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本文([考研类试卷]2007年大连外国语学院英语专业(语言学)真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(tireattitude366)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2007年大连外国语学院英语专业(语言学)真题试卷及答案与解析 一、判断题 1 The features that define our human languages can be called DESIGN FEATURES. Duality and creativity are the only two design features of language. ( A) True ( B) False 2 The scientific theories about the origin of language include the bow-wow theory, the pooh-po

2、oh theory and the “yo-he-ho“ theory. ( A) True ( B) False 3 The main branches of linguistics are phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. ( A) True ( B) False 4 If grammarians try to lay down rules for the correct use of language and settle the disputes over usage once an

3、d for all what they have done about a language is prescriptive. ( A) True ( B) False 5 Saussure distinguished the linguistic competence of the speaker and the actual phenomena or data of linguistics(utterances)as LANGUE and PAROLE. ( A) True ( B) False 6 According to Chomsky, a language users underl

4、ying knowledge about the system of rules is called his performance, and linguistic competence refers to the actual use of language in concrete situations. ( A) True ( B) False 7 An ETIC set of speech acts and events must be one that is validated as meaningful via final resource to the native members

5、 of a speech community rather than via appeal to the investigators ingenuity or intuition alone. ( A) True ( B) False 8 Any segment of speech sound must be either a vowel or a consonant. This is no problematic area. ( A) True ( B) False 9 The way in which the air passes through certain parts of the

6、vocal tract is known as THE PLACES OF ARTICULATION. ( A) True ( B) False 10 An important social use of language is the inter-personal function, by which people establish and maintain their status in a society. ( A) True ( B) False 11 In studying the places of articulation,is classified as an ALVEOLA

7、R. ( A) True ( B) False 12 The English soundbis a voiced bilabial stop and is voiced dental. ( A) True ( B) False 13 A distinction is made between vowels where the quality remains constant throughout the articulation and those where there is an audible change of quality. The former are known as PUPE

8、 or MONOPHTHONG VOWELS and the latter, VOWEL GLIDES. ( A) True ( B) False 14 ACRONYM is made up from the first letters of the name of an organization, which has a heavily modified headword. ( A) True ( B) False 15 Broadening is a process to extend or elevate the meaning from its originally specific

9、sense to a relatively general one. ( A) True ( B) False 16 In Stephen Levisons Q-principle, the Speakers Maxim says: “Do not provide a statement that is informationally weaker than your knowledge of the world allows, unless providing a stronger statement would contravene the I-principle.“ ( A) True

10、( B) False 17 Literary Stylistics focuses on the study of linguistic features related to literary style. ( A) True ( B) False 18 CAL means the use of a computer in a teaching program whereas CAI emphasizes the use of a computer in both teaching and learning in order to help the learner achieve educa

11、tional objectives. ( A) True ( B) False 19 Content analysis in computational linguistics is concerned with describing the contents of documents in a form suitable for computer processing. ( A) True ( B) False 20 The purpose of ACHIEVEMENT TEST is to discover what the testee already knows about the t

12、arget language. ( A) True ( B) False 二、填空题 21 A_is a process by which one sound takes on some or all the characteristics of a neighboring sound. 22 A syllable must have a n_, which is often the task of a vowel. 23 Stress refers to the degree of force used in producing a syllable. For long words, the

13、 more stressed syllable is the p_stress while the less stressed syllable is known as the secondary stress. 24 G_is a relationship in which a word of a certain class determines the form of others in terms of certain category. 25 S_is the study of the meaning of linguistic units, words and sentences i

14、n particular. 26 P_logic, also called predicate calculus, studies the internal structure of simple propositions. 27 S_syllabus is a grammar-oriented syllabus based on a selection of language items and structures. 28 A_refers to the fact that the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship

15、 to their meanings. 29 We can refer to Socrates and Plato who have been dead for years. This indicates a design feature of language-d_. 30 The p_function of language is primarily to change the social status of persons, as in marriage ceremonies, the sentencing of criminals, the blessing of children,

16、 the naming of a ship at a launching ceremony, and the cursing of enemies. 三、单项选择题 31 To be specific, _ deals with how speech sounds are produced. ( A) Articulatory Phonetics ( B) Acoustic Phonetics ( C) Auditory Phonetics ( D) Phonological Phonetics 32 When APPEAL is said slowly,_sound segments can

17、 be recognized. ( A) three ( B) four ( C) five ( D) six 33 In studying the manners of articulation,is considered to be a/an_in English. ( A) stop ( B) fricative ( C) approximate ( D) lateral 34 In studying the manners of articulation,lis considered to be the only_in English. ( A) stop ( B) fricative

18、 ( C) approximate ( D) lateral 35 Lexical changes CANNOT be identified in_. ( A) lexical change proper ( B) phonological change ( C) mopho-syntactical change ( D) syntactical change 36 In componential analysis,_may be analyzed into HUMAN, ADULT and FEMALE. ( A) boy ( B) girl ( C) man ( D) woman 37 I

