1、软件水平考试(中级)网络工程师上午(基础知识)试题章节练习试卷 2及答案与解析 1 以科学、技术和实践经验的综合成果为基础,对重复性事物和概念所做的统一规定,经有关方面协商一致,由一个公认机构或主管机构批准,以特定形式发布作为共同遵守的准则和依据,这是对 (1)的描述。 ( A)标准化 ( B)协议 ( C)标准 ( D)工作流程 2 我国在国家标准管理办法中规定,国家标准的有效期 (自标准实施之日起,至标准复审重新确认、修订或废止的时间 )一般为 (2)年。 (2) ( A) 3 ( B) 5 ( C) 7 ( D) 10 3 计算机软件产品开发编制指南 (GB 8567-1988)是 (3
2、)标准。 ( A)强制性国家 ( B)推荐性国家 ( C)强制性行业 ( D)推荐性行业 4 下列各项 (4)制定的标准是国际标准。 ( A) IEEE、 CJB ( B) ISO、 IEEE ( C) ISO、 ANSI ( D) ISO、 IEC 5 代号 (5)按中央所属企业或地方企业分别由国务院有关行政主管部门或省、自治区、直辖市政府标准化行政主管部门会同同级有关行政主管部门加以规定,没有强制性和推荐之分。 ( A) Q/XXX ( B) DBXX ( C) QJ ( D) GSBXXX 6 我国国家标准代号由大写汉语拼音字母构成,标准编号的后两位数字表示国家标准发布的 (6)。 (
3、A)代号 ( B)顺序号 ( C)编号 ( D)年号 7 IEEE802.5标准是指 (7)。 ( A)以太网 ( B)令牌总线网 ( C)令牌环网 ( D) FDDI网 8 我国信息产业部批准发布,在信息产业部门范围内统一使用的标准称为 (8) ( A)地方标准 ( B)部门标准 ( C)行业标准 ( D)企业标准 9 计算机软件产品开发文件编制指南 是 (9)标准 ( A)强制性国家 ( B)推荐性国家 ( C)强制性行业 ( D)推荐性行业 10 虚拟存储管理系统的基础是程序的 (30)理论。这个理论的基本含义是指程序执行往往会不均匀地访问主存储器单元。根据这个理论, Denning提出
4、了工作集理论。工作集是进程运行时被频繁访问的页面集合。在进程运行时,如果它的工作集页面都在 (31)内,则能够使该进程有效地运行,否则会出现频繁的页面调入 /调出现象。 ( A)全局性 ( B)局部性 ( C)时间全局性 ( D)空间全局性 ( A)主存储器 ( B)虚拟 存储器 ( C)辅助存储器 ( D) U盘 12 在一个单 CPU的计算机系统中,有两台外部设备 R1、 R2和三个进程 P1、 P2、P3。系统采用可剥夺方式优先级的进程调度方案,且所有进程可以并行使用 I/O设备,三个进程的优先级、使用设备的先后顺序和占用设备时间如表 3.8所示。假设操作系统的开销忽略不计,三个进程从投
5、入运行到全部完成, CPU的利用率约为 (32)%, R2的利用率约为 (33)%(设备的利用率指该设备的使用时间与进程组全部完成所占用时间的比率 )。 ( A) 60 ( B) 67 ( C) 78 ( D) 90 ( A) 70 ( B) 78 ( C) 80 ( D) 89 14 某仓库有两名发货员,一名审核员。当顾客提货时,只要发货员空闲,就允许顾客进入仓库提货,顾客离开时,审核员检验顾客提货是否正确。其工作流程如图3.16所示。为了利用 P/V操作正确地协调它们之间的工作,设置了两个信号量 S1和 S2,且 S1的初值为 2, S2的初值为 1。图 3.16中的 a应填写 (34),
6、 b、 c和 d应分别填写 (35)。 ( A) P(S1) ( B) P(S2) ( C) V(S1) ( D) V(S2) ( A) P(S2)、 V(S2)和 V(S1) ( B) P(S1)、 V(S1)和 V(S2) ( C) V(S1)、 P(S2)和 V(S2) ( D) V(S2)、 P(S1)和 V(S1) 16 I/O系统主要有 (24)、 (25)和 (26)三种方式来与主机交换数据。其中 (24)主要用软件方法来实现, CPU的效率低; (25)要有硬件和软件两部分来实现,它利用专门的电路向 CPU中的控制器发出 I/O服务请求,控制器则 (27)转入执行相应的服务程序
7、; (26)主要由硬件来实现,此时高速外设和内存之间进行数据交换丝 (28)。 ( A)程序查询方式 ( B)读 /写文件方 式 ( C)数据库方式 ( D)客户 /服务器方式 ( A) DMA方式 ( B)批处理方式 ( C)中断方式 ( D)数据通信方式 ( A)中断方式 ( B) DMA方式 ( C)并行方式 ( D)流水线方式 ( A)立即 ( B)在执行完当前一条指令后 ( C)在执行完当前的一段子程序后 ( D)在询问用户后 ( A)不通过 CPU的控制,不利用系统总线 ( B)不通过 CPU的控制,利用系统总线 ( C)通过 CPU的控制,不利用系统总线 ( D)通过 CPU的控
8、制,利用系统总线 21 Networks can be interconnected by different devices in the physical layer networks can be connected by(1)or hubs. Which just move the bits from one network to an identical network. One layer up we find bridges and switches which operate at data link layer. They can accept(2)examine the M
9、AC address and forward the frames to a different network while doing minor protocol translation in the process in me network layer, we have routers that can connect two networks, If two networks have(3)network layer, the router may be able to translate between the packer formats. In the transport la
10、yer we find transport gateway, which can interface between two transport connections Finally, in the application layer, application gateways translate message(4). As an example, gateways between Internet e-mail and X.400 e-mail must(5)the e-mail message and change various header fields. ( A) reapers
11、 ( B) relays ( C) packages ( D) modems ( A) frimes ( B) packets ( C) packages ( D) cells ( A) special ( B) dependent ( C) similar ( D) dissimilar ( A) syntax ( B) semantics ( C) language ( D) format ( A) analyze ( B) parse ( C) delete ( D) create 26 The purpose of the requirements definition phase i
12、s to produce a clear, complete, consistent, and testable(6)of the technical requirements for the software product. During the requirements definition phase, the requirements definition team uses an iterative process to expand a broad statement of the system requirements into a complete and detailed
13、specification of each function that the software must perform and each(7)that it must meet. The starting point is usually a set of high level requirements from the(8) that describe the project or problem.In either case, the requirements definition team formulates an overall concept for the system an
