1、笔译二级实务(综合)模拟试卷 7及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 Before the car was towed to a wrecking yard, Morris went through to see it one more time. 2 Unlike officers who eat off crockery, enlisted sailors and marines are served on sectional plastic trays. 3 Smith cradled the back of his
2、head with his hand. 4 She pulls meat from the claw, dips it into a silver pot of butter and pops it into her mouth. 5 Sometimes half the drop-offs at the local U-Haul rental places come from California. 6 A Western intelligence agency estimates between 20 to 30 people have died in the power struggle
3、 between military groups and the government. 7 But the official of the UN said that the talk of financial aid is premature. 8 Local newspaper editorials are demanding an inquiry into what has happened. 9 I can flatly tell you we know how we will do that. 10 The two attackers escaped in a car and the
4、re has been no claim for responsibility. 11 About Archives At some point most of us realize that having a personal archival strategy is an inescapable aspect of modern life: one has to draw the line somewhere. What should the policy be toward childrens drawings and report cards? Toward personal lett
5、ers and cancelled checks? Toward family photographs and wedding mementos? Toward favorite but no longer usable articles of clothing? People work out ad hoc answers to such questions, usually erring, I suspect, on the side of overaccrual. My father who is an artist, still has all his art school sketc
6、hbooks from when he was in his early teens, and he has some 10, 000 Polaroid photographs of himself that he took over the years in order to capture details of lighting and drapery. He has a field of newspaper clippings about Fordham football games from the 1930s. Almost everyone seems to save to “cu
7、rate“ , as archaeologists say issues of National Geographic. That is why in garbage landfills copies of that magazine are rarely found in isolation; rather they are found in herds, when an entire collection has been discarded after an owner has died or moved. I happen to be an admirer of the archivi
8、ng impulse and an inveterate archivist at the household level. Though not quite one of those people whom public-health authorities seem to run across every few years, with a house in which neatly bundled stacks of newspaper occupy all but narrow aisles. I do tend to save almost everything that is pe
9、rsonal and familial, and even to supplement this private hoard with oddities of a more public nature a calling card of Thomas Nasts, for instance, and a baseball bat of Luis Aparicios and Kim Philbys copy of The Joy of Cooking. I cannot help wondering, though, whether as a nation we are compiling ar
10、chives at a rate that will exceed anyones ability ever to make sense of them. A number of observers have cited the problem of “information overload“ as if it were a recent development, largely the consequence of computers. In truth, the archive backlog has been a problem for millennia. The excavatio
