1、笔译二级实务(综合)模拟试卷 5及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 While many American universities have wrestled with how to deal with severe acute respiratory syndrome, the flu-like illness that has killed more than 400 people and sickened more than 6, 300, mostly in Asia, Berkeleys outright ba
2、n on incoming students is unusual. 2 According to the latest figures, Colorado is the most popular place to build a log home, followed by New York and North Carolina. 3 To Mrs. Navaroli, a former merchandising executive whos now a stay-at-home mom to the couples daughters, ages 5 and 8, the setting
3、is calming. 4 But for Lee Po-chin, who asked that his real name not be used, the trip has always been a trithon of sorts: starting with a 90-minute flight to Hong Kong, followed by long visa lines, and ending with a two and a half hour flight north to Shanghai. 5 However, getting some sleep made ind
4、ividuals feel less tired than those who went without sleep despite test results that showed they were just as impaired. 6 The study also found that there were large individual differences in how much people needed to sleep. 7 Kryger said in an interview that everybody needs a different amount of sle
5、ep. Getting sufficient amounts of shut-eye is a “life-style decision“ , he said. “It is one of the important functions of life and you need to control it. “ 8 The British used aerial bombardments as a cost-efficient method of controlling the resentful tribes, and Leachman was especially feared for h
6、is ideas about quelling disorder. 9 A government official in Baghdad whom I had met on previous trips to the city, a man I will call Harun, invited me to his home for dinner one evening. 10 Agreement Reached Following Negotiations The history books will show that both sides got their fair share of w
7、ins and both made major concessions. Most importantly for the United States, Iran has agreed to dismantle most of its nuclear program, guaranteeing they would not be able to make a bomb for at least one year, over the course of 10 years. Irans 19, 000 installed centrifuges will have to be cut to no
8、more than 6,104 for the next 10 years. The 13, 000 decommissioned centrifuges will be sent to monitored storage by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Iran has also agreed to reduce its stockpile of enriched uranium (the material needed to make a bomb) by 98 percent and agreed to halt fur
9、ther enrichment. That material would either be diluted or sold. The heavy water nuclear reactor in Arak will be redesigned, preventing Iran from producing weapons grade plutonium there. Iran will ship the spent fuel from Arak and over the next 15 years Iran will not build any new heavy water reactor
