by two me

10、n. One was Charles Darwin; the other was Alfred Russel Wallace. Both men had some scientific background, of course, but at heart both men were naturalists. Darwin had been a medical student at Edinburgh University for two years, before his father who was a wealthy doctor proposed that he might becom

11、e a clergyman and sent him to Cambridge. Wallace, whose parents were poor and who had left school at 14, had followed courses at Working Mens Institutes in London and Leicester as a surveyors apprentice and pupil teacher. The fact is that there are two traditions of explanation that march side by si

12、de in the ascent of man. One is the analysis of the physical structure of the world. The other is the study of the processes of life: their delicacy, their diversity, the wavering cycles from life to death in the individual and in the species. And these traditions do not come together until the theo

13、ry of evolution; because until then there is a paradox which cannot be resolved, which cannot be begun, about life. The paradox of the life sciences, which makes them different in kind from physical science, is in the detail of nature everywhere. We see it about us in the birds, the trees, the grass

14、, the snails, in every living thing. It is this, the manifestations of life, its expressions, its forms, are so diverse that they must contain a large element of the accidental. And yet the nature of life is so uniform that it must be constrained by many necessities. So it is not surprising that bio

15、logy as we understand it begins with naturalists in the 18th and 19th centuries: observers of the countryside, bird-watchers, clergymen, doctors, gentlemen of leisure in country houses. I am tempted to call them, simply, “gentlemen in Victorian England “, because it cannot be an accident that the th

16、eory of evolution is conceived twice by two men living at the same time in the same culturethe culture of Queen Victoria in England. SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 3 40年前,黄河入海口曾经是鸟类的乐园。后来,随着黄河三角洲地区河水水量的减少以及人为的开垦,这里的湿地面积减少了,来访鸟儿的数量也减少了。 近年来,黄河三角洲湿地生态系统明显改善。现在,每年都有近百万只鸟到这里越冬栖息,它们中有许多是世界珍

17、稀种类。黄河三角洲湿地保护只是中国在保护湿地方面的一个成功例子。它反映中国在保护湿地方面取得了很大成效。 中国现已建立 353个湿地自然保护区。湿地自然保护区的建立还保护了中国大江大河的源头,主要河流入海口,以及候鸟繁殖和越冬栖息地。 目前,湿地保护仍然是中国生态建设中的一个薄弱环节。中国政府将采取有力措施制止掠夺性开发湿地资源的行为,以保证湿地资源的可持续利用。 SECTION 2 Optional Translation (20 points) 4 中国等发展中国家向美国提供了大量价廉物美的商品,使美国传统制造业腾出财力物力用于发展高新技术。这加快了美国工业的升级换代,推进了美国产业结构的

18、优化,使美国及时摆脱传统工业的束缚,保持了它在世界经济中的领先地位。因此,中国的出口不会威胁美国的经济。 在中国扩大出 口的同时,进口也在快速增长。实际上,美国产品早已进入中国百姓的日常生活。现在,不少中国人乘坐的是波音飞机,开的是别克轿车,看的是美国电影,穿的是苹果牌牛仔裤,喝的是可口可乐,用的是摩托罗拉手机和 IBM电脑,而电脑里运行的是微软软件。 中国进出口能力的不断提高为包括美国经济在内的世界经济做出了积极贡献。 5 阿尔伯特 爱因斯坦 (Albert Einstein)出生于德国南部的一个犹太中产阶级家庭。母亲非常喜欢音乐。爱因斯坦受她的影响很大。她鼓励小爱因斯坦对小提琴和古典音乐的

19、爱好。他的父亲,一 位工程师,对爱因斯坦的影响甚微。不过,是他送给了他五岁儿子那个著名的玩具指南针,促发了小爱因斯坦的第一次 “思想试验 ”:玩具中的针为什么总是指向北 ? 爱因斯坦后来成为一位伟大的物理学家。他是那个科学独领风骚的世纪的著名科学家。那个时代的一些标志性科研成果,如原子弹、量子物理学以及电子学,无不带有他的烙印。即使现在,科学家们仍为广义相对论表现出的胆识所折服。他们认为他的思想已超出了科学范围,影响着从绘画到诗歌的现代文化。 笔译二级实务模拟试卷 9答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 “骇人

