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1、考博英语模拟试卷 62及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 This platform would collapse if all of us _ on it. ( A) stand ( B) stood ( C) would stand ( D) had stood 2 The young man who saw the car _ into the river telephoned the police. ( A) plunged ( B) plunge ( C) was plunging ( D) to plunge 3 You can come wi

2、th me to the museum Ibis afternoon _ you don t mind walking for half an hour. ( A) unless ( B) so far as ( C) except ( D) if 4 We can rely on William to carry out this mission, for his judgment is always _. ( A) inexplicable ( B) healthy ( C) sound ( D) straight 5 When the new assembly line is compl

3、ete, the factory will turn _ one thousand cars per day. ( A) in ( B) off ( C) out ( D) over 6 Since most doctors are _ about effectiveness of the new medicine, they seldom recommend it to their patients. ( A) anxious ( B) dubious ( C) cynical ( D) innocent 7 The senator agrees that his support of th

4、e action would _ his chances for reelection. ( A) obscure ( B) mystify ( C) distinguish ( D) jeopardize 8 In his _ to further knowledge of the universe, man has now begun to explore space. ( A) attempt ( B) expedition ( C) trial ( D) chase 9 The manufacturers hoped that the motor show would _ their

5、car sales. ( A) promise ( B) lift ( C) intensify ( D) boost 10 It was all agreed that the first problem the new government would have to _ was unemployment. ( A) grip ( B) tackle ( C) discern ( D) manipulate 11 The United States was trying hard to smoke the enemy out of the holes in the target count

6、ry. ( A)对敌人施以地毯式轰炸 ( B)将敌人熏死在洞中 ( C)引诱敌人出洞 ( D)向洞中的敌人投掷毒气弹 12 He kept throwing us an apple of discord, we soon quarreled again. ( A) (评判 )不公 ( B) (挑起 )争端 ( C) (分赃 )不均 ( D)背叛 13 There are quite a few people who are willing to prostitute their intelligence for a mess of pottage. ( A)蝇头小利 ( B)一锅粥 ( C)眼

7、前利益 ( D)钱财 14 There are always a lot of straw polls before the general election of the President in the Unit ed States. ( A)无效投票 ( B)拉拢选票 ( C)民意测验 ( D)正式投票 15 His elder sister, who works in the supermarket, is still on the shelf. ( A)童心未泯 ( B)取货 ( C)没出嫁 ( D)休息 16 The man told me under rose that he o

8、ften took trouble on your account. ( A)不辞劳苦 ( B)挑剔 ( C)打理 ( D)惹麻烦 17 I was shocked to learn that such an eminent professor was ignorant to a proverb. ( A)普遍现象 ( B)令人吃惊 ( C)成语 ( D)众所周知 18 Those guys are continually quarrelling, but it is usually a storm in a teacup. ( A)不欢而散 ( B)小题大做 ( C)不可开交 ( D)无事生

9、非 19 He is said to be equal to any task whatever. ( A)负责 ( B)胜任 ( C)疲于应付 ( D)同等对待 20 Whenever we come to stay with them, we just live like fighting cocks. ( A)在争吵中度日 ( B)吃不到任何好东西 ( C)吃得到最好的东西 ( D)自由自在 21 EDUCATE :CHILD ( A) cultivate: crop ( B) quench: fire ( C) secure: possession ( D) care: doctor

10、22 SCISSORS:TAILOR ( A) brush: painter ( B) computer: writer ( C) wagon: farmer ( D) saw: carpenter 23 EGG: CHICKEN ( A) pearl: oyster ( B) roe: salmon ( C) fur: tiger ( D) bark: tree 24 GLIMMER: DAZZLE ( A) bit: strike ( B) recede: abandon ( C) murmur: resound ( D) muse: ponder 25 PERPLEXED: CLARIF

11、ICATION ( A) relaxed: recreation ( B) learned: profession ( C) anxious: reassurance ( D) upset: confidence 26 STANZA: POEM ( A) duet: chorus ( B) rhyme: verse ( C) passage: article ( D) act: opera 27 COIN: DENOMINATION ( A) book: title ( B) officer: rank ( C) tree: wood ( D) doctor: nurse 28 ADULTER

12、ATE: PURE ( A) outstanding: excellent ( B) embellish: austere ( C) mosquito: blood ( D) concentrate: part 29 GOAD: DIRECT ( A) exhort: suggest ( B) instruct: teach ( C) persuade: convince ( D) conspire: plan 30 CLAY: PORCELAIN ( A) flax: linen ( B) sand: sediment ( C) computer: program ( D) soup: lu

