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1、考博英语(阅读理解)练习试卷 18及答案与解析 一、 Reading Comprehension 0 Decision-making is a complex business subject that combines the most complicated elements of the operational and theoretical aspects of management. The ability to implement the decision-making process is often determined by environmental factors rat

2、her than the steps in some “ideal“ model. Decisions are frequently influenced more by the environment and structure of the organization than by the method itself. The process of decision-making will, therefore, be examined in light of environmental factors. One of these factors social and cultural b

3、ackground affects the interaction among people involved in the decision-making process and provides the cultural framework within which they may comfortably operate. The best alternative for solving a problem, for example, might be to replace an employee who is unsuited for a position. However, if i

4、n the societys culture there is a tradition of lifetime employment with one company, that alternative is not really feasible because of social and cultural restrictions. With regard to the structure of an organization, there are a number of factors that may alter the “ideal“ decision-making process.

5、 The amount of flexibility within an organization and the available resources (such as facilities, technology, or fiscal reserves) are often controlling factors. The amount of data available may also limit the range of alternatives that can be considered. Another organizational factor is the importa

6、nce of the decision being made in relation to other problems and responsibilities of management. The relative importance of one decision is weighed against the amount of effort involved in finding a solution and the benefit the company will receive from its implementation. Three other factors also i

7、nfluence the following of a model decision process: time, creativity, and risk. The amount of time available to make a decision for a given problem is often determined by the environment, not the management. The time factor may affect the creativity of the solution to a problem. The risk associated

8、with a particular course of action may be lessened by use of a group rather than an individual decision-maker. Time, resources, and culture may affect the workability of a group process, although research shows that groups often come up with better solutions than individuals. Decision theory and the

9、 “ideal“ decision-making model tend to picture the process as one in which managers operate by themselves, free of restrictions of time, data, and resources. The reality of the decision process is much less a step-by-step procedure than it is a series of practical considerations directly influenced

10、by the social, cultural, and organizational environment. (413 words) 1 The decision-making process is most influenced by_ . ( A) theoretical aspects of management ( B) social and cultural backgrounds ( C) the structure of an organization ( D) environmental elements 2 What is the main idea of the sec

11、ond paragraph? ( A) The best way to solve a problem is to replace an employee. ( B) No employee can be replaced due to social and cultural restrictions. ( C) Social and cultural background can exert effects on decision-making. ( D) Environment provides a cultural framework within which people may co

12、mfortably operate. 3 Which is NOT the main factor in changing the decision-making process within an organization? ( A) The amount of flexibility within an organization. ( B) The amount of data. ( C) How many decision-makers involved in the process. ( D) The amount of money. 4 What are the other fact

13、ors besides those mentioned that influence decision-making? ( A) Solution, determination and discovery. ( B) Time, creativity and risk. ( C) Management, workability and association. ( D) Course of action and implementation. 5 From the the fourth paragraph, we can infer that_. ( A) if time is limited

14、 for you, you can not come up with the best solution to the problem ( B) the more people involved in the decision-making, the better ( C) the decision-making stands for the steps in the process ( D) decision-making is the process in which mangers operate by themselves 5 Great emotional and intellect

15、ual resources are demanded in quarrels; stamina(耐力 ) helps, as does a capacity for obsession. But no one is born a good quarreler: the craft must be learned. There are two generally recognized apprenticeships. First, and universally preferred, is a long childhood spent in the company of fractious si

16、blings. After several years of rainy-afternoons, brothers and sisters develop a sure feel for the tactics of attrition and the niceties of strategy so necessary in first-rate quarreling. The only child, or the child of peaceful or repressed households, is likely to grow up failing to understand that

17、 quarrels, unlike arguments, are not about anything, least of all the pursuit of truth. The apparent subject of a quarrel is a mere pretext; the real business is the quarrel itself. Essentially , adversaries in a quarrel are out to establish or rescue their dignity. Hence the elementary principle: a

18、nything may be said. The unschooled may spend an hour with knocking heart sifting the consequences of calling this old acquaintance a lying fraud. Those who miss their first apprenticeship may care to enroll in the second, the bad marriage. This can be perilous for the neophyte; the mutual intimacy

19、of spouses makes them at once more vulnerable and more dangerous in attack. Once sex is involved, the stakes are higher all round. And there is an unspoken rule that those who love, or have loved, one another are granted a license for unlimited beastliness such as is denied to mere sworn enemies. Fo

20、r all that some of our most tenacious black belt quarrelers have come to it late in life and mastered every throw. A quarrel may last years. Among brooding types with time on their hands, like writers, half a lifetime is not uncommon. In its most refined form, a quarrel may consist of the participan

21、ts not talking to each other. They will need to scheme laboriously to appear in public together to register their silence. Brief, violent quarrels are also known as rows. In all cases the essential ingredient remains the same; the original cause must be forgotten as soon as possible. From here on, d

22、ignity, pride, self-esteem, honor are quarrelling, like jealousy, is an ail-consuming business, virtually a profession. For the quarrelers very self-hood is on the line. To lose an argument is a brief disappointment, much like losing a game of tennis; but to be crushed in a quarrel, rather bite off

23、your tongue and spread it at your opponents feet. (413 words) 6 What might happen to siblings on rainy afternoons? ( A) Play games. ( B) Fight. ( C) Quarrel. ( D) Do homework. 7 Which word of the following can replace the underlined word “neophyte“ in the fifth paragraph? ( A) Future life. ( B) Offs

24、prings. ( C) Newly-married couple. ( D) Marriage. 8 The difference between a quarrel and an argument is said to be that_. ( A) the former involves individual pride ( B) the former concerns strong points of view ( C) the latter has well-established roles ( D) the latter concerns trivial issues 9 In t

