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1、雅思(听力)模拟试卷 86及答案与解析 一、 Listening Module (30 minutes Ill drop in tomorrow morning to pay 10 【听力原文】 You will hear a man taking a group of tourists around a museum site. First you have some time to look at questions 11 to 14. Pause the recording for 30 seconds. Now listen carefully and answer questions

2、 11 to 14. Guide: Welcome to Brampton Museum. Im going to tell you a little bit about the museum first and then show you round. As you can see, Brampton is an open-air museum. The first open-air museums were established in Scandinavia towards the end of the 19th century, and the concept soon spread

3、throughout Europe and North America and there are several in Britain, all of which tell the history of a particular part of the country. Brampton focuses on life during the 19th century. The site was chosen because there were already some historic 19th-century buildings here and(11/12)others have be

4、en dismantled in different parts of the region, and rebuilt on the site. This hadnt been attempted before in these parts so were very proud of what we have here. All the buildings are filled with furniture, machinery and objects. You may be able to see these in other museums but not in their origina

5、l settings.(11/12)What also sets Brampton apart from other museums is that the story of the exhibits is told not by labels but by costumed staff like myself. I look after sheep, cows and hens, which are much the same as those you see on modern farms, but I use traditional methods to care for them. Y

6、ou will also be able to see a blacksmith and a printer, as well as other craftspeople. If you talk to them, youll be able to find out what life was really like 150 years ago. Our programme of activities during the year has guided walks, an agricultural fair and all the other events you would expect

7、a museum to have, but remember: here you experience them in the real surroundings. The site is divided into different areas. The main building contains our High Street which is a street of 19th-century shops, offices and some homes. Theres a stationers shop which sells a range of specially selected

8、cards, prints and copies of Victorian stationery, all available for purchase by visitors. Upstairs in the same building, a printer demonstrates the production of posters, business cards and advertising material. Across the street from the stationers is a clothes shop and theres a bakers where you ca

9、n watch a demonstration of someone making bread, cakes and pastries. We also have a sweet shop which has old-fashioned sweets for sale.(13/14)Vintage trams travel along from one end of the street to the other, carrying visitors on their journey into the past. We will also be visiting the farm and ta

10、king a ride on a steam train. Of course the main form of transport in those days was the horse and you can watch horses being exercised in the old stables. This part of Britain was famous for coal-mining and on the site we have part of a mine which opened in 1860 and was worked for over a hundred ye

11、ars, before closing in 1963.(13/14)Visitors can put on a hard hat and take a guided tour underground to see how coal was worked and to experience the working conditions in the early 1900s. Before you hear the rest of the talk, you have some time to look at questions 15 to 20. Pause the recording for

12、 30 seconds. Now listen and answer questions 15 to 20. Now if youd like to look at your map, well begin our tour. The site is a bit like a circle with the railway going round the edge. You can see where we are now by the entrance and were going to start by walking to the High Street.(15)Well go to t

13、he crossroads in the middle of the map and go straight on. making our way between two buildings on either side of the path. The larger one is an exhibition centre but its not open today, unfortunately. The other building is offices.(16)The path leads directly to the High Street building which is at

14、the opposite side of the site to the entrance. Here youre free to wander around and take a ride up and down on a tram.(17)Well then take the path which follows the railway line and crosses it to the farm. If you wish, you can have tea in the farmhouse and therell be time to look at the animals and t

15、he machinery.(18)Then, we cross the railway line again and visit our special attraction which is the coal mine. Its just in front of us here at the entrance.(19)Well return to the crossroads and walk through a small wooded area to the Manor House. This is one of the original buildings on the site an

16、d belonged to a wealthy farmer. You can look round the house and gardens and talk to our guides who can tell you what it was like to live there.(20)We will then follow a path which goes past the pond and will take us to the Railway Station, which is situated between the path and the railway line. Fi

17、nally well take the steam train back around the site, passing alongside the High Street and the Coal Mine back to the entrance. So if youd like to follow me. 11 【正确答案】 A 12 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 Distraction B: not unusual because these are events you would expect a museum to have; C: again, not unusual be

