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本文([外语类试卷]考博英语(阅读理解)练习试卷32及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(confusegate185)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、考博英语(阅读理解)练习试卷 32及答案与解析 一、 Reading Comprehension 0 In any science experiment, you take a situation, change something about it, and measure the effect of your action on the situation. When youre a kid, you might start with a still cup of vinegar, add baking soda, and be delighted when the vinegar bub

2、bles over. In the science of mind, you can experiment with adding new thoughts to your situation, and you can see measurable results. We are slightly more balanced today, but in the early 20th century, it would be fair to say that people worshipped science. It seemed to offer predictability and reli

3、ability to a chaotic world. It offered new technologies that seemed to give us conveniences and greater control over our lives. Science was the new religion, and has remained the religion of choice for some people. So in the 1920s and 30s, if you wanted to get your message across effectively, you de

4、livered that message in terms of its scientific aspects. Many Christians and other spiritual folk discovered spiritual tools that worked predictably and reliably, but they lived in a world that was skeptical of spiritual healing, even among religious people. So they spoke of their discoveries in ter

5、ms of science. -They called their philosophies Scientific Christianity, Divine Science, and Science of Mind. Even the church called Unity spoke of “scientific Christian practice. “ The phrase “science of mind“ came into use on a broad scale after Ernest Holmes wrote a book by that title in 1926. He

6、revised it completely in 1938, and the book became a classic. It is still the basic text for the United Churches of Religious Science. For over 75 years, this church has also published a magazine called Science of Mind. Its purpose, like that of all such literature, is to help you change your life b

7、y changing your thinking. The basic premise of the science of mind of the whole New Thought movementis a deep belief that there is a Spirit in all humans and that Spirit is God. As we learn to think, speak, and act as if this were true, our lives show measurable results of our changed attitudes and

8、beliefs. Our physical and mental health improves. We enjoy peaceful sleep and joyful awakenings. Our relationships are happier. We have the wisdom to handle challenging situations with grace and ease. We consistently have everything we need, when we need it. Fast-forward almost a century, and you se

9、e that the science of mind has undergone something of a revival. While it has always remained strong in business and success literature (with the religious language taken out) , the science of religion had come to seem cultist, or at least quaint, in the minds of people in mainstream religious life.

10、 For people who were not religious, to know that something works was not enough; they wanted to know why it worked. Now, people in the mainstream have begun to learn about quantum mechanics. The work being done in quantum physics literally shows us the “mechanics“ of how the mind works. Suddenly, th

11、e people who were once written off as quaint or as cult figures enjoy a new respect. Their writings have become timely again, whether you are of a religious or a scientific bent. As the mainstream become more educated about these discoveries, it will make more sense to them to speak of a science of

12、mind. (560 words) 1 What might be the original title for the passage? ( A) Experiments in the Science of Mind. ( B) The Trend of the Science of Mind. ( C) The Origin of Science of Mind. ( D) Science is the Only Solution to All Problems. 2 What does the underlined sentence in the second paragraph imp

13、ly? ( A) The science of mind has been developing steadily. ( B) Our life has become more balanced today than before. ( C) We dont believe science any more. ( D) We have become more reasonable in judging the scientific results. 3 The purpose of Science of Mind is to ( A) change your life by changing

14、your thinking ( B) find out how our mind works ( C) explore the complex physical structure of our mind ( D) publish the results of experiments on mind 4 Why did people in the 1920s and 30s like to have something named with science? ( A) Because they felt science could offer predictability and reliab

15、ility. ( B) Because science was very catchy and appealing to both Christians as well as non-Christians. ( C) Because people believed that the science of religion was in fact the science of mind. ( D) Because people wanted to let these two fields penetrate and complement each other. 5 According to th

16、e passage all is true EXCEPT that_. ( A) a quaint person is a person who always has strange ideas ( B) the science of mind has revived again ( C) nowadays religious people have given up their original explanation of the science of mind ( D) people following the science of mind prefer to see howT som

