1、笔译二级实务(综合)模拟试卷 6及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 The Pediatrics report answered many questions, but much about the subject remains a mystery. 2 Exactly why obesity and early development should be linked is not well understood. 3 The staple food of Zimbabwe is maize. People eat i
2、t as a milled cereal boiled into porridge, and they regard it in the way that Asians regard rice as essential. 4 From China to Spain, students talk about the pressures they face, and the fun they still manage to fit in. 5 The president says he intends to work with the nominee to build up the image o
3、f the intelligence community. 6 The law makers in Ukraines Crimea Peninsula have passed a vote of no-confidence in the local government in the latest twist of power struggle. 7 In an article that Duelfer wrote for the Los Angeles Times last year about Iraqi programs to develop weapons of mass destru
4、ction, he offered this hypothesis. 8 Researchers have found the virus in civet cats at a live food market in China, but it is unclear whether the civets are the source of the human outbreak. 9 Germany Moonlighter Economy Tough times mean working second jobs He begins his day early, in slacks and a n
5、ice shirt. He ends his day late, in overalls and work boots. At 5 a. m. , Andreas Koschorrek gets ready for his morning job as a client manager for a cleaning service. After a four-hour shift, he makes a one-hour drive to nearby Potsdam, where he pulls on overalls and washes windows. The pay from bo
6、th jobs totals a little over 1, 200 euros (almost $ 1, 500) a month, just enough to pay his rent and child support for his two daughters. “Its hectic,“ the trained maintenance worker says of the two-job life he began a few months ago. “Every month, the money has to go to something,“ he says, adding
7、that people have to work extremely hard “just to afford vacation“. Moonlighting has long been a part of economic reality in the United States. But the financial doldrums in Europes largest economy are beginning to force Germans like Mr. Koschorrek into working two or even three jobs to stay afloat a
8、nd afford some of the finer things in life. “Certainly what has happened elsewhere hasnt gone unnoticed in Germany,“ says Martin Werding, at the Ifo Institute for Economic Research in Munich. “There have been massive changes in standard work life. Flexible contracts, people changing professions all
9、this has arrived in Germany as well. In that sense working two jobs is a part of the picture. “ Once Europes economic powerhouse, Germanys form of economic socialism is being strained by the very aspects that made it attractive. Entire careers spent at one company, generous pension and healthcare pl
10、ans, and ironclad job protection have proved too costly and have chased away investment. To rein in the welfare system and make the economy more flexible, the government after a long and bitter fight with unions and the political opposition passed tough economic reforms. Among other things, the chan
