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本文([考研类试卷]2008年北京师范大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(inwarn120)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2008年北京师范大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷及答案与解析 一、区分题 1 Distinguish between phonetics and phonology.(10 points) 二、简答题 2 What are the differences between inflectional morphemes and derivational morphemes?(10 points) 3 What is Chomskys “Innateness Hypothesis“? Explain the reasons why this hypothesis is made.(15 points

2、) 4 Explain the terms “locutionary act“, “illocutionary act“, and “perlocutionary act“. If somebody utters “It is so hot in the room!“, what speech acts might have been performed?(15 points) 5 Compare and contrast the following terms in linguistics: turn-taking and adjacency pairs.(10 points) 6 What

3、 does “code-switching“ mean? Why do people code switch? Could you list some reasons with examples?(15 points) 7 What is the Interaction Hypothesis? What implications does this hypothesis have for the practice of language teaching?(15 points) 8 Compare and contrast the following pairs of terms. Use e

4、xamples if necessary.(10 points) norm-referenced test and criterion-referenced test 9 macro planning and micro planning 10 What are affective factors? In what ways do affective factors facilitate or constrain language acquisition?(10 points) 11 Some people insist that for most learners of English in

5、 China, English is a foreign language, not a second language; while others claim it is also a second language. What are your views on this issue?(10 points) 12 What are the major features of a task as defined in task-based language teaching?(15 points) 13 Discuss the relationship between linguistics

6、 and language teaching.(15 points) 2008年北京师范大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷答案与解析 一、区分题 1 【正确答案】 Phonetics is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language; it is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the worlds languages. Phonetics looks at speech sounds from three distinct but related points of view.

7、 First, it studies the sounds from the speakers point of view, i.e., how a speaker uses his speech organs to articulate the sounds. Then it looks at the sounds from the hearers point of view, i.e., how the sounds are perceived by the hearer. Lastly, it studies the way sounds travel by looking at the

8、 sound waves, the physical means by which sounds are transmitted through the air from one person to another. These three branches of phonetics are labeled articulatory phonetics, auditory phonetics, and acoustic phonetics. Phonology, however, is interested in the system of sounds of a particular lan

9、guage; it aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication. Phone, phoneme, allophone, phonemic contrast, complementary distribution, minimal pair, phonological rules, suprasegmental features, etc. are all to b

10、e investigated by phonologists. 【试题解析】 本题主要考查考生对语音学和音位学的理解和掌握,答题时一方面要回答语音学和音位学的定义,还要回答语音学和音位学各自研究的内容。这样既比较全 面,区别也一目了然。 二、简答题 2 【正确答案】 The distinction between inflectional morphemes and derivational morphemes is also known as the distinction between inflectional affix and derivational affix. The two

11、types of affix have the following differences: First, inflectional affixes are generally less productive than derivational affixes: they very often only add a minute or delicate grammatical function to the stem. They serve to produce different forms of a single lexeme. However, derivational affixes

12、are very productive in making new words. Second, inflectional affixes do not change the word class of the word they attach to, whereas derivational affixes might or might not. Derivational affixes often change the lexical meaning. Third, whether one should add inflectional affixes or not depends ver

13、y often on the other factors within the phrase or sentence. However, derivational affixes are more often based on simple meaning distinctions. In English, inflectional affixes are mostly suffixes, which are always word final. But derivational affixes can both be prefixes and suffixes. 【试题解析】 本题主要考查屈

14、折形素 (inflectional morphemes)和派生形素(derivationalmorphemes)之间的区别。只要知道这两者之间的区别实际上就是屈折词缀 (inflectionalaffixes)和衍生词缀 (derivational affixes)之间的差别,则问题便迎刃而解了。可参考胡壮麟语言学教程 (第三版 )第 63、 64页。 3 【正确答案】 Chomsky believes that language is somewhat innate, and that children are born with what he calls a language acqui

15、sition device(LAD), which is a unique kind of knowledge that fits them for language learning. He argues that children are born with knowledge of the basic grammatical relations and categories, and this knowledge of the basic grammatical relations and categories, and this knowledge is universal. And

16、the study of language can throw some light on the nature of the human mind. This approach to language is a reaction against behaviorism in psychology and empiricism in philosophy, making linguistics a branch of psychology. This is Chomskys “Innateness Hypothesis“. Chomskys Innateness Hypothesis is b