17、ething works 5 If our working lives were more “local“ to where we had been born and grown up, family members were able to rely on each other for help. Nowadays, however, people have to move all over the country and even to other countries to find work or to achieve the success they are looking for i

18、n their profession. Whilst this has made the world a much smaller place, it can also mean isolation of some family members. This not only relates to the older, retired generation now living in isolation in their home town/village, but also young families with no older family member nearby. So many p

19、arents these days have no choice but for them both to go out to work and there are also many more one-parent families, so people have to leave their children with child-minders, but what if they had a grandparent nearby? Once weve been lucky enough to have a family and bring them up to have a family

20、 of their own. we can enjoy the benefits of being a grandparent. We can enjoy our grandchildren, but can also “give them back“ at the end of the day/visit! It goes without saying that we may find young children tiring as we get older, but the support to young parents can be invaluable. Grandparents

21、can be a friend to their grandchildren if they need some support with issues they dont want to talk to their parents about. Often retired grandparents are more astute when listening to their grandchildren, or even great-grandchildren, because they are not caught up in the bustle of working/washing/c

22、ooking etc. on a daily basis. When both parents work, there is so little time left after organizing the basics, whereas a retired grandparent can give more time to a child and can catch up on their chores later or on another day. They can guide them when the childrens parents dont have the time, or

23、simply listen to what has been happening during the childs day. It is important to young people that they are listened to, especially in this day and age when bulling is such a problem. Perhaps a child could be saved from endless days of heartache if someone realized what was happening sooner. Retir

24、ed grandparents can be there in an emergency for a host of childhood illnesses, like chicken pox, or be available for a day when their school has a training day. The possibilities are endless, from a few minutes to many hours, but the need is there too. If your own grandchildren are far away, there

25、is still a way to be a support to the young people in your neighborhood how about being a grandparent to a neighbors child? Obviously in this case, a close friendship with the parents is necessary first, as most parents would not entrust their child to a stranger. It would be an idea to contact your

26、 local Social Services first, as they can make the necessary legal checks beforehand to give assurances that someone is responsible. Another tragic circumstance these days is the attacks on children by strangers, so it makes sense to be able to prove your worthiness first. I realize that many older

27、people will feel that they have already done their bit“ but helping a child does not have to be a full-time occupation and the benefit of doing something for someone else brings its own rewards. (565 words) 6 What is the implication of the underlined sentence(Line 1, Para. 1)? ( A) Our working place

28、 is far from our hometown. ( B) Two generations of many families are living separately. ( C) Many people work in other places than their birthplaces. ( D) Many people are working close to their homes. 7 For whom is the message intended? ( A) The elderly. ( B) Young couples. ( C) Experts and speciali

29、sts. ( D) Readers in general. 8 What might be the authors intention to write this passage? ( A) He wants to protest estrangement and isolation among the family members. ( B) He disapproves the social changes. ( C) He gives advice to old people on how to give full play to the rest of their lives. ( D

30、) He suggests that extended families are better than nuclear families. 9 What has NOT been mentioned in the passage as a piece of advice to elderly people? ( A) Grandparents can help their grandchildren in dealing with every possible happening on a daily base. ( B) Grandparents can give a kind help

31、to their neighbors children. ( C) Grandparents can act as good listeners to their grandchildren. ( D) Grandparents can help their grandchildren with lessons. 10 The last paragraph but one centers around_. ( A) how to offer your reliable assistance to your neighbors ( B) distrust among people ( C) th

32、e worsening social relationship ( D) the attacks on children by strangers these days 10 Living in Synchronicity with the Universe Ive always loved the movies where someone says, “Synchronize watches!“ A team of heroes would have to split up to do their individual jobs, but to complete their common m

33、ission successfully, they had to work in synchronicity. I think I must have enjoyed that so much, because somewhere inside me I knew, even as a kid, that thats how it is for all of us. First documented in the academic world by the psychoanalyst Carl Jung in 1928, synchronicity is the occurrence of c

