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本文([外语类试卷]金融英语业务知识练习试卷43及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(bowdiet140)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、金融英语业务知识练习试卷 43及答案与解析 一、单项选择题 1 The federal funds rate is the interest rate_. ( A) on overnight loans of reserves between banks ( B) the government pays when borrowing from banks ( C) on government debt ( D) both A and B 2 A consumers indifference curve shows_. ( A) all combinations of two products

2、that a consumer can use ( B) all combinations of two products that yield the same total satisfaction to the consumer ( C) all combinations of two goods that the consumer can purchase with disposable persona income ( D) equal income for consumption 3 The value of any investment is found by computing_

3、. ( A) the future value of all future expenses ( B) the future value of all sales ( C) the present value of all future liabilities ( D) the present value of all cash flows 4 A “base“ or “high-powered“ money is distinguished from other types of money by the fact that it ( A) always consists of centra

4、l-bank liabilities ( B) always consists of assets that can serve as commercial bank cash reserves ( C) always consists of gold coin ( D) must be a “fiat“ money 5 The relationship between interest rates on various bonds and the time to their maturity is called the_structure of interest rates. ( A) ch

5、ronological ( B) term ( C) risk ( D) liquidity 6 An example of an investment pool is_. ( A) a savings and loan association ( B) a life insurance company ( C) a finance company ( D) a mutual fund 7 Sustained downward movements in the business cycle are referred to as_. ( A) recessions ( B) economic r

6、ecoveries ( C) inflation ( D) expansions 8 _offers a wide spectrum of personal services to wealthy clients who may have little knowledge of how to handle their own financial affairs or who are too busy. ( A) A private bank ( B) Private banking ( C) Personal banking ( D) Retail banking 9 Which of the

7、 following can be described as involving direct finance?_. ( A) A pension fund manager buys a short-term corporate security in the secondary market. ( B) People buy shares in a mutual fund. ( C) A corporation issues new shares of stock. ( D) An insurance company buys shares of common stock in the ov

8、er-the-counter markets. 10 A call option gives the owner the right to_. ( A) sell the underlying asset at a fixed price ( B) buy the underlying asset at a fixed price ( C) convert the underlying asset at a fixed price ( D) take delivery of the underlying asset at a fixed price 11 The financial state

9、ments that are dated for a time period (rather than a specific time) are the ( A) balance sheet and income statement ( B) income statement and statement of cash flows ( C) balance sheet and statement of owners equity ( D) all of the above 12 Which of the following is an example of off-balance-sheet

10、financing?_. ( A) Operating lease ( B) Debenture bonds ( C) Current portion of long-term debt ( D) Convertible bonds 13 Borrowers can gain access to the surplus funds of savers_. ( A) by issuing securities to savers ( B) through financial intermediaries ( C) by purchasing securities such as stocks a

11、nd bonds ( D) all of the above ( E) both A and B 14 Which of the following assets are most liquid?_. ( A) High grade corporate bonds ( B) Time deposits ( C) Stocks in General Electric Company ( D) Passbook savings deposits 15 Secondary markets for securities_. ( A) deal only in bonds ( B) are market

12、s primarily for the initial sale of new issues ( C) are markets for trading in outstanding debts and equity claims ( D) are also called “investment banks“ 16 The concept of_is based on the common-sense notion that a dollar paid to you in the future is less valuable to you than a dollar today. ( A) f

13、uture value ( B) present value ( C) deflation ( D) interest 17 Which of the following would not result in a credit entry in the Chinas balance of payments? ( A) The sale of a piece of furniture to a business firm in Japan ( B) Interest and dividends paid on foreign investment in China ( C) Interests

14、 on a Chinese bank deposit in the United Kingdom ( D) An increase in foreign investment in China 18 Futures contracts can be_. ( A) used as protection against large price swings ( B) countered by an offsetting purchase or sale ( C) participated by hedgers or speculators ( D) all of the above 19 Supp

15、ose that you own a business and are considering expanding your productive capital through an increase in investment spending. You will invest only if_. ( A) you are able to obtain the necessary funds at a low nominal interest rate ( B) the investment does not affect your cost of production ( C) the