19、n componential analysis,_may be shown as PARENT(x, y) for example, in addition to a rather general restaurant schema or script, we probably also have more specific restaurant schemata for different kinds of restaurant(e.g. fast-food places, up-market French restaurant, and so on). (3)Schemata operat

20、e in a top-down or conceptually driven way to facilitate interpretation of environmental stimuli. 【试题解析】 本题考查图式的特征。图式意为储存知识的信息包,往往是分等级地组织起来的,从非常简单到非常复杂,在语言过程中发挥着重要作用。答案可参照语言学教程 (修订版 )第 207-208页。 75 【正确答案】 The Q-principle(Hearer-based): Make your contribution sufficient; say as much as you can. The R

21、-principle(speaker-based): Make your contribution necessary; say no more than you must. The hearer-based Q-principle is a sufficiency condition in the sense that information provided is the most the speaker is able to. In contrast, the R-principle encourages the hearer to infer that more is meant. 【

22、试题解析】 本题考查荷恩的数量原则和关系原则。荷恩建议把格莱斯的准则简化成两条原则:数量原则和关系原则。答案可参照语言学教程 (修订版 )第 266-268页。 76 【正确答案】 Summarizing the previous theories on communicative approach to syllabus design, Janice Yalden(1983)lists ten components of a communicative syllabus: (1)as detailed a consideration as possible of the purposes f

23、or which the learners wish to acquire the target language; (2)some idea of the setting in which they will want to use the target language(physical aspects need to be considered, as well as social setting);. (3)the socially defined role the learners will assume in the target language, as well as the

24、roles of their interlocutors; (4)The communicative events in which the learners will participate: everyday situations, vocational or professional situations, academic situations, and so on; (5)the language functions involved in these events, or what the learner will need to be able to do with or thr

25、ough the language; (6)the notions involved, or that the learner will need to be able to talk about; (7)the skills involved in the “knitting together“ of discourse: discourse and rhetorical skills; (8)the variety or varieties of the target language that will be needed, and the levels in the spoken an

26、d written language which the learners will need to reach; (9)the grammatical content that will be needed; (10)the lexical content that will be needed. 【试题解析】 本题考查交际教学大纲的组成部分。 Janice Yalden总结了以前在教学大纲设计上走交际路线的种种理论,在此基础上,他列出了交际教学大纲的十个组成部分。完全的交际教学大纲强调,语言能力仅仅是交际能力的一个组成部分。如果我们关注于交际技 巧的话,那么其他方面的语言能力也将会自然而然

27、地发展起来。答案可参照语言学教程 (修订版 )第 364页。 77 【正确答案】 Binding theory is expressed by Chomsky as: A. An anaphor is bound in its governing category. B. A pronominal is free in its governing category. C. An r-expression is free. The term “anaphor“ is used in a narrow sense to include only reflexives like myself and

28、 reciprocals like each other. “To be bound“ here refers to the relation between an anaphor and its accessible subject. That is, the former will be coreferential with the latter. But Chinese may pose some problems. Considering the following sentences: (a)小张暗暗埋怨自己。 (b)小张越想越觉得自己做的不对。 (c)小张说小李知道自己下午没空。

29、(d)小张认为小李太狂妄,总是瞧不起自己。 (e)小张认为小李太自卑,总是瞧不起自己。 It seems that there is no definite domain in which the Chinese reflexive 自己 is bound. There are suggestions, therefore, that 自己 is not a true reflexive. It may be in the middle of development from an ordinary pronoun to reflexive. 【试题解析】 本题考查 Chomsky提出的约束理

30、论。约束理论认为,照应语要跟可及主语同指。而且,他们必须处于相同的管辖语域。然而,汉语中的反身代词“自己 ”的约束好像没有特定的语域。答案可参照语言学教程 (修订版 )第 144-147页。 78 【 正确答案】 In the production of vowels, there is no obstruction of air as is the case with consonants. Therefore, the description of the vowels cannot be done along the lines of the description of the con

31、sonants. To get out of this problem, vowels are normally described with reference to the following criteria: (1)The part of the tongue that is raisedfront, center, or back; (2)The extent to which the tongue rises in the direction of the palate. Normally, three or four degrees are recognized: high, m

32、id(often divided into mid-high and mid-low)and low; (3)The kind of opening made at the lipsvarious degrees of lip rounding or spreading; (4)The position of the soft palateraised for oral Vowels, and lowered for vowels which have been nasalized; (5)The opening of the mouthclose, semi-close, semi-open

33、, open; (6)The length of the soundlong, short. 【试题解析】 本题考查元音描写的原则。发元音时,没有类似发辅音时产生的气流受阻的现象,因此,通常依据以下几个原则对元音进行描写:舌头抬升的部位、舌头沿上腭抬升的程度、唇的开合度、软腭的位置、嘴的张合度和发音的长度。答案可参照语言学教程 (修订版 )第 45-46页。 79 【正确答案】 (1)SynonymySynonymy is used to mean sameness or close similarity of meaning. Synonyms are two or more forms w