11、ges loosen hiring and firing laws. “ When (this system) worked really well and people had high wages, it was fine,“ says Melanie Arntz, at the Center for European Economic Research in Mannheim. “But now people realize in general that there seems to be something that has to be changed, and they are i
12、n favor of the reforms and are adjusting to them by having another job. “ Skilled laborers like Koschorrek are facing high unemployment rates, and even white-collar professionals are no longer guaranteed full-time employment and are looking for ways to shore up their income. Bernard Bosil has branch
13、ed out from his profession of tax adviser, working a total of three jobs now to maintain his middle-class lifestyle. “Every job is so unstable, you dont know if youre going to be working in the same place three years from now,“ says Mr. Bosil, a native of the Rhineland city of Krefeld. So he started
14、 his own window-cleaning company with a client list initially made up of friends and colleagues, and cut back his hours at the tax office. He now spends 20 hours a week in the office, devotes the rest of the week to the window-cleaning business and on the weekends tops up steins at a beer garden, th
15、e same place he worked as a student. Bosil sees advantages to becoming more economically nimble. “Its a nice change,“ he says. “To just sit in the office all day is too boring, I need people around me. “ To help such moonlighters along and try to bring down unemployment rates that hover around 10 pe
16、rcent Germany changed labor laws. Under the adjustment, people working part-time jobs can earn up to 400 euros ( $ 500) without having to pay taxes or social costs on the wage. Employers pay a set rate of 25 percent of the workers wage to cover tax and some benefits. In the six months after the law
17、went into effect, more than a million professionals, students, housewives, and craftsmen turned to working the so-called “minijobs“, according to the federal agency set up to manage the system. “Its clear that incentives have changed in favor of having a small job, in addition to a regular job,“ sai
18、d Harmen Lehment, of the Kiel Institute of World Economics. “I expect more and more people will make this move and have a minijob. “ For white-collar professionals like Bosil, his minijob as a waiter helps him pay the rent on his new apartment and go on weekend trips. Blue-collar workers, like Kosch
19、orrek, juggle minijobs with work in their field to stay above water. “ I never thought working two jobs would become so common,“ says Koschorrek, whose work is categorized as a craft in Germany. 10 The Supernote Kelly was stunned when the bills were presented to him. Two of them did not appear to be
20、 fraudulent. “Ive done counterfeiting cases, and I know what a counterfeit bill looks like,“ he says. “These bills looked genuine. They felt genuine. I said, If these are counterfeit, this is a serious problem for the United States. “ Kelly immediately called the Boston office of the United States S