34、oincidences that may not appear to be related in any way, except that they are meaningful to us. There are two aspects of events that place them in synchronicity the events that coincide and their meaning for us. A car drives by my window at the exact moment that I write these words. The writing and

35、 the driving happen at the same time, but 1 probably wont feel the gratitude and awe I feel when touched by synchronicity. However, if Deepak Chopra, who writes and speaks about synchronicity, drives by at the same time Im writing about the subject, it would be very meaningful for me. I might feel I

36、 received a sign that I was on the right track. I might even be able to run out and ask a question that would be good for the article. An important thing to note about synchronistic events is that while two events are related by meaning, they are not related causally at least, not as we usually unde

37、rstand that. Neither event causes the other, yet they arc clearly related. Sometimes a series of synchronicities brings about a beautiful manifestation of love in action. For example; The manager of a church bookstore was journaling prayerfully, when she got an idea to donate books to a womens shelt

38、er, whose location was a secret. When she called the shelter to set up delivery of the books, the manager learned that a fellow congregant volunteered there and could easily deliver the books. The manager had not known this congregant before, so neither her idea nor the congregants volunteering caus

39、ed each other, but they were two small events in a larger event of service. The manager got approval from her church and invited the congregation to buy books to donate to the shelter. The response was enormous. Not only did people donate money and buy books for the shelter library, they also brough

40、t nice used books inspiration, self-help, parenting, and childrens books. The manager collected enough books for a small library, and the volunteer delivered them. A week or so later, the manager received a thank-you letter from the director of the shelter that made the hair on the back of her neck

41、stand up. The director was very grateful for the bookstores “response“ to recent events. A water pipe had burst, causing extensive damage to the old womens shelter. Now, the program was in a new shelter location, and the women were especially grateful for their new library, because their old one had

42、 been wiped out in the flood! The bookstore manager had not known about this event, so the flood did not cause her idea. And of course, her idea did not cause the flood that happened several weeks earlier. It was as if God or the cosmos had “synchronized watches“ between the bookstore and the shelte

43、r! Such is the beauty and mystery of synchronicity. (572 words) 11 What does “synchronicity“(Line 1, Para. 1) mean? ( A) Any two events happen at the same time beyond our consciousness. ( B) Two events happen one after another in sequence within our consciousness. ( C) Two unrelated events happen si

44、multaneously void of humans awareness. ( D) Two things with mutual influence occur at the same time coincidently. 12 What is the purpose of the author to describe the occurrences in the church? ( A) To demonstrate so many people are concerned with philanthropy. ( B) To illustrate the managers kindne

45、ss. ( C) To show that such coincidences should have some hidden relationship which people can hardly explain in words. ( D) God or the cosmos had “synchronized watches“ between the bookstore and the womens shelter. 13 The underlined part “made the hair on the back of her neck stand up“(Line 2, Para.

46、 7) probably means that_. ( A) the manager got very angry ( B) the manager was taken aback ( C) the manager was very thankful ( D) the manager felt excited 14 Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? ( A) Synchronicity always proves good. ( B) God or the cosmos arranges synchronize w

47、atches. ( C) There is still something in the universe beyond humans comprehension. ( D) Synchronicity is only the imagination of humans. 15 What is NOT a coincidence according to the last three paragraphs? ( A) When the manager called the shelter, there was a volunteer there. ( B) Both the manager a

48、nd the congregation were very kind. ( C) The new liberary happened to become a new shelter. ( D) The books the manager donated were what women were expecting. 15 Dr. Jeremy Joseph volunteered to perform cataract surgery on patients in Zimbabwe in 1995, and participated in his first expedition for SE

49、E International (Surgical Eye Expeditions). This London-based ophthalmologist knew to expect hundreds of patients prematurely blinded by cataracts; their condition compounded by poor facilities and lack of medication. What he had not anticipated was the powerful impact this experience would have on his own life. “My work with SEE International is challenging and inspiring; very much a two-way process,“ says Dr. Joseph. “I have gained just as much from my experience as I have given back. Many of the cases are not ordinary cataracts. Patien

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