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本文(ASTM D1188-2007 Standard Test Method for Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Coated Samples《使用涂层样品的压实沥青混合料的毛体积比重和密度的标准试验方法》.pdf)为本站会员(周芸)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM D1188-2007 Standard Test Method for Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Coated Samples《使用涂层样品的压实沥青混合料的毛体积比重和密度的标准试验方法》.pdf

1、Designation: D 1188 07Standard Test Method forBulk Specific Gravity and Density of Compacted BituminousMixtures Using Coated Samples1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1188; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of

2、revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope1.1 This test meth

3、od covers the determination of bulkspecific gravity of specimens of Parafilm-coated, compactedbituminous mixtures as defined in Terminology E12.1.2 This method should be used with samples that containopen or interconnecting voids or absorb more than 2 % ofwater by volume, or both, as determined by S

4、ection 8.1.3 The bulk specific gravity of the compacted bituminousmixtures may be used in calculating the unit weight of themixture.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establ

5、ish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 979 Practice for Sampling Bituminous Paving MixturesD 1461 Test Method for Moisture or Volatile Distillates inBituminous Paving MixturesD

6、2726 Test Method for Bulk Specific Gravity and Densityof Non-Absorptive Compacted Bituminous MixturesD 3203 Test Method for Percent Air Voids in CompactedDense and Open Bituminous Paving MixturesD 4753 Guide for Evaluating, Selecting, and SpecifyingBalances and Standard Masses for Use in Soil, Rock,

7、 andConstruction Materials TestingD 5361 Practice for Sampling Compacted Bituminous Mix-tures for Laboratory TestingD 6752 Test Method for Bulk Specific Gravity and Densityof Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using AutomaticVacuum Sealing MethodE12 Terminology Relating to Density and Specific Gravityof

8、Solids, Liquids, and Gases33. Significance and Use3.1 This test method is useful in calculating percent airvoids as given in Test Method D 3203. Since specific gravityhas no units, it must be converted to density when this type ofmeasurement is required. This conversion is made by multi-plying the s

9、pecific gravity at a given temperature by the densityof water at the same temperature.4. Apparatus4.1 Balance, with ample capacity, and with sufficient sensi-tivity to enable bulk specific gravities to the specimens to becalculated to at least four significant figures, that is, to at leastthree deci

10、mal places. It shall be equipped with a suitableapparatus to permit weighing the specimen while it is sus-pended in water. The balance shall conform to SpecificationD 4753 as a class GP2 balance.4.1.1 Since there are no more significant figures in thequotient (bulk specific gravity) than appear in e

11、ither thedividend (the mass of the specimen in air) or in the divisor (thevolume of the specimen, obtained from the difference in massof the specimen in air and in water), this means that the balancemust have a sensitivity capable of providing both mass andvolume values to at least four figures. For

12、 example, a sensi-tivity of 0.1 g would provide four significant figures for thedetermination of a mass in the range from 130.0 to 999.9 gwhen the specific gravity is 2.300.4.2 Water Bath, for immersing the specimen in water whilesuspended, equipped with either an overflow outlet for main-taining a

13、constant water level or an electronic tare feature onthe scale.5. Materials5.1 ParafilmIs an elastomeric film obtainable from mostscientific suppliers.5.2 Polyurethane FoamA foam mat of a minimum of50 3 50 cm (20 3 20 in.) shall be used for the working surface1This test method is under the jurisdict

14、ion of ASTM Committee D04 on Roadand Paving Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D04.21 onSpecific Gravity and Density of Bituminous Mixtures.Current edition approved Sept. 15, 2007. Published October 2007. Originallyapproved in 1951. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as D

15、 1188 96 (2002)e1.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Withdrawn.1Copyright ASTM International, 1

16、00 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United about 12.5 mm (0.5 in.) thick. Additionally, a minimum ofone foam pad with a size approximately equal to the topsurface dimensions of the sample shall be on hand.5.3 Calibration CylinderAn approximately 100-mm (4-i

17、n.) diameter by 60-mm (2.5-in.) smooth-sided aluminumcylinder.6. Test Specimens6.1 Test specimens may be molded from laboratory-mixedfield samples or be cut from bituminous pavement in the field.Field samples should be obtained in accordance with PracticeD 979. Pavement specimens shall be taken from

18、 pavementswith a core drill, diamond, or carborundrum saw, or othersuitable means, in accordance with Practice D 5361.6.2 Size of SpecimensIt is recommended, (1) that thediameter of cylindrically molded or cored specimens, or thelength of the sides of sawed specimens be at least equal to fourtimes t

