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本文([外语类试卷]考博英语(词汇)历年真题试卷汇编17及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(appealoxygen216)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、考博英语(词汇)历年真题试卷汇编 17及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 From the way she spoke you could tell she was speaking from _. ( A) decision ( B) prediction ( C) deliberation ( D) conviction 2 Without Bobs testimony, evidence of bribery is lacking and _ in the case will be impossible.(2002年中国科学院考博试题 ) ( A)

2、verdict ( B) sentence ( C) conviction ( D) acquittal 3 Another argument with his boss _him that he should find a new job. ( A) realized ( B) reminded ( C) convinced ( D) confirmed 4 She sounded so_that everyone present believed her story.(2011年华东师范大学试题 ) ( A) persuading ( B) convincing ( C) influenc

3、ing ( D) actual 5 A swim-learner must first learn how to_ the movements of his limbs before he can swim properly. ( A) regulate ( B) coordinate ( C) conduct ( D) direct 6 When a system is unjust to the _ abolition, not reform, is what respect for justice demands.(2002年中国科学院考博试题 ) ( A) end ( B) exces

4、s ( C) core ( D) bottom 7 Christmas is coming. Its just round the_. ( A) bend ( B) turn ( C) curve ( D) comer 8 Chemistry is closely _ with other studies: physics, biology and so on.(2002年春季上海交通大学考博试题 ) ( A) corresponded ( B) concerned ( C) correlated ( D) cooperated 9 It is not enough to observe be

5、haviors and _them with physiological events that occur at the same time.(2004年西南财经大学考博试题 ) ( A) correlate ( B) comply ( C) correspond ( D) pertain 10 The witnesss account _ closely to the policemans observations. ( A) responded ( B) corresponded ( C) agreed ( D) consented 11 Being the manager of a l

6、arge corporation, he has a great deal of_to deal with every day.(2003年西南财经大学考博试题 ) ( A) correspondents ( B) correspondence ( C) incidence ( D) dependence 12 The New York Times has_in France, Germany, and other countries. ( A) reporters ( B) journalists ( C) correspondents ( D) writers 13 Your sugges

7、tion is feasible, though it might be rather_. ( A) expensive ( B) disputable ( C) costly ( D) infinite 14 The mother_her daughter on how to behave at the ball. ( A) warned ( B) counseled ( C) reproved ( D) congratulated 15 Proper clothes_for much in business. Thais why you see most business people d

8、ress formally.(2002年上海交通大学考博试题 ) ( A) count ( B) account ( C) allow ( D) Care 16 In a market economy, it is impractical to_big banks to reduce the qualification to provide financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises.(2013年 3月中国科学院考博试题 ) ( A) take on ( B) bear on ( C) hold on ( D) count

9、on 17 My employer_ my request for more money by threatening to dismiss me. ( A) objected ( B) countered ( C) refused ( D) rejected 18 In the_of their investigation they made a discovery that helped to solve a six-year-old mystery. ( A) light ( B) course ( C) face ( D) event 19 The Committee pronounc

10、ed four members expelled for failure to provide information in the_of investigations.(2002年中国科学院考博试题 ) ( A) case ( B) chase ( C) cause ( D) course 20 The glass will _ if you pour boiling water into it. ( A) split ( B) crash ( C) crack ( D) spoil 21 He was afraid that the branch might bend over and b

11、reak, and he would be sent _ to the ground. ( A) crashing ( B) dropping ( C) falling ( D) flying 22 They lay almost flat and_ through the tube-like underground passage. ( A) scrambled ( B) slid ( C) glided ( D) crawled 23 I dont like football, but some people are_ about it, which is beyond my compre

12、hension. ( A) fond ( B) anxious ( C) crazy ( D) curious 24 Some studies indicate that young children stop being_as soon as they reach school age because the classroom is a place where facts rather than imagination predominate. ( A) productive ( B) creative ( C) curious ( D) doubtful 25 Giorgio, now

13、fifteen, and Lucia, also in her teens, were reaching the _ of their adolescence.(2005年中国科学院考博试题 ) ( A) crisis ( B) criterion ( C) causality ( D) credibility 考博英语(词汇)历年真题 试卷汇编 17答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 conviction n确信,深信 (如: I said it with conviction I speak in the full con

14、viction that our cause is just I dont really think that you did the work, but Im open to conviction愿意听取不同意见 )decision n决定;果断。prediction n预言,预测。 deliberation n.考虑,商讨,研究。 2 【正 确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题空格处是。 C项的 “conviction判有罪,定罪 ”符合题意,如:This was her third conviction for cheating (这是她第三次被判犯有欺诈罪。 )其他三项中, verdict

15、一般指陪审团的裁决或截断当事人是否有罪; sentence的意思是“宣判,判决,发生在认定有罪之后 ”; acquittal的意思是 “宣判无罪 ”,都与题意不符。 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 convince vt使确信,使信服。 4 【正确答案 】 B 【试题解析】 四个选项的意思分别是 persuading使信服,使相信; convincing令人相信的,有说服力的; influencing影响的; actual实在的,实际的。句意是她的话听起来很有说服力,以致在场的所有人都相信了她的故事。所以正确答案是B。 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 coordinate vt.协调,

16、调节,使相互配台 (如: A baby cannot easily coordinate his movements If we coordinate our efforts we should be able to defeat the enemy )。 regulate vt调整,调节;控制,管理。 conduct vt指挥,引导;处理,管理。 direct vt管理,指导;把 对准 (at)。 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题是说如果一种体制已经彻底不公正了,那么废除它而不仅是改变它,这是尊重公正所必需的。四个选项中, to the core是固定用法,意思是 “彻底地,完全地

