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本文([考研类试卷]2007年北京第二外国语学院英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(unhappyhay135)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2007年北京第二外国语学院英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析 一、单项选择题 1 Generally speaking, it is_that the English Literary history starts. ( A) 6th C.BC ( B) 5th C.BC ( C) 6th C.AD. ( D) 5th C.AD 2 Knights of the Round Table are characters serving_in legends, which depict chivalry in early literature. ( A) Sir Lancelot ( B)

2、Sir Godwin ( C) King Arthur ( D) King Henry VIII 3 Of the following works, which is not written by John Milton? ( A) Paradise Lost ( B) MyAntonia ( C) Paradise Regained ( D) Samson Agonistes 4 As a literary trend in Britain,_came as a result of discount of certain enlighteners in social reality in t

3、he middle of 18th Century. ( A) Sentimentalism ( B) Imagism ( C) Social Criticism ( D) Modernism 5 “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested? Could be found in_. ( A) Thomas Moores Utopia ( B) Charles Dicksons Great Expectations ( C) John Bunyans Th

4、e Pilgrims Progress ( D) Francis Bacons Of Studies 6 British Renaissance breeds a lot of great writers, among whom are_. William Shakespeare John Milton Edmund Spencer Geoffrey Chaucer ( A) ( B) ( C) ( D) 7 The proposal of “art for arts sake“ is given by._. ( A) Oscar Wilde ( B) Henry James ( C) Hen

5、ry Fielding ( D) Charles Dickens 8 Thomas Hardys masterpiece setting on the British country life is_. ( A) Pamela ( B) Emma ( C) Jane Eyre ( D) Tess of the D Urbervilles 9 Early in_, the English settlements in Virginia and Massachusetts started the main stream of the American national history. ( A)

6、14th. C ( B) 15th. C ( C) 17th. C ( D) 16th. C 10 Benjamin Franklin is not merely an outstanding politician, a talented inventor but also a famed literary giant. His autobiography set the example of practicing_moral disciplines which gave profound influences as the national spirit. ( A) Quakers ( B)

7、 Puritan ( C) Anglican Christian ( D) Easters 11 James Fennimore Coopers novel_ is the first to reveal the west and Native Americans life in a passionate way. ( A) Go Down, Moses ( B) The Last of the Mohicans ( C) Winesburg, Ohio ( D) O Pioneers! 12 Realism in American literature stretches from_to t

8、he end of 19th .C. ( A) early 17th C ( B) early 18th C ( C) American Civil War ( D) Spanish-American War 13 West Humor is best represented in_s short story writing. ( A) O Henry ( B) Flannery O Connor ( C) Henry James ( D) Mark Twain 14 _are not only poets but also literary critics. Edgar Allan Poe

9、Carl Sandburg T. S. Eliot Ezra Pound ( A) ( B) ( C) ( D) 15 “The Lost Generation“ refers to the writes who relocated to Paris in the post WWI years to reject the values of American materialism. All the following but_are involved in this group. ( A) F. S. Fitzgerald ( B) Ernest Hemingway ( C) Theodor

10、e Dreiser ( D) John Dos Passos 二、名词解释 16 Harlem Renaissance (3 points) 17 Black Humor (3 points) 18 American Naturalism (3 points) 三、分析题 18 Lord Byrons She Walks in Beauty is among the most memorable and most quoted poems in romantic poetry. In June, 1848, Byron attended a party where he was inspire

11、d by the sight of his cousin, the beautiful Mrs. Wilmot, who was wearing a black spangled mourning dress, and it became the essence of this poem about her. She Walks in Beauty She walk in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies: And all thats best of dark and bright Meet in her a

12、spect and her eyes: Thus mellowd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies. One shade the more, one ray the less, Had half impaird the nameless grace Which waves in every raven tress, Or softly lightens oer her face; Where thoughts serenely sweet express How pure, how dear their dwelling

13、-place. And on that cheek, and oer that brow So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, The smiles that win, the tints that glow, But tell of days in goodness spent. A mind at peace with all below, A heart whose love is innocent. 19 Summarize the charm of the lady who “walks in beauty“. (3 points) 20 What figu