14、d then defines(9)showing how the system will be operated publishes the system and operations concept document and conducts a system concept review(SCR).Following the SCR, the team derives(10)require merits for the system from the high level requirements and the system and operations conceptusing str
15、uctured or object-oriented analysis, the team specifies the software functions and algorithms needed to satisfy each detailed requirement. ( A) function ( B) definition ( C) specification ( D) statement ( A) criterion ( B) standard ( C) model ( D) system ( A) producer ( B) customer ( C) programmer (
16、 D) analyser ( A) rules ( B) principles ( C) scenarios ( D) scenes ( A) cotailed ( B) outlined ( C) total ( D) complete 31 For each blank, choose the best answer from the four choices and write down on the answer sheet.(11)is a protocol that a host uses to inform a router when it joins Or leaves an
17、Internet multicast group.(12)is an error detection code that most data communication networks use.(13)is an interior gateway protocol that uses a distance vector algorithm to propagate routing information.(14)is a transfer mode in which all types of information are organized into fixed form cells on
18、 an asynchronous or non-periodic basis over a range of media.(15)is an identifier of a web page. ( A) ICMP ( B) SMTP ( C) IGMP ( D) ARP ( A) 4B/SB ( B) CRC ( C) Manchester Code ( D) Huffman Code ( A) OSPF ( B) RIP ( C) RARP ( D) BGP ( A) ISDN ( B) X.25 ( C) Frame Relay ( D) ATM ( A) HTYP ( B) URL (
19、C) HTML ( D) TAG 36 In the following essay, each blank has four choices. Choose the best answer and write down on the answer sheet.Spread spectrum simply means that data is sent in small pieces over a number of the(16)frequencies available for use at any time in the specified range. Devices using(17
20、)spread spectrum(DSSS) communicate by(18)each byte of data into several parts and sending them concurrently on different(19). DSSS uses a lot of the available(20), about 22 megahertz(MHz). ( A) continuous ( B) high ( C) low ( D) discrete ( A) direct-sequence ( B) discrete-sequence ( C) duplicate-seq
21、uence ( D) dedicate-sequence ( A) splitting ( B) combining ( C) packing ( D) compacting ( A) bits ( B) frequencies ( C) packets ( D) messages ( A) rate ( B) velocity ( C) bandwidth ( D) period 41 For each blank, choose the best answer from the four choices and write down on the answer sheet.(21)is a
22、 six bytes OSI layer 2 address which is burned into every networking evice that provides its unique identity for point to point communication.(22)is a professional organization of individuals in multiple professions which focuses on effort on lower-layer protocols.(23)functions with two layers of pr
23、otocols. It can connect networks of different speeds and can be adapted to an environment as it expands.(24)is the popular LAN developed under the direction of the IEEE802.5.(25)is the popular backbone technology for transmitting information at high speed with a high level of fault tolerance which i
24、s developed under the direction of ANSI. ( A) The MAC address ( B) The IP address ( C) The subnet address ( D) The virtual address ( A) ISO ( B) ANSI ( C) CCYIT ( D) IEEE ( A) The hub ( B) The bridge ( C) The router ( D) The proxy ( A) Ethernet ( B) Token Bus ( C) Token Ring ( D) DQDB ( A) X.25 ( B)
25、 ATM ( C) FDDI ( D) SMDS 46 In the following essay, each blank has four choices. Choose the best answer and write down on the answer sheet.Microwave communication uses high-frequency(26)waves that travel in straightlines through the air. Because the waves cannot(27)with the curvature of the earth, t
