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本文(ASTM C904-2001(2012) Standard Terminology Relating to Chemical-Resistant Nonmetallic Materials《耐化学侵蚀的非金属材料标准术语》.pdf)为本站会员(figureissue185)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM C904-2001(2012) Standard Terminology Relating to Chemical-Resistant Nonmetallic Materials《耐化学侵蚀的非金属材料标准术语》.pdf

1、Designation: C904 01 (Reapproved 2012)Standard Terminology Relating toChemical-Resistant Nonmetallic Materials1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C904; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of la

2、st revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.acid etch, vto clean or alter a surface by the application ofacid.adhesionthe physical attraction of two substances, espe-cially the

3、 macroscopically observable attraction of dissimilarsubstances.aggregateany inert material such as sand, gravel, slag,carbon, etc., usually consisting of various-sized particles andused with chemical-resistant binders to form chemical-resistant mortars.back jointa vertical mortar joint, parallel to

4、the verticalsubstrate, between a chemical-resistant construction unit anda substrate or another chemical-resistant construction unit.bearing areafor chemical-resistant polymer machinerygrout, the portion of the grout surface in contact with theunderside of a supported surface.bed jointa horizontal m

5、ortar joint between a chemical-resistant construction unit and a substrate or anotherchemical-resistant construction unit.bend angle180 minus the internal angle created by apply-ing a load on the weld joining two sheets of plastic.bindera substance used to bond aggregates or fillers, orboth, into a

6、solid mass.broadcast resin monolithic floor surfacing a flooringsystem whereby a film of catalyzed resin binder is applied ona prepared concrete substrate followed immediately by theseeding to excess, into this wet film, of a dry inert filler.Upon hardening, any unbonded filler is removed. Theapplic

7、ation may be repeated once or several times to yield agreater thickness of surfacing. A top coat may be applied.butt welding (machine)the fusing together of two pieces ofplastic which are aligned in the same plane, with the samemating thickness, by application of heat and pressure. Alsocalled hot-pl

8、ate welding.castable, na combination of filler and suitable binder that isgenerally poured or compacted into place and which hard-ens.catalysta substance whose presence initiates or changes therate of a chemical reaction, but does not itself enter into thereaction.DISCUSSIONOccasionally used in the

9、vernacular to describe asetting agent, hardener, curing agent, or promoter, etc.chemical-resistantthe ability of a material to resist degra-dation by reaction with, dissolution by, or reduction ofphysical continuity from contact with a chemical agent oragents, thereby retaining its capacity to perfo

10、rm as a struc-tural or aesthetic entity.chemical-resistant carbon bricka brick comprised of car-bon (including graphite) that is carbon bonded and fired to aminimum temperature of 1850F (1010C). This brick ex-hibits good resistance to thermal shock and resists exposureto a wide range of alkalies and

11、 acids, particularly hydroflu-oric acid. When used in oxidizing conditions, temperatureexposure should be less than 600F (315C).chemical-resistant construction unita modular nonmetallicmaterial, either vitreous or nonvitreous, used in industrialprocesses primarily for applications where chemical,the

12、rmal, and mechanical resistance is required.chemical-resistant fireclay or shale brick a kiln fired brickfrom clay, shale, or mixtures thereof that exhibits lowabsorption and high resistance to a wide range of chemicalenvironments. This brick should not be used in hot caustic orwhere hydrofluoric ac

13、id or other fluoride chemical com-pounds are found. Commonly referred to as acid-resistantbrick or acid-proof brick.chemical-resistant polymer concretea construction mate-rial composed of a continuous phase (binder) of a polymerand a discontinuous phase (aggregate) generally used inapplications wher

14、e chemical resistance is required.chemical-resistant resin grouta mixture of liquid resin,filler and setting agent. The components form a mixture thatsubsequently hardens by chemical reaction. The settingagent may be separate or incorporated in the filler.chemical-resistant polymer machinery grout a

15、n intimatemixture of liquid resinous material, selected filler materials,1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C03 onChemical-Resistant Nonmetallic Materials and is the direct responsibility ofSubcommittee C03.05 on Terminology.Current edition approved Aug. 1, 2012. Published

16、 September 2012. Originallyapproved in 1979. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as C904 01 (2006).DOI: 10.1520/C0904-01R12.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1and setting agent, which harden by chemical reaction toprov