14、res of speech are used in this poem? Could you give some examples? (4 points) 21 How does this poem reflect features of romantic poetry? (4 points) 2007年北京第二外国语学院英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷答案与解析 一、单项选择题 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 英国文学史始于盎格鲁一撒克逊人定居英国的时候,即 5世纪。 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 圆桌骑士 (Knights of the Round Table)讲述了亚瑟王以及属下骑

15、士的故事。 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 我的安东尼娅 (My Antonia)是美国现代女作家薇拉 凯瑟 (Willa Cather)以内布拉斯加大草原为背景的一系列拓荒小说中最成熟的一部。小说一共五章,由叙述者吉姆伯登 (Jim Burden)的回忆构成。安东尼娅是吉姆童年的伙伴,她的家人从波西米亚漂洋过海来到内布拉斯加草原拓荒,父亲因不适应边疆艰苦生活而自杀,年少的安东尼娅勇敢地承担起生活的重任,像个男子汉一样在田地干活,后来到黑鹰镇帮工,期间被诱骗怀孕,遭到情人的遗弃。面对各种困境和厄运,安东尼娅没有丧失生活的信心,她重新回到草原生活,坚强地克服一个又一个难关,终于在大草原上 建

16、立起一个令她自豪的家,养育了一群健康可爱的孩子。 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 伤感主义是 18世纪中叶欧洲资产阶级启蒙运动中的一种文艺思潮,也称为 “主情主义 ”。该派的得名,源于英国作家斯特恩 (Stern)的小说在法国和意大利的感伤的旅行 (A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy)。该派作家崇尚感情,把感情看得高于 “理性 ”,因而强调文学的主要任务是细致刻画人物的心理动态和描写人物的不幸遭遇,以便唤起读者在感情上的同情和共鸣,表达出对当时 贵族阶级的理性主义和古典主义的反抗。伤感主义把个人主义和主观幻想的因素带进文艺,对 19

17、世纪浪漫主义文学的产生和发展产生较大影响,所以又被称为 “前浪漫主义 ”。其作品形式多用日记、自白、书简、游记、回忆体,并采用第一人称。代表作家有英国的斯特恩,理查逊,法国的卢梭 (如忏悔录遐想录 ),伏尔泰,德国的歌德,里希特,海涅等等。 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本文节选自培根 (Bacon)的论学习 (Of Studies)。 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考查文艺复兴时期的作 家。乔叟 (Geoffrey Chaucer)是英国早期的作家,而弥尔顿是文艺复兴晚期的作家。这一点经常会被考生忽略。 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 “为艺术而艺术 ”是王尔德所提出的口

18、号。 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题考查作家作品。哈代的作品为德伯家的苔丝 (Tess of the DUrbervilles),小说描述了当时英国的乡村生活。 帕米拉 (Pamela)是塞缪尔 理查逊的作品。 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 美国历史开始于 17世纪初英国移 民在马萨诸塞州和弗吉尼亚州的定居。 10 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本杰明 富兰克林 (Benjamin Franklin), 1706 1-1790 4,美国革命时期的资产阶级民主主义思想家,杰出的政治活动家,卓越的科学家。他是美国 18世纪仅列于华盛顿之后的最著名人物。他的自传是奉行清教徒道德的典

19、范。 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题考查作家作品。库珀 (James Fennimore Coopers), 1789-1851,美国文学的先驱者和奠基人之一,他的作品主要以边境生活 为题材,其代表作包括皮袜子故事集 (“皮袜子 ”是小说主人公纳蒂 班波的绰号五部曲: 拓荒者 (The Pioneers 1823)、最后的莫希干人 (The Last of the Mohicans, 1826)、草原 (The Prairie, 1827)、探路者 (The Pathfinder,1840)和杀鹿人 (The Deer-slayer, 1841)以及反映航海生活的舵手 (The P

20、ilot, 1824)。去吧,摩西 (Go Down, Moses)是威廉 福克纳 (William Faulkner)最负盛名的作品之一,也是 “约克纳帕塔法世系 ”的重要构成部分。继喧哗与骚动之后继续揭示种族歧视、贪婪占有以及物欲对于人类心灵交流的阻碍的一大杰作,并且福克纳拓宽了艺术表现的深度。小镇畸人(Winesburg,Ohio)是舍伍德 安德森 (Sherwood Anderson)的代表作。小说栩栩如生地刻画了一群气愤而孤独的人物,一群传统而又被现实的功利主义所扭曲的人,一群渴望爱与自由而又缺乏交流的 “小镇畸人 ”。这群畸人因其对美国乡镇生活的普遍意义而成为美国文学史研究中不可忽