10、s. Iran will convert its deeply buried Fordow nuclear facility into a nuclear, physics and technology center. If Iran breaks its commitments, all sanctions could be quickly snapped back into place, according to the terms of the agreement. Iran is most pleased with the impending relief of economic sa
11、nctions. Once it has been verified that Iran has committed to dismantling its centrifuges and diluting or selling its stockpile of enriched uranium, all economic sanctions will be lifted, effectively releasing over $100 billion in frozen Iranian assets. Economic relief was the driving incentive for
12、Iran. Most observers are likely to interpret the inspection, as it applies specifically to military sites, as a victory for Iran. UN inspectors can demand access to nuclear facilities on Iran military sites, but they arent immediate or even guaranteed. Any inspections at those sites would need to be
13、 approved by a joint commission composed of one member from each of the negotiating parties. The process for approving those inspections could take as many as 24 days, which critics will claim is enough time for Iran to cover up any non-compliance. The final win for Iran is the gradual lifting of an
14、 international arms embargo. The accord states that Iran will be permitted to buy and sell conventional arms on the international market in five years; and in eight years theyll be able to do the same with ballistic missiles. The embargo was a major sticking point throughout the talks, with Iran dem
15、anding it be lifted. 11 Tigers in Times Square “Is that legal?“ Dennis, from Brooklyn, asked. He was standing on a traffic triangle in the middle of Times Square, next to a policeman. It was just past noon. In front of them, two nearly naked women were kneeling in a pair of small metal cages, holdin
16、g signs that read, “ Wild Animals Dont Belong Behind Bars. “ As it happens, cops in Shreveport, Louisiana, encountered a similar scenario last spring and concluded that no, it was not legal to impersonate an animal while nearly naked. But in Times Square, even post-Giuliani, traffic flow trumps dece
17、ncy, and the officers answer to Dennis was a blithe command: “Keep it moving, please!“ The women Kayla Worden, tall and blond, and Brandi Valladolid, a petite brunette were made up to look like tigers, or the nearly naked human version of tigers, which requires body paint, a bikini bottom, Mickey Mo