26、hey can be(28)only over short distance. Thus, microwave is a good(29)for sendingdata between buildings in a city or on a large college campus. For longer distances, the waves must be relayed by means of “dishes“ or(30). These can be installed on towers, high buildings, and mountain tops. ( A) optica
27、l ( B) radio ( C) electrical ( D) magnetic ( A) reflex ( B) distort ( C) bend ( D) absorb ( A) transmitted ( B) transformed ( C) converted ( D) delivered ( A) material ( B) equipment ( C) medium ( D) channel ( A) repeaters ( B) radars ( C) telephones ( D) antennas 51 In the following essay, each bla
28、nk has four choices. Choose the most suitable one from the four choices and write down in the answer sheet.A socket is basically an end point of a communication link between two applications. Sockets that extend over a network connect two or more applications running on(31)computers attached to the
29、net-work. A socket(32)two addresses:(33). Sockets provide a(34)communication channel between one or more systems. There are(35)sockets separately using TCP and UDP. ( A) unique ( B) separate ( C) same ( D) dependent ( A) is made of ( B) composed of ( C) is composed of ( D) is consisted of ( A) Email
30、 address and IP address ( B) MAC address and port address ( C) MAC address and IP address ( D) port number and IP address ( A) full-duplex ( B) half-duplex ( C) simplex ( D) complex ( A) message and packet ( B) packet and frame ( C) stream and datagram ( D) flow and block 56 In the following essay,
31、each blank has four choices. Choose the most suitable one from the four choices and write down in the answer sheet.Open Shortest Path First(OSPF) is a(36)routing algorithm that(37)work clone on the OSI IS-IS intradomain routing protocol. This routing, as compared to distance-vector routing, requires
32、(38)processing power. The(39)algorithm is used to calculate routes. OSPF routing table updates only take place when necessary,(40)at regular intervals. ( A) distance-vector ( B) link-state ( C) flow-based ( D) selective flooding ( A) derived from ( B) deviated from ( C) was derived from ( D) was dev
33、iated from ( A) more ( B) less ( C) same ( D) most ( A) Bellman-Ford ( B) Ford-Fulkerson ( C) Dijkstra ( D) RIP ( A) but rather ( B) rather too ( C) rather than ( D) rather that 61 Packet-switching wireless networks are preferable(41)when transmissions are(42)because of the way charges are(43)per pa
34、cket. Circuit-switched networks are preferable for transferring large files or for other lengthy transmissions because customers are(44)for the(45)of time they use the net-work. ( A) to ( B) for ( C) than ( D) only ( A) long ( B) short ( C) large ( D) small ( A) computing ( B) incurious ( C) incurve
35、d ( D) incurred ( A) charged ( B) fined ( C) free ( D) controlled ( A) point ( B) start ( C) length ( D) end 66 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) is a(46)document messaging standard in the Internet enviroment, with MIME, users can send(47)Email messages that include audio, video, graph-ice
36、s, and text to any other user of a TCP/IP network. Richtext information can also be(48)into messages. It defines the fonts, formats, and(49)features of a document so the document can be easily(50)on many different types of systems. ( A) complete ( B) compound ( C) simple ( D) efficient ( A) analog (
37、 B) many ( C) multmedia ( D) digital ( A) incorporated ( B) filled ( C) stored ( D) flied ( A) color ( B) size ( C) design ( D) layout ( A) restored ( B) redisplayed ( C) stored ( D) executed 71 Frame Relay is simplified form of(51), similar in principle to(52), in which synchronous, frames of data
38、are routed to different destinations depending on header information.Packets are routed throught one or more Virtual Circuits known as(53). Most Virtual Circuits are(54), which means that the network provider sets up all DLCI connections at subscription time.(55)are also part of the Frame Relay spec