16、present value of future income exceeds the cost of the investment plus interest on any money that you must borrow ( D) you observe that your competitors are expanding their productive capital 20 If Y and V are constant, and M doubles, the quantity equation implies that the price level ( A) more than

17、 doubles ( B) less than doubles ( C) doubles ( D) might do any of the above ( E) more information is needed 金融英语业务知识练习试卷 43答案与解析 一、单项选择题 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 答案为 A项。根据联邦基金利率的定义,本题应选 A项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 答案为 B项。 indifference curve“无差异曲线 ”,指给消费者带来相同满足程度的不同的商品组合描述出来的轨迹。故本题选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英

18、语业务知识 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 D项。任何投资的收益都可以通过计算未来现金流量的现值得到。故本题选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 答案为 B项。 base money“基础货币 ”,包括商业银行的存款准备金和社会大众所持有的通货。由于商业银行的存款准备金在货币供给的决定与变动中具 有成倍扩张或收缩的作用,因此它又被称为 “高能货币 ”(high-powered money)。基础货币区别于其他货币的特点是它包括了商业银行可以用作现金储备的那部分资产。故本题选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 5 【正确答案】 B 【试

19、题解析】 答案为 B项。不同期限的利率之间的关系被称为利率的期限结构。故本题选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 D项。 investment pool“投资池 ”,指一群投资者为了共同的投资目的, 将资金和资源集合起来管理投资的方式。互助基金投资是投资池的一个很好的例子。故本题选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 答案为 A项。 recession“衰退 ”。总的经济活动全面下降和持续恶化,是商业周期中的一个阶段。 economic recovery“经济复苏 ”。总的经济活动越过萧条 (depres

20、sion)的最低点之后而恢复增长的阶段。本题是指经济周期中的衰退期,故选 A项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析 】 答案为 B项。 private bank“私营银行 ”,指没有注册为公司的银行。 private banking“私人银行业务 ”,主要服务于社会中高收入阶层,特别是高收入阶层的个人和家庭,最早发源于瑞士。 personal banking“个人银行业务 ”,主要服务于社会中低收入阶层的较为大众化的个人和家庭。 retail banking“零售银行业务 ”,以居民个人和家庭为服务对象,包括个人银行业务和私人银行业务。向社会富裕阶层提供服务的是

21、私人银行业务。故本题选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 9 【 正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。本题中只有 C项涉及的 “公司发行股票 ”属于直接融资,故选 C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 10 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 答案为 B项。看涨期权的购买方获得的是以约定价格向期权卖方买入基础资产的选择权。故本题选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 答案为 B项。现金流量表、损益表和所有者权益表是反映一个时段的财务状况,而资产负债表则是时点的概念。故本题选 B项。 【知识模块】 金 融英语业务知识 12 【正确答案】 A

22、【试题解析】 答案为 A项。 current portion of long-term debt, CPLTD“长期债务中一年内到期的部分 ”。本题中除 A项所指的 “经营性租赁 ”属于表外融资,其余选项的三种融资方式均需在企业的资产负债表中列出,故选 A项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 13 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 答案为 E项。借款人可以通过发行证券或通过金融中介获得融资。故本题选 E项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 14 【正确答 案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 D项。本题中 D项所涉及的 “活期存折存款 ”的流动性最强,故选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 15

23、 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。证券的二级市场是发行在外的债务和股权凭证的交易市场。故本题选 C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 答案为 B项。本题是指现值的概念,即今天的一美元到将来就不值一美元了。故本题选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 17 【正确答案】 B 【 试题解析】 答案为 B项。根据国际收支平衡表所遵循的复式记账原理,本题材中 A项、 C项、 D项都应被列为贷方,只有 B项所指的 “支付在中国的投资收益 ”应列为借方,故选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 18 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 D项

24、。本题中 A项、 B项、 C项都是有关期货合约的正确说法,故选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 19 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。只有当未来收益的现值超过借款的本金和利息之和时,一项投资才具有吸引力。故本题选 C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 20 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。费雪提出的交易方程式 (MV=PY)表明,物价水平的变动与流通中的货币数量的变动和货币的流通速度的变动成正比,而与商品交易量的变动成反比。如果商品交易数量和货币流通速度不变,流通中的货币数量翻倍,自然物价总水平也同比例增加。故本题选 C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识

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