11、n of thousands of cuneiform tablets in the ancient archives of Ebla, in what is now Syria, was hugely important, but it will be many decades before the tablets are fully translated, and by then further discoveries will no doubt have dug scholars more deeply as it were, into a hole. A few years ago a
12、 Vatican official spent a morning taking me through the rich labyrinths and frescoed recesses of the Vatican Library: “Do you even know what you have?“ I asked at one point. He shrugged and said that although the name of every item probably existed in the records somewhere “ Here, like this,“ he sai
13、d, pulling out an 18th century ledger and pointing to an entry in an elegant hand he guessed that no one had actually opened up and looked at two-thirds of the collection. Writings great advantage over memory has ever been that it allows one to remember what one can then forget about an invitation t
14、o warehousing. The process keeps speeding up, and Roy Williams, a researcher at the California Institute of Technologys Center for Advanced Computing Research, has attempted to calculate how fast. He notes that the amount of information now stored in all printed sources everywhere in the world is ro
15、ughly equivalent to two hundred petabytes, a petabyte being one quadrillion bytes. In contrast, Williams has calculated, the amount of information that will have accumulated in online media alone by the year 2000 that is in the course of a mere couple of decades is two and a half times as much as th
16、at, and he conceded that this figure may be a gross underestimation. 12 Evening Train and the Woman I am worried about the woman. I am afraid she might hurt herself, perhaps has already hurt herself theres no way to know which of the return dates stamped on the book of poetry was hers. The book, Den
17、ise Levertoves Evening Train, belongs to the New York City Public Library. I checked it out yesterday and can keep it for three weeks. Ever since my husband and I moved to the city several months ago, Ive been homesick for my books, the hundreds of volumes stored in my brothers basement. I miss havi
18、ng them near me, running my hands over their spines, recalling when and where I acquired each one, and out of what need. Theres no way to know for certain that the phantom library patron is a woman, but all signs point in that direction. On one page is a red smear that looks like lipstick, and betwe
19、en two other pages, lying like a bookmark, is a long, graying hair. The underlinings, which may or may not have been made by the woman, are in pencil pale, tentative marks. I study carefully, reverently, the way an archaeologist traces a fossils delicate imprint. The rest is dream, conjecture, the m
20、aking of my story. Its a weird obsession, I know, studying other readers leavings and guessing the lives lived beneath. Even as my reasonable mind is having its way (This makes no sense. How can you assume? The marks could have been made by anyone, for any reason, over any period of time), my other
