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ASTM D1079-2010 Standard Terminology Relating to Roofing and Waterproofing《屋顶铺盖和防水相关标准术语》.pdf

1、Designation: D1079 10Standard Terminology Relating toRoofing and Waterproofing1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D1079; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parent

2、heses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Referenced Documents1.1 ASTM Standards:2C33 Specification for Concrete AggregatesC591 Specification for Unfaced Preformed Rigid CellularPolyisocyanurate Thermal

3、 InsulationC1289 Specification for Faced Rigid Cellular Polyisocya-nurate Thermal Insulation BoardD312 Specification for Asphalt Used in RoofingD450 Specification for Coal-Tar Pitch Used in Roofing,Dampproofing, and WaterproofingD698 Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Character-istics of Soil Us

4、ing Standard Effort (12 400 ft-lbf/ft3(600kN-m/m3)D1557 Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Charac-teristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3(2,700 kN-m/m3)D2822 Specification for Asphalt Roof Cement, Asbestos-ContainingD4022 Specification for Coal Tar Roof Cement, AsbestosContain

5、ingD4586 Specification for Asphalt Roof Cement, Asbestos-FreeD6136 Test Method for Kerosine Number of Unsaturated(Dry) Felt by Vacuum Method2. Terminology2.1 Definitions:accelerated weathering, vthe exposure of a specimen to aspecified test environment for a specified time with the intentof producin

6、g, in a shorter time period, effects similar toactual weathering.aggregate(1) crushed stone, crushed slag, or water-worngravel used for surfacing a built-up roof;(2) any granular mineral material.alligatoringthe cracking of the surfacing bitumen on abuilt-up roof, producing a pattern of cracks simil

7、ar to analligators hide; the cracks may not extend through thesurfacing bitumen.anionic emulsionan emulsion in which the emulsifyingsystem establishes a predominance of negative charges onthe discontinuous phase.application ratethe quantity (mass, volume or thickness) ofmaterial applied per unit are

8、a.artificial weathering, vexposure to conditions, which maybe cyclic, involving temperature, relative humidity, radiantenergy, and/or any other conditions or pollutants found in theatmosphere in various geographical areas, which may accel-erate changes in properties of materials over those of natura

9、lweather conditions.asbestosa group of natural fibrous impure silicate materials.asphalta dark brown to black cementitious material in whichthe predominating constituents are bitumens that occur innature or are obtained in petroleum processing.asphalt, air blownan asphalt produced by blowing airthro

10、ugh molten asphalt at an elevated temperature to raise itssoftening point and modify other properties.asphaltenea high molecular weight hydrocarbon fractionprecipitated from asphalt by a designated paraffinic naphthasolvent at a specified temperature and solvent-asphalt ratio.DISCUSSIONThe asphalten

11、e fraction should be identified by thetemperature and solvent-asphalt ratio used.asphalt feltan asphalt-saturated felt.asphalt, steam blownan asphalt produced by blowing steamthrough molten asphalt to modify its properties.asphaltitea natural asphalt found below ground level.asphalt mastica mixture

12、of asphaltic material and gradedmineral aggregate that can be poured when heated, butrequires mechanical manipulation to apply.1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D08 onRoofing and Waterproofing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D08.01on Nomenclature, Definit

13、ions and Editorial.Current edition approved Sept. 1, 2010. Published September 2010. Originallyapproved in 1950. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as D1079 09. DOI:10.1520/D1079-10.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceas

14、 For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.asphalt rock (rock asphalt)a naturally occurring rockformati

15、on, usually limestone or sandstone, containingthroughout its mass a minor amount of asphalt.asphalt roof cement, na trowelable mixture of asphalt,solvents, mineral stabilizers, fillers or fibers, or both. SeeSpecifications D2822 and D4586.asphalt roof cement, nsee flashing cement.backnailingthe prac

16、tice of blind-nailing roofing felts to asubstrate in addition to hot-mopping to prevent slippage.bald roofSee smooth-surfaced roof.base plythe bottom or first ply in a built-up roofingmembrane when additional plies are to be subsequentlyinstalled.base sheeta product intended to be used as a base ply

17、 in abuilt-up roofing system.bitumen(1) a class of amorphous, black or dark-colored,(solid, semi-solid, or viscous) cementitious substances, natu-ral or manufactured, composed principally of high molecularweight hydrocarbons, soluble in carbon disulfide, and foundin asphalts, tars, pitches, and asph

