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1、雅思(听力)模拟试卷 27及答案与解析 一、 Listening Module (30 minutes & 10 minutes transfer time) 1 One walk includes a break at the oldest pub so that the walkers can get some _. 2 The castle walk allows more time to see the _ and walk on the castle wall. 3 You have to _ if you want to go on the Ghost Walk. 4 The Gh

2、ost Walk goes to the castle and the _ . 5 The walks are suitable for adults and _ . 6 The fourth walk shows people the _ of the writer Robert Jones. 7 Questions 7-10Complete the following table of information about the walks. 11 You can have _ paid direct from your account. 12 Ask your _ to tell you

3、 when and how much money will arrive. 13 Having a Cirrus or Maestro card may allow you to spend money from your _. 14 Debt and not paying _ are key things to avoid. 15 The _ at your educational institution will be able to give you advice. 16 What should you go to different companies for? 17 Where ca

4、n you find a list of insurance companies? 18 Which policies pay the full price of replacing possessions? 19 What medical conditions are not always covered by medical insurance? 20 What activity might be an exemption? 21 The professor wants the students to pretend that they are _. 22 Sandra points ou

5、t that recruiters need to know if people have the right _ not just qualifications and experience. 23 Sandra also points out that a new person can change the _. 24 The professor says that _ doesnt usually have an effect on a persons character. 25 Mike says that in a _ employees have to trust each peo

6、ple to do their job. 26 Mike thinks that asking people about their _ can tell you something about them. 27 Which two people are most in favour of personality questionnaires? ( A) The professor. ( B) Sandra. ( C) Mike. 28 Which two people are most in favour of personality questionnaires? ( A) The pro

7、fessor. ( B) Sandra. ( C) Mike. 29 Which two people are most in favour of setting applicants problems? ( A) The professor. ( B) Sandra. ( C) Mike. 30 Which two people are most in favour of setting applicants problems? ( A) The professor. ( B) Sandra. ( C) Mike. 31 In which year did the SPI introduce

8、 the recycling symbol? 32 What is the minimum size of the symbol? 33 Complete the following table of information using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.雅思(听力)模拟试卷 27答案与解析 一、 Listening Module (30 minutes & 10 minutes transfer time) 1 【听力原文】 Customer: Good morning. Ive heard that you offer walkin

9、g tours of the city. Tour Guide: Yes, we do. We have four walks. Did you have any particular one in mind? Customer: Not really. Actually, I dont know anything about your tours. Could you .? Tour Guide: Of course. Heres our leaflet. Let me take you through it. Our main walk is a comprehensive one of

10、the city centre, lasting a whole afternoon. It is quite long, but takes you to all the main sights and a few lesser-known ones. As you can see, we take in the castle, the cathedral, the historic houses along the riverside and the city gate. Halfway through, we stop at the oldest pub Q1 in the city t

11、he Cat and Dog for refreshments. Customer: That looks very interesting. I see you have a walk that just takes in the castle. Tour Guide: Yes, it spends more time examining the castle and its history. The first tour I mentioned visits the castle briefly, but this one Q2 includes visits to all the exh

12、ibits there and a longer walk along the castle wall. Customer: I heard something about . Ah, yes there it is. The Ghost Walk in the evening. Tour Guide: Ah, yes. This is a very popular tour. Youll need to book ahead for Q3 this one. The tour starts here at 8 p.m. every evening except Mondays and fin

13、ishes here at about, well, about two hours later. Customer: Which places are visited on the walk? Tour Guide: Well, again, we take people to the castle and to the cathedral, Q4 but we dont go inside. At the cathedral, we see a few tombs and tell people some pretty grisly stories. Customer: Is the wa

14、lk suitable for children? Tour Guide: Not really. Actually, all four of our walks are really for adults or at least older children. Q5 Customer: And the fourth walk is . Tour Guide: Well, it follows the life and times of Robert Jones, the famous Q6 Victorian writer, who was born here and lived here

15、most of his life. We take people to see where he was born, educated and lived. This tour is popular with people interested in Victorian architecture as much as with people interested in literature. Customer: I see. Now, prices . theyre not listed here in the brochure. Tour Guide: Prices depend on th

