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1、笔译二级实务(综合)模拟试卷 9及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 Tofu and a host of other products made from the mighty soybean are pushing aside meat, milk and even ice cream on grocery store shelves these days as scientists rave about the health benefits of soy. Hundreds of scientists around

2、the globe are turning their microscopes to soy in search of ways to prove or disprove its cancer-fighting ability or its benefit as a natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy. Good science requires patience. 2 Date palms have grown prolifically in both Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) and Egypt f

3、or many thousands of years. Dates are rich in sugar, and in such warm climates fermentation into a liquid containing alcohol took place fairly quickly. Thus, while our first records of dates being made into wine come from the period 3000 B. C. to 2000 B. C. , we feel certain that it was made much ea

4、rlier. Since the fruit itself houses the yeast fungus that causes fermentation, making date wine was a fairly simple process. The only pieces of equipment needed were a jar to hold the date and a strainer used at the end of the fermentation. 3 The genetic structure of any living organism is complex,

5、 and GM crop tests focus on short-term effects. 4 Humans can inadvertently eat foods which contain GM products meant as animal feed. 5 We are currently growing at a rate that is using up the earths resources far faster than they can be sustainably replenished, so we are eating into the future. 6 If

6、you thicken the earths CO2 blanket, the earth gets warmer. 7 Children obesity mounts as junk food purveyors bombard children with advertising, even at school. 8 The significance of agriculture in the economy declined as towns grew, a decline made swifter by the depression. 9 An energetic manufacturi

7、ng sector pressed forward with a huge range of items, from ships and steam engines through textiles to the enormous variety of small manufactured goods. 10 Scientists Make Plants Grow Faster Genetic researchers have accelerated a plants growth by making its cells split faster a technique that could

8、someday lead to healthier crops, shorter growing seasons and less use of herbicides. One outside scientist called the findings astonishing. But the technique needs more testing on a range of plants, and public fear of genetically modified food is jeopardizing support for such experiments, especially

9、 in Europe, researchers said. The experiment, reported Thursday in the journal Nature, was carried out by a team at Cambridge University. The researchers first took a gene promoting cell division from inside the arabidopsis plant, a flowering weed often used for genetic experiments. They transplante

10、d that gene into a tobacco plant. There, in an especially potent form, the gene produced large amounts of a protein that, in combination with other chemicals naturally in the tobacco, made the plants cells divide more quickly at the tips of roots and shoots. Within a month after planting, the altere

11、d tobacco grew as much as twice as tall as other tobacco plants. Ultimately, the other plants caught up, and both groups then appeared identical in all ways. “Its sort of like theyve been able to make the plant go full throttle,“ said plant growth biologist John Schiefelbein at the University of Mic

12、higan. The leader of the study, Claire Cockcroft, said it is conceivable that the technique could be transferred to other species. Such plants, which probably would take years to develop commercially, might allow an extra planting in some climates or the introduction of crops in places where the gro

13、wing season is too short, researchers said. The quick-growth plants would presumably take hold more easily, requiring less chemical herbicide to knock out weeds. Such plants might make easier and cheaper sources of some drugs. In scientific circles, the British research may also help settle an inten

14、se debate over what makes plants grow. Some argue, like these researchers, that something at the cellular level switches on growth; others look to hormones or other chemicals at a higher level of the plants makeup. “This is astonishing. Normally you would expect growth regulation to be more complica

15、ted, “ said plant researcher Xuemin Wang at Kansas State University. “ This has huge implications in terms of how we look at plant growth. “ Biotechnology companies have genetically manipulated fruits and vegetables to make them more attractive or resistant to insects and disease. Genetic work has s

16、hown some early promise for faster growth, too. But previous attempts to boost growth through faster cell division have produced more cells but smaller ones and no overall growth. Scientists said such work is safe, with little chance of accidentally turning an unwanted plant into a fast-growing weed

17、. After all, crops have been selectively bred for decades to bring out certain traits. However, ethicist Jeffrey Burkhardt at the University of Floridas Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences said selective breeding takes perhaps 15 years, giving scientists ample time to see the implications. “