25、he article as a whole, the writer treats quarreling as if it were_. ( A) a military campaign ( B) a social skill ( C) a moral evil ( D) a natural gift 10 The passage mainly talks about_. ( A) why quarrel is bitter ( B) how to mind your words while arguing ( C) the characteristics of a quarrel ( D) h

26、ow to make a good quarrel 11 A lady was once referred for treatment for emotional distress. This distress had resulted from unpleasant memories of having undergone sexual abuse. In her case cognitive therapy had been unhelpful. Her own opinion was that cognitive therapy did not address the anger and

27、 fear that she was feeling strongly. There are many approaches in therapy that are available for anyone who wants this service. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is the most well known, because it is the most researched form of therapy. CBT is the product of the West, where people are encouraged to t

28、hink and discouraged to feel emotions. CBT is based on the premise that our thinking can change our feelings. This is not always true. When people undergo abuse or torture, no amount of thinking is going to sort out the feeling of rage that underlies such experiences. The rage that one feels about s

29、uch experiences overwhelms the thinking ability of an individual and the person still ends up acting out the emotion. In all such cases CBT fails to get any results. Yet because it has been written about widely, mental health practitioners erroneously believe that it is the only suitable form of the

30、rapy in almost all forms of psychological conditions. A middle aged man, enraged by an ex-employees deception wanted to harm the ex-employee physically. Overwhelmed by anger, he felt that the only way the person would realize how they felt was by conferring physical pain. No amount of reason or logi

31、c was useful. According to him, “action had to be taken. “ The best solution in this case was to reduce the anger by releasing it. When it was done in a few minutes, he thanked me for helping him out of the situation. The perception had changed. The thoughts were non-aggressive. Needless to say, he

32、did not act out the rage. When our inner drives are strong, they overwhelm our thinking. At such times reason or logic is governed by the drives. Anger is one such emotion. When it takes the form of rage, the person may lash out physically. The solution does not lie in reasoning with the person, but

33、 to help the person reduce the drive. In other situations when the anger is in the form of annoyance, reason can still be used to “distract“ the person away from the issue. But the feeling stays. To distinguish between times when behavior can be changed by thinking and when it cannot be changed by t

34、hinking requires wisdom. (414 words) 11 What should we call the person who makes research into Cognitive Behavior 12 Therapy? ( A) Psychologist. ( B) Psychiatrist. ( C) Pediatrician. ( D) Physiologist. 13 The word “premise“ (Line 4, Para. 2) probably means? ( A) Promise. ( B) Proposition. ( C) Suppo

35、sition. ( D) Prophesy. 14 Which of the following is closest in meaning to the passage? ( A) CBT is the most well known, because it is the most effective form of therapy to all kinds of psychological diseases. ( B) CBT is to talk you to do something or not to do something under the effect of some med

36、icine. ( C) Our emotion can always be changed by thinking. ( D) CBT was produced in foreign countries. 15 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? ( A) When a person is annoyed, reasoning is no use for him. ( B) The enraged man used to be a boss. ( C) When our inner drives are t

37、oo vehement, we usually have no patience to listen to others persuasion. ( D) Quite often, if a person is extremely angry, he likes to resort to physical revenge. 16 What does the last paragraph revolve around? ( A) CBT can not cure the patient of indignation. ( B) Logic can be applicable to angry p

38、eople. ( C) Take proper treatment for diverse degrees of emotion. ( D) Inner drives can overwhelm ones thinking. 考博英语(阅读理解)练习试卷 18答案与解析 一、 Reading Comprehension 【知识模块】 阅读理解 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 从第一段第二句开始到最后一句都是在叙说影响做决定、执行决定的因素是什么。几句中都提到了 “环境 ”一词,这就说明 “环境 ”是关键因素,故选D。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 第二段说 “

39、社会和文化背景 ”是环境因素之一,并叙述了这两方面是如何影响人们做决定的。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从第三段我们可以看到 A、 B和 D项都提到了,而 C项内容没提到。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 第四段第一句清晰地点击了 B项的内容。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 从最后一段第一句后半部分 free of restrictions of time可以推断答案是 A。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 【知识模块】 阅读理解 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 在第一段,作者说吵架的技术是后天学来的;在第二

40、段里,他还说兄弟姐妹之间一流的争吵战略战术是经过多年雨天下午之后形成的,这就说明兄弟姐妹们在下雨的下午常常是吵架度过的,故选 C。第二段第二句里的 fractious是 “易怒 ”之意。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 neophyte是 “新手 ”之意,在此转指 “新婚者 ”。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 文章第四段第一句和最后一段都提到争吵的要素 dignity, pride。作者认为吵架为的是自尊。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 作者在第一段第二句里说,吵架的技巧是后天学来的,所以 B项内容与之较吻

41、合。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 由于每段都要讨论吵架问题,故选 C“争吵的特点 ”。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 【知识模块】 阅读理解 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 A“心理学家 ”, B“精神病医生 ”, C“儿科医生 ”, D“生理学家 ”。 【知识模块】 阅 读理解 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 premise意思为 “逻辑命题,假设 ”,与 proposition接近,故选 B。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 A“由于认知行为疗法能治疗任何心理疾病,所以它最有名气 ”,与第一段心理医生医治一位病人失败的事例相反,故不选。认知行为疗法本身是不用药物的,所以 B项不对。 C与第三段第一句相反,故不对。 D项内容在第二段第三句。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 从文章最后 一段倒数第二句和第三句可以看出,一个人恼火时还是可以与他讲道理的。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 文章最后一段说的是依据病人所得的不同的心理疾病以及不同程度来采取相应的治疗方法。 【知识模块】 阅读理解

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