17、”; to the end意思是 “到底 ”; excess意思是 “过度,过分 ”; bottom指事物的最底层,最低部分。只有 C项符合题意。 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 be(a)round the corner(本义 )在拐过街角处,很近: (引申 )(节日等 )临近。 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题空格处是说化学与其他学科紧密相连。 C项的 “correlated使相关联 ”符合题意。 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题空格处是说把这些行为与生理现象联系起来。 A项的“correlatewith 把 与 联系起来 ”符合题意。如: Research worke

18、rs find it hard to correlate the two sets of figures (研究人员发现很难使这两组数字相互关联。 )其他三项中, comply的意思是 “顺从,答应,遵守 ”: correspond的意思是“相似、相同 ”; pertain的意思是 “适合,属于,常与 to连用 ”,而且这三个单词为不及物动词。 10 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 correspond(to)vi.相符合,相一致 (with to);相当,相类似 (to);通信 (with)(如: His actions do not correspond with his words Hi

19、s job corresponds with his interest The wing of a bird corresponds to the arm of a man )。respond(to)vi回答,答复;响应,对 有反应。 agree to同意,赞成。consent(to)vi.同意,赞成。 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题是说作为一家大公司的经理,他每天有很多信件要处理。 B项的 “correspondence信件 ”符合题意。其他三项 “correspondents通信记者,通信者; incidence发生,影响; dependence依靠 ”都不正确。 12 【正确

20、答案】 C 【试题解析】 correspondent n.(报社、期刊等 )驻外地通讯员,记者。 reporter n.记者;新闻广播员。 journalist n新闻工作者,新闻记者。 writer n作家,作者。 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 costly a.费时的,赞力的,昂贵的,费钱的,代价高昂的 (可用于本义或引申意义。如; The house is too costly for us to buy The generals decision to invade was a costly mistake )。 expensive a.昂贵的,花钱多的。 disputable

21、 a.值得争议的,不能肯定的。 infinite a无限的,无穷的,无边无际的。 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 counsel(sb on)vt劝告,提议 (如: The teacher counseled the student to study harder counseled the students on the importance of matching aptitude to career )。 warn(of against that)vt警告,告诫reprove(sb for)vt责备 congratulate(sb on)vt祝贺,向 道喜。 15 【正确答案】 A

22、 【试题解析】 本题的前半句是说适宜的服装在商业中关系重大。 count for的意思是 “有价值 ”; count for much的意思是 “关系重大 ”; account for的意思是 “解释,说明 ”; allow for的意思是 “顾及,考虑 ”; care for的意思是 “照顾,关心 ”。四个选项中只有 A项符合题意。 16 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 A项 “take on”意为 “穿上;采用,采纳 ”: B项 “bear on”意为 “压在 上,使难以承受负荷 ”; C项 “hold on”意为 “抓牢,继续、坚持 ”; D项“count on”意为 “依靠,指望 ”,

23、由句意可知, “依靠大银行降低资质 ”,因此选择D。 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析 】 counter vt提出 与 抗衡,提出反措施 (如: He countered my proposal with one of his own The debater countered with another argument )。 object(to)vt.反对,不赞成。 refuse vt.拒绝。 reject vt拒绝,驳回;拒纳,退回,舍弃。 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 course n.过程,进程。 19 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题空格处是说 “在调查 过程中没能提

24、供信息 ”。 in the course of的意思是 “在 的过程中 ”,符合题意,因此 D项正确。其他三项 “in case of万一;cause原因; chase追赶 ”都不正确。 20 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 crack vi.(硬而脆的东西 )爆裂,破裂;发出爆裂声。 split vi.(般指顺纹路 )劈裂,裂开;被撕裂。 crash vi碰撞;坠落,坠毁。 spoilvt.损坏,破坏 的性质;宠坏,溺爱。 21 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 crash vi.坠落,坠毁; 碰撞 (如: The plane crashed The bus crashed into a tr

25、ee The cup crashed to the floor )。 drop v.投下,落下,下降。fall vi落下,降落,下降,跌倒。 fly vi飞翔,使飘扬,逃脱。 22 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 crawl vi.爬行,匍匐行进。 scramble vi快速攀爬;争抢。 slide vi (在平滑的表面上 )(使 )滑动, (使 )滑行。 glide vi滑行,滑移;滑翔。 23 【正确答案 】 C 【试题解析】 crazy(about)a.狂热爱好的,着迷的;发疯的,荒唐的 (如: She was crazy about her baby,Johns crazy about

26、 over for that girl Shes crazy about dancing )。 fond(of)a.喜爱的,喜欢的;溺爱的,痴情的。 anxious a.渴望的,热切的;焦虑的,发愁的 (句型: anxious for to+动词原形 for sb to+动词原形that) 。 curious(about)a.好奇的。 24 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 creative a.创造性的;有刨造力的 (如: The masses have boundless creative power creative application of principles Lawsand customs cannot be creative of virtue )。 productive(of)a.多产的,富饶的;富有成效的 (of)。curious(about)a好奇的 (curious about to know to hear)。 doubtful(of)a.怀疑的:可疑的;难以预测的,未定的。 25 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题空格处是说 “到了他们的青春转折期 ”。 crisis“决定性时刻,危机 ”符台题意。其他三项 “criterion(批评判断的 )标准,准则,规范; causality因果关系; credibility可信性 ”都不正确。

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