13、ncheon 31 MATRIX: NUMBERS ( A) gas: molecules ( B) insurance: securities ( C) crystal: atoms ( D) base: athletics 32 AESTHETICS: BEAUTY ( A) theology: morals ( B) psychology: anxiety ( C) physiology: nature ( D) epistemology: knowledge 33 FLOWER: VIOLET ( A) stone: magenta ( B) pear: fruit ( C) cabb

14、ie: green ( D) gem: turquoise 34 SLICE: CAKE ( A) mince: onion ( B) core: apple ( C) peel: peach ( D) crave: turkey 35 ECHO: SOUND ( A) reflection: light ( B) microphone: hearing ( C) conservation: talk ( D) implication: tone 二、 Reading Comprehension 35 The military aspect of the United States Civil

15、 War has always attracted the most attention from scholars. The roar of gunfire, the massed movements of uniformed men, the shrill of bugles, and the drama of hand-to-hand combat have fascinated students of warfare for a century. Behind the lines, however, life was less spectacular. It was the story

16、 of back-breaking labor to provide the fighting men with food and arms, of nerve-tingling uncertainty about the course of national events, of heart break over sons or brothers or husbands lost in battle. If the men on the firing line won the victories, the means to those victories were forged on the

17、 home front. Never in the nation s history had Americans worked harder for victory than in the Civil War. Northerners and Southerners alike threw themselves into the task of supplying their respective armies. Both governments made tremendous demands upon civilians and, in general, received willing c

18、ooperation. By 1863 the Northern war economy was rumbling along in high gear. Everything from steam boats to shovels was needed and produced. Denied Southern cotton, textile mills turned to wool for blankets and uniforms. Hides by the hundreds of thousands were turned into shoes and harness and dadd

19、ies; ironworks manufactured locomotives, ordnance, armor plate. While private enterprise lagged, the government set up its own factories or arsenals. Agriculture boomed, with machinery doing the job of farm workers drawn into the army. In short, everything that a nation needed to fight a modern war

20、was produced in uncounted numbers. Inevitably there were profiteers with gold-headed canes and flamboyant diamond stickpins, but for every crooked tycoon there were thousands of ordinary citizens living on fixed incomes who did their best to cope with rising prices and still made a contribution to t

21、he war effort. Those who could bought war bonds; others knitted, sewed, nursed, or lent any other assistance in their power. 36 Which of the following is implied by the writer of this passage? ( A) The students of the Civil War usually concentrate on the economy. ( B) The families of the Civil War a

22、re extremely worded about their living. ( C) The students of the Civil War usually concentrate on the battlefield. ( D) The families of the Civil War are extremely worded about the government. 37 With what topic is the passage primarily concerned? ( A) The civilian response to the Civil War. ( B) Th

23、e causes of the Civil War. ( C) Where the Civil War battles were fought. ( D) Why the South lost the Civil War. 38 The word “tycoon“ in the last paragraph is _. ( A) derived from a Japanese word, meaning a businessman with great wealth and power ( B) an English translation of a Russian word, meaning

24、 a man of great consequence ( C) borrowed from Portuguese, meaning an industrialist with a great man of money obtained illegally ( D) rarely used now because of its derogatory meaning 39 According to the passage, during the Civil War the South no longer provided the North with _. ( A) cotton ( B) sh

25、oes ( C) hides ( D) wool 39 The vegetative forms of most bacteria are killed by drying in air, although the different species exhibit pronounced differences in their resistance. The tubercle bacillus is one of the more resistant, and vibrio cholcra is one of the more sensitive to drying In general,

26、the encapsulated organisms are more resistant than the non-encapsulated forms. Spores are quite resistant to drying; the spores of the anthrax bacillus, for example, will germinate alter remaining in a dry condition for years or more. The resistance of the pathogenic forms causing disease of the upp

27、er respiratory tract is of particular interest in connection with airborne infection, for the length of time that a droplet remains infective is a result, primarily, of the resistance of the particular microorganism to drying. 40 Tuberculosis is highly infectious because _. ( A) spores are resistant

28、 to drying ( B) the causative organism is encapsulated ( C) droplets of sputum remain infective for a long time due to the resistance of the organisms to drying ( D) none of these 41 The passage uses the term “vegetative forms“ to refer to _. ( A) plants that infest human habitations ( B) the fact t

29、hat bacteria are really vegetables ( C) the growing stage of the bacteria as opposed to the dormant stage ( D) the difficulty in classifying the . types of bacteria 42 According to the passage, the risk of infection from airborne microorganisms would likely be greater during a _. ( A) heat wave ( B)

30、 time of high humidity ( C) windless period ( D) shortage of fuel oil 43 It may be inferred from the passage that _. ( A) bacteria can be most easily killed by removal of moisture ( B) drying out a house will eliminate the risk of airborne infection ( C) hot-Mr heating is better than steam heating b