17、ased on his observations that some important facts can never be otherwise explained adequately. First, children learn their native language very fast and with little effort. Second, children learn their mother tongue in very different environments. They may be good at different things, but in their

18、first language acquisition, their difference is amazingly small. Third, the child learns the total grammar of the language during a limited period of time, from limited exposure to speech. He can not only produce and understand sentences he has heard, but also sentences he has never heard before. Wh

19、at he learns seems to be a set of rules rather than individual sentences. All these suggest that although babies are not born knowing a language, they are bora with a predisposition to develop a language in much the same way as they are born with a predisposition to learn to walk. But this is not th

20、e whole picture yet. Chomsky argues that LAD probably consists of three elements: a hypothesis-maker, linguistic universal, and an evaluation procedure. 【试题解析】 本题主要考查的是 Chomsky的天赋假设 (Innateness Hypothesis)及该假设的由来。回答问题时先要说清楚该假设的内容,再说 明为什么提出该假设。参见胡壮麟语言学教程 (第三版 )第 326-327页。 4 【正确答案】 A speaker might be

21、performing three acts simultaneously when speaking: locutionary act, illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act. A locutionary act is the act of uttering words, phrases, clauses. It is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon and phonology An illocutionary act is the act of ex

22、pressing the speakers intention; it is the act performed in saying something. A perlocutionary act is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; it is the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance; it is the act performed by saying something. If somebody utters “It i

23、s so hot in the room!“, he might be performing three acts simultaneously. The locutionary act performed by the speaker is that he has uttered all the words “it“, “is“, “so“, “hot“, etc. and expressed what the words literally mean. The illocutionary act performed by the speaker is that by making such

24、 an utterance, he has expressed his intention of speaking, i.e., asking someone, for example, to turn on the air conditioner. The perlocutionary act refers to the effect of the utterance. If the hearer gets the speakers message and sees that the speaker means to ask someone to turn on the air condit

25、ioner, the speaker has successfully brought about the change in the real world he has intended to; then the perlocutionary act is successfully performed. 【试题解析】 本题主要考查的是言语行为理论 (Speech Act Theory)知识,答题时要先就 locutionary act, illocutionary act和 perlocutionary act进行解释,然后再结合所给的句子进行分析。只要做到了这两点,应该不会有大的失分。参见

26、何兆熊、梅德明主编的现代语言学 (1999)第 120-121页。 5 【正确答案】 In conversation, the roles of speaker and listener change constantly. The person who speaks first becomes a listener as soon as the person addressed takes his or her turn in the conversation by beginning to speak. Conversations need to be organized; therefo

27、re, there are rules or principles for establishing who talks and then who talks next. This process is called turn taking. The study of turn taking includesturn constructional componentturn allocational component or turn taking rulesimplicit and explicit markers. Sacks suggested some guiding principl

28、es for the organization of turn taking in conversation. He observed that the central principle that speakers follow in taking turns is to avoid gaps and overlap in conversation. An adjacency pair is a unit of conversation that contains an exchange of one turn each by two speakers. The turns are func

29、tionally related to each other in such a fashion that the first turn requires a certain type or range of types of second turn. For examples, a greeting-greeting pair, and a question-answer pair. Turn-taking and adjacency pairs are both integral parts of all conversations. According to Levinson(1983,

30、 308), turn taking and adjacency pairs are both aspects of local organization: their influence is limited to short exchanges. They do not explain the apparent organization operating over longer stretches of conversation. 【试题解析】 本题主要考查话语分析中的话轮和邻近会话对的知识。答题时先要先分别就什么是话轮和邻近会话对进行解释,然后再说明两者之间的关系即可。 6 【正确答案

31、】 The particular dialect or language that a person chooses to use on any occasion is a code, a system used for communication between two or more parties. “Code switching“ basically means switching back and forth between two or more languages in the course of a conversation. It can also refer to the

32、ability to switch languages or dialects quickly from one conversation to the next depending on the situation or conversation partner. For example, a child who has an English-speaking mother and a Japanese-speaking father may speak only English with the mother and only Japanese with the father even t

33、hough they all speak both languages and are all participating in the same conversation. There are two kinds of code-switching: situational and metaphorical. Situational code-switching occurs when the languages used change according to the situations in which the conversants find themselves: they spe