18、altites;(2) a generic term used to denote any material composedprincipally of bitumen.bitumen trapSee pitch pocket.bituminized, adjimpregnated with bitumen. Example: bitu-minized fiber pipe.bituminous, adjcontaining or treated with bitumen. Ex-amples: bituminous concrete, bituminous felts and fabric

19、s,bituminous pavement.bituminous emulsion(1) a suspension of minute globules ofbituminous material in water or in an aqueous solution;(2) a suspension of minute globules of water or of anaqueous solution in a liquid bituminous material (invertemulsion).bituminous grouta mixture of bituminous materia

20、l and finesand that will flow into place without mechanical manipu-lation when heated.blast-furnace slagthe nonmetallic product, consisting es-sentially of silicates and alumino-silicates of calcium andother bases, that is developed in a molten condition simul-taneously with iron in a blast furnace.

21、blind nailingthe use of nails that are not exposed to theweather in the finished roofing.blister(1) a raised portion of a roofing membrane resultingfrom local internal pressure;(2) the similarly formed protuberances in coated preparedroofing.blocking(1) wood built into a roofing system above the dec

22、kand below the membrane and flashing to (a) stiffen the deckaround an opening, (b) act as a stop for insulation, (c) serveas a nailer for attachment of the membrane or flashing.(2) wood cross-members installed between rafters or joiststo provide support at cross-joints between deck panels.(3) cohesi

23、on or adhesion between similar or dissimilarmaterials in roll or sheet form that may interfere with thesatisfactory and efficient use of the material.blueberrySee strawberry.bondthe adhesive and cohesive forces holding two roofingcomponents in intimate contact.broomingembedding a ply by using a broo

24、m to smooth itout and ensure contact with the adhesive under the ply.built-up roofinga continuous, semiflexible membrane con-sisting of plies of saturated felts, coated felts, fabrics or matsassembled in place with alternate layers of bitumen, andsurfaced with mineral aggregate, bituminous materials

25、, or agranule surfaced sheet (abbreviation, BUR).cant stripa beveled strip used under flashings to modify theangle at the point where the roofing or waterproofingmembrane meets any vertical element.cap flashingSee flashing.cap sheeta granule-surfaced coated felt used as the top plyof a built-up roof

26、ing membrane.cationic emulsionan emulsion in which the emulsifyingsystem establishes a predominance of positive charges on thediscontinuous phase.caulkinga composition of vehicle and pigment, used atambient temperatures for filling joints, that remains plasticfor an extended time after application.c

27、hannel moppingSee mopping, (3) strip.coal tara dark brown to black cementitious material pro-duced by the destructive distillation of coal.coal tar roof cement, na trowelable mixture of processedcoal tar base, solvents, mineral fillers or fibers, or both. SeeSpecification D4022.coal-tar felta felt t

28、hat has been saturated with refined coaltar.coal-tar pitcha dark brown to black, solid cementitiousmaterial obtained as residue in the partial evaporation ordistillation of coal tar.coated sheet (or felt)(1) an asphalt felt that has been coatedon both sides with harder, more viscous asphalt;(2) a gl

29、ass fiber felt that has been simultaneously impreg-nated and coated with asphalt on both sides.coke-oven tarSee coal tar.cold-process roofinga continuous, semiflexible membraneconsisting of plies of felts, mats, or fabrics laminated on aroof with alternate layers of roof cement and surfaced witha co

30、ld-applied coating.concealed membrane waterproofing, nalso referred to asstructural slab waterproofing; (1) for below grade: refersto a form of waterproofing where the membrane is applied tothe mud mat and later covered with a topping, usuallyconcrete, to act as a wearing layer or course, and (2) fo

31、relevated structural concrete deck: applied over the structuralsurface and covered/concealed by other components such asa topping slab, pavers, ballast, pavement, and plantings.condensationthe conversion of water vapor or other gas toliquid as the temperature drops or atmospheric pressuresrises. (Se

32、e also dew point).conditioning, vthe storage of a specimen under specifiedtemperature, humidity, etc., for a specified time prior totesting.conductance, thermalthe thermal transmission in unit timethrough unit area of a particular body or assembly havingdefined surfaces, when unit average temperatur

33、e differenceis established between the surfaces. C = W/m2K (C = Btu/hft2F).D1079 102conductivity, thermalthe thermal transmission, by conduc-tion only, in unit time through unit area between twoisothermal surfaces of an infinite slab of a homogeneousmaterial of unit thickness, in a direction perpend