21、视的对象。 ,啊, 拓荒者 !(OPioneers!)的作者是薇拉 凯瑟 (Willa Cather)。 啊,拓荒者 !是凯瑟描写美国中西部边疆小说中的第一本,也是奠定她文学地位的经典著作。在这部作品中凯瑟抒发对土地的热爱,思考土地与人类的关系。 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题考查美国现实主义的开始世纪。美国内战是 19世纪美国浪漫主义与现实主义的分水岭。 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 欧 亨利的作品都只能是美国这块土地上的产物,它们当之无愧为“美国生活的幽默百科全书 “。欧 亨利既写东部 ,也写西部,但他最负盛名的故事大都发生在纽约市的大街小巷中,发生在他称之为 “四百万

22、 “的普通百姓身上。他为市民读者而写,也擅长写市民生活,故而有 “曼哈顿的桂冠诗人 ”之称。其实,欧 亨利写西部也同样得心应手,比起闹市中的哀怨病态,他笔下粗犷的西部反倒显出一股豪侠之气。无论是牛仔矿工,还是强盗骗子,一个个写得栩栩如生,有声有色。 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 爱伦 坡、艾略特以及庞德都是诗人兼评论家。只有卡尔 桑德堡(Carl Sandburg)是诗人。 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题 解析】 本题考查 “迷惘一代 ”作家的代表。西奥多 德莱塞 (Theodore Dreiser)属于自然主义流派的作家。约翰 多斯 帕索斯 (John Dos Passos), 18

23、96-1970,小说家。根据亲身经历写成的三个士兵 (Three Soldiers, 1921)是他第一部有影响的小说,也是最早反映美国青年一代厌战和迷惘情绪的作品。 1925年发表的曼哈顿中转站 (Manhattan Transfer)以大战前后的纽约社会为背景,报写了记者、律师、演员、水手、工会干部等人物形象。他们都是资本主义社会的失 意者,生活苦闷,精神空虚。多斯 帕索斯的代表作是美国 (U.S A)三部曲,包括北纬四十二度 (The 42ndParallel 1930)、一九一九年 (Nineteen Nineteen, 1932)和赚大钱 (The Big Money, 1936)。

24、这部作品规模宏大,时间从本世纪初直至 1929年经济危机爆发,描写了 12个人物形象。他们的故事独立成章,情节上偶尔有所联系。 二、名词解释 16 【正确答案】 Originally called the New Negro Movement, the Harlem Renaissance was a literary and intellectual flowering that fostered a new black cultural identity in the 1920s and 1930s. With racism still rampant and economic oppor

25、tunities scarce, creative expression was one of the few avenues available to African Americans in the early twentieth century. Langston Hughes and Richard Wright are representatives of the movement with their works Weary Blues and Native Son respectively. 17 【正确答案】 Black humor, in literature, drama,

26、 and film, grotesque or morbid humor used to express the absurdity, insensitivity, paradox, and cruelty of the modern world. Ordinary characters or situations are usually exaggerated far beyond the limits of normal satire or irony. Black humor uses devices often associated with tragedy and is someti

27、mes equated with tragic farce. Joseph Hellers Catch-22 is one of the kind. 18 【正确答案】 American literary naturalism is a literary movement that became popular in late-nineteenth-century America and is often associated with literary realism. Viewed as a combination of realism and romanticism, critics c

28、ontend that the American form is heavily influenced by the concept of determinism the theory that heredity and environment influence determine human behavior. Although naturalism is often associated with realism, which also seeks to accurately represent human existence, the two movements are differe

29、ntiated by the fact that naturalism is connected to the doctrine of biological, economic, and social determinism. A handful of significant American authors, such as Stephen Crane, Theodore Dreiser, and Frank Norris, utilized the form in making their novels like The Red Badge of Courage, Sister Carri

30、e and The Octopus: A Story of California. 三、分析题 19 【正确答案】 This poem is not necessarily a love poem, but more of a celebration of the subjects beauty. The ladys beauty reminds the speaker of the night sky, unlike the day which is bright and gaudy. Her face reminds him of all that is best between day