21、ecret Service, a branch of the Treasury. “ I said, We have some outstanding-looking bills, and they came from Lebanon, “ he recalls. “Secret Service was at our door in three and a half minutes. They knew exactly what I was talking about.“ Kelly, it turned out, had obtained samples of a counterfeit h
22、undred-dollar bill that had been dubbed the Supernote. It had surfaced around 1990 and originated in the Middle East, and, the agents told Kelly, as far as they could determine between two and three billion dollars worth had been printed in two years. It was indeed no ordinary counterfeit. Most fake
23、 currency is printed on an offset press the type used for books and magazines and it tends to look and feel flat. The Supernote, however, was being manufactured by the same industrial process used to make authentic United States currency, known as intaglio printing, in which an etched plate meets pa
24、per with tremendous force, giving the note a distinctive, embossed feel. The paper used for the Supernote was an uncanny replica of the currency stock produced exclusively for the United States government since 1879 by Crane an equivalent amount in government securities would cost the United States
25、more than twenty-five billion dollars in annual interest payments. The beauty of bills stuffed in a mattress in Kazakhstan, for instance, is the good chance that the notes will never be called in. The Supernote was by no means the first foreign-made or foreign-distributed counterfeit of American cur
26、rency, but because of its frightening and unprecedented quality it seemed singularly poised to damage world confidence in the dollar. SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 11 每年春秋两季辽宁全省举办 “爱鸟周 ”活动。 12 华北与东北将有四至五级北风。 13 昨天,和平区拆 除一批违章建筑。 14 在最近结束的第五届全国生物奥林匹克竞赛中,本市新华中学的郑重获一等奖。 15 天津公安机关最近在火车站抓住了
27、五名票贩子。 16 谦德庄平房改造工程是本市规模最大的一项平房改造工程。 17 一些参加改革试点的法院积累了成功的经验。 18 总理代表党中央和国务院向受灾群众,向与洪水搏斗、救助群众的解放军官兵、武警部队与公安部队表示慰问。 19 以开放创新扩大区域经济合作 有哲人说过,当问题出现的时候,不能用曾经制造问题的办法去解决它。老问题的解决,不能 再从对抗、仇恨、封闭中谋答案;新问题的应对,更要在对话、协商、合作中找出路。我们要吸取历史经验,运用时代智慧,寻求各方利益的最大公约数。人类在艰难时刻,总是能激起突破困境的勇气,进发出变革创新的力量。 面对多元的世界文明,我们主张要共同促进和谐相处。面对
28、多变的经济形势,我们主张要大力推动开放创新。我们倡导顺势而为,坚定不移推进自由贸易,旗帜鲜明反对保护主义,积极扩大区域经济合作,打造全球价值链,迎接新科技革命的到来。宏观政策固然重要,但结构性改革势在必行,这是国际社会的共识。尽管难度很大,但也应该坚持 去做,这样才能形成全球创新合力,增强世界发展的新动能。 20 推动经济结构性改革,保持经济平稳发展 当前,中国经济发展进入新常态,经济由高速增长转为中高速增长,发展必须由中低端水平迈向中高端水平,为此要坚定不移推动结构性改革。 现在,中国经济规模已居世界第二,基数增大,即使是 7的增长,年度现价增量也达到 8000多亿美元,比 5年前增长 10
29、的数量还要大。经济运行处在合理区间,不一味追求速度了,紧绷的供求关系变得舒缓,重荷的资源环境得以减负,可以腾出手来推进结构性改革,向形态更高级、分工 更复杂、结构更合理的发展阶段演进。 面对下行压力,我们没有采取强刺激,而是强力推进改革,尤其是政府带头改革,大力简政放权,激发市场和企业的活力。这样,中国经济的 “列车 ”不仅不会掉挡失速,反而会跑得更稳健有力,带来新机遇,形成新动能。 笔译二级实务(综合)模拟试卷 6答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 儿科的报告回答了许多疑问,但是同时关于这个问题还有不少疑团没
30、有解开。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 究竟为什么肥胖与提前发育之间有联系,人们了解得并不是很多。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 玉米是津巴布韦人的主食,人们把玉米碾碎煮成粥食用。津巴布韦人把玉米看成是生活必需品,就像亚洲人把稻米看成是生活必需品一样。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 世界各地的学生们纷纷谈论面临的学业压力,不过也谈论上学的乐趣。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 总统说他想同情报局局长提名候选人一起改善情报人员的形象。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确 答案】 乌克兰克里米亚半岛的法律制定者在最近一轮权力斗争中,对当地政府投了不信任票。 【知