18、With the new biotechnology, youre potentially moving traits in and out within a year,“ he said. He said federal agencies should review genetically modified plants more carefully over a longer time. But he thinks some may prove worthy. 11 Researcher Sees Trees as a Clean, Green Solution Heres an idea

19、 that will grow on you: using trees and other plants to reduce water and ground pollution and reducing overall cleanup costs. Thats the goal of environmental engineer Joel Burken, an assistant professor of civil engineering at UMR, who is leading a team of graduate and undergraduate students in this

20、 nontraditional research effort. “Who would have thought that trees could help purify water?“ says Burken. But thats exactly the goal behind a relatively new idea in environmental engineering. Known as “phytoremediation“, the method involves using plants to clean up pollutants. “I hope that phytorem

21、ediation will revolutionize the process of remediating contaminated sites,“ Burken says. “The effort could replace the current methods now being used to cleanse contaminated soil and groundwater. “ Some of those current methods of water purification consist of pumping, heating or even baking the gro

22、und to extract the pollutants. “All of those measures, especially pumping, are incredibly expensive,“ Burken says. “In contrast, phytoremediation uses living plants to reduce contaminated soil, sludge and groundwater in a less expensive way. “ Phytoremediation has also been expanded to provide safer

23、 methods of cleaning metals, crude oil, and landfill leachates, Burken says.1 Working in conjunction with the University of Connecticut and Ecolotree Inc. , an environmental engineering company, Burken plans to cut costs by using poplar trees to remove the pollutants from water tables that may be us

24、ed for drinking water. One method involves incorporating genetically enhanced microbes with the planting of the trees. This type of “ genetic engineering“ gives the microbes the ability to break down naturally, Burken says. University of Connecticut researchers do the actual genetic engineering part

25、 of the process, creating the enhanced microbes. Burken carries on the process by inoculating cuttings from the trees. Burken tests the trees to see the impacts of the genetic engineering. The research has proven to be beneficial, Burken says. “In one case, 1, 700 poplar trees were planted on a cont

26、aminated U. S. Navy site. The efforts resulted in saving the site about $ 5 million in the clean-up process. “ While “there are still many questions left unanswered about exactly why this process works, it seems to work,“ says Burken. “But we dont know exactly why. It is just a simple but elegant pr

27、ocess that does the job. “ SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 12 通常在减压,切断电流和制动之间有几秒钟的间隔,这就使得司机能够迅速跨到驾驶室的另一边,因为他可能需要做瞬间的嘹望,这样做他就不需要把火车停下。 13 在风扇的空气人口处,通常装有活动的百叶窗,它受恒温器控制能自动地开闭,以保持气缸温度尽可能稳定。当发动机加大负荷工作时,进来的空气就多些,而在发动机空转时,进来的空气就少些。 14 在经过隧道的旅客看来,隧道没有大桥或高架桥那样雄伟壮观;对于开挖隧道所投入的大量人力物力,所能显示出的只不过是两个洞口

28、而已。然而世界上的许多隧道 尤其 是那些最长的隧道,永远铭刻着人类面对大自然的不屈不挠的精神以及直面千难万险的英雄主义气概,所有这些都是铁路工程的其它领域无与伦比的。 15 尽管一般来说,运行调度系统目前已得到广泛应用 (特别是在主干线上 ),站长可以通过电话从其车站所在地区的调度室迅速获得必须实施的有关改变列车运行方式的决定,但在紧急情况下,可能还要求站长对过站列车的运行作出重要的决策。 16 正是由于这个原因,在那些有充足长途客运的地方,长途直达运营日益增多,这样一来就可避免重要的中间站或联轨站站台线路的阻塞,而这些阻塞是由于无正当 理由停靠而停靠的列车引起的。 17 按照故障保险设计的飞

29、机安全的结构部件,只要其疲劳断裂不至于频繁发生以危及飞机安全,缩短其使用寿命,或因维修过多降低其利用率和经济效益,那么偶尔的疲劳断裂是完全可以允许的。 18 由于活塞与气缸的配合间隙对发动机的使用寿命影响极大,影响配合间隙的主要因素是活塞在工作状态下的变形,所以真实反映活塞变形情况十分重要,为此已广泛采用有限元法进行数值分析。 19 在发射了 “远星 ”号卫星以后,紧接着又发射了其它一些越来越精密的卫星,其中最著名的是 “晨鸟一号 ”这是第一颗 商业通讯卫星,于 1965年发射,现在正定点于大西洋上空 22300英里的地方,定期在欧美之间传送电话和电视讯号。 20 由于光导纤维数据链系统旨在供