18、use ears, a brown nose, and drawn-on whiskers, but no fur. Fur might have helped, given that the temperature was below forty and rain was pouring down. But fur was out of the question, since this stunt was staged by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, to protest the Ringing Brothers and Bar
19、num & Bailey Circus, which had come to town that day. (“Wed rather bare skin than wear skin“ is a PETA slogan. ) Betsy Thomson, a PETA volunteer, held an umbrella over Valladolids cage and said, “All living things have a right to live without being harmed, tortured, and violated. “ Beneath her, Vall
20、adolid was squirming and shivering. “Im, like, soaking right now,“ she said. Dennis, meanwhile, was on his cell phone: “Yo, they got some crazy shit back here. Two naked ladies in cages, man. “ A tourist from Philadelphia, in town to see “Phantom of the Opera“ , stepped up to take a photograph. “ Yo
21、u know, looking through this wire, this is how circus animals see the world,“ Worden said. Down at Madison Square Garden, the real Ringing Brothers tigers were warm and dry, asleep in their cages. “Some of them wont get up until one or two in the afternoon,“ Sara Houcke, a trainer and seventh-genera
22、tion circus performer, said. “And Ill be, like, My God, how can you sleep so long? Its a known fact that cats sleep twenty hours a day. “ Houcke is tall and blond, like Worden, but when shes in a cage, tending to her tigers, she wears jeans and a T-shirt (which may or may not reveal her navel ring).
23、 She feeds them by hand: raw beef, whole chickens, and horse meat. Houckes circus routine doesnt involve nudity, but is not without its own primitive appeal. “All my tricks are based on natural behaviors and instincts from the wild,“ she said. Houcke performs, alongside nine Bengal cats, as Sara the
24、 Tiger Whisperer. She is fluent not only in English, French, and German but also in “ wuffling“ , her own form of tigerspeak. The relationship she has with her cats “is the most amazing thing Ive ever, ever experienced“ , she said. “Its not that I go up there and I force them and say, You need to li
25、ck my face or you need to kiss my face. But if a tiger wants to put its head on my shoulder and, you know, cuddle up to me.“ Houcke will even stick her head inside a tigers mouth, if thats what it wants. “I have more patience with my animals than I do with humans,“ she said. “My patience level for h
26、umans isnt very high. “ Up in Times Square, the PETA tigers were released from their cages, after forty-five minutes of cold rain. (The plan had called for an hour, but, as Worden explained, “I was freezing my ass off. “) Volunteers wrapped the women in bathrobes and lugged away their cages. “This w