21、self is leaving on its journey. Ive always been a hungry reader, what one friend calls a “selfish reader“. But is there any other kind? Dont we all read to answer our own needs to complete the lives weve begun, to point us toward some light? Some of the underlinings in Evening Train have been partia
22、lly erased (eraser crumbles have gathered in the center seams), as if the woman reconsidered her first responses or tried to cover her tracks. The markings do not strike me as those of a defiant woman but rather of one who has not only taken her blows but feels she might deserve them. She has underl
23、ined “ serviceable heart“ in one poem; in another, “Grey-haired, I have not grown wiser. “ If she exists, I would like to sit with this woman. We seem to have a lot in common. We chose the same book. We both wear red lipstick, and I thought I am not so honest (the graying in my hair is hidden beneat
24、h an auburn rinse). I am probably her age or thereabouts. And from what she has left behind on the pages of Levertovs poems, it appears that our hearts have worn down in the same places. This is the part that worries me. Though my heart has mended, for the time being at least, hers seems to be in th
25、e very act of breaking. A present-tense pain pulses through each marked up poem, and the further I read, the clearer it becomes what she is considering. I want to reach through the pages and lead her out. SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 13 如有必要,调查组将给予现场办公更好的保护,林业部野生动物及森林保护司副司长说。 14 尽可能多
26、地保留国有企业仍然是衡量政绩的一个标志。 15 我们必须做好各方面的工作,以保证香港平稳过渡之后的繁荣与稳定。 16 产粮大省湖南长期不懈努 力提高粮食产量与质量以养活中国人民,并提高他们的生活水平。 17 中国自改革开放以来开发了不少海上油田。 18 中国人一开始往往将彩票与赌博混淆起来,对即开式奖券持鄙视、抵制的态度。 19 端午节 农历五月初五为 “端午节 ”。为了纪念楚国爱国诗人屈原,这一天必不可少的活动是吃粽子、赛龙舟。 据史记记载,屈原是战国时期楚国大臣。他倡导举贤授能、富国强兵,力主联齐抗秦,遭到贵族们的强烈反对,后遭诋毁流放。公元前 278年,秦军攻破楚国京都。屈原听到噩耗后,
27、万念俱灰,于五月五日投汨罗 江而亡。 传说屈原故去后,楚国百姓纷纷涌到汨罗江边去凭吊屈原。渔夫们划起船只,奋力打捞他的尸体。人们还将饭团和鸡蛋丢进江里,以免屈原的身体被鱼、虾、蟹伤害。后来,怕饭团被蛟龙所食,人们想出用竹叶包饭,外缠彩丝,这就是传说中粽子的来源。 20 几亿孩子科学素养让人忧心 当前基础教育中存在过分重视知识灌输,忽视少年儿童科学素养教育,且有愈演愈烈倾向,引起了一些两院院士的关注和担忧。 电子科技大学原校长刘盛纲院士讲了自己孙女的经历,感慨道: “现在中国小孩子没有童年了。 ”一次,这位科学家 带领孙女逛街,告诉她要什么都可以买。得到的回答令他心酸: “爷爷奶奶,我现在想要睡
28、觉。 ” 孙女还告诉爷爷:住校生中,在半夜有的躲在厕所里看书,有的则拿着手电筒躲在被窝里看书。 刘盛纲催促家人向学校反映这些情况后,得到的答复更让他无奈。老师回答:“如果我给了她童年,她就没有成年了 考不上大学怎么办 ?” “小孩子没有童年,身心发育都受影响,哪来创造力呢 ?”刘盛纲说。 著名物理学家、南开大学教授葛墨林院士回忆说,自己物理知识的启蒙,就是小时候读的介绍大科学家爱迪生的小书。他说上小学的时候, 常常跟着老师同学打橄榄球、游泳,快乐得不想回家。他说: “我觉得素质教育在中国不是什么新鲜事物,素质教育本身就是学生自愿的行为,要能够吸引小孩的天性。 ” 而如今,学校为孩子们提供了各种
29、付费的辅导,家长还要求他们学钢琴、学画画、背京戏、背古文。 与此同时,他们在西方的同龄人,有的 3岁就能设计小船模型。一位院士批评说: “人家的创新人才是教育制度成批培养的,我们的创新人才是教育压不垮 漏网 的。 ” 韦钰院士认为,当务之急是恢复小学一年级的科学课,这样至少可以连续地对 5岁至 12岁的儿童进行科学教育。 小学科学课以前是 “常识 ”课,后来改为 “自然 ”课,均从一年级开始。新课改将其改为 “科学 ”后,延迟到三年级开课。院士们呼吁这一改革值得重新审视。 对于正在开展的小学科学教育国家标准修订工作,韦钰在南开大学向同行坦承自己感到 “战战兢兢 ”: “我们几亿孩子将来的科学素
30、质,不是开玩笑的事儿。 ” 笔译二级实务(综合)模拟试卷 7答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 车拖运到废车堆放场之前,毛利斯又到那儿去看了它一 眼。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 当官的拿餐具吃饭,水兵与海军陆战队士兵则用分格塑料盘就餐。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 斯密司用一只手托住了后脑勺。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 她从 (螃蟹 )爪子里扒出肉来,在银制黄油罐里蘸了蘸, “啪 ”的一声送进了嘴里。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 有时候,当地的 “友好 ”卡车