19、he maximum size of the aggregate; and (2) that thethickness of specimens be at least one and one half times themaximum size of the aggregate.6.3 Take pavement specimens from pavements with a coredrill, diamond or Carborundum saw, or by other suitablemeans.6.3.1 Take care to avoid distortion, bending

20、, or cracking ofspecimens during and after removal from pavement or mold.Store specimens in a safe, cool place.6.3.2 Specimens shall be free of foreign materials such asseal coat, tack coat, foundation material, soil, paper, or foil.When any of these materials are visually evident, they shall beremo

21、ved in accordance with If desired, specimens may be separated from otherpavement layers by sawing or other suitable means.7. Determine if Coating of Specimens is Needed7.1 Determine the bulk specific gravity of the uncoatedspecimen according to Test Methods D 2726 or D 6752.7.2 Use the d

22、ata collected in 7.1 to calculate the percentwater absorbed by the specimen (on volume basis) as follows:% Water Absorbed by Vol. 5B 2 AB 2 C100 (1)where:A = mass of the dry specimen in air, gB = mass of the saturated surface-dry specimen in air, gC = mass of specimen in water, g.7.3 If the percent

23、water absorbed by the specimen in Section7.2 exceeds 2 %, continue with the procedures outlined inSection 8. If the percent water absorbed by the specimen doesnot exceed 2 %, report the bulk specific gravity of the uncoatedspecimen as determined in 7.1.8. Procedure8.1 Mass of Uncoated SpecimensAfter

24、 the sample hasbeen dried under a fan until a constant mass has been achieved,determine the mass of the sample. Designate this as mass A.8.2 Mass of Coated Specimen:8.2.1 On a hard surface, cut two 100 3 100-mm (4 3 4-in.)and one 100 3 200-mm (4 3 8-in.) pieces of Parafilm from theroll with a sharp

25、blade.8.2.2 Peel the backing off of one of the 100 3 100-mm(4 3 4-in.) pieces.8.2.3 Grasp opposite sides of the film and stretch. Repeatthe stretching with the other two sides until the film has beenstretched to an approximately 150 3 150-mm (6 3 6-in.)square. Take care not to create holes in the fi

26、lm.8.2.4 Place the stretched film over one end of the specimenand press the sides of the film around the sample.8.2.5 Turn the specimen over and place on the foam mat.Repeat 8.2.2-8.2.4 for the other end of the specimen.8.2.6 After both ends have been wrapped (and working onthe foam mat) place anoth

27、er piece of foam on top of thespecimen that is approximately the same size and shape as thespecimen. Use another specimen of the same size to pressdown on top of the foam. This will eliminate the air pocketsfrom both surfaces.8.2.7 Use a sharp knife to trim the excess film from the sidesof the sampl

28、e. Take care not to damage the sample. Thereshould be a minimum of 15 mm (approximately 0.5 in.) of filmremaining on the side of the specimen at each end.8.2.8 Next, peel the backing off of the remaining piece offilm. Grasp the film at the ends and stretch out to about 400 mm(16 in.).8.2.9 Place one

29、 end of the stretched film on the side of thespecimen and roll it over so that the film is stretched tightlyover the surface.8.2.10 Fold and press the edges around and over the edgesof the specimen.8.2.11 Determine the mass of the coated specimen in air.Designate this mass as D.8.2.12 Determine the

30、mass of the coated specimen in awater bath at 25C (77F). Designate this mass as E. Measurethe temperature of the water and if it is different from25C 6 1C (77 6 1.8F), a correction to the bulk specificgravity to 25C must be made in accordance with 10.3.Ifthetemperature of the specimen differs from t

31、he temperature of thewater bath by more than 2C (3.6F), the specimen shall beimmersed in the water bath for 10 to 15 min.8.3 Apparent Specific Gravity of Parafilm:8.3.1 Determine the specific gravity of the aluminum cali-bration cylinder at 25C (77F) 6 1C (1.8F) first determin-ing the mass in air an

32、d then under water. The specific gravityis:GAl5AAlAAl2 BAl(2)where:Aal= dry mass in air, g,Bal= mass under water, g.8.3.2 Dry and wrap aluminum cylinder as described in 8.2and determine the dry, wrapped mass and the mass of thewrapped specimen under water.8.3.3 Determine the specific gravity of the