27、as nothing compared to a lifetime of captivity,“ Valladolid said. SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 12 赛牦牛是藏族的传统体育项目。同赛马一样,赛牦牛这项体育娱乐活动也具有一定的危险性,但是无论如何,赛牦牛的激烈场面和欢快气氛也从另一个侧面反映了高原藏族群众对美好生活的憧憬和追求。 13 这是中国现代篮球历史性的突破。在随后的一些国际性的比赛中,中国男子篮球队曾经取得了亚洲冠军 “五连冠 ”和世界第八名的骄人成绩。 14 中国篮球队在同世界上部分国家和地区篮 球队交锋中,
28、所表现出的运动水平是不高的。但是,在短短的几年中,已经看出中国篮球运动在迅速提高之中。中国篮球运动员机智、灵敏的比赛意识,灵活多变的脚步动作,掌握与控制球的能力,引起和受到国际篮坛的关注。 15 中国篮球运动员的投篮方式,尤其是跳起的单、双手投篮,具有快速、突然、制高的特点,曾使国际部分国家的篮坛人士耳目一新。 16 套马是蒙古族的传统体育活动,原为牧民放牧时约束马匹的一种手段,多在喜庆节日举行。 17 工布地区的民间传统体育响箭比赛,科学地把休闲娱乐、文化艺术、体育健身高度地结合在 一起,所以至今盛行不衰,国家把它列为少数民族体育项目之一。 18 运动员村的运作几乎完美无缺,运动员村村长霍金
29、霖昨天对亚运会日报如是说。 19 重要工业城市之一的上海取消了商店用以招徕顾客的优惠券。 20 为了实现这个目标,国家决定重点发展农村地区与预防医学。 21 今年的严打斗争取得了很大的成绩。 22 形意拳 形意拳是一种模仿动物的动作而发明的拳术,因为它讲究在拳术演练时既要模仿动物的外形动作,又要模仿动物的内在心意,固有形意拳之名。形意拳是在明末清初时由一个名叫姬龙 峰的山西人发明的。据传,姬龙峰在一次采药时,因为目睹了一场鹰与熊之间的搏斗,从而产生灵感,发明了形意拳。 形意拳最基本的拳法是劈、崩、钻、炮、横五个动作,其繁复的套路都是在上述五种拳法的基础上演化出来的,因此,它们又被称为 “形意母
30、拳 ”。形意拳习练时特别注重桩功的训练,故习练形意拳有成者多以下盘沉稳著称。与太极拳相比,形意拳更多地侧重技击方面的训练,这就需要习练者 6有较好的身体素质,因此,在目前全国各地习练形意拳的人中,以年轻人居多。 23 泥巴地图抒情怀 特约撰稿蒋书 只要是看到 这幅用泥巴做成的地图的人,都觉得此地图别具新意。尤其是地图上的不同颜色,不是涂上去的,而是泥土本身的颜色。地图上一共有 34种颜色,都是顾立鹏从各省市自治区采集到的。如地图上的辽宁省是采集省会沈阳的土,北京是采集天坛和故宫的土,西藏是拉萨布达拉宫的土 说起来,顾立鹏如此大费周折地制作这泥巴地图,原本的想法并非为了创造出一项吉尼斯世界纪录,
31、而是另有缘由。顾立鹏有个伯父是国民党的抗日将领, 1944年在与日军的一场战斗中不幸阵亡。直到近些年,顾家得到旅居美国的国民党前高级将领宋希濂的帮助,才得知了自己亲人 的下落。 顾立鹏一次被单位派到美国考察,见到了宋希濂,顾立鹏就琢磨着要做点什么来报答老人对自己的帮助,抚慰老人的思乡之情。 回国时,顾立鹏从纽约飞到香港,到海洋公园游玩时,他被生长的花草和裸露的土地吸引住了,情不自禁地跑过去用手绢包了些土。他想到了用全国各省市自治区的泥土,做幅别具一格的中国地图送给宋希濂。 不幸的是,仅仅 36天之后,宋希濂就病逝了。但是,顾立鹏仍决定坚持把地图做完。他请人把一块铜板加工成中国地图的形状,并在上
32、面作出各省市自治区的隔断,然后利用出差的机会开始收集各地的泥土。 实在去不了的地方,就请当地的朋友采样后邮寄过来。这样到 1999年下半年,顾立鹏已收到了全国 33个省市自治区的土,只差一包台湾的泥土了。 回到沈阳后,老顾决定把采集来的土先贴到地图上再说。他觉得这个过程应该是非常简单:把土和胶水一搅和,再往铜板上一粘就行了。可是,他刚一动手就傻了眼:泥土沾上干燥后失去了粘性。顾立鹏把地图一立起来,新疆乌鲁木齐区域的那块泥土就啪啦啪啦地脱落下来。紧接着西宁区域的那块泥土也掉了下来。再一动图版,其它地方的泥土也陆陆续续地直往下掉。 功夫不负有心人,顾立鹏终于制作出了第 一幅泥土地图。随后顾立鹏开始
33、琢磨怎样在这幅地图上醒目地表现出长江和黄河来。左思右想,他决定用金链做黄河,用银链做长江。 镶一幅版图需要 10多条金银项链,这可不是个小数。这么多年来,顾立鹏只给妻子买过一条 14k的金项链。经过一番劝说,妻子终于同意了。有了妻子的支持,亮晶晶的项链很快粘到了地图上。看着闪闪发光的长江和黄河,老顾心里别提多美了。但缺少了台湾那块泥土,地图终究算不上完美。 1999年 9月,沈阳有个搞航运的经理崔辉对顾立鹏说,他深圳的朋友蔡坤,要到沈阳谈业务,让顾立鹏把这事跟他说,看他能否 帮忙解决。 蔡坤来后,崔经理叫上顾立鹏一起为他接风。酒过三巡,顾立鹏对蔡坤说, “我想托你帮我弄一点台湾的泥土。 ”他稍
34、加详细地把事情一说,对方满口应承: “没问题,我们深圳船航,跑高雄跑美国的都有班船,我想办法把这事落实到跑船的人头上就行了。 ” 11月上旬的一天,蔡坤带着顾立鹏期盼了多年的台湾泥土到达了沈阳。攥着这把来自台湾的泥土,顾立鹏觉得特别温暖和激动:它是自己制作的这幅别具一格的祖国版图的一个重要组成部分啊 !有了台湾的泥土,老顾终于如愿以偿地完成了历时7年、耗资 6万余元的泥巴地图。 来自 祖国 34个省市自治区的 34种泥土,组成了祖国的完整版图,顾立鹏为此深感骄傲。 笔译二级实务(综合)模拟试卷 5答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points
