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本文(ASTM D1282-2005 Standard Test Method for Resistance to Airflow as an Indication of Average Fiber Diameter of Wool Top Card Sliver and Scoured Wool《用气流阻力表示羊毛毛条、生条和洗净羊毛的平均纤维直经的标准试验方法.pdf)为本站会员(roleaisle130)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM D1282-2005 Standard Test Method for Resistance to Airflow as an Indication of Average Fiber Diameter of Wool Top Card Sliver and Scoured Wool《用气流阻力表示羊毛毛条、生条和洗净羊毛的平均纤维直经的标准试验方法.pdf

1、Designation: D 1282 05Standard Test Method forResistance to Airflow as an Indication of Average FiberDiameter of Wool Top, Card Sliver, and Scoured Wool1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1282; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption

2、 or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This test method covers the estimation of the averagefiber diameter of wool

3、 fibers by use of the Port-Ar and theWIRA Fiber Fineness Meter instrument, which operate on theair-flow principle. Other air-flow instruments have not beentested with this method. The method is directly applicable tonon-medullated, carded wool and wool top.1.2 This test method is applicable to greas

4、e wool andscoured wool after the samples of such materials have beenprepared as directed in Test Method D 2130.NOTE 1The use of the Micronaire instrument for measuring thefineness of cotton fibers is covered in Test Method D 1448.The assignment of grade for wool and mohair is covered in Specifica-ti

5、ons D 3991 and D 3992.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 123 Terminology Relating to TextilesD 1060 Practice for Core Sampling of Raw Wool in Pack-ages for Determination of Percentage of Clean Wool FiberPresentD 1448 Test Method for Micronaire Reading of CottonFibersD 2130 Test Method for

6、Diameter of Wool and OtherAnimal Fibers by MicroprojectionD 3991 Specification for Fineness of Wool or Mohair andAssignment of GradeD 3992 Specification for Fineness of Wool Top or MohairTop and Assignment of GradeD 4845 Terminology for Wool2.2 Other Standard:IWTO-6-92(E) Method of Test for the Dete

7、rmination of TheMean Diameter of Wool Fibers in Combed Sliver Usingthe Air-Flow ApparatusIWTO-28-82(E) Determination By The Airflow Method ofthe Mean Fibre Diameter of Core Samples of Raw Wool3. Terminology3.1 For all terminology related to wool and wool felt, referto Terminology D 4845.3.1.1 The fo

8、llowing terms are relevant to this standard:sliver, specific area, top, and wool.3.2 For all other terminology related to textiles, see Termi-nology D 123.4. Summary of Test Method4.1 The resistance to air flow of predetermined mass ofwool compressed to a fixed volume is measured. The instru-ments a

9、pproved for use have been calibrated to read averagediameter in micrometres. Specimens of wool top are rated witha Wool Top Scale and specimens of carded, scoured wool andscoured12-in. (13.0-mm) cores are rated with a Scoured WoolScale. If instruments are properly calibrated, results are inter-chang

10、eable.5. Significance and Use5.1 This test method is not recommended for the acceptancetesting of commercial shipments of wool top, card sliver, orscoured wool since the referee method, Test Method D 2130,isrecommended for that purpose. Although this test method isnot recommended for acceptance test

11、ing, it is useful for fastquality control checks.5.1.1 .If there are differences of practical significance be-tween reported test results for two laboratories (or more),comparative test should be performed to determine if there is astatistical bias between them, using competent statistical assis-tan

12、ce. As a minimum, use the samples for such a comparativetest that are as homogenous as possible, drawn from the samelot of material as the samples that resulted in disparate resultsduring initial testing and randomly assigned in equal numbersto each laboratory. The test results from the laboratories

13、involved should be compared using a statistical test forunpaired data, a probability level chosen prior to the testing1This test method is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D13 on Textilesand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D13.13 on Wool and Wool Felt.Current edition approved Mar

14、ch 1, 2005. Published April 2005. Originallyapproved in 1953 . Last previous edition approved in 2005 as D 1282 96 (2005).2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, ref

15、er to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.series. If bias is found, either its cause must be found andcorrected, or future test results for that material must beadjus

16、ted in consideration of the known bias.5.2 The specific area of the wool fibers is measured by theresistance in air flow.The resistance to air flow has been relatedto average fiber diameter measured by the microprojectionmethod. The instruments have been calibrated to read averagediameter in microme

17、tres. Although the reading is affected bythe average fiber diameter distribution of the specimen, theresults secured by the instruments give no indication of thisdistribution. However, in converting the micrometres readingto millitex units (Annex A1), low, medium, and high standarddeviations were us

18、ed in the calculations to arrive at the rangeof millitex units which accordingly reflect the distribution offiber diameters.6. Apparatus, Materials, and Reagent6.1 Port-Ar3, described in this method and shown in Fig. 1.6.2 WIRA Fiber Fineness Meter4, described in this methodand shown in Fig.