20、”长发绺的僵局 1993年秋季,联邦快递职员克里斯托夫 ?波尔科由印地安诺波利斯市的公司总部调职到纽约市的布鲁克林,负责弗拉特布什区的一个投递线路。移居到这个国家最大的加勒比和非洲移民区对他影响深远。 “我开始从文化上意识到了黑人的历史, ”31岁的波尔科说, “主要是精神方面的问题。 ”正巧,一盘音乐录像带回答了他的问题:该录像带的主角加马尔公爵以说唱的形式进述了拉斯特法里教派对于“骇 人 ”长发绺的神圣信仰。那一缕缕永远编织在一起的发串,是约 6, 000年前,非洲酋长们始创的发型。 作为拉斯特法里教派之一员,波尔科将头发做成一串串浓密的发绺,瀑布一样轻轻地撒落在双肩上。 “你的头发就是你

21、誓约, ”他说, “一旦你把它们做成一种式样,它就带你走上了这一条道路。 ” 不幸的是,这条道路有悖于联邦快递的着装原则,后者要求男人把自己的仪 表限制在 “一种合理的方式 ”之中。经过数年的考虑,波尔科的上司们给了他一个选择:或者剪掉他的发辫,或者被调到一个与顾客无接触报酬更低的职位。他把这两者都拒绝了 。 2000年 6月他被联邦快递公司解雇。 他的故事并不鲜见。尽管拉斯特法里教徒在全国为数不过约 5, 000人,但是,今天, “骇人 ”长发绺、盘头或辫子十分兴盛,几乎就像 30年前的非洲发式那样流行。如果说非洲发式象征着战斗性,那么, “骇人 ”长发绺则代表一种更具精神性的自我宣誓,一种

22、与非洲祖先们的象征性的对接。正如在斯坦福大学讲授非洲头饰及新的世界遗产课程的凯奈尔教授所说, “这种发式中存在一种神圣性。 ” 不管神圣与否,有些雇主就是认为它们古怪得不可接受。另外 6位供职于纽约联邦快递的职员也因为 “骇人 ”长发绺而丢掉了饭碗。他们到法院起诉,指控这是宗教歧视;美国的平等就业机会委员会和纽约市检察长已指控联邦快递违反了民权法案中的宗教保护条例。 这一 “骇人 ”长发绺之僵局可能有望缓解。几周前,联邦快递公司已经稍稍变通了其政策。公司一位女发言人说,以后钟情 “骇人 ”长发绺的员工可以把发绺藏在自己的制服帽子内。然而,这种让步是不足以解决法律纠纷的。审判律师迈克尔 ?拉尼斯

23、说,美国平等就业机会委员会还要求对遭解雇的司机予以复职。他很乐观,他知道,某些新时尚会随着时间的推移而魅力日增。 SECTION 2 Optional Translation (30 points) 2 【正确答案】 自然选择进化论在十九世纪五十年代分别由两个人提出。一位是查尔斯 ?达尔文,另一位是艾尔弗雷德 ?塞尔 ?华莱士。这两个人当然都具有一定的科学背景,但实际上他们都是博物学家。达尔文曾在爱丁堡大学攻读医学两年,后来他的父亲,一个有钱的医生,建议他当牧师,并送他上剑桥大学。华莱士家境贫寒, 14岁辍学,后来在给一位测量员当学徒和当小学老师时,他曾在伦敦和莱斯特的工人学院听课。 事实上,

24、关于人类的进化有两种长期形成 的解释方法共存。一种是对世界的自然结构进行分析。另一种是对生命的过程进行研究,研究其微妙处,研究其多样性,研究个体和物种从生到死起伏不定的周期。这两种方法直到进化论出现时才合二为一,这是因为在那以前关于生命存在着一种自相矛盾的现象无法解决,甚至无从解决。 这种自相矛盾的现象使得生命科学与自然科学具有实质性的区别。这种现象存在于自然界的细微之处,无处不在。在我们周围的鸟、树、草、蜗牛身上,在任何生物身上,都可以看到这种现象。情况是这样的。生命的表现形式,它表现出来的样子,它的外貌如此千差万别,可见它们 必定包含着很大的偶然性。而生命的本质又是如此一致,因此它又必定受

25、到许多必然性的制约。 由此看来,我们所了解的生物学始于十八、十九世纪的博物学家也就不足为奇了。这些博物学家包括在乡间注意观察的人、观鸟者、牧师、医生、乡间宅院里的有闲人士。我禁不住要把他们简单地称为 “维多利亚时代的英国绅士 ”,因为两位先生生活在同一时代,从属于同一种文化 维多利亚女王时代的英国文化 分别认识了进化论,这不可能是偶然的。 【试题解析】 1 Darwin had been a medical student. at Edinburgh University for two years, before his father who was a wealthy doctor pro