35、) 1 【正确答案】 虽然许多美国大学都在努力应对急性呼吸道综合重症,这种像流感一样的病使 400余人死亡, 6300多人染病,发病地区主要在亚洲。但是伯克利大学对入学学生采取的明令禁止的做法却是闻所未闻的。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 据最新统计数字,科罗拉多州是建造木 屋家居最理想的地方,其次是纽约和北卡罗来纳州。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 纳瓦罗里女士觉得周围的环境十分幽静。纳瓦罗里女士曾经当过商品贸易经理,现在呆在家里,照顾分别为 5岁和 8岁的一双女儿。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 然而对于李伯清 (他请求不要用他的真实姓名 )来说,从台湾到上海
36、的旅程就像是一种三级跋涉,先是飞 90分钟到香港,排长队办签证,再往北飞一个半小时才能到达上海。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 尽管睡一会儿比一点儿也不睡会让人感到疲劳 有所减轻,但是,实验的结果证明,睡少与不睡所受到的损害是一样的。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确答案】 研究还发现,睡眠时间因人而异,个体差别很大。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 克里杰在接受采访时说,每人睡眠长短不一。睡眠多长为宜是个人应该做出的 “生活方式决定 ”,他说。 “睡眠是生活重要的功能之一,需要进行把握。 ” 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 英国人运用空中轰炸来镇压部落反抗,不失为一
37、种低耗高效的办法,里齐曼这种镇压动乱的办法特别令人恐惧害怕。 【 知识模块】 英译汉 9 【正确答案】 巴格达政府一位官员邀我去他家吃晚饭。上次我去巴格达时我们曾见过面,今暂隐其名称之为哈伦。 【知识模块】 英译汉 10 【正确答案】 伊核谈判达成协议 历史将会见证,此次双方均有所斩获,也做了重要让步。对美国来说最重要的收获,伊朗同意废除大部分核计划,确保在未来 10年当中,伊朗没有能力在一年内制造出核弹。伊朗目前已安装的 1 9万台离心机将被缩减至 6104台以下。 1 3万台拆解的离心机将被移送至由国际原子能机构监控的存放地点。伊朗还同意将浓缩铀 (制 造核弹的材料 )的储备减少 98,并
38、中止铀浓缩项目。削减的浓缩铀将被稀释或者出售。位于阿拉克的重水核子反应炉将被重新设计,以防止伊朗生产武器级别的钚。伊朗将运走阿拉克基地内使用过的燃料,在未来 15年内都不会再建造任何新的重水反应堆。伊朗会将福尔道深埋的核设施改造成核物理技术中心。谈判协议规定,如果伊朗不履行承诺,所有的制裁将迅速恢复。 伊朗最欢欣鼓舞的就是即将解除的经济制裁。一旦确认伊朗拆除了离心机,稀释或出售了浓缩铀储备,所有经济制裁将被解除,超过 1000亿美元的伊朗资产将被解冻。经济制裁解除是伊朗的 主要动力。大多数观察员都可能把这种视察看作伊朗的胜利,这里的视察是专门针对军事基地而言的。联合国的视察人员可以要求进入伊朗
39、军事基地的核设施,但是不能立即得到准许,也不能保证得到准许。视察这些基地的要求需得到谈判双方共同组成的联合委员会的批准。整个审批流程最长可持续 24天,批评人士认为在这期间,伊朗完全有时间隐藏任何违规行为。伊朗的最后一个所得就是逐渐解除的国际武器禁运令。协议规定, 5年后,伊朗可以在国际市场上购买和出售传统类别的武器; 8年后,可以购买和出售弹道导弹。武器禁运令是此次谈判中最为胶着的一个议题, 伊朗一直要求解除此禁令。 【知识模块】 英译汉 11 【正确答案】 时代广场老虎现身 “这合法吗 ?”布鲁克林来的丹尼斯问道。他站在时代广场三叉路口的红绿灯下,向交通警察发问。时间刚过正午,在他眼前,两
40、个几乎一丝不挂的女人跪在一对小铁笼子里,举着标语牌,上面写着: “野生动物不应该关在笼子里 ”。事有凑巧,去年春天,路易斯安娜州谢里夫堡的警察遇到一件同样的事情,他们当时的回答是,这样做不合法。赤身露体装扮成动物是违法的。然而在时代广场,即使已经过了吉瓦尼时代,交通畅通还是要比文明廉耻更加重要 。警察对于丹尼斯的提问,随口答道: “请别在此处逗留。 ” 这两个女人一个叫凯亚 -沃登,高高的个子,皮肤白皙,金发碧眼;另一个叫白兰蒂 -瓦拉多利,小个子,肤色较深。她俩装扮成老虎模样,或者可以说是几乎不穿衣服的人形老虎,身上涂上油彩,穿着一条比基尼式裤衩,带上米老鼠耳朵,棕色鼻子,画上胡子,但是却没
41、有披虎皮。她们要是穿上虎皮也许不错,当时气温在华氏 40度以下,还下着大雨。然而披上虎皮却是违反初衷的。这是人类善待动物协会举办的一场特技表演,以抗议那天到纽约表演的银铃兄弟和巴鲁姆巴雷马戏团(“我们宁愿赤身露体 也决不披上兽皮 ”是人类善待动物协会的口号 )。班齐 ?汤姆逊是人类文明对待动物协会的志愿者,为瓦拉多利打着雨伞,他说: “所有生物都有权在不受损害、不受虐待、不受侵害的情况下生活。 ”雨伞下面,瓦拉多利坐立不安,瑟瑟发抖。 “我浑身湿透了, ”她说。丹尼斯此时正打着手机: “哟,这儿的人发疯了,两个光屁股女人呆在笼子里,伙计。 ” 从费城来观看魔幻戏剧的游客沃登走上前去拍照。 “你
42、瞧,从笼子里往外看,就像马戏团动物看外边的世界一样 ”,沃登说。 往南走到麦迪逊花园广场,银铃兄弟马戏团的真老虎正在笼子里安睡,既没挨冻也没挨浇。 “这些老虎有的要睡到下午一、二点才起来, ”驯虎员、马戏团第七代演员萨拉 -赫克说。 “我会说, 天哪,你们怎么睡这么长时间 ?大家都知道,老虎每天要睡 20个小时。 ”赫克个头很高,她同沃登一样,皮肤白皙,金发碧眼。然而每当她进到笼子里照看老虎的时候,她穿牛仔裤, T恤衫 (她的脐戒若隐若现 )。她手把手地喂老虎吃饭,饲料有生牛肉、整只鸡,还有马肉。 赫克在马戏团的工作不需要她赤身裸体,但是她的表演也不乏野性。她说, “我的表演是根据人野生环境下
