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本文([考研类试卷]2006年上海交通大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(deputyduring120)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2006年上海交通大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析 一、名词解释 1 King Lear 2 The Canterbury Tales 3 Tristram Shandy 4 Lyrical Ballads 5 Emily Bronte 6 Robert Browning 7 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 8 The Waves 9 Samuel Beckett 10 Lord of Flies 11 Herman Melville 12 Sister Carrie 13 The Waste Land 14 Lost in the

2、Funhouse 15 Catch-22 16 John Fowles 17 The Crucible 18 Beloved 19 The Crying of Lot 49 20 The Golden Notebook 21 Anne Sexton 22 Invisible Man 23 Robert Frost 24 The Sound and the Fury 25 The Great Gatsby 26 The Angry Young Men (6 points) 27 Collage (4 points) 28 Free indirect discourse (5 points) 二、

3、评论题 29 Write a short essay (in no more than 200 words) about the basic features of Realism. 三、分析题 30 Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow. The Snow Man By Wallace Stevens One must have a mind of winter To regard the frost and the boughs Of the pine-trees crusted with snow; An

4、d have been cold a long time To behold the junipers shagged with ice, The spruces rough in the distant glitter Of the January sun; and not to think Of any misery in he sound of the wind, In the sound of a few leaves, Which is the sound of the land Full of the same wind That is blowing in tine same b

5、are place For the listener, who listens in the snow, And, nothing himself, beholds Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is. 1. How many nouns are there in the poem? How may concrete nouns and abstract nouns are there in the first four stanzas and in the last stanza? What is the significanc

6、e of difference in these nouns between the first four stanzas and the last stanza? (5 points) 2. In the last stanza, the three occurrences of “nothing“ suggest that the listener sees everything and yet still sees emptiness. Why is he so? (5 points) 3. Why does the definite article appear more often

7、than the indefinite article in the poem? (4 points) 4. What is the theme of the poem? (8 points) 2006年上海交通大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷答案与解析 一、名词解释 1 【正确答案】 A play written by William Shakespeare. 2 【正确答案】 A collection of stories written by Geoffrey Chaucer. 3 【正确答案】 A novel written by Laurence Sterne. 4 【正确答案】 A

8、 collection of poems written by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 5 【正确答案】 An British novelist whose masterpiece is Wuthering Heights. 6 【正确答案】 An British poet whose masterpiece is My Last Duchess. 7 【正确答案】 A novel written by James Joyce. 8 【正确答案】 A novel written by Virginia Woolf. 9 【

9、正确答案】 An Irish dramatist whose masterpiece is Waiting for Godot. 10 【正确答案】 A novel written by William Golding. 11 【正确答案】 An American novelist whose masterpiece is Moby Dick. 12 【正确答案】 A novel written by Theodore Dreiser. 13 【正确答案】 A poem written by T S. Eliot. 14 【正确答案】 A collection of short fiction

10、s written by John Barth. 【试题解析】 约翰 巴斯 (John Barth), 1930-至今,美国后现代小说家。其代表作包括流动歌剧院 (The Floating Opera, 1956)、 路的尽头 (The End of the Road, 1958)、 烟草代理商 (The Sot-Weed Factor, 1960)、 山羊孩子贾尔斯 (Giles Goat-Boy,or,The Revised New Syllabus, 1966), 迷失在游乐园中 (Lost in the Funhouse, 1968)和潮水的故事 (The Tidewater Tale

11、s,1987)。他的小说大多模拟、调侃传统的叙事形式,并把深刻的哲理同辛辣的讽刺、尖刻甚至粗俗的幽默融为一体。 15 【正确答案】 A novel written by Joseph Heller. 【试题解析】 约瑟夫 海勒 (Joseph Heller), 1923-1999,美国讽喻小说家。其代表作包括第二十二条军规 (Catch一 22, 1961)、出了毛病 (Something Happened, 1974)、像戈尔德一样好 (Goodas Gold, 1984)、上帝知道(Godknows)。约瑟夫 海勒刻意追求作家与表现内容之间的 “审美距离 ”,恰到好处地 “后退一步 ”,用