26、posed that he might become a clergyman and sent him to Cambridge. 达尔文曾在爱丁堡大学攻读医学两年,后来他的父亲,一个有钱的医生,建议他当牧师,并送他上剑桥大学。 分析 理解结构采分点。 that引导的宾语从句的主语是由 who引导的定语从句。要先把做 主语的定语从句翻译出来,从句 who was a wealthy doctor译成 “他的父亲 ”的同位语, “一个有钱的医生 ”。 2 The fact is that there are two traditions of explanation that march sid

27、e by side in the ascent of man. 事实上,关于人类的进化有两种长期形成的解释方法共存。 分析 理解结构采分点。 本句由两个从句组成。第一个 that引导表语从句,主语为 the fact; 第二个 that引导定语从句。主语 fact可以翻译成状语 “事实上 ”。表语从句 there are two traditions of explanation译成这个句子的主要部分,其定语从句仍为定语 “从句主语关于人类的进化有两种长期形成的解释方法共存 ”。 march常用词义为 “行军,前进 ”等。这里是指 “发展,进展 ”。 side by side指 “并肩,并排

28、”。 march side by side指 “并肩前进,并肩发展 ”,在本文译为 “长期共同发展,长期共存 ”。 ascent指“上升, (地位,声望等 )提高 ”,在这里 “人类 的上升和提高 ”,即引申翻译为 “人类的进化 ”。 3 The paradox of the life sciences, which makes them different in kind from physical science, is in the detail of nature everywhere. 这种自相矛盾的现象使得生命科学与自然科学具有实质性的区别。这种现象存在于自然界的细微之处,无处不在

29、。 分析 理解结构采分点。 本句中包含一个非限制性定语从句 which makes themfrom physical science 这句话是 paradox的定语,因此翻译时要先将这个带有定语修饰成分的主语部分翻译出来,把从句的主语和从句翻译成一个句子,即 “这种自相矛盾的现象使得生命科学与自然科学具有实质性的区别 ”。整个句子的谓语 is in the detail of nature everywhere翻译成独立的句子 “这种现象存在于自然界的细微之处,无处不在 ”。 4 I am tempted to call them, simply, “gentlemen in Victori

30、an England”,because it cannot be an accident that the theory of evolution is conceived twice by two men living at the same time in the same culturethe culture of Queen Victoria in England. 我禁不住要把他们简单地称为 “维多利亚时代的英国绅士 ”,因为两位先生生活在同一时代,从属于同一种文化 维多利亚女王时代的英国文化 分别认识了进化论,这不可能是偶然的。 分析 理解结构采分点。 翻译该句前应捋出句子的结构,

31、按照汉语的表达顺序进行翻译。该句采用拆译法翻译。翻译顺序为: 1) I am tempted to call them, simply, “gentlemen in Victorian England; 2) two men living at the same time in the same culturethe culture of Queen Victoria in England; 3) the theory of evolution is conceived twice; 4) it cannot be an accident。 Victorian指 “维多利亚时代的 ”。 SEC

32、TION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 3 【正确答案】 Forty years ago, the area around the Yellow River estuary was a heaven for birds. With the lessening volume of river water and land reclamation in the delta area, however, wetland coverage here has been greatly reduced, so has the number of birds vi

33、siting the area. In recent years, the ecological system of the Yellow River Delta wetland has significantly improved. Every year nearly 1 million birds escape the winter and stay hire, among which many are rare species in the world. Conservation of the Yellow River Delta wetland is only one successf

34、ul example of Chinas wetland protection effort. It indicates that great strides has been made in this field. Up to now, China has built 353 wetland natural preservation zones. The establishment of these zones has also protected headstreams of Chinas big rivers, estuaries of main rivers and migratory

35、 birds breeding places and winter-escape habitats. At present, wetland protection still remains to be a weak link in Chinas overall ecological improvement. The Chinese government will take effective measures to stop activities of predatory exploitation of wetland resources to guarantee their sustain

36、able utilization. 【试题解析】 1后来,随着黄河三角洲地区河水水量的减少以及人为的开垦,这里的湿地面积减少了,来访鸟儿的数量也减少了。 With the lessening volume of river water and land reclamation in the delta area, however, wetland coverage here has been greatly reduced, so has the number of birds visiting the area. 分析 理解结构采分点。 原文第一个分句被译成伴随状语,最后一个分句用了谓语前置

37、,原本的意思应该是 the number of birds visiting the area has been reduced too。 2黄河三角洲湿地生态系统 the ecological system of the Yellow River Delta wetland 分析 基本素质采分点。 “三角洲 ”及 “生态系统 ”都是常见的时事词汇。 3现在,每年都有近百万只鸟到这里越冬栖息,它们中有许多是世界珍稀种类。 Every year nearly 1 million birds escape the winter and stay here, among which many are

