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1、考博英语模拟试卷 136及答案与解析 一、 Reading Comprehension 0 A man-made chemical that attracts male gypsy moths by duplicating the natural attractant of female gypsy moths has been patented as No. 3,018,219. Dr. Martin Jacobson of Silver Spring, Md., assigned patent rights to the U. S. Government as represented by

2、 the Secretary of Agriculture. The chemical can be used to detect gypsy moth infestations, as well as to control the insects. The gypsy moth does serious damage to forest and shade trees in New England and eastern New York State. The caterpillars, or larvae, of gypsy moths eat the leaves of trees, o

3、ften causing death by a single attack. Losses of hardwood trees have been estimated at tens of millions of dollars from a 20-year study. Gypsy moths were prevented from spreading to other U. S. forest areas by using the natural attractant of the female to detect infestations, then spraying with chem

4、icals such as DDT to kill the insects. Since the lure could previously be obtained only by clipping the last two abdominal segments of the virgin female moth, extracting the segments with benzene and then processing to stabilize the chemical, the procedure was expensive. Another difficulty was that,

5、 as the gypsy moth population declined, it became increasingly hard to obtain the females needed for lure production. Dr. Jacobson overcame both these difficulties by discovering a synthetic method for making the females attractant chemical. The chemical is known as 12-acetoxy-l-hydroxycis-9- octade

6、cene. It is so potent that the fraction of a drop produced by the female is 200,000 times more than the amount needed to catch a mate. The synthetic chemical is also very powerful-it works in amounts about equivalent to one drop in a box car. The flightless female gypsy moth mates only once a year a

7、nd, as soon as she does, an enzyme switches off production of the sex attractant. The winged male, however, call mate several times and it is because of this that the chemical is being used for pest control. By using a mixture of attractant and DDT in traps lined with a sticky substance, enough male

8、s can be caught to reduce the gypsy moth population substantially. 1 The damage done by gypsy moths to trees in New England and New York is done by _. ( A) only the male moth ( B) only the female moth ( C) a substitute female attractant ( D) caterpillars 2 Prior to Dr. Jacobsons synthetic drug, scie

9、ntists found difficulty in controlling the pest because _. ( A) the natural drug was unavailable ( B) female moths hid from the scientists ( C) extracting the natural drug involved a complicated process ( D) the gypsy moth population declined 3 Dr. Jacobsons chemical works by _. ( A) killing the cat

10、erpillars ( B) attacking the larvae ( C) killing the female moth ( D) attracting the male moth 4 We may assume that Dr. Jacobson assigned patent rights to the United States Government because he _. ( A) is a patriotic citizen ( B) is interested in pure research ( C) is an employee of the Department

11、of Agriculture ( D) wants to destroy the gypsy moth 4 Unlike the carefully weighed and planned compositions of Dante, Goethes writings have always the sense of immediacy and enthusiasm. He was a constant experimenter with life, with ideas, and with forms of writing. For the same reason, his works se

12、ldom have the qualities of finish or formal beauty which distinguish the masterpieces of Dante and Virgil. He came to love the beauties of classicism, but these were never an essential part of his makeup. Instead, the urgency of the moment, the spirit of the thing, guided his pen. As a result, nearl

13、y all his works have serious flaws of structure, of inconsistencies, of excesses and redundancies and extraneities. In the large sense, Goethe represents the fullest development of the romanticist. It has been argued that he should not be so designated because he so clearly matured and outgrew the k

14、ind of romanticism exhibited by Wordsworth, Shelley, and Keats. Shelley and Keats died young; Wordsworth lived narrowly and abandoned his early attitudes. In contrast, Goethe lived abundantly anti developed his faith in the spirit, his understanding of nature and human nature, and his reliance on fe

15、elings as mans essential motivating force. The result was all-encompassing vision of reality and a philosophy of life broader and deeper than the partial visions and attitudes of other romanticists. Yet the spirit of youthfulness, the impatience with close reasoning or “logic-chopping,“ and the cont

16、inued faith in nature remained his to tile end, together with an occasional waywardness and impulsiveness and a disregard of artistic or logical propriety which savor strongly of romantic individualism. Since so many twentieth century thoughts and attitudes are similarly based on the stimulus of the

17、 Romantic Movement, Goethe stands as particularly the poet of the modern man as Dante stood for medieval man and as Shakespeare for the man of the Renaissance. 5 The title that best expresses the main idea of this passage is _. ( A) Goethe and Dante ( B) The Characteristics of Romanticism ( C) Class