31、出租公司租车点接受的归还车辆有半数是从加利福尼亚开过来的。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确答案】 一家 西方通讯社估计,在军事集团与政府的权力斗争中有大约 20至 30人丧生。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 但是,联合国一位官员说,现在就经济援助进行会谈还为时过早。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 当地报纸新闻要求对事件真相进行调查。 【知识模块】 英译汉 9 【正确答案】 我可以明确地告诉大家,我们知道应该如何去做。 【知识模块】 英译汉 10 【正确答案】 两名袭击者乘车逃逸,截至目前还没有人声明对袭击事件负责。 【知识模块】 英译汉 11 【正确答案】 关于收藏 我们
32、大多数人都会在一生中的某个时刻认识到,对于个人书面材料的去留制定一个策略,是现代生活中的应有之举:每个人都要确定一个标准。幼年的涂鸦、成绩单该怎么处理 ?私人信件、用过的支票呢 ?家里人的照片、结婚纪念品 ?曾经钟爱过但是现在已经不穿的衣服 ?对于这些东西,人们会心血来潮,随意做出决定,然而,却往往错在多多益善上面。父亲是画家,至今还保留着他十多岁时上艺术学校画速写的本子,以及多年来用拍立得相机拍摄的上万张自己的照片,以捕捉灯光服饰细微的差别。他有一摞福德汉姆橄榄球队比赛的剪 报,从 20世纪 30年代开始,一张不落。看来,我们每个人都在储存,或者用考古学者的话说,是在 “收藏 ”美国国家地理
33、杂志。也许正是因为这个原因,在垃圾填埋场很少见到单本的美国国家地理,一旦见到,都是成摞成摞的。那是杂志主人去世或搬走之后,才舍得扔掉的。 我碰巧也是一个有着收藏癖好的人,一个家庭级的顽固不化的收藏家,尽管还不像卫生部门每隔几年就能碰上一个的那种人,家里堆满了一捆捆报纸,只剩下窄窄的几条过道容人通过。但是凡是个人或家里的东西,我也几乎一件不落地统统收藏起来,除此之外,还要收藏一些公众人物 的物品,以作补充,像托马斯 -纳斯特的名片、路易斯 -阿帕里修的棒球拍子、金 -非尔比写的烹饪之乐等等。 然而,我忍不住要问,作为国家,我们存档速度是否太快,人们根本来不及将它们全看过来。有些观察人士将这种现象
34、归咎于 “信息爆炸 ”,好像这个问题是最近才出现的,是随着计算机而来的。实际上,档案存多用少的问题已有几千年的历史了。从现今叙利亚爱尔巴出土的几千块楔形文字牌意义重大,不过,要破译这些文字牌需要几十年的时间。到那时,会发掘出更多的楔形文字牌,考古学者无疑会进入更深洞穴发现新的文物。几年前,我在梵蒂冈一 位官员陪同下,花了一个上午,参观了迷宫一般的梵蒂冈图书馆,馆内曲径通幽,有许多绘有壁画的阅览室、藏书室。 “你们是否真的知道有多少藏书 ?”走到某一处,我问道。那位官员耸了耸肩膀,答道,尽管每一本藏书都可能登记在册, “瞧,就像这本书一样, ”他边说边抽出一本 18世纪的登记册,指着一处笔迹娟秀
35、的条目。不过据他猜测,图书馆里有三分之二的藏书从来没有人真正打开看过。 书写对于记忆而言,最大的优势莫过于可以记住本来会忘掉的事情,这就促使人们大量地储存信息。这一过程在不断加速。加利福尼亚理工学院高级计算研究中心研究 员罗艾 -威廉姆斯试图计算出这个过程到底有多快。威廉姆斯发现,迄今为止,世界各地以印刷媒介储存的文字材料大约相当于 200 petabyte,一个 petabyte相当于 2的 50次方个字节,总共合 2000亿个字节,而威廉姆斯计算出来,到2000年为止,仅仅网上储存的信息量,也就是前后大约几十年光阴的储存量,是印刷文字材料的 2 5倍。而且,威廉姆斯承认,这个数字还可能是被
36、大大低估了的。 【知识模块】 英译汉 12 【正确答案】 夜行列车与那个女人 我为那个女人担心,怕她伤害自己,也许这种伤 害已经造成 我无法从诗集上打印的还书日期上判断,哪个是她还书的日子。诗集作者是丹尼斯 -莱佛托夫,书名夜行列车,是纽约市立图书馆藏书。我昨天借来,可以保留三个星期。我和丈夫几个月前搬到纽约市,一搬过来我就开始想念我的那些藏书了,那些藏在哥哥地下室里的好几百本书。我真想同过去一样,呆在自己的藏书边上,抚摩一本本书的书脊,回想一下每一本书都是什么时候、什么地方买的,出于什么目的买了回来。 无法确认这位不知名的借书人是位女性,但是种种痕迹昭示着此人非女性莫属。一张书页上留下了一个
37、红点,看上去很像口红;两 张书页之间,留有一根长长的白发,像书签一般。字里行间留有一些下划线,也许是这个女人留下的,也许不是,是用铅笔划的 我仔细地、虔诚地研究这些淡淡的、即兴划上去的痕迹,就像考古学者研究化石上的细微的痕迹一样。除此之外,就如同梦幻一般了,完全是猜想,是我自己编造的故事了。我知道,研究其他读者留下的痕迹,猜测这些痕迹带给我们的人生故事,这是一种怪异的癖好。即便我的大脑回归理性 (这纯粹是胡思乱想。你怎么知道自己猜得对不对呢 ?书里的痕迹可以是任何人为了任何一个目的在任何一个时间留下的。 ),我的另一半还是在继续猜想。我 一向是个如饥似渴的读者,有个朋友称我是 “自私的读者 ”
38、。然而,还有不自私的读者吗 ?难道我们读书不是为了满足自身的需要,将已经开始的人生道路走到底,不是为了替自己找到前进的方向吗 ? 夜行列车里留下的痕迹有些已经擦去 (橡皮屑聚集在书缝里 ),好像那个女人又有了新的感受,也许是不想让别人知道她的想法。我感到,这些痕迹不像是一个勇于抗争的女人留下的,倒像是一个逆来顺受的女人留下的,而且她觉得她受此打击是命里注定。她在一首诗歌中给 “长期饱经苦难的心 ”划了底线,在另一首诗歌里划出了 “双鬓染霜,愚笨依旧 ”。如果这个 女人此时就在我的面前,我真想和她坐下来。我俩有太多的相同之处。我们选读同一本诗集,我们同样选用红色唇膏。我们年纪很可能相仿,在这点上
39、我不太诚实 (我的白头发染成了红褐色 )。 从她留在诗集里的痕迹,不难看出,似乎我们俩的心都在相同的地方受了伤。这正是我忧虑的事情。我心上的伤痛已经愈合,至少就目前而言是这样,而她心上的伤痛似乎正在加剧。现时折磨着她的伤痛在每一首诗歌中由她留下的痕迹里展示出来,我越读越清晰地感觉到她的内心所思。我真想钻进书页里,将她从痛苦里引领出来。 【知识模块】 英译汉 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 13 【正确答案】 Vice director of the Ministry of Forestrys Wildlife and Forest Pr
40、otection Department, says that if necessary, the investigation team will work on the spot for further protection. 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【 正确答案】 Maintaining as many State-owned enterprises as possible is still accepted as a sign of administrative merits. 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 We must do a good job in all aspe