18、cause sheep, cows and hens . are much the same as those you see on modern farms; E: not unusual because All the buildings are filled with furniture, machinery and objects. You may be able to see these in other museums . 13 【正确答案】 C 14 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 Distraction A: You can buy sweets, not bread: . y

19、ou can watch a demonstration of someone making bread, . old-fashioned sweets for sale; B: Although you can watch horses being exercised in the old stables, there is no suggestion that visitors can ride them; D: You can buy stationery: Theres a stationers shop which sells . all available for purchase

20、 by visitors but the posters are part of a demonstration and there is no mention of them being for sale: Upstairs in the same building, a printer demonstrates the production of posters . 15 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 After the crossroads the exhibition centre is the larger of two buildings on either side of th

21、e path. Distraction D is the smaller of the two so it cannot be the correct answer. 16 【正确答案】 A 17 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 The path crosses the railway line to get to the farmhouse. You can get to all the other buildings without crossing the railway line. 18 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 Distraction G cannot be the corre

22、ct answer because the coal mine is just in front of the entrance. 19 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 Distraction I, D and G cannot be the correct answer because from the crossroads you dont have to walk through the woods to get to them. 20 【正确答案】 B 20 【听力原文】 You will hear a conversation between Cressida, a student

23、of journalism, and her tutor, Dr Erskine, about a work placement that she has recently done. First you have some time to look at questions 21 to 26. Pause the recording for 30 seconds. Now listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 26. Dr Erskine: Well, Cressida, that was an interesting presentatio

24、n you gave yesterday on your placement at the TV news centre. Cressida: Thank you, Dr Erskine, I did work hard on it. Dr Erskine: Yes and(21)you did entertain the class, they enjoyed your humour, but you informed them too. But I felt there was a bit of a back story - you know, something you werent t

25、elling us? So how was it really? Cressida: Yeah, well, I learnt a lot, as I said. But I think some of the lessons werent ones I wanted to share with the whole group. I mean,(22)my expectations about what it would be like were too high. Id been fantasising a bit about what Id be doing. I mean, it all

26、 worked out OK in the end . but I got off to a bad start. Dr Erskine: Yes, I heard something similar from(23)the producer -urn. Ainsley Webb - who assessed your performance. He was quite negative about some of the things you did, and your initial attitude. Im afraid. Would you like to give me your v

27、ersion? Cressida: I didnt prepare properly is the main thing. On my first morning, I hadnt checked my commuting route properly, and I didnt notice that it says the buses dont start till six. I had to run all the way to the studio, but I was still late, and I looked a mess. Dr Erskine: Well,(24)bette

28、r at this stage of your career than later. To be honest. I made the same kind of mistakes when I was your age. But anyway, as I say, I think the presentation yesterday went extremely well, and I will bear that in mind when I grade your work experience overall. Cressida: Thank you for being so unders

29、tanding. Dr Erskine: Right. Now, have you completed your diary of what you did there?(25)Professor Jenkins hasnt received it. he says. Cressida: Urn, yes, I have finished it, but I wanted to just tidy it up a bit. Some of it was written in a bit of a hurry. Ill email it to him this afternoon. Dr Ers

30、kine: OK. But Im afraid he says this will have to be the last time you submit late. Journalism is all about deadlines and if you cant manage them on your course he cant give you a diploma saying youre competent, can he? Cressida: Oh. Yes. Ill do it straight after this. I didnt realise. Dr Erskine: W

31、ell, he can be a bit abrupt if hes kept waiting. Its the one thing he really doesnt like. Im sure everything is going to be fine. Youre getting very good grades on your work, so, as long as you remember that. Cressida: Yes. Dr Erskine: Now, did you manage OK generally, do you think? Cressida: Yeah,

32、OK, I think. Well, it took a while to get to grips with all the equipment. Some of it was quite old, not as fast as what we have here in college and at first I kept thinking it was my fault I wasnt pressing the right buttons, or something. The thing was, none of(26)the TV centre staff asked me if I

33、wanted instructions. If I asked them how to do some particular operation, they were perfectly civil and would show me, and even say thank you for what I did do. but I felt awkward to keep asking. Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at questions 27 to 30. Pause th