33、Parafilm at25C (77F) 6 1C (1.8F):D1188072F 5DAl2 AAlDAl2 EAl2AAlGAl(3)where:DAl= dry mass of wrapped specimen, g,Eal= mass of wrapped specimen under water, g.9. Moisture Correction9.1 In case the specimen has been obtained during construc-tion or from a pavement and contains moisture, it is necessar

34、yto correct the masses determined in the following sections.9.2 The moisture may be determined by one of two meth-ods.9.2.1 Determine the original mass of the sample. Then drythe uncoated sample to a constant mass in an oven maintainedat a temperature of approximately 110C (230F). A constantmass is

35、defined as less than a 0.05 % change in mass betweenconsecutive 15 min drying intervals. Designate this oven-drymass as Edry. The mass of the moisture, Emoistis:Emoist5 Eoriginal2 Edry(4)where:Eoriginal= original mass of the specimen, g,Edry= oven dry mass, g.9.2.2 Subtract Emoistfrom any further de

36、terminations ofmass in subsequent sections.9.2.3 Alternatively, determine the mass of moisture in thesamples by using Test Method D 1461. This method should beused if the bituminous material in the mixture contains anydistillates volatile at a temperature of 110C (230F). The massof the moisture is t

37、hen subtracted from any determination ofmass in the following sections.10. Calculations10.1 Calculate the bulk specific gravity of the film-coatedspecimen as follows:Bulk Specific Gravity 5AD 2 E 2D 2 AF(5)where:A = mass of dry specimen in air, g,D = mass of dry, coated specimen, g,E = mass of coate

38、d specimen under water, g,F = specific gravity of coating determined at 25C (77F).10.2 Calculate the density of the specimen as follows:Density 5 Bulk Specific Gravity! g (6)where:g = density of water at 25C (77F) (997.0 kg/m3or 62.24lb/ft3).10.3 Correction for Water Bath Temperature Other than25C (

39、77F).10.3.1 For a difference of water temperature less than orequal to 3C (5.4F), determine the specific gravity as follows:Bulk Specific Gravity at 25C 5 K Bulk at other temperature! (7)where:K = determined from Table For a difference of water temperature greater than3C (5.4F), a correctio

40、n to the mass of water displaced shallbe made using the following equation:Correction 5DTKs SD 2 E 2D 2 AFD(8)where:DT = 25C minus the temperature ofthe water bath,Ks=63 105ml/ml/C average coef-ficient of cubical thermal expan-sion of bituminous concrete,(DE(DA)/F)= mass of the volume of water forth

41、e volume of the specimen at25C.11. Report11.1 Report the following information:11.1.1 Test method used to determine bulk specific gravity.11.1.2 Percent water absorbed.11.1.3 Specific gravity of Parafilm to three decimal places.11.1.4 Moisture correction to four significant figures.11.1.5 Bulk speci

42、fic gravity at 25C (77F) 6 1C (1.8F)to four significant figures.11.1.6 Density to four significant figures.12. Precision and Bias12.1 Criteria for judging the acceptability of bulk specificgravity test results obtained by this test method are given in thefollowing table:TABLE 1 Relative Density of W

43、ater and Conversion Factor K forVarious TemperaturesTemperature, C Absolute Density of WaterACorrection Factor K10 0.999728 1.00266111 0.999634 1.00256712 0.999526 1.00245813 0.999406 1.00233814 0.999273 1.00220415 0.999129 1.00206016 0.998972 1.00190317 0.998804 1.00173418 0.998625 1.00155519 0.998

44、435 1.00136420 0.998234 1.00116221 0.998022 1.00095022 0.997801 1.00072823 0.997569 1.00049524 0.997327 1.00025325 0.997075 1.00000026 0.996814 0.99973827 0.996544 0.99946728 0.996264 0.99918729 0.995976 0.99889830 0.995678 0.998599AData taken from Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed., CRC Pr

45、ess,Inc.D1188073Test and Type Index Standard DeviationAcceptable Range of TwoTest Results (D2S)Single Operator 0.028 0.079Multiple Laboratory 0.034 0.0951: 10 laboratories, 2 materials, 3 replicates for 1 material and 2 replicates forthe second12.2 Since there is no accepted reference material suita

46、blefor determining the bias for the procedure for measuringdensity, no statement on the bias of this test method is beingmade.13. Keywords13.1 bituminous paving mixturescompacted; bulk spe-cific gravity/densityASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted

47、 in connection with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the riskof infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the

48、 responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive c

49、areful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 6

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