38、 rare species in the world. 分析 理解结构采分点。 原句是两个并列分句组成的复合句,译成英文将后半句译成 among which引导的定语从句,使得结构更紧凑。 4湿地自然保护区 wetland natural preservation zones 分析 基本素质采分点。 “自然保护区 ”是常见的时事词汇。 5湿地自然保护区的建立还保护了中国大江大河的源头,主要河流入海口,以及候鸟繁殖和越冬栖息地。 The establishment of these zones has also protected headstreams of Chinas big rivers

39、, estuaries of main rivers and migratory birds breeding places and winter-escape habitats. 分析 理解结构采分点。 此句的主干是保护区的建立保护了源头,入海口以及栖息地。然后再将三个被保护区域分别加上定语即可。 6掠夺性开发湿地资源的行为 activities of predatory exploitation of wetland resources 分析 选词用词采分点。 “掠夺性开发 ”翻译为 predatory exploitation,指的是毁坏资源、造成资源不可再生的开发行为。 “行为 ”指的

40、是人们的一些 “活动 ”,所以不用 action或 act。 SECTION 2 Optional Translation (20 points) 4 【正确答案】 Large quantities of cheap, good-quality commodities provided by China and other developing countries to the American market have enabled the U. S. traditional manufacturing industry to release more financial and mater

41、ial resources to develop new and high technologies. This has helped the U. S. to expedite the upgrading of its industry, spur the optimization of its industrial structure, free it from the shackles of the traditional industry in a timely manner and maintain its leading position in the global economy

42、. Hence, Chinas exports will not threaten the American economy. While expanding exports, China has increased its imports rapidly. In fact, American goods have been part of the Chinese peoples daily lives for a long time. Many Chinese now ride in Boeing planes, drive Buick cars, see American movies,

43、wear Apple jeans, drink Coca-Cola, communicate with Motorola mobile phones and work with the aid of IBM computers installed with Microsoft software. The constant increase in Chinas imports and exports has made contributions to the economic development of the world at large, including that of the Uni

44、ted States. 【试题解析】 1. 发展中国家 developing countries。 分析 基本素质采分点。 “发展中国家 ”是个常用时事短语。 2中国等发展中国家向美国提供了大量价廉物美的商品,使美国传统制造业腾出财力物力用于发展高新技术。 Large quantities of cheap, good-quality commodities provided by China and other developing countries to the American market have enabled the U.S. traditional manufacturing

45、 industry to release more financial and material resources to develop new and high technologies. 分析 理解结构采分点; 译文的主语是 “大量价廉物美的商品 ”large quantities of cheap, good-quality commodities,而 “中国等发展中国家向美国提供了 ”译成其定语,由过去分词 provided引导的定语。 “传统制造业 ”有其固定译法 traditional manufacturing industry。 3加快了美国工业的升级换代,推进了美国产业结构

46、的优化,使美国及时摆脱传统工业的束缚,保持了它在世界经济中的领先地位。 This has helped the U.S. to expedite the upgrading of its industry, spur the optimization of its industrial structure, free it from the shackles of the traditional industry in a timely manner and maintain its leading position in the global economy. 分析 理解结构采分点。 原文汉

47、语是几个并列的分句组成的复合句,英语表达与原文保持一致的顺序进行翻译即可。 “工业的升级换代 ”实际指的是工业的快速发展,用 upgrade表示 “提高,提升 ”即可。 “产业结构 ”译为 industrial structure。 4中国扩大出口的同 时,进口也在快速增长。 While expanding exports, China has increased its imports rapidly. 分析 理解结构采分点。 “在 的同时 ”用 while翻译, “在中国扩大出口的同时 ”中的谓语动词译成现在分词结构。 5电脑里运行的是微软软件 computers installed wi

48、th Microsoft software 分析 用词选词采分点。 原句中 “电脑运行 ”是主动态,译成的英文是电脑被安装的是微软软件 installed with Microsoft software。 6可口可乐、摩托罗拉 Coca-Cola, Motorola。 分析 基本素质采分点。 “可口可乐 ”和 “摩托罗拉 ”都是常用词汇。 5 【正确答案】 Albert Einstein was born in a middle-class Jewish family in southern Germany. He was strongly influenced by his musicall

49、y inclined mother, who encouraged his passion for the violin and classical music. His father, an engineer, had less influence on him. But it was he who gave his five-year-old son the famous toy compass that inspired young Einsteins first “thought experiment“ what made the needle always point north? Einstein later became a great physicist. He was the pre-eminent scientist in a century dominated by science. The touchstones of the era, such as the at

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