19、 Scale graduated in millimetres.6.2.2 Calibration chart converting float height in millimetresto diameter in micrometres.3The Port-Ar instrument, trademark for a product manufactured by ZellwegerUster, 456 Troy Circle, P.O. Box 51720, Knoxville, TN 37950, has been foundsatisfactory for this purpose.

20、4The WIRA Fiber Fineness Meter, trademark for a product manufactured byReynolds and Branson Ltd., for Thorn Bendix Ltd., Beech Ave., New Barford,Nottingham NG7 7JJ England. This instrument is available from Lawson-HemphillSales, Inc., P.O. Drawer 6388, Spartanburg, SC 29304.1) Balance Adjustment Kno

21、b 8) Porosity Calibration Control2) Balance Pan 9) Compression Lever3) Air Reservoir 10) Calibrator Plug Plunger4) Meter Zero Adjustment Screw 11) Porosity Calibrator Plug5) Porosity Test Chamber Lid 12) Calibration Weight6) Differential Pressure Gage 13) Weighing Balance Mechanism7) Porosity Zero C

22、ontrol 14) Atomizer BulbFIG. 1 Port-Ar Apparatus1) Metal specimen container 6) Gage tube2) Packing rod 7) Millimetre scale3) Plunger 8) Vacuum supply4) Retaining collar 9) Upper gage tube mark5) Control knob 10) Lower gage tube markFIG. 2 WIRA Fiber Fineness MeterD12820526.2.3 Air pump capable of fu

23、rnishing a constant vacuum of609.6 mm (24 in.) of mercury.6.2.4 Tables of correction values to correct observed resultsin micrometres to deviations from standard conditions, 20C(68F) and 65 % relative humidity, as shown in Annex A2.6.3 Trichloroethane or equivalent solvent.6.4 Working Reference Samp

24、les, three, prepared by eachlaboratory for use in checking the instruments. One workingreference sample should be selected from each of the followingranges of grade: (1) up to and including 48s, (2) 50s to 60sinclusive, and (3) 62s or finer. These samples of uniformfineness with a low standard devia

25、tion, as explained in Appen-dix A1.1, must be thoroughly tested both by the air-flowinstrument being used and by the microprojection method.6.5 Standard Reference Samples5Three samples are avail-able with the following average fiber diameters: 20.7 m, 27.3m and 37.4 m.7. Hazards7.1 Refer to the manu

26、facturers material safety data sheetfor information on handling, use, storage, and disposal oftrichloroethane or equivalent solvent.7.2 Use trichloroethane or equivalent solvent in well-ventilated hood due to the associated health hazards.8. Calibration of Apparatus8.1 Calibrate the instrument on ar

27、rival in accordance withinstructions in Annex A2.8.2 Recalibrate the instrument each day. Verify calibrationafter each 4 h of use or whenever an operational problem isnoted.9. Sampling9.1 Lot SampleFor acceptance testing, take at random thenumber of shipping containers directed in an applicable mate

28、-rial specification or other agreement between the purchaser andthe supplier, such as an agreement to use Practice D 1060.Consider shipping containers to be the primary sampling units.NOTE 2A realistic specification or other agreement between thepurchaser and the supplier requires taking into accoun

29、t the variabilitybetween shipping containers, between laboratory samples within a ship-ping container, and between specimens within a laboratory sample so as toprovide a sampling plan which at the specified level of the property ofinterest has a meaningful producers risk, consumers risk, acceptableq

30、uality level, and limiting quality level.9.2 Laboratory SampleAs a laboratory sample for ac-ceptance testing, take the number of subsamples from eachpackage in the lot sample as directed in an applicable materialspecification or other agreement between the purchaser and thesupplier, such as an agree

31、ment to use Practice D 1060 if baledor bagged wool is to be tested.9.3 Test Specimens:9.3.1 Port-Ar ProcedureTake one specimen per labora-tory sampling unit.9.3.2 Wira ProcedureTake one specimen per laboratorysampling unit.10. Specimen Preparation10.1 Prepare test specimens of wool top, card sliver,

32、scoured, or grease wool as directed in Test Method D 2130.10.2 If no mechanical card is available, take two subsamplesof scoured wool, each weighing approximately 4 g more thanthe mass of wool required for measurement in the air-flowinstrument being used; hand card these subsamples at least 30stroke

33、s each and prepare a test specimen from each of them.10.3 Rinse all test specimens in the recommended solvent toreduce the extractable matter to less than 1 % of the specimenmass. Condition the test specimens as prescribed in 11.1 or11.2. From the conditioned test specimen, weigh the amount ofwool r