34、ith very closely related meanings, which are often, but not always, intersubstitutable in sentences. Examples of synonyms are the pairs broad-wide, hide-conceal, almost-nearly, cab-taxi, liberty-freedom, and answer-reply.Some semanticians maintain, however, that there are no real synonyms, because t

35、wo or more words named synonyms are expected without exception to differ from one another in one of the following aspects: in shades of meaning(e.g., finish, complete, close, conclude, terminate, finalize, end, etc.), in stylistic meaning, in emotive meaning(or affective meaning), in range of use(or

36、 collocative meaning), in British and American English usagese.g., autumn(BrE), fall(AmE).(2)AntonymyAntonymy is the name for oppositeness relation. There are three main sub-types: gradable antonymy, complementary antonymy, and converse antonymy.Gradable antonymy is the commonest type of antonymy, i

37、n which the members of a pair differ in terms of degree. The denial of one is not necessarily the assertion of the other. For example, good-bad, big-small and hot-cold are of this type.Complementary antonymy refers to the sense relation in which the members of a pair in this type are complementary t

38、o each other. For example, single-married, dead-alive and male-female are of this type.Converse antonymy is a special type of antonymy in that the members of a pair do not constitute a positive-negative opposition. They show the reversal of a relationship between two entities. For example, buy-sell

39、and parent-child are of this type.(3)HyponymyHyponymy involves us in the notion of meaning inclusion. It is a matter of class membership. That is to say, when X is kind of Y, the lower term X is the “hyponym“, and the upper term Y is the “superordinate“. Two or more hyponyms sharing the same superor

40、dinate are called “co-hyponyms“. For example, “flower“ is the superordinate of “tulip“, “violet“ and “rose“, which are the co-hyponyms of “flower“.(4)PolysemyPolysemy refers to the semantic phenomenon that a word may have more than one meaning. For example, “negative“ means(1)a statement saying or m

41、eaning “no“,(2)a refusal or denial,(3)one of the following words and expressions : no, not, nothing, never, not at all, etc.,(4)a negative photograph or film.(5)Homonymy .The term homonymy is used when one form(written and spoken)has two or more unrelated meanings. The following types are of homonym

42、y.(1)Homographswords which are identical in spelling, but different in meaning and pronunciation: tear (v.)/tear (n.).(2)Homophoneswords which are identical in pronunciation, but different in spelling and meaning: see/sea(3)Complete homonymswords which are identical in spelling and pronunciation, bu

43、t different in meaning: bear(v. to give birth to a baby/to stand)/bear(n. a kind of animal). 【试题解析】 本题考查词汇间的涵义关系。一般来说有几种公认的涵义关系:同义关系、反义关系、上下义关系、一词多义关系和同音同形异义关系。答案参照语言学教程 (修订版 )第 163-170页或语言研究 (第二版 )第 118-122页。考生应熟知词汇的涵义关系并能举例说明。 80 【正确答案】 Sociolinguistics, as an interdisciplinary study of language u

44、se, attempts to show the relationship between language and society. More specifically, in this discipline we have two important things to think about: structural things and their uses in a sociocultural context. When we look at sociolinguistics in language classrooms, we are in fact making a choice

45、between training our students as grammarians and training them as active language users. This contrast reflects two different views of philosophy in language teaching. We witnessed a change in language teaching in the middle of the 1970s when Hymes theory of Communicative Competence was introduced i

46、nto the field as an antagonism to the traditional philosophy in language teaching. Consequently, as the name of this theory suggested, language teachers began to pay more attention to the question of how to train their students as active and successful language users in a real language context. As f

47、ar as language teaching is concerned, sociolinguistics is believed to have provided some important contributions which can further be summarized as follows: (1)Sociolinguistics has contributed to a change of emphasis in the content of language teaching; (2)it has also contributed to innovations in m

48、aterials and activities for the classroom; (3)it has contributed to a fresh look at the nature of language development and use; (4)it has contributed to a more fruitful research in this field. 【试题解析】 本题考查社会语言学对我们的启示。社会语言学,作为语言应用的一种交叉学科性的研究,要努力揭示出语言和社会的关系。在语言教学上,社会语言学,作出了一些重要的贡献,给我们诸多启示。答案参照语言学教程 (修订

49、版 )第 239-241页。 81 【正确答案】 Grices Maxim of Quantity is: 1. Make your contribution as informative as is required(for the current purposes of the exchange). 2. Do not make your contribution more informative than is required. The use of the term maxim does not mean that the maxim will be followed by everybody all the time. People do violate it and tell lies. And tautologies like Boys are boys and War is war are extreme examples in which the Quantity maxim is violated. At the superf

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