39、ification. They privide a link that only lasts only as long as the session. ( A) Datagram Switching ( B) Datagram Routing ( C) Packet Switching ( D) packet Routing ( A) X.21 ( B) X.25 ( C) X.28 ( D) X.29 ( A) DLCIs ( B) HDLCs ( C) SDLCs ( D) DLs ( A) Permanent Circuits ( B) Permanent Virtual Circuit
40、s ( C) Switched Virtual Circuits ( D) Switching Circuits ( A) Permanent Circuits ( B) Permanent Virtual Circuits ( C) Switched Virtual Circuits ( D) Switched Circuits 76 (56)is a one-way function that takes an arbitrarily long piece of plaintext and from it computes a fixed-length bit string.(57)is
41、a protocol that most USENET machines now use it to allow news articles to propagate from one machine to another over a reliable connection.(58)is an approach preferred by cable TV providers. In this solution the fiber terminates at an opto-electrical converter and the final segment is a shared coaxi
42、al cable.(59)is a device used to connect two separate network that use different communication protocol.(60)is a digital-to-digital polar encoding method in which the signal level is always either positive or negative. ( A) MD ( B) RSA ( C) DES ( D) MIB ( A) RTP ( B) RTTP ( C) FTP ( D) NNTP ( A) ADS
43、L ( B) FTTC ( C) HFC ( D) FTTH ( A) Router ( B) Gateway ( C) Bridge ( D) hub ( A) NNI ( B) NRZ ( C) NAK ( D) NVT 81 In low-speed network, it is usually adequate to wait for congestion to occur and then react to it by telling the source of packets to slow down. In high-speed networks, this approach o
44、ften works poorly, because in the(61)between sending the notification and notification arriving at the source, thousands of additional(62)may arrive. In ATM network, a major tool for preventing(63)is(64)control. When a host wants a new virtual(65), it must describe the traffic to be offered and the
45、service expected. ( A) interval ( B) time ( C) slot ( D) delay ( A) packets ( B) cells ( C) message ( D) files ( A) collision ( B) congestion ( C) drop ( D) delay ( A) flow ( B) admission ( C) traffic ( D) time ( A) path ( B) rout ( C) circuit ( D) way 86 Flow control is a function that prevents net
46、work congestion by ensuring that(66)do not over-whelm(67)with data. There are three commonly used methods for handling network congestion.(68)is used by network devices to temporarily store bursts of excess data in memory until they can be processed.(69)are used by receiving devices to help prevent
47、their buffers from overflowing.(70)is a flow-control scheme in which the source device requires an acknowledgment from the destination after a certain number of packets have been transmitted. ( A) transmitting devices ( B) transmitted devices ( C) receiving devices ( D) received devices ( A) transmi
48、tting devices ( B) transmitted devices ( C) receiving devices ( D) received devices ( A) Buffer ( B) Source-quench messages ( C) window ( D) Windowing ( E) Buffering ( A) Buffer ( B) Source-quench messages ( C) window ( D) Windowing ( E) Buffering ( A) Buffer ( B) Source-quench messages ( C) window
49、( D) Windowing ( E) Buffering 91 SDLC was invented by IBM to replace the older Bisynchronous protocol for wide area connections between IBM equipment. A varietion of the(71)protocol called NRM is essentially the same as SDLC. SDLC is(72) protocol like HDLC, Frame Relay or X.25.An SDLC network is made up of(73)that controls all communications, and(74). It is capable of(75)operation, but almost all practical applications are strictly half duplex. ( A) HDLC ( B) Frame Relay ( C) X.25 ( D) X.21 ( A) a peer to peer ( B) a point-to-point ( C) not a peer to peer ( D) a peer to peers ( A) a primar
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