12、冷漠克制、假装无所知的态度去抒写人间的不幸,去涉猎严肃重大的问题。由此,海勒开辟了欧美讽刺小说的新写法,他的创作采用超现实的角度,用夸张的手法将现实漫画化 ,并把幽默、荒诞、无可奈何的讽刺综合在一起,影响了一批作家,成为 20世纪 60年代黑色幽默 (BlackHumor)文学流派的代表人物。 16 【正确答案】 A British novelist whose masterpiece is The Collector 【试题解析】 约翰 福尔斯 (John Fowles), 1926至今,英国小说家。福尔斯发表过诗歌、评论、翻译、小说和哲学著作,但主要以小说闻名,主要作品有: 收藏家 (或译

13、捕蝶人 )(The Collector, 1963)、大法师 (The Magus,1965)、法国中尉的女人 (TheFrench Lieutenants Woman, 1969)、埃伯尼塔楼 (The Ebony Tower,1974)、丹尼尔 马丁 (Daniel Martin, 1977)、曼迪莎(Mantissa, 1982)、想入非非 (A Maggot, 1985)等。福尔斯小说创作的一个特点是在模仿传统的同时从形式和内容输入革新成分,他善于编织故事,对于悬念、浪漫冲突、爱情游戏运用自如,这使得他的作品具有实验性和可读性,备受学者、评论家的关注和普通读者 的欢迎。 17 【正确答

14、案】 A play written by Arthur Miller 【试题解析】 阿瑟 米勒 (Arthur Miller), 1915-2005,美国剧作家、散文家。其代表作主要有我的儿子们 (All My Sons, 1947)、 推销员之死 (Death of A Salesman, 1949)激情年代 (The Crucible, 1953)。他的作品针砭时弊、直言不讳,被誉为 20世纪良心的代表。其中推销员之死是其最有影响的代表作。 18 【正确答案】 A novel written by Tony Morrison 【试题解析】 托尼 莫里森 (Tony Morrison), 1

15、931-至今,美国著名黑人女作家。其代表作主要包括最蓝的眼睛 (The Bluest Eyes, 1970)、 秀拉 (Sula,1973)、 所罗门之歌 (Song of Solomon, 1977)、 沥青娃娃 (Tar baby,1981)和宠儿 (Beloved, 1987)。语言是莫里森小说的最大特色。综观其创作历程,她成功地将现实主义与神话结合在一起,善于以口语化的 语言和象征的手法描写妇女形象,以民间传说和童话渲染气氛。更重要的是,她反映了一种进步的文化思潮,表现了美国社会中黑人自我意识的觉醒和发展。 19 【正确答案】 A novel written by Thomas Pyn

16、chon 【试题解析】 托马斯 品钦 (Thomas Pynchon), 1937-至今,美国小说家。其代表作主要包括 V. (1963), 叫卖第 49组 (The Crying of Lot 49, 1966), 万有引力之虹 (Gravitys Rainbow, 1973), 葡萄园 (Vineland, 1990), 梅森和迪克逊 (Mason Dixon, 1997)和抵抗白昼 (Against the Day), 2006)。在他的小说中,品钦不仅强调了诸如种族主义、帝国主义和宗教等宏大主题,借鉴并使用了许多传统高雅文化和文学形式的要素,他的作品亦显示出一种与通俗文化的从事者和文化

17、产品 (诸如连环画、卡通片、廉价小说、通俗电影、电视节目、烹调术 ),以及与传奇、民间艺术的紧密亲缘关系。这种对传统上 “高雅 ”和 “低俗 ”文化之间界线的模糊,有时被认为是一种 “解构 ”,被视为后现代主义的标 志性特征之一。 20 【正确答案】 A novel written by Doris Lessing. 21 【正确答案】 An American poet whose masterpiece is Live or Die. 【试题解析】 安妮 塞克斯顿 (Anne Sexton), 19281974,美国白白派诗人。塞克斯顿的诗歌典型特点是选用的形象生动、题材取于自身和情感表达强

18、烈。从创作第一本诗集精神病院与部分回来的路 (To Bedlam and Part Way Back, 1966)开 始,塞克斯顿就一直把自己写进作品中。她在作品中分析并审视了自己的人际关系、与精神疾病的抗争以及绝望和愤怒的情感。她的诗集生还是死 (Live or Die, 1966)获得了普利策文学奖。她的作品还包括: 我所有可爱的东西 (All My Pretty Ones, 1962)、 死亡笔记 (The Death Notebooks, 1974)、划向上帝的艰难泛舟 (The Awful Rowing Toward God, 1975)。 22 【正确答案】 A novel wri

19、tten by Ralph Ellison. 23 【正确答案】 An American poet whose masterpiece is The Road not Taken. 24 【正确答案】 A novel written by William Faulkner. 25 【正确答案】 A novel written by F. S. Fitzgerald. 26 【正确答案】 The angry young men were a breed of intellectuals, including various British novelists and playwrights, w