41、cts of our work to ensure a prosperous and stable Hong Kong after its smooth return. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16 【正确答案】 The granary province of Hunan has long been making sustained efforts to raise grain productivity and quality in a bid to help feed Chinas people and improve their living standards. 【知识模块】 汉译英 17
42、 【正确答案】 China has found many offshore oilfields since the beginning of the reform and opening up. 【知识模块】 汉译英 18 【正确答案】 Prone to confuse gaming and gambling at first, most Chinese despised and rejected the scratch-open tickets in the early years. 【知识模块】 汉译英 19 【正确答案】 Dragon Boat Festival The fifth da
43、y of the fifth month on the lunar calendar, known as the Dragon Boat Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival to commemorate Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet of the Chu State. The Chinese have the tradition of eating zongzi (dumpling made of glutinous rice), and having dragon boat race on this day. Acco
44、rding to Historical Records, Qu Yuan was a minister of the Chu State during the period of the Warring States (475BC-221BC). He passionately advocated selecting government functionaries according to their competence, making the state and the army strong and allying with the Qi State to fight Qin. Chu
45、s aristocrats strongly opposed him. Later Qu Yuan was framed and sent into exile. In 278 BC, Qins army captured Chus capital. Hearing this sad news, Qu Yuan, totally disillusioned, drowned himself in the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It was said that upon hearing the news of
46、 Qu Yuans death, local people in the Chu State rushed to the river bank to show their respect for him. Fishermen rowed on the river, trying hard to retrieve his body. They threw rice balls and eggs into the water, hoping to keep fish, shrimps and crabs from hurting the poets body. To prevent the gia
47、nt dragon from eating the rice balls, local people later wrapped the rice balls with bamboo leaves and bound them with colorful threads, which explains how zongzi has come into being. 【知识模块】 汉译英 20 【正确答案】 Kids Lack of Science Cultivation Worries Everyone Increasingly excessive emphasis on imparting
48、knowledge to the neglect of fostering science sense has caused concerns and worries among science and engineering academicians in China. Academician Liu Shenggang, former president of the Electronic Science University, related his granddaughters experience and laments: “Gone is the childhood for kid
49、s in China!“ One day, the scientist went shopping with her granddaughter and told her that she might buy whatever she wanted. The reply made him sad, “Grandpa and grandma, what I want now is nothing but sleep. “ The granddaughter told her grandpa that some boarders read books in the restroom at night and some others read books hidden away in the quilts under the dim light provided by a flashlight. Mr. Liu urged his son to complain to the school authorities and the reply made him even sadder. One teacher said
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