30、计算机和类似计算机的设备使用,所以具有下述优点:电缆体积小,重量轻,抗闪电和其他电磁干扰。 21 利用三艘不同宇航船上的仪器,科学家们探测到了古老水 (水的化学符号: H2O)的化学信号。 22 低碳革命 对于企业来说,要加人气候组织其实不是一件很容易的事情,这个组织旨在推动节能减排,它的门槛设得比较高,有一套严格的申请程序,而且十分费时。首先,企业本身要认同并推动低碳,而且要身体力行去做。企业比方说是金融界的企业,它的投资原则是否能真正推动低碳产业的发展 ?而从制造业来讲,比方说很多大企业自己的能源消耗,材料的采购,是否能推动低碳进程。总之,企业一些具体的做法当中,一定要执行一套非常严格的制

31、度来推动实现低碳目标。今年可以说是推行低碳生活、应对气候变化非常关键的一年,我们希望看到越来越多的人、越来越多的企业都加入到这场低碳革命中来。 23 中国试验海水灌溉农业 中国科学家在沿海省份大面积试验用海水灌溉农作物,以供养众多的人口,这些人口 土地面临匮乏、淡水短缺的压力。早在 20世纪 90年代,在沿海地区 (包括山东省,河北省,广东省和海南省 )的近 30万公顷的盐碱地和滩涂上,种的不是小麦、水稻,就是油料作物,这在全世界都是不曾有过的。正好一举两得,人们相信,发展海水灌溉农业是增加农田和降低灌溉费用的有效途径。 中国人口占世界总人口的五分之一,而可利用的耕地面积只占世界总耕地面积的百

32、分之七。假如所有的可利用土地都用来种植农作物,那么可以生产出一亿五千万吨农产品,大约相当于中国 30的年产量。另一方面,海水灌溉对中国这样一个人均淡水占有量只占世界 人均四分之一的国家,将大有裨益。中国的农业用水量占总用水量的 70,而 60的耕地灌溉用水严重缺乏。与把海水变成淡水的技术成本相比,直接将海水引入运河或直接在盐碱土壤上种植农作物的费用只有前者的 1 30。自古以来,几乎所有的农作物都得用淡水灌溉。然而,随着杂交技术和基因技术的发展,中国的科学家培育出了一组能在盐碱环境中生长的盐土植物。运用克隆或 “花粉管道 ”等特殊技术,中国科学院的科学家们成功地将耐盐作物遗传物质导人普通茄子、

33、辣椒,培育出了能在滩涂中生长的特殊品种。 迄今为止,试验在大量种植小麦和水稻的 地区顺利推行,从东部的黄河三角洲延伸至南方的珠江三角洲。过去的五年里,中国农业发展迅速,但中国政府仍然把调整农业结构,提高农民收入,保证农产品质量作为工作重心。中国政府认为,科学和技术将是发展国民经济包括农业在内的关键。既然技术瓶颈已被攻克,中国很有可能在 21世纪大范围推行海水灌溉农业。 笔译二级实务(综合)模拟试卷 9答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 因科学家们为大豆有益健康的事实大声叫好,而使得如今杂货店的货架上的豆腐和各种

34、豆制品正在把肉类、牛奶甚至冰淇淋挤到了一旁。全球数以百计的科学家正把他们的显微镜对准了大豆,想方设法地证明或反驳大豆具有抗癌能力或可作为取代激素补充疗法的一种自然选择。真科学渴求忍耐和等待。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 伊拉克和埃及盛产枣椰有几千年的历史。枣椰含有丰富的糖分,在暖和气候条件下,很快就会发酵成含乙醇的液体。这样,尽管据记载枣椰酿酒开始于公元前 3000年至公元前 2000年间,但我们仍然可以确信这个时间有可能还更早些,因为水果本身就含有酵母菌,会引起发酵, 而且酿制大枣酒的工艺相当简单,只需一个装枣椰用的坛子罐和一个发酵末期用的筛网就可以了。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3