31、ecause steam heating uses water ( D) none of the above 43 The history of Western music properly begins with the music of the Christian Church. But all through the Middle Ages and even to the present time men have continually turned back to Greece and Rome for instruction, for correction, and for ins

32、piration in the several fields of work; this has been true in music, though with some important differences. Roman literature, for example, never ceased to exert influence in the Middle Ages, and this influence became much greater in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries when more Roman works becam

33、e known; at the same time, too, the surviving literature of Greece was gradually recovered. But in literature, as well as in some other fields (notably sculpture), medieval or Renaissance artists had the advantage of being able to study and, if riley so desired, imitate the models of antiquity. The

34、actual poems or statues were before them. In music this was not so. The Middle Ages did not possess a single example of Greek or Ro man music-nor, it may be added, are we today much better off. About a dozen examples-half of them were fragments of Greek music have been discovered, nearly all from co

35、mparatively late periods, but there is no general agreement as to just how they were meant to sound; there are no authentic remains of ancient Roman music. So we, as well as the men of medieval times, derive nearly all our knowledge of this an in the ancient civilizations at second hand from a few r

36、ather vague accounts of performances, but mostly from theatrical treatises and literary descriptions. 44 The influence of Greece and Rome became greater in the fourteenth and fifteenth century because _. ( A) Roman and Greek works were better than the those of medieval Christian church ( B) Roman an

37、d Greek works were different from Medieval works ( C) the Roman and Greek music became known ( D) a lot of Roman and Greek works were discovered 45 Artists in the period of Renaissance had the advantage of being able to study Roman and Greek literature and sculpture because _. ( A) they could obtain

38、 the first-hand materials ( B) they could understand Greek and Latin ( C) they were more intelligent than modem men ( D) they were inspired by Roman and Greek literature 46 In the passage the author implied that _. ( A) music did not exist before the Middle Ages ( B) we were not better off than the

39、Greek and Roman men ( C) there was not enough evidence to prove that Western music was originated from the ancient Greece and Rome ( D) there were no authentic remains of the ancient Roman music 47 Men could directly turn back to Greece and Rome for instruction, for correction, and for inspiration i

40、n the following fields of their work except _. ( A) sculpture ( B) drama ( C) poetry ( D) music 47 Mycorrhizal fungi infect more plants than do any other fungi and are necessary for many plants to thrive, but they have escaped widespread investigation until recently for two reasons. First, the symbi

41、otic association is so well-balanced that the roots of host plants show no damage even when densely infected. Second, the fungi cannot as yet be cultivated in the absence of a living root. De spite these difficulties, there has been important new work that suggests that this symbiotic association ca

42、n be harnessed to achieve more economical use of costly super phosphate fertilizer and to permit better exploitation of cheaper, less soluble rock phosphate, Mycorrhizal benefits are not limited to improved phosphate uptake in host plants. In legumes, mycorrhzal inoculation has increased nitrogen fi

43、xation beyond levels achieved by adding phosphate fertilizer alone. Certain symbiotic associations also increase the host plant s resistance to harmful root fungi. Whether this resistance results from exclusion of harmful fungi through competition for sites, from metabolic change involving antibioti

44、c production, or from increased vigor is undetermined. 48 Which of the following most accurately describes the passage? ( A) A description of a replicable experiment ( B) A refutation of an earlier hypothesis ( C) A summary report of new findings ( D) A confirmation of earlier research 49 It can be

45、inferred from the passage that which of the following has been a factor influencing the extent to which research on mycorrhizal fungi has progressed? ( A) Lack of funding for such research ( B) lack of immediate application of such research ( C) difficulties surrounding laboratory production of spec

46、imens for study. ( D) lack of a method for identifying mycorrhizal fungi 50 The level of information in the passage above is suited to the needs of all of the following people except _. ( A) an official of a research foundation who identifies research projects for potential funding ( B) a state offi

47、cial whose position requires her to alert farmers about possible innovations in farming ( C) a researcher whose job is to identify potentially profitable areas for research and product development ( D) a botanist Conducting experiments to determine the relationship between degree of mycorrhizal infe

48、ction and expected uptake of phosphate 51 The passage suggests which of the following about the increased resistance to harmful root fungi that some Plants infected with mycorrhizal fungi seem to exhibit? ( A) There are at least three hypotheses that might account for the increase. ( B) The plants t

49、hat show increased resistance also exhibit improved nitrogen fixation. ( C) Such increases may be independent of mycorrhizal infection. ( D) It is unlikely that a satisfactory explanation can be found to account for the increase. 51 It is not often realized that women held a high place in southern European societies in the 10th and 11th centuries. As a wife, the woman was protected by the setting up of a dowry or decorum. Admittedly, the purpose of this was

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