18、icism versus Romanticism ( D) Goethe, the Romanticist 6 Goethes work shows a lack of _. ( A) inconsistencies ( B) a vision of reality ( C) repetitions ( D) formal polish 7 Goethe is called the poet of the modern man because _. ( A) he developed his faith ( B) he lived longer than Shelley and Keats (

19、 C) he presents many twentieth-century ideas ( D) avoidance of ideas 8 Good medieval writing was characterized by _. ( A) careful planning ( B) lack of beauty ( C) use of Latin ( D) avoidance of ideas 8 The coastlines on the two sides of the Atlantic Ocean present a notable parallelism: the easternm

20、ost region of Brazil, in Pernambuco, has a convexity that corresponds almost perfectly with the concavity of the African Gulf of Guinea, while the contours of the African coastline between Rio de Oro and Liberia would, by the same approximation, match those of the Caribbean Sea. Similar corresponden

21、ces are also observed in many other regions of the earth. This observation began to awaken scientific interest about sixty years ago, when Alfred Wegener, a professor at the University of Hamburg, used it as a basis for formulating a revolutionary theory in geological science. According to Wegener,

22、there was originally only one continent or landmass, which he called Pangea. Inasmuch as continental masses are lighter than tile base on which they rest, he reasoned, they must float on the substratum of igneous rock, known as sima, as ice floes float on the sea. Then why, he asked, might continent

23、s not be subject to drifting? The rotation of the globe and other forces, he thought, had caused the cracking and, finally, the breaking apart of the original Pangea, along an extensive line represented today by the longitudinal submerged mountain range in the center of the Atlantic. While Africa se

24、ems to have remained static, the Americas apparently drifted toward the west until they reached their present position after more than 100 million years. Although the phenomenon seems fantastic, accustomed as we are to the concept of the rigidity and immobility of the continents, on the basis of the

25、 distance that separates them it is possible to calculate that the continental drift would have been no greater than two inches per year. 9 The title below that best expresses the main idea of this passage is _. ( A) A Novel Theory ( B) Pangea ( C) Two Inches Per Year ( D) Static Africa 10 The subme

26、rged mountain range in the Atlantic _. ( A) runs from east to west ( B) runs from north to south ( C) is proof of Professor Wegeners theory ( D) is made up of igneous rock 11 Professor Wegeners theory is _. ( A) an attempt to explain many geographical parallelisms ( B) based on a study of 100 years

27、( C) an analysis of the lost continent ( D) unsound 12 Sima, as described in this passage, is _. ( A) the basic substance of Pangea ( B) like an ice floe ( C) the submerged mountain range ( D) igneous rock 12 A little more than a century ago, Michael Faraday, a noted British physicist, managed to ga

28、in audience with a group of high government officials, to demonstrate an electrochemical principle, in the hope of gaining support for his work. After observing the demonstration closely, one of the officials remarked bluntly, “Its a fascinating demonstration, young man, but just what practical appl

29、ication will come of this?“ “I dont know,“ replied Faraday, “but I do know that 100 years from now youll be taxing them.“ From the demonstration of a principle to the marketing of products derived from that principle is often a long, involved series of steps. The speed and effectiveness with which t

30、hese steps are taken are closely related to the history of management, the art of getting things done. Just as management applies to the wonders that have evolved from Faraday and other inventors, so it applied some 4,000 years ago to the workings of the great Egyptian and Mesopotamian import and ex

31、port Hannibals remarkable feat of crossing the Alps in 218 B.C. with 90,000 foot soldiers, 12,000 horsemen and a “conveyor belt“ of 40 elephants.or to the early Christian Church, with its world-shaking concepts of individual freedom and equality. These ancient innovators were deeply involve

32、d in the problems of authority, division of labor, discipline, unity of command, clarity of direction and the other basic factors that are so meaningful to management today. But the real impetus to management as an emerging profession was the Industrial Revolution. Originating in 18th-century Englan

33、d, it was triggered by a series of classic inventions and new processes, among them John Kays Flying Shuttle in 1733, James Hargreaves Spinning Jenny in 1770, Samuel Cromptons Mule Spinner in 1779 and Edmund Cartwrights Power Loom in 1785. 13 The anecdote about Michael Faraday indicates that _. ( A)