34、equired for measurement in the air-flow instrumentbeing used.10.3.1 Port-ArPlace approximately 12.5 g of the condi-tioned wool specimen in the balance basket. One pump of theatomizer bulb will indicate whether the specimen is too light ortoo heavy: If the meter reads above the red triangle, thespeci

35、men is too heavy; if below, the specimen is too light.Adjust the specimen to 12.5 g by adding or removing smallamounts of wool. The meter indicates the mass of the specimento within6 0.5 % if the pointer is on scale, so the mass needsto be adjusted only until the pointer reads within the redtriangle

36、.NOTE 3The accuracy of the balance should be thoroughly checkedbefore and while using the Port-Ar. The specimen may be weighed on aseparate balance.10.3.2 WIRA Fiber Fineness MeterWeigh a 2.500 60.005 g test specimen. Remove pieces of vegetable matter andother impurities before weighing.11. Conditio

37、ning11.1 For tests made on the Port-Ar as directed in 11.2,reasonable results may be obtained even if the standardatmosphere for testing is not available since the instrumentuses low-pressure ambient air. Keep the instrument in adraft-free room, away from radiators, sunlight, and otherelements which

38、 disturb temperature or air. Allow the instru-ment and the well-opened wool to be tested to remain in thesame atmospheric conditions for approximately 4 h before thespecimens are tested.11.2 For tests made on the WIRA Fiber Fineness meter asdirected in 12.2, bring the test specimen to moisture equil

39、ib-rium with the standard atmosphere. A 4 h conditioning periodis usually sufficient.12. Procedure12.1 Procedure with the Port-Ar:12.1.1 Wool Top, Card Sliver, Scoured Wool, Grease WoolUsing the weighed test specimen, (see 10.3.1) place one end ofthe sliver in the chamber and tamp in the remainder.

40、Do notfold the wool top before placing in the chamber. When all ofthe specimen has been forced into the chamber, close thecompression chamber lid, 5, in place. Pull forward on thecompression lever, 9, until it locks in place. Apply air pressure5May be obtained from Agricultural Marketing Service, Li

41、vestock and SeedDivision, 711 “O” Street, Greeley, CO 80631.D1282053either by the atomizer bulb or by the electric pump to fill thepressure tank (Note 3). Read the diameter in micrometres onthe scale as the piston settles. Record the reading and removethe specimen, carefully reopen it by hand to eli

42、minate compactareas, replace the specimen in the chamber and make a secondreading.NOTE 4In using the electric pump, some operators find continuousoperation advantageous. Satisfactory results will be obtained in this caseif calibration adjustments are also made with the pump running continu-ously.Asm

43、all reservoir tank or “bladder” mounted in the air line betweenthe pump and the instrument will reduce needle vibration.NOTE 5Port-Ar instrument described in Fig. 1 is calibrated for woolgrade (Top and wool). Port-Ar instrument is also available for measuringmohair fibers.12.2 Procedure with the WIR

44、A Fiber Fineness Meter:12.2.1 Feed the weighed specimen into the metal container,meanwhile pushing the wool down evenly into the containerwith the short end of the rod provided. It is important to usethis rod and nothing else for packing since it prevents tightpacking of the fibers. Then push in the

45、 metal plunger (avoidingtrapping any fibers) until it rests on the lip of the container andscrew down the retaining collar to the furthest extent, mean-while holding the plate attached to the metal plunger to preventit rotating.12.2.2 With the control knob in the OFF position switch onthe pump then

46、turn the knob slowly until the liquid level in thegage tube falls to the lower mark reading at eye level.12.2.3 Reading at eye level across the top of the spinnerrecord the scale reading to the nearest millimetre.12.2.4 Take out the specimen, reverse its direction, repackin the container using the r

47、od and take another reading. Repeatthis until 4 readings have been recorded and take the average.Do not repack the specimen with the fingers.12.2.5 Turn the control knob back to zero.12.2.6 For wool above 30 micrometres make four readingson each of four weighings and for wool of 30 micrometres orles

48、s make four readings on each of three weighings.13. Calculation13.1 Calculate the average fiber diameter of the lot from allthe readings, to the nearest 0.05 m.14. Report14.1 State that the specimens were tested as directed in TestMethod D 1282. Describe the material or product sampled andthe method

49、 of sampling used.14.2 Report the following information:14.2.1 The average fiber diameter to the nearest 0.05 m.14.2.2 The number of test specimens used and the numberof readings made on each specimen.14.2.3 The solvent used if not trichloroethane.14.2.4 For the Port-Ar, the conditions under which thetesting was carried out, if the standard atmosphere for testingTABLE 1 Components Of Variance As Standard Deviations, mNames Of The PropertiesSingle-OperatorComponentWithin-LaboratoryComponentBetween-LaboratoryComponentFiber diameter,Port-Ar procedureSingle-m

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