17、ide support for machine bases.chemical-resistant resin monolithic surfacingan intimatemixture of liquid resinous materials, selected filler materials,and setting agent. These components are mixed together,placed to a minimum thickness of 60 mils (1.5 mm), thenhardened to form a bonded overlay.chemic

18、al-resistant resin mortaran intimate mixture ofliquid resinous material, selected filler materials, and settingagent. These components form a trowelable mortar thatsubsequently hardens by chemical reaction.chemical-resistant tile groutan intimate mixture of liquidresinous material, selected filler m

19、aterials, and setting agent.These components form a flowable mixture that subse-quently hardens by chemical reaction.DISCUSSIONThis grout is applied to fill open joints betweenchemical-resistant brick or tile.chemical setting silicate and silica chemical-resistantmortaran intimate mixture of a silic

20、ate or silica binder, achemically inert solid filler, and a setting agent. The bindermay be a liquid silicate or silica, or a powder to which wateris added. These components are subsequently hardened bythe chemical reaction between the setting agent and thebinder.cohesionthe mutual attraction by whi

21、ch elements of asubstance are held pressive strengththe maximum stress that a specimenor material will support when subjected to a crushing forceapplied at a specified rate.creeptime dependent deformation of a material under load.deflectiondeformation or displacement from the originalcontour or shap

22、e.degradationa deleterious change in the physical or chemicalproperties, or both, of a material.densitythe weight per unit volume in air, expressed inpounds per cubic foot of a product.DISCUSSIONDensity may be expressed in other common units, whendesired, by using appropriate conversion factors.epox

23、y resina viscous liquid or brittle solid containingepoxide groups that can be crosslinked into final form bymeans of a chemical reaction with a variety of setting agentsused with or without heat.extrusion weldinga process in which heated plastic is forcedthrough a shaping orifice (or die) and applie

24、d with pressureto suitably prepared, locally preheated plastic pieces of thesame resin base, to join them.face surface bendprocedure whereby load is applied per-pendicular to the weld axis of the joint, at the weld, such thatthe weld face is subject to tension.furan resina thermosetting catalyzed co

25、ndensation reactionproduct from furfuryl alcohol, furfural or combinationthereof.fusion weldinga joining process in which the mating sur-faces of two thermoplastic parts are melted by induced heatand rapidly pressed together while still molten to form ahomogeneous bond.head jointthe mortar joint per

26、pendicular to the substrate andperpendicular to the direction of the course being laid. On afloor it may be called a cross weldinga technique for joining thermoplastics (usu-ally sheets) in which the materials are first softened by a jetof hot gas from a welding gun. A rod of the same

27、plastic isused to fill the heated gap and join the sheets at the sametime pressure is applied by either the rod or the tip of thegun. Sometimes referred to as string bead weldingsee butt welding (machine).hydraulic mortara mortar that is capable of setting andhardening due to the i

28、nteraction of water and the constituentsof the mortar.initial setting timethe time interval from the start of mixingthe component parts at a specified temperature, (a) to thattime when a Gillmore needle weighing 1 lb (454 g) andhaving a tip124 in. (1 mm) in diameter by316 in. (5 mm)long will penetra

29、te mortar58 in. (16 mm) thick to a depth of316 in. (5 mm) in 1 min, or, (b) to that time at which a14 in.(6.4 mm) wide joint of the mortar between bricks is indentedless than124 in. (1 mm) by a Vicat needle during a 10-minperiod.monolithic, na material of uniform composition applied as acontinuous s

30、urface or structure.phenolic resina thermosetting condensation product ob-tained by reacting phenol with an aldehyde.polyester resina condensation product resulting from achemical reaction between a dicarboxylic acid and a dihy-droxy alcohol or by the polymerization of a hydroxycarboxylic acid.resin

31、ouscontaining a polymer as a binder that is eitherhardened by chemical action (thermosetting), by the evapo-ration of a solvent, or by melting for application (thermo-plastic).root bendprocedure whereby a loading nose is applied alongthe weld face such that the weld root is subject to tension.secant

32、 modulusthe slope of a line drawn from the origin toany specified point on the stress-strain curve.service strength setting timethe time interval, after theinitial mixing of the composition, at a specific temperature,at which time the product has acquired 90 % of its specifiedstrength.setting agentt