20、ho emerged in the 1950s and expressed scorn and disaffection with the established sociopolitical order of their country. Their impatience and resentment were especially aroused by what they perceived as the hypocrisy and mediocrity of the upper and middle classes. The catchphrase was first applied t

21、o John Osborne and extended to all his contemporaries who expressed rage and the persistence of class distinctions, pride in their lower-class mannerisms, and dislike for anything highbrow or “phony“. 27 【正确答案】 Collage is a work assembled wholly or partly from fragments of other writings, incorporat

22、ing allusions, quotations and foreign phrases. Originally applied to paintings with pasted-on elements, the term has been extended to an important kind of modernist poetry of with the most significant examples are the Cantos of Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliots The Waste Land. 28 【正确答案】 Free indirect disc

23、ourse is a manner of presenting the thoughts or utterance of a fictional character as if from that characters point of view by combining grammatical and other features of the characters “direct speech“ with features of the narrators “indirect report“. This form of statement allows a third-person nar

24、rative to exploit a first-person point of view, often with a subtle irony, as in the novels of Jane Austen. 二、评论题 29 【正确答案】 Realism in literature is an approach that attempts to describe life without idealization or romantic subjectivity. Although realism is not limited to any one century or group o

25、f writers, it is most often associated with the literary movement in 19th-century France, specifically with the French novelists. Realism has been chiefly concerned with the commonplaces of everyday life among the middle and lower classes, where character is a product of social factors and environme

26、nt is the integral element in the dramatic complications. In the drama, realism is most closely associated with social plays. The term refers, sometimes confusingly, both to a literary method based on detailed accuracy of description and to a more general attitude that rejects idealization, escapism

27、 and other extravagant qualities of romance in favor of recognizing soberly the actual problems of life. So, modern criticism frequently insists that realism is not a direct or simple reproduction of reality (a slice of life) but a system of conventions producing a lifelike illusion of some “real“ w

28、orld outside the text. 【试题解析】 本题考查现实主义的基本特征,现实主义是 19世纪 30年代首先在法国、英国等地出现的文学思潮,以后波及俄国、北欧和美国等地,成为 19世纪欧美文学的主流,也造就了近代欧美文学的高峰。现实主义理论强调披露真实,戳穿伪饰现状的意识形态。也就是说,现实主义抵制浪漫主义,转而追求客观性,为那些堕入贫困被边缘化的弱势族群或阶层发声,显然具有素朴的人道精神。现代评论界也普遍认为现实主义具有总体性,追求文学描写的广度,从整体的各个方面掌握社会生活;向深处突进探索隐藏在现象背面的本质因素,发现事物内在的整体关系。 三、分析题 30 【正确答案】 Th

29、ere are 25 nouns in the poem, with 18 concrete nouns and 4 abstract nouns in the first four stanza, only 2 concrete nouns and 1 abstract noun in the last stanza. The intentional change in the use of nouns suggests a transition from a relatively objective description of a winter scene to a relatively

30、 emotional elevation. We, with the “one“ of the poem, begin by watching the winter scene while in our mind the connotations of misery and cold brought forth by the scene are stirring. But gradually, almost imperceptibly, we are divested of whatever it is that distinguishes us from the snow man. We b

31、ecome the snow man, and we see the winter world through his eyes of coal, and we know the cold without the thoughts of human discomfort. Then, we see all the exact things, as the definite article suggests. At that point when we sees the winter scene reduced to absolute fact, as the object not of the

32、 mind, but of the perfect perceptual eye that sees “nothing that is not there,“ then the scene, devoid of its imaginative correspondences, has become “the nothing that is.“ With it, Stevens dramatizes the action of a mind as it becomes one with the scene it perceives, and at that instant, the mind having ceased to bring something of itself to the scene, the scene then ceases to exist fully. 【试题解析】 本题选取了华莱士 史蒂文斯的哲理诗雪人。诗中探讨了自然在人类精神生活中的重要作用,同时强调诗人的观察力和想象力对于艺术世界构建的重要作用。史蒂文斯在这首短诗中流露出强烈的美国浪漫主义 超验主义色彩和现象学的理念,强调人与自然的融合和统一,实现爱默生所谓的 “透明的我 ”的状态,展示出 20世纪美国现代主义诗风主导的诗坛中浪漫主义风格的回归。

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