34、ak one language in one situation and another in a different one. No topic change is involved. When a change of topic requires a change in the language used we have metaphorical code-switching. It is unusual for a speaker to have command of, or use, only on such code or system. Command of only a sing

35、le variety of langue, whether it be a dialect, style, or register, would appear to be an extremely rare phenomenon, one likely to occasion comment. Most speakers command several varieties of any language they speak, and bilingualism, even multilingualism, is the norm for many people through the worl

36、d rather than unilingualism. People, then, are usually required to select a particular code whenever they choose to speak, and they may also decide to switch from one code to another or to mix codes even within sometimes very short utterances and thereby create a new code. Furthermore, code-switchin

37、g is a conversational strategy used to establish, cross or destroy group boundaries; to create, evoke or change interpersonal relations with their rights and obligations. The actual choice of code in a setting clearly marked as bilingual can be a difficult task. Language plays a symbolic role in our

38、 lives, and when there is a choice of languages the actual choice may be very important, particularly when there is a concurrent shift in the relationship between the languages, as is occurring in Montreal between English and French. In a multilingual country like Singapore, the ability to shift fro

39、m one language to another is accepted as quite normal. Singapore has four official languages: English, the Mandarin variety of Chinese, Tamil, and Malay, which is also the national language. Tanner(1967)reports on the linguistic usage of a small group of Indonesian graduate students and their famili

40、es living in the United States. Among them these students knew nine different languages, with nearly everyone knowing Indonesian, Javanese, Dutch, and English. They tended to discuss their academic work in English but used Indonesian for most other common activities. In Kenya local languages, Swahil

41、i, and English all find use and choosing the right language to use on a particular occasion can be quite a delicate matter. 【试题解析】 本题主要考查语码转换 (code-switching)的定义和理解。答题时要注意先说清什么是语码转换,再进一步说明语码转换的必要性和重要性并举例说明。答案可以参考外语教学与研究出版社出版的 Ronald Wardhaugh所著的社会语言学引论第三版 (2000)第 99-108页并加以适当总结归纳。 7 【正确答案】 The Inter

42、action Hypothesis, which was first advanced by Michael Long in early 1980s, is put forward as a further supplement or extension of the Input Hypothesis in the field of second language acquisition. It says that language acquisition requires or greatly benefits from interaction, communication and espe

43、cially negotiation of meaning, which happens when interlocutors attempt to overcome problems in conveying their meaning, resulting in both additional input and useful feedback on the learners own production. It is quite obvious that the hypothesis has some important implications for the practice of

44、language teaching. First of all, in his hypothesis, Long argues that greater attention should be paid to the interaction in which learners are engaged in order to understand more fully the nature and usefulness of input for second language acquisition. These interactions should not be seen simply as

45、 a one-directional source of target language input, feeding into the learners presumed internal acquisition device. In fact, the more the input is queried, recycled and paraphrased, the greater its potential usefulness is input. This tells us clearly what we should do with interaction in teaching. S

46、econd, Long places emphasis on the importance of the interactional modifications applied by both participants of the interaction, which he thinks promote the comprehension as well as the communication process. This means that teachers should call students attention to the negotiation of meaning when

47、 in real communication. In addition, in his point of view, interactive input is more important than non-interactive input. This means that in classroom teaching, teachers should try to interact with students and hence facilitating students learning. 【试题解析】 本题主要考查对互动假设 (Interaction Hypothesis)的理解和掌握。

48、答题时要先说明什么是互动假设,内容是什么,然后再就其对教学的启示展开论述。可以参考外研社出版的 Rod Ellis的第二语言习得概论 (1999)第 6章和外研社出版的朗文英语教学与应用语言学词典英语版 (2003)第 264页及 Michael Long二十世纪 80年代早期的著作。 8 【正确答案】 When we ask how the student performed on the test, we may be given two kinds of answer. An answer of the first kind would be that the student obtai

49、ned a score that placed her or him in the top ten percent of candidates who have taken the test, or in the bottom five percent; or that she or he did better than sixty percent of those who took it. A test which is designed to give this kind of information is said to be norm-referenced. It relates one candidates performance to that of other candidates. We are not told directly what the student is capable of doing in the language. In some other cases we learn nothing about how the individuals performance compares with that of other candidates. Rather we learn something

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