35、 【正确答案】 任何生物体的基因结构都很复杂,而转基因作物检测侧重于其短期影响。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 有些动物饲料属于转基因产品,人类可能无意中食用含有此类产品的食物。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 以我们目前这么快的增长,耗尽地球资源的速度远远超过它们能够可持续补充的速度,所以我们在寅吃卯粮。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确 答案】 如果增加地球二氧化碳覆盖层的厚度,地球就会变暖。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 垃圾食品供应商用广告对儿童展开狂轰滥炸,即便在学校也不例外,所以儿童肥胖现象猛增。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 随着城镇的发展,

36、农业在经济中的地位下降,大萧条更加剧了这一下降趋势。 【知识模块】 英译汉 9 【正确答案】 制造业在英国蓬勃发展起来,产品种类繁多,包括船舶、蒸汽机、纺织品,以及五花八门的小工业品。 【知识模块】 英译汉 10 【正确答案】 科学家们研究出加速植物生长的方法 基因研究人员用加速植物细胞分裂的方法使植物生长得更快 这种技术有朝一日会培育出更健壮的农作物,缩短生长周期并使除草剂的使用减少。一位非此领域的科学家称这是令人惊异的研究成果。但研究人员说,这项技术还需要对多种植物进行更多的实验,而公众对转基因食品的恐惧会对此类实验获得支持相当不利,特别是在欧洲。这项由剑桥大学的一组研究人员进行的研究发表

37、在周四出版的自然杂志上。研究人员首先从一种经常用于基因实验的开花野草,阿布属类植物中取出促进细胞分裂的基因,然后把这种基因移植到 一种烟草植物上。由于采用了某种特别有效的方法,这种基因产生出大量的蛋白质,蛋白质与烟草植物中自然生成的另一种化学物质相结合,使得烟草植物的根和嫩枝的尖端部分的细胞以更快的速度分裂。这种改造过的烟草种植后不到一个月,就长得比其它烟草高大一倍,但其它烟草最终赶了上来,这两组植物在各方面看来都完全一样。密歇根大学的植物栽培生物学家约翰 -希费贝恩说: “就好像他们能使植物开足马力疯长一样。 ”领导这项研究的克莱尔 -科克罗夫特说,可以想象,这种技术应该能应用于其它种类的植

38、物。研究人员说,这类植物也许还要几年时间才能进入商 业应用阶段,在某些气候条件下它可能会多生长一茬,或者能把它引进到生长季节特别短的地区。估计这种快速生长的植物生根很容易,消灭野草所需的除草剂也用得较少,这种植物也许可以成为生产一些药品的更易制造、更廉价的原料。 在科学界,英国的这项研究也许有助于结束是什么使植物得以生长的激烈争论。有一部分人与这些英国研究人员的看法相同,认为是细胞层次上的某些物质激发了植物生长,另一些人认为是激素或植物结构中更深层次上的其它化学物质激发了植物生长。堪萨斯州立大学的植物研究人员王学敏说: “这是令人惊奇的事情。人们通常认为 植物生长的规律是很复杂的。这对于我们对

39、植物生长的看法具有重大意义。 ”已有多家生物技术公司通过基因处理,获得了外表更诱人或能抗虫害和疾病的水果与蔬菜。基因工程已经显示出有可能加快植物的生长,但过去通过促进细胞分裂而加速植物生长的实验结果是产生了更多、但更小的细胞,而不是总体的生长。科学家们说,这类研究工作是安全的,那些不需要的植物意外突变成疯长的野草的可能性很小。毕竟,几十年来人们一直在对农作物进行选择性培育,来培养某种变种。然而,佛罗里达大学食品和农业科学研究所的伦理学家杰夫里 -柏哈特说,选择性育种需要大约 15年的时间,科学家有充裕的时间对其中的诸多因素进行研究。他说: “新的生物技术使你有可能在一年内改变植物的特性。 ”他