31、识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 杜夫勒去年就伊拉克发展大规模杀伤性武器问题为洛杉矶时报撰写了一篇文章,文章中他提出了下面这种假设。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 研究人员说他们在中国一家活禽市场出售的果子狸身上发现了病毒,但是尚不清楚,是否是果子狸造成病毒在人类中爆发。 【知识模块】 英译汉 9 【正确答案】 德国第二职业经济 艰难时世兼职度日 他早早起 床,穿上宽松的裤子、漂亮的衬衫开始一天的工作;他脱下工作服和靴子结束一天的工作,很晚才回家。 早上 5点,考切莱准备上班,去一家清扫公司做客户管理员。四个小时后下班,驱车一个小时到附近的波茨坦,穿上工作服清洗窗户。两份工作每月收
32、入 1, 200欧元稍稍多一些 (近 1, 500美元 ),刚够付房租和供养两个女儿。 “忙坏了 ”,考切莱这位受过专门训练、几个月前开始同时做着两份工作的维修工人说, “每个月,总有需要用钱的地方。 ”他接着又说道,人们拼命干活 “还得挣点钱去度假。 ” 兼职一向是美国经济现状的特色之一 。然而德国这个欧洲最大的经济大国由于财政困难,像考切莱这样的德国人不得不开始同时做两份甚至三份工作以维持生计并享受一些生活的乐趣。 “当然,其它地方发生的事情,德国人也注意到了 ”,慕尼黑伊福学院经济研究所马丁 -沃尔丁说。 “整齐划一的工作方式发生了巨大的变化。弹性合同,跳槽换工作,这些事情也来到了德国。
33、从这个意义上说,同时做两份工作已很寻常。 ” 德国曾经是欧洲的经济发动机,德国式的经济社会主义模式曾经令人艳羡,如今却成了一种束缚。分析人士认为,像终身供职在一家公司、优厚的养老金和医疗卫生保障、铁饭 碗等制度耗费了巨额资金,赶跑了许多投资者。 为了约束福利制度,让经济变得灵活起来,政府经过与工会和反对派的长期斗争,终于通过了比较严厉的经济改革计划,内容之一是从法律上放宽了聘用和解雇员工的规定。 “要是 (旧制度 )真的奏效,人民收入很高,这个制度也不错, ”曼海姆欧洲经济研究中心的麦拉尼 -阿兹说。 “然而,现在人们普遍感觉到看来有些东西不变是不行了,他们欢迎进行改革,他们兼职做第二份工作来
34、适应改革。 ” 且不说象考切莱那样的熟练工,他们面临着比较高的失业率,即使白领专业人士也无法保证完全就业,他 们也在寻找门路以提高收入。 伯纳德 -伯西尔做税务顾问工作,如今他同时兼做三份与自己专业有关的工作,以此维持自己中产阶级的生活水平。 “没有哪一份工作是铁饭碗,谁也保不住三年以后还会在原先的地方工作, ”伯西尔说。他住在莱因河流域的克莱费尔德城。 于是,伯西尔自己开了一家清洗公司,第一批主顾都是他原来的朋友和同事,同时他减少了在税务所工作的时间。他每周在税务所工作 20小时,剩下的时间便用来打理客户清洗公司业务,周末便来到啤酒园 上大学时他在那儿打过工 斟上满满的啤酒,喝上几杯。 伯西
35、尔看到了 经济灵活给他带来的好处。 “这种变化好, ”他说, “整天坐在办公室里很乏味,我需要同大家在一起。 ” 为了帮助这样的兼职者并把 10上下的失业率降下来,德国修改了劳动法。根据修改后的劳动法,兼职者收入中的头 400欧元 (500美元 )不用上税,也不用负担社会福利费用,雇主代工人按其工资 25的固定比率交纳工人所得税和其他福利待遇。 据专门为管理这一新制度而建立的联邦政府机构介绍,新法生效后半年的时间里,已有 100多万专业人士、学生、家庭妇女和工匠开始从事 “迷你活儿 ”。 “显然,现在是鼓励人们在做长工 之外做一份小活儿 ”,凯尔世界经济研究所的哈门 -勒赫门说, “我希望将有
36、更多的人会行动起来,找一份迷你活儿干。 ” 对于像伯西尔那样的白领专业人士而言,做餐馆侍者这样的迷你活儿可以帮他付新的公寓房房租,并可以在周末出去短途旅游。而像考切莱那样的蓝领工人,他们做迷你活儿可以帮助他们入以抵出,维持生计。 “没想到同时做两份工作会变得如此普遍, ”考切莱说。他的工作方式在德国已经变成了一种工作模式。 【知识模块】 英译汉 10 【正确答案】 超级假币 纸币放到凯利面前,他惊呆了。其中两张 假币看上去和真的一模一样。 “我处理过不少假币案,我知道假币是什么样子的, ”凯利说, “但是这几张看上去像真的一样,摸上去没有异样的感觉。我的意思是, 要是这真是假的,对美国来说,麻
37、烦可就大了。 ”凯利马上给驻波士顿美国财政部特工处办公室打电话。 “我说 这儿有几张特别漂亮的纸币,来自黎巴嫩, ”凯利回忆道。 “特工三分半钟后就赶到了。他们十分清楚我反映的问题非同小可。 ” 原来,凯利此前已经得到百元面值美元假币的样本,这种假币被叫做 “超级假币 ”, 1990年左右出现,源于中东。特工告诉凯利,据他们所知,两年时间 里,已经印制了总价值为二、三十亿的假币。这种假币确实非同一般。一般假币都是用那种印刷书籍杂志的胶印机印刷,无论看上去还是摸上去都略显平板,而超级假币是借助用来印刷真正美元的机械设备,用一种叫做凹版印刷的工业流程印出来的,蚀刻板与纸面接触十分有力,造出的纸币字
38、面清晰,有立体感。造假币用的纸张也不含糊,是从 1879年起就开始专门为美国政府生产货币专用纸的马萨诸塞州达而顿市克莱恩公司产品的复制品, 75棉, 25亚麻,内嵌红蓝两色纤维条。 超级假币的制造工艺精致无比。有一条龙的序列编号,制版工艺也在不断地改进。一位特工确认凯利两张假币样品是超级假币,因为有三处微小的瑕疵。即使指出了这些瑕疵,凯利说: “坦率地讲,我实在是看不出这些毛病。 ”(一位前特工处技侦科雇员说,超级假币第一次送到华盛顿特工处实验室,一位高级技术分析人员“用尽了他用过的所有鉴别假币的办法对假币进行了检验,结果竟然说这是一张真币。 ”) 最令人担忧的是,超级假币伪造得如此逼真,它可
39、以骗过全国所有 12家联邦储备银行的验钞机。美国货币正面的黑色油墨中含有氧化亚铁,有磁性,联邦验钞机可以读出画像中线以下的磁场,精确度极高。如果混有假币,检测出一张 假币,同时将有 1000张真币也会被拒绝。但是,凯利回忆道, “特工告诉我,这两张假币竞得以蒙混过关。 ” 凯利了解到,超级假币曾在欧洲、远东、中东以及前苏联流行,只有很少一部分流进了美国。然而情况并不乐观。如今流通中的 3, 900亿美元纸币当中,大约有三分之二即 2, 500亿美元在外国 人手中。美元全球吃香,对美国是件天大的好事。正如美国联邦储备局乐于指出的那样,每一张流通中的美国纸币就是一份免息的贷款;发行相同数量的政府债
40、券美国政府每年要支付 250亿美元利息。哈萨克斯坦人家床垫下藏着的美元,它的可贵之处在于这些美元永远不会进入流通领域。超级美元并不是外国人第一次制造发行的美元假币,然而由于超级假币足以乱真的质量令人生畏,世界人民对美元的信任看来会因此而造成很大的损害。 【知识模块】 英译汉 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 11 【正确答案】 A “Love Birds Week“ is held every spring and autumn throughout Liaoning Province. 【知识模块】 汉译英 12 【正确答案】 Nort