34、 politicians tax everything ( B) people are skeptical about the value of pure research ( C) taxes are uppermost in scientists minds ( D) government should support scientists 14 Management is defined as _. ( A) accomplishing wonders ( B) the creator of the Industrial Revolution ( C) the art of gettin

35、g things done ( D) supervising subordinates 15 Management came into its own _. ( A) in the Egyptian and Mesopotamian import and export firms ( B) in Hannibals famous trip across the Alps ( C) in the development of tile early Christian Church ( D) in the eighteenth century 16 A problem of management

36、not mentioned in this passage is _. ( A) the problem of command ( B) division of labor ( C) control by authority ( D) competition 16 Thanks to the protection of the tombs, so secure against the ravages of time if not against the hand of man, we possess a more complete sampling of Etruscan art in all

37、 its forms than we do of any other ancient European culture. Except for the frescoes of Pompeii and Herculaneum, the Etruscan frescoes supply the only insight we have into the techniques of painting in classical civilization. It is in southern Etruria, where the tombs were cut in the rock, that thes

38、e frescoes are preserved. They are intact at least until the tomb is opened, whereupon deterioration begins. Fortunately it is now possible to remove the paintings from the walls and take them to the safety of the museum. The Etruscan painter used pleasantly simple mineral colors that be laid on a f

39、resh layer of plaster applied to the rock wall. With large, uninterrupted surfaces to work on, he was prompted to make complex pictorial compositions. But his purpose is always clear. Enclosed forever in the tomb, his pictures were to evoke for the deceased the joys of life. The dead mans occupation

40、, which he intended to resume in the afterlife, is often depicted. Scenes of banquets and feasts are frequent. These guaranteed eternal satisfaction and pleasure to the departed; in the happy phrase of tile Belgian scholar Franz Cumont, “the ghost of a diner could be nourished by the appearance of f

41、ood.“ The frescoes also perpetuated the pleasant hours of sports, games and dances. When Etruria came on difficult times, the funerary frescoes took on a more somber tone: the features of the departed, which were formerly peaceful, were expressions of anxiety and even of anguish. Etruscan sculptors

42、preferred to work in clay or bronze rather than in stone. They were particularly fond of the bas-relief, in which they produced delightfully animated figures framed in elegant arabesques. Their forte, however, was the portrait. The art of portraiture had deep funerary significance: it furnished a fa

43、ithful image of the deceased to aid his survival in the other life. Frequently, in the seventh century B. C. , the portrait of the deceased formed the lid of the crematory urn. Portraiture reached its peak in the last centuries of Etruscan civilization, when the characteristic Etruscan flair for det

44、ail, for the unusual, found its fullest expression. 17 The title below that best expresses the main idea of this passage is _. ( A) Modern versus Classical Art ( B) Invading the Tombs ( C) Etruria-An Artists Paradise ( D) Funerary Art in Etruria 18 The frescoes of Pompeii and Herculaneum are able to

45、 give us an insight into the techniques of painting in classical civilization because _. ( A) they were sealed off for centuries when Vesuvius erupted ( B) they were cut in the rocks ( C) they used simple mineral colors ( D) they preserved ancient religious rites 19 We may assume from this passage t

46、hat _. ( A) Etruscan civilization coincides with Egyptian civilization ( B) Etruscans embalmed the bodies of the dead ( C) Etruscans covered the burial vaults with portraits ( D) Etruscan civilization in its later years became more rigorous 20 One kind of subject matter not found in the frescoes in

47、the Etrurian tombs is _. ( A) dining scenes ( B) vocational activities ( C) portraits of the gods ( D) athletic activities 二、 Structure and Vocabulary 21 The two newspapers gave different _ of what happened. ( A) versions ( B) editions ( C) productions ( D) texts 22 Some people think its _ to smoke

48、with a cigarette holder, ( A) flexible ( B) sophisticated ( C) versatile ( D) productive 23 The degree of economic growth is an _ of the level of living. ( A) index ( B) advantage ( C) access ( D) aspect 24 I want to talk about all these points in _ order of importance. ( A) declining ( B) descendin

49、g ( C) plunging ( D) falling 25 Efforts to reach the injured men have been _ because of a sudden deterioration in weather conditions. ( A) enforced ( B) intensified ( C) continued ( D) strengthened 26 I don t understand why people _ such a beautiful garden with cans and bottles. ( A) located ( B) provided ( C) protected ( D) littered 27 Ive never _ the theory that people am more important than animals. ( A) subscribed to ( B)

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