34、icular to thesurface, when unit temperature difference is establishedbetween the surfaces. k = W/mK (k = Btuin./hft2F).cone penetrationSee penetration.copinga covering on top of a wall exposed to the weather,usually sloped to carry off water.counterflashingformed metal or elastomeric sheeting se-cur

35、ed on or into a wall, curb, pipe, roof-top unit, or othersurface, to cover and protect the upper edge of a baseflashing and its associated fasteners.coveragethe surface area to be continuously covered by aspecific quantity of a particular material.creepthe time-dependent part of a strain resulting f

36、, na construction to divert water around or away froma chimney, curb, wall, expansion joint, or other penetration.(See saddle).crushed stonethe product resulting from the artificial crush-ing of rocks, boulders, or large cobblestones, substantiallyall faces of which have resulted fr

37、om the crushing operation.cutbacksolvent-thinned bitumen used in cold-process roof-ing adhesives, flashing cements, and roof coatings.cutoffa detail designed to prevent lateral water movementinto the insulation where the membrane terminates at the endof a days work, or used to isolate sections of th

38、e roofingsystem. It is usually removed before the continuation of thework.dampproofingtreatment of a surface or structure to resist thepassage of water in the absence of hydrostatic pressure.dead levelabsolutely horizontal, or zero slope (see alsoslope).dead level asphalta roofing asphalt conforming

39、 to therequirements of Specification D312, Type I.dead level roofinga roofing system applied on a surface witha 0 to 2 % incline.deckthe structural surface to which the roofing or water-proofing system (including insulation) is applied.direction changea change in the orientation of the principaldime

40、nsion or of the support of adjoining units of the roofingsystem.double pourto apply two layers of aggregate and bitumen toa built-up roof.dry felt(1) see felt;(2) a felt which has not been saturated with bitumen.edge strippingapplication of felt strips cut to narrowerwidths than the normal felt-roll

41、 width to cover a jointbetween flashing and built-up roofing.edge ventingthe practice of providing regularly spacedprotected openings at a roof perimeter to relieve water vaporpressure in the insulation.elastomera macromolecular material that returns rapidly toits approximate initial dimensions and

42、shape after substantialdeformation by a weak stress and subsequent release of thatstress.embedment(1) the process of pressing a felt, aggregate,fabric, mat, or panel uniformly and completely into hotbitumen or adhesive to ensure intimate contact at all points;(2) the process of pressing granules int

43、o coating in themanufacture of factory-prepared roofing, such as shingles.emulsionan intimate mixture of bitumen and water, withuniform dispersion of the bitumen or water globules, usuallystabilized by an emulsifying agent or system.envelopea continuous membrane edge seal formed at theperimeter and

44、at penetrations by folding the base sheet or plyover the plies above and securing it to the top of themembrane. The envelope prevents bitumen seepage from theedge of the membrane.equilibrium moisture content( 1) the moisture content of amaterial stabilized at a given temperature and relativehumidity

45、, expressed as percent moisture by weight;(2) the typical moisture content of a material in any givengeographical area.equiviscous temperature (EVT), nthe temperature at whicha bitumen attains the proper viscosity for built-up membraneapplication. EVT may or may not be applicable to polymermodified

46、bituminous sheet materials. (See EVT for asphaltand EVT for coal tar).DISCUSSIONIn England, EVT is the temperature corresponding to astandard efflux time from a road tar viscometer.equiviscous temperature for asphalt, nthe equiviscoustemperature (EVT) for roofing asphalt (Specification D312,Type I,

47、II, III, or IV) is as follows: (1) mop applicationthetemperature at which the asphalts apparent viscosity is 125cP. ( 2) mechanical spreader applicationthe temperature atwhich the asphalts apparent viscosity is 75 cP. See equivis-cous temperature and EVT application range.equiviscous temperature for

48、 coal tarthe equiviscous tem-perature (EVT) for roofing coal tar (Specification D450,Type I or III) is the temperature at which the coal tarsapparent viscosity is 25 cP. See equiviscous temperatureand EVT application range.EVT application range, nthe bitumen application tempera-ture range. The range

49、 is from 25F below the EVT to 25Fabove the EVT (50F span). The temperature is measured inthe mop cart or mechanical spreader just prior to theapplication of bitumen to the substrate.expansion jointa structural separation between two buildingelements that allows free movement between the elementswithout damage to the roofing or waterproofing system.exposure(1) the transverse dimension of a roofing elementnot overlapped by an adjacent element in any roofingsystem. The exposure of

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