40、认为联邦政府有关部门应该用更长的时间仔细审查基因改良植物,但他认为有些植物也许是有价值的。 【知识模块】 英译汉 11 【正确答案】 树木被科研人员视为环保清洁剂 你将逐步形成这样的想法:用树木和其它植物来降低水和地面污染 同时降低环保的总费用。这是 UMR市政工程专业助理教授、环境工程师乔尔 -伯肯努力的目标,他正领导着一个由研究生和本科生组成的研究小组主攻这个非传统的研 究项目。伯肯说: “有谁考虑过树木有助于水的净化 ?”但这正是这个相对新颖的环境工程学的观念要达到的目标。这叫作 “植物矫正法 ”,是用植物来清除污染物。 伯肯说: “我希望植物矫正法将给治理污染场所的方法带来一场革命。这

41、种方法能取代目前用来清理受污染土壤和地下水的数种通用的方法。 ”在几种通用的水质净化方法中,有抽吸法,加热甚至把地面烘干以抽出污染物法。伯肯说: “所有这些措施,特别是抽吸法,费用高得令人瞠目。与此相比,植物矫正法是用生长中的植物来减少土壤、淤泥和地下水中的污染物,费用低廉, ”伯肯说。不仅如此,植物矫正法还可以为清除金属、原油及垃圾沥出的废水提供更安全的方法。伯肯正与康涅狄格大学和 Ecolotree股份有限公司 (一家环境工程公司 )合作,准备用白杨滤除可能用作饮用水的地下水中的污染物,以降低成本。一个方法是,植树时加入几种基因受过强化的微生物。伯肯说,这种 “基因工程 ”使得微生物具有自

42、然分解的能力。康涅狄格大学的研究人员承担了该项目中具体的基因工程部分 制造基因强化微生物。伯肯利用嫁接树枝的方法继续这项研究。伯肯对树木进行测试,了解基因工程对树木的影响。伯肯说,已经证明研究是有益的, “其中一例是,把 1700棵白杨种在一个受污染的美国海军基地,结果在清理污染的过程中该基地节约了约五百万美元。 ”伯肯说,尽管 “在为什么这种方法能奏效的问题上,仍有很多问题有待解答,但它好像是有效,不过我们确实不知道个中缘由。这是一个简单的方法,但也是一流的、有效的方法。 ” 【知识模块】 英译汉 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 12

43、 【正确答案】 It is usual to arrange for a delay of a few seconds between the release and the cutting-off of the current and the brake application; this gives the driver the opportunity to cross quickly to the opposite side of his cab, as he may need to do momentarily for look-out purposes, without stoppi

44、ng his train by so doing. 【知识模块】 汉译英 13 【正确答案】 The fans are often fitted with movable shutters to their air intakes which open and close automatically under the control of thermostats to keep the cylinder temperatures as even as possible, admitting more air when the engine is working hard and less w

45、hen it is idling. 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【正确答案】 To the passing traveler a tunnel, not as glorious as a bridge or viaduct, has nothing to show but its two portals for all that has gone into the work of boring it. But many of the worlds tunnels, and the longest in particular, enshrine indomitable perseverance

46、and heroism in the face of tremendous odds and hazards, that probably have no equal in any other field of railway engineering. 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 It is in emergency, also, that the station master may be called on to make decisions of considerable importance in regard to the working of the trains p

47、ast his station, though in general operation control systems are now so extensively applied, more particularly to main lines, that he can obtain without any great delay a decision by telephone from the control office of the area in which his station is situated as to any altered methods of working t

48、hat it may be necessary to put in force. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16 【正确答案】 It is for this reason that, where full passenger loads can be counted on over long distances, the practice of scheduling long non-stop runs is constantly on the increase, as important intermediate stations and junctions thereby are reliev

49、ed of the blockage of their platform lines by trains which stop for no adequate reason. 【知识模块】 汉译英 17 【正确答案】 Fatigue failure of structural components of an aircraft of fail-safe design is quite acceptable, provided it does not occur often enough to endanger the aircraft, reduce its service life, or reduce its utilization and economy by excessive maintenance. 【知识模块】 汉译英 18 【正确答案】 As the joint gap between a piston and a cylinder affects the service life of an engine, and the primary factor influencing the joint gap is the deformation of the pisto

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