34、e recording for 30 seconds. Now listen and answer questions 27 to 30. Dr Erskine: Now, urn, well, lets just review where you are, your write-up, and what youre going to include going forward to next term. First of all, did you eventually feel you were given enough to do? Cressida: The first couple o

35、f days were manic, the production team was short of staff and(27)I was rushing all over the building taking messages to various people and fetching things. Of course, I didnt know my way around, so I kept ending up in some store room or somewhere instead of the studio I was meant to be in. Or I mist

36、ook some important visitor for a colleague, because I didnt know who anyone was. Then after that, things sort-of calmed down, so sometimes I was hanging about until someone decided to give me a chore.(28)But I had a piece of luck at the end of the week because they got a new bit of equipment which w

37、as the same as we have in the editing suite here and I knew how to use it. which none of them did. So that gave me a bit of status. Unfortunately it meant I spent the next three days stuck in the editing suite. But by the end, Id shown I wasnt just a silly student, so then, when the senior reporter

38、needed someone to go out with him when he went to interview a junior minister, I got to go along because he knew I could handle the technical side. Dr Erskine: Well, thats good. Cressida: Yes. Well, I know(29)I need to learn from my mistakes. I mean, basically I need to think more about forward plan

39、ning, but on the other hand I feel much more confident now; I did survive, I didnt ruin anything, I did actually make a contribution, according to the producer.(30)One thing I want to take forward to my final assignment, though, is some reflections on ethics. Dr Erskine: Yes? Cressida: I had a bit o

40、f an argument with one of the senior presenters. He was editing part of an interview and he just changed something someone said. When I questioned him he just snubbed me. And I mean, this wasnt some public relations expert or government professional spokesperson, it was, like, a member of the public

41、, but he said Oh they never remember what they said anyway. Dr Erskine: Mm . you want to develop this into part of your final assignment? It would be a very positive line. I can give you some references. Cressida: Oh, thanks, that would be great. 21 【正确答案】 A 22 【正确答案】 H 23 【正确答案】 B 24 【正确答案】 G 25 【正

42、确答案】 D 26 【正确答案】 E 27 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 Distraction A: store room is a cupboard for objects, not a shop; C: she mentions people she didnt know: I mistook some important visitor for a colleague, because I didnt know who anyone was but there is no mention of being asked to meet visitors. 28 【正确答案】 A 【试题

43、解析】 Distraction B: Cressida didnt see this as fortunate: Unfortunately it meant I spent the next three days stuck in the editing suite; C: Cressida went with the reporter who did the interview: . when the senior reporter needed someone to go out with him when he went to interview a junior minister,

44、I got to go along but this was so she could do the technical side, there is no suggestion she did any interviewing. 29 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 Distraction A: There is no mention of the business side of things; C: She doesnt say she needs to improve her teamwork, in fact she is pleased with it: . I feel much

45、 more confident. I did actually make a contribution. 30 【正确 答案】 C 【试题解析】 The rest of Cressidas speech explains that the disagreement was about the actions of the presenter, which she found to be unethical. Distraction A: This contradicts the statement: this wasnt some public relations expert; B: The

46、 end of the same sentence also contradicts the statement: this wasnt. or government professional spokesperson. 30 【听力原文】 You will hear a lecturer talking about the history of the electric guitar. First you have some time to look at questions 31 to 40. Pause the recording for one minute. Now listen c

47、arefully and answer questions 31 to 40. Lecturer: During todays lecture in this series about the history of popular music, Im going to look at the different stages the electric guitar went through before we ended up with the instrument we know so well today. The driving force behind the invention of

48、 the electric guitar was simply the search for a louder sound. In the late 1890s Orville Gibson, founder of the Gibson Mandolin-Guitar Manufacturing Company,(31)designed a guitar with an arched or curved top, as is found on a violin. This made it both stronger and louder than earlier designs but it

49、was still hard to hear amongst other louder instruments. During the 1920s with the beginnings of big-band music, commercial radio and the rise of the recording industry, the need to increase the volume of the guitar became even more important. Around 1925 John Dopyera came up with a solution. He designed a guitar, known as The National Guitar, with a metal body which had metal resonating cones built into the top.(32)It produced a brash tone which became popular with guita

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