16、e season and the number of people you make a booking for. Customer: Wed be interested in taking a tour sometime next week mid-week and we are a small group of 6 people. Tour Guide: OK. Theres a small discount or groups of 5 to 10 people. The full price for the City Sights tour is 10 per person. The

17、Castle tour is 7. The Ghost Walk is also 7 and the Robert Jones Walk is 8. The discount is 5% of the total fee. Customer: Thank you. And what time do the tours start? You said the Ghost Walk starts at 8 p.m. Tour Guide: Yes, the City Sights one starts at 1 p.m. and finishes at 6 p.m. Q7 The Castle t

18、our starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at midday. The Q8 Robert Jones Walk starts at 2 p.m. and finishes at 5 p.m. Customer: The Ghost Walk is not on Mondays. How about the other walks? Q9 Tour Guide: The same. Our office is open on Mondays for booking walks, but there are no tours that day. Customer: I

19、see. Thank you very much. I see you have a website. Tour Guide: Yes www. “walknewtown“ is written as Q10 one word. It has up-to-date information and you can also see the exact routes we take and the timings. Customer: Sorry? Tour Guide: The timings. How long we spend at each location. Customer: Oh,

20、 I see. Thank you. 1 【正确答案】 refreshments 2 【正确答案】 exhibits 3 【正确答案】 book ahead 4 【正确答案】 cathedral 5 【正确答案】 older children 6 【正确答案】 life and times 7 【正确答案】 1 p.m.-6 p.m. 8 【正确答案】 9 a.m. - midday 9 【正确答案】 Monday(s) 10 【正确答案】 11 【听力原文】 Presenter: Welcome everyone. My name is Derek Palmer and Im here t

21、o give you some tips about managing your money. It is worth making a little effort to keep your financial affairs in good shape. Keep your money under control, and you can concentrate on the real business of studying and living here. Here are two basic tips for managing your finances. First, make fu

22、ll use of banking facilities. Once you have opened a bank account, you can ask the banks financial advisers to help you decide how to manage your money. You can use your bank account to pay your regular Q11 bills such as electricity, gas and telephone by direct debit or by standing order, on a regul

23、ar basis. The financial advisers can help you to organise a budget account to pay regular bills or help you to deal with any periods when you might need an overdraft facility. If you have a financial sponsor, make sure you find Q12 out from them exactly when the money will become available to you an

24、d how much there will be. You can also use cheques to pay for goods and services. With banking becoming organised more and more on an international basis, you may also find that you can use the cash card you have in your own country Q13 to draw money from your home account while you are here. Cards

25、carrying signs such as Cirrus or Maestro may have this facility. Ask your home bank about this before you leave, to ensure that you bring the right cards with you. Second, deal with financial problems promptly. Monitor your account in the UK carefully and make sure you do not overdraw or, if you hav

26、e arranged an overdraft, make sure you do not go over the amount you agreed with the bank. If you do run into any money problems, take the initiative and sort them out quickly do not risk going into debt or falling behind with Q14 your rent. Problems may arise, for example, if there is a sudden chan

27、ge in the political situation in your country, if there are unexpected delays in transferring your money, or if your personal circumstances change for example, your accommodation arrangements, your marital status. In these situations, do not be tempted to borrow money. Instead, get advice from a rel

28、iable source. Start by meeting with the student counsellor at your college or university. Q15 He or she can tell you what to do about paying your tuition fees, and whether there are any college funds or charitable trusts that might be able to help you. If you are building up debts on credit cards or

29、 rent arrears, debt counselling may be available at your institution. If the problems are caused by political situations or changes in foreign exchange, ask your Embassy for advice. Lets turn to insurance. During your stay, there are three types of insurance that you might need. The first is persona

30、l property insurance to cover your possessions against damage or theft. If possible, try to arrange this in your own country before you come to the UK. The second is medical insurance-to cover your medical bills. You may prefer to arrange this in advance. The third is motor insurance. You must have

31、this if you want to drive a car or ride a motorcycle here. For each type, there are many different insurance policies available, so Q16 look around until you find one that meets your needs including your budget. You will find a range of insurance companies listed in your local telephone Q17 director

32、y(下划线 ), and your bank or building society may also be able to offer you an insurance policy. Many insurance companies have special policies for students. Ask the welfare adviser at your college or university for advice. Make sure that you understand all the conditions before you agree to a policy.