41、herly wind of force 4-5 (on a scale of 1-12) will hit North and Northeast China. 【知识模块】 汉译英 13 【正确答案】 Some sheds and kiosks, which had been erected in violation of relevant regulations, were demolished yesterday in Heping District. 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【正确答案】 The Fifth National Olympic Contest on Biology w
42、as recently concluded. Zheng Zhong of the citys Xinhua Middle School won the first prize. 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 Tianjin Security Authorities seized five scalpers at Tianjin Railway Station a few days ago. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16 【正确答案】 The renovation project of the Qiandezhuang shanty dwellings is the biggest
43、of such projects in the city. 【知识模块】 汉译英 17 【正确答案】 Some courts involved in pilot reform programmes have had successful experiences. 【知识模块】 汉译英 18 【正确答案】 The Premier, on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee and the State Council, expressed regard for the people affected by the floo
44、ds, as well as for the Peoples Liberation Army officers and soldiers, the armed police and the public security forces who are battling the raging waters to rescue residents. 【知识模块】 汉译英 19 【正确答案】 Increase Regional Economic Cooperation through Opening-up and Innovation A philosopher once observed that
45、 we cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them Indeed. Old problems can no longer be solved by clinging to the outdated mindset of confrontation, hatred and isolation. Dialogue, consultation and cooperation must be explored to find solutions to new problems
46、. It is important that we draw lessons from history, and pool our collective wisdom to maximize the convergence of interests among countries. Fortunately, in time of hardship and trial, mankind has always been able to find the courage to get out of the predicament and move ahead through change and i
47、nnovation. In a world of diverse civilizations, we should all seek to live in harmony. In a world facing volatile economic situation, we should all work to promote opening-up and innovation. We need to act along the trend of our time, firmly advance free trade, resolutely reject protectionism, and a
48、ctively expand regional economic cooperation. We need to build global value chains, and seize the opportunity of a new technological revolution. While the international community agrees on the importance of macro-policies to the economy, they also recognize the urgency to go ahead with structural re
49、form. Structural reform must be carried through no matter how difficult it is, as it is an effective way to foster conditions conducive to global innovation and bring about new momentum for global development. 【知识模块】 汉译英 20 【正确答案】 Promote Economic Restructuring and Maintain Stable Economic Development The Chinese economy has entered a state of new normal. The gear of growth is shifting from high speed to medium-to-high speed, and development needs to move from low-to-medium level to medium-to-high level. This has made it all t
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