43、的自然动作和自然本能编排的。 ”赫克艺名叫 “虎语者萨拉 ”,她带着 9只孟加拉虎一起表演。赫克不仅会说英语、法语、德语,还会讲她自己发明的老虎语。她同老虎的关系 “是我人生经历中最美妙的事情 ”,她说。 “不是我凑上去逼着它们,对它们说 来舔舔我的脸,来吻吻我的唇 ,而是老虎自己要把头搁在我的肩膀上,你瞧,它会依偎在我的身旁 ” 如果演出需要,赫克甚至可以把她的脑袋伸到老虎的嘴巴里。 “我同动物在一起比同人在一起更加有耐心, ”赫克说, “我对人可没有那么大的耐心。 ” 在时代广场,人类善待动物协会的老虎在冷风冷雨中呆了 45分钟,最后从笼子里放了出来 (原计划要在笼子里呆一个小时,后 来缩
44、短了,沃登解释道 “我差点冻死了 ”)。志愿者用浴巾把两位女士裹了起来,把笼子拖走。 “老虎终身监禁,同它相比,这算不了什么, ”瓦拉多利说。 【知识模块】 英译汉 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 12 【正确答案】 Yak racing is a traditional sport of the Tibetans. It has elements of danger like horse racing. Anyhow the exciting scene and the happy air of Yak racing express
45、the other aspect of it that the Tibetans desire for and pursue a happy life. 【知识模块】 汉译英 13 【正确答案】 Its a breakthrough in Chinas modern basketball history. Following that, the National Mens Basketball Team had won “Penta Crowns“ in Asian matches and the world No. 8. 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【正确答案】 The China bask
46、etball team have always performed poorly in the competition with some national and regional teams in the world. However, they have improved rapidly in the past few years. Their swift and flexible competition consciousness, agile steps and the ability to hold and hand the ball have attracted much att
47、ention by the international basketball. 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 The new shot skill of Chinese basketball players, especially their jump shot with one hand or double hands, has the features of speed, suddenness and high-point control, which have impressed some of the world players deeply. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16
48、【正确答案】 Lassoing is a traditional sport game of the Mongolian. It used to be a method for the herdsmen to control horses, which is mainly held on happy occasions and festivals. 【知识模块】 汉译英 17 【正确答案】 In Gongbu, the traditional folk sport the Whistling Arrow, combines entertainments, cultures, arts and
49、exercises together and remains popular to nowadays. Now it is listed by the state as one of the ethnic minority sports. 【知识模块】 汉译英 18 【正确答案】 Almost everything in the Games village ran smoothly, Huo Jinlin, the head of the village, told Asiad Daily yesterday. 【知识模块】 汉译英 19 【正确答案】 One of the leading industrial cities, Shanghai has banned discount shopping coupons issued by stores as an incentive to attract more customers. 【知识模块】 汉译英 20 【正确答案】 To realize the targets, the State has opted to prioritize rural area and preventive medicine
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