33、he component of a mixture that catalyzes orreacts with the resin component to cause hardening bypolymerization.short term weld factora dimensionless number that pro-vides a relative measure of the tensile strength of a weldedthermoplastic test specimen to the tensile strength of themanufactured shee

34、t.C904 01 (2012)2shrinkagea reduction in size of a composition which occursduring its hardening process, curing process, or both.shrinkage, lineara reduction in the length of a cast bar of acomposition during its hardening process, curing process, orboth.shrinkage, unrestraineda reduction in size of

35、 a composi-tion which occurs during its hardening process, curingprocess, or both, with no external forces applied that caninhibit such reduction.shrinkage, volumea reduction in occupied space of acomposition during its hardening process, curing process, orboth.side surface bendprocedure whereby a l

36、oad is applied onthe weld in line with the weld axis.slurry-broadcast resin monolithic surfacinga flooring sys-tem whereby a dry inert filler is added to a catalyzed resinbinder to yield a semi-flowable consistency. This mixture isthen poured onto the substrate and spread to desiredthickness, follow

37、ed immediately by seeding the fresh surfaceto excess with a dry inert filler. Upon hardening, anyunbonded filler is removed. The application may be repeatedonce or several times to yield a greater thickness ofsurfacing. A top coat may be applied.socket welding (machine)a joining technique for thermo

38、-plastic pipe whereby the joining surfaces of the pipe and thefitting are inserted into a heating mandrel that is equippedwith appropriate sized male and female heater bushings. Thesurfaces are heated to the melt point, removed, and heldtogether under pressure until fused.spin welding (machine)a joi

39、ning technique used for bond-ing thermoplastic parts by frictional heat caused by differ-ential rotation of one or both pieces. Rotation is then stoppedand pressure held until heat is dissipated. Also known asfrictional welding.strain, linearthe change in length of a specimen due to anapplied stress

40、 relative to the original length of the specimenbefore the stress was applied. Linear strain is often shown as:L22 L1L1where:L1= original length of specimen, andL2= length of the specimen when subjected to an appliedstress.strain ratethe rate of relative length deformation with timedue to an applied

41、 stress. Strain rate is often shown as:L22 L1L1T22 T1!where:L1= original length of specimen,L2= length of the specimen when subjected to an appliedstress,T1= time when stress is applied, andT2= time when L2is measured.sulfur concretesee sulfur polymer cement concrete.sulfur modifierthe concentrated

42、product produced by react-ing sulfur with a hydrocarbon material, used with additionalelemental sulfur to produce a binder for sulfur polymercement concrete.sulfur mortara product consisting of fillers, such as carbonor silica flour, dispersed in sulfur. Small amounts of modi-fying additives may be

43、included.sulfur polymer cementthe product obtained by reactingsulfur with chemical modifiers to produce a binder for sulfurpolymer cement concrete.sulfur polymer cement concretea thermoplastic chemical-resistant construction material composed of sulfur polymercement binder composed of elemental sulf

44、ur and sulfurmodifier, hot-mixed with appropriate types and amounts ofaggregate and mineral filler. Commonly referred to as sulfurconcrete or sulfur polymer concretesulfur polymer concretesee sulfur polymer cement con-crete.symmetrical welda fused joint joining two sheets in whichthe joint and weld

45、configuration on either side of the sheetsis identical.tangent modulusthe slope of a tangent line drawn at thesteepest initial portion of the stress-strain curve.thermoplasticany one of a group of materials capable ofbeing repeatedly softened or melted by increases in tempera-ture followed by subseq

46、uent solidification on cooling.thermoplastic weldthe joining together of two plastic sur-faces by a combination of heat and pressure, with or withoutfiller material.thixotropythe property of a material to thin upon isothermalagitation and to thicken upon subsequent rest.vinyl ester resina thermosett

47、ing reaction product of epoxyresin with a polymerizable unsaturated acid usually meth-acrylic acid, which is then diluted with a reactivemonomerusually styrene.working time (chemical-resistant mortars) the time inter-val in minutes after initial mixing of the component parts, ata specific temperatur

48、e and in the absence of direct sunlight,in which the mortar may be applied to a brick or tile surfacewithout curling behind the trowel.C904 01 (2012)3This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, eithe

49、r reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by

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