31、and night. If she were in any brighter light or in any more darkness it would be the wrong shade of light to adequately show her beautiful face which shows her sweet feelings. Her beautiful face and calm smile show she is innocent, good and at peace. 【试题解析】 本题表面上是总结 the lady的魅力,实际上是对诗歌内容的概述。考生只需将诗歌的

32、大意描述一下就可以了。 20 【正确答案】 Alliteration occurs frequently to enhance the appeal of the poem to the ear. The most obvious examples of this figure of speech include the following: “cloudless climes; starry skies“. Simile is also used in Lines 1, 2, comparing the movement of the beautiful woman to the movem

33、ent of the skies. Besides, the author employs metaphor and personification. For example, in Line 13-16, metaphor and personification is utilized to compare the womans cheek and brow to persons who tell of days in goodness. 【试题解析】 本题考查诗歌所运用的修辞格。这里,拜伦运用了多种的表现手法,如头韵 (alliteration),明喻 (simile),隐喻 (metap

34、hor)以及拟人 (personification)等。考生只需在文中找到例证说明一下就可以了。 21 【正确答案】 She walks in beauty is one of the famous works by Byron. It is produced in the Romantic Movement; therefore, it is stamped the features of the romantic poem. (1) Spontaneity and Subjectivism romantic poet defines poetry as “the spontaneous f

35、low of powerful feelings“. According to the recall of one of Byrons friends, James W. Webster, after the party, he asked for a tumbler of brandy and was in sad state all night. The next day, he finished the poem. Unlike the neo-classicism, the romantic poetry always overflows poets feelings and lay

36、more emphasis on the imagination instead of rules and regulations. This well-regarded poem is the typical reflection of the subjectivism. Byron poured most of the ink on describe the beauty of his cousin through wonderful imagination. For example, in the first stanza, he uses metaphor and then exten

37、ds the metaphor. “She walks in beauty, like the night of.“. The novel metaphor itself has had an overpowering appeal to readers and the creativity can inspire the readers imagination. However, he continues his strong power in metaphor. In the following two lines “and all thats best of dark and brigh

38、t/ Meet in her aspect and her eyes“, following the comparison of the night and her, Byron gives the further description of her appearance, still using the feature of the night, which conquers readers hearts and invites readers exclamation. Still, in the second stanza, we can still be impressed by th

39、e subjective metaphor. (2) Singularity, “romantic poets have a strong love for the remote, the unusual, the strange.the picturesque and the illogical.“ in this poem, we can read this remarkable feature singularity, especially in the first stanza, “she walks in beauty, like the night of cloudless cli

40、mes and starry skies; meet in her aspect and her eyes; thus mellowed to her tender light which heaven to the gaudy denies.“ usually, the image of the night is always unpleasant things, let alone owing some features that related to beauty. And dark seldom used to describe beauty. But Byron used these

41、 images to make the effect of its opposing features cleverly and successfully. Night is used to compare beauty, and dark refers to charming. All of these are beyond readers expectation. (3) Simplicity. There was a real awakening of interest in the life of the common people, a sense of universal brot

42、herhood, and an increase belief that the every human being is worth being praised. In this poem, Byrons charming lines are exclusive on the praise his cousin, a beautiful but common woman. (4) Romantic Movement is an age of poetry by which the poets outpoured their feelings and emotions. In each sta

43、nza of this poem, we can read the affection and praise Byron showed to the beautiful lady, both from the words and during lines. For instance, in the first stanza, he expresses his affection and praise from certain words in the metaphor. “Thus mellowed to that tender light/ which heaven to gaudy day

44、 denies“. The word, such as “mellowed“ and “tender“, is a direct outlet of Byrons affection. Foe they are not only commendatory terms, but also can create a tempting soft image, which is definitely the reflection of Lady Wilmots beauty. In the second stanza, the first two lines “one shade the more,

45、one ray the less,/ had half impaired the nameless grace“ are directly overflew Byrons admiration towards his cousin since it means the light combination of the beautiful ladys eyes are perfect and cannot be substituted or changed any more. This poem is bold for its novel imagination, outstanding metaphor, perfect description and successful reflection. And it has become one of Byrons famous works and has been praised until now. 【试题解析】 本题考查浪漫主义诗歌的特点。编者对浪漫主义诗歌给出了一个较为详细的分析,以供考生参考学习。

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