33、When you are considering a particular policy, ask yourself some questions. What will be paid out to me when I make a claim? Some personal property insurance policies, for example, only pay you the second-hand value of your lost possessions. “New-for-old“ policies will pay you the full cost of Q18 re

34、placing the item, but they tend to be more expensive. Are there any conditions attached to the policy? Some medical insurance policies will not cover Q19 you for pre-existing medical conditions that is, conditions you already have when you take out the policy. Some personal property policies may not

35、 cover your possessions if they are taken away from the place where they are normally kept for example, if you take your CD-player to a friends house. Are there any exceptions to the policy? For example, a medical insurance policy Q20 may not cover you if you play a dangerous sport. Now, lets look a

36、t . 11 【正确答案】 (regular) bills 12 【正确答案】 (financial) sponsor 13 【正确答案】 home account 14 【正确答案】 (your) rent 15 【正确答案 】 (student) counsellor 16 【正确答案】 (an) insurance policy/-ies 17 【正确答案】 (local) telephone directory 18 【正确答案】 “new-for-old“ or “new for old“ 19 【正确答案】 pre-existing 20 【正确答案】 (playing a) da

37、ngerous sport 21 【听力原文】 Professor: Good morning. Now, this term, weve looked at various aspects of recruitment and you can now see how much more there is to it than just putting applicants through a short interview or reading CVs. Now, todays tutorial is just to recap some of the main points regardi

38、ng recruitment. Id like you to Q21 imagine that you are managers and we will discuss how different applicants would fit into the team or group they have to work with. Well look at some examples later. You can select someone even a friend who has all the right qualifications. Then, you can also check

39、 that they have a lot of experience that theyve done the sort of tasks that you want them to do in your company. Sandra: But you need to know if they have the right character, dont you? Q22 Professor: Precisely, Sandra. If they start work and you realise that they just dont get along with everybody

40、else. Mike: Youve got a problem. Professor: Exactly, Mike. Exactly. They might have contrasting views on how to do something. They might not be able to get on with other members of your team. Sandra: Even adding one person to a team can change the whole group Q23 dynamic,cant it? Mike: Absolutely. T

41、his could be particularly true with someone who is particularly outgoing or outspoken. Sandra: Could company training reduce the possibility of this happening? Professor: Possibly, but company training tends to show new people how Q24 you do something at a particular company rather than changing a p

42、ersons character to suit your company. Mike: Theres also the question of ability. Particularly in a team situation, Q25 people have to believe in each others ability to do the tasks the boss has given. They have to trust that everyone will do their part of the job. Sandra: Right. But trying to find

43、out what someones personality is in a job interview is . well, is it possible? I mean, you wont find out what theyre really like until they actually start work. Professor: Well, is there any value in asking candidates questions about their hobbies, for example? Sandra: I doubt it. What could that te

44、ll you? Mike: I dont know. It could tell you something about their personality whether theyre outgoing, for example. Professor: Most people involved in recruitment would argue that it does Q26 tell you something. More and more employers around the world are making use of “personality questionnaires“

45、 to help them select new staff. Mike: Yes. You mentioned those in the last lecture. Do they work? Q26 Professor: Well, most employers use them, but there is concern that they do not reveal the applicants true personality. Sandra: Yes. Some people might just write the answers that they think the empl

46、oyer wants. Professor: Thats true. Very often, employers can weed out the applicants who do that by asking more detailed questions during the interview. Mike: The fact that they have been used for so long and that they are Q27/28 so widely used makes me think that there must be something in them. Pr

47、ofessor: Well, . Sandra: Im not so sure. Just because theyre used a lot, that doesnt automatically mean that they are useful or worthwhile. Professor: True. But these tests have been created by experts and they believe Q27/28 that the answers can provide indicators as to roughly the type of person t

48、hat the applicant is. Sandra: How about the idea of setting problems for applicants and seeing how they approach them? Professor: I like that idea, but the problems need to be simple, since Q29/30 theres not much time to prepare a full answer. In addition, the applicant doesnt have much background knowledge of the way that the company does things. Sandra: Its a good idea, but may not always be practical. Usually it is though. Q29/30 Mike: Ill need convincing. Professor: Lets move on to take a look at . 21 【正确答案】 managers 22 【正确答案】 character 23

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