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本文(ASTM D140 D140M-2009 Standard Practice for Sampling Bituminous Materials《沥青材料的抽样标准实施规程》.pdf)为本站会员(livefirmly316)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM D140 D140M-2009 Standard Practice for Sampling Bituminous Materials《沥青材料的抽样标准实施规程》.pdf

1、Designation: D 140/D 140M 09Standard Practice forSampling Bituminous Materials1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 140/D 140M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in

2、 parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope1.1 This practice applies to the sampling of bituminousmaterials at

3、 points of manufacture, storage, or delivery.1.2 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound unitsare to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated ineach system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, eachsystem shall be used independently of the other. Combiningvalues from the t

4、wo systems may result in non-conformancewith the standard.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bil

5、ity of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 346 Practice for Collection and Preparation of CokeSamples for Laboratory Analysis3. Significance and Use3.1 Sampling is as important as testing, and precautionsshall be taken to obtain samples to show the true n

6、ature andcondition of the materials.3.2 Samples are taken for either of the following twopurposes:3.2.1 To represent as nearly as possible an average of thebulk of the materials sampled, or3.2.2 To ascertain the maximum variation in characteristicswhich the material possesses.4. Precautions4.1 Becau

7、se of the numerous types and grades of bitumi-nous materials that are alternately shipped and stored in thesame or similar containers, the opportunity for contaminatingthese containers with residues, precipitates, or cleaning sol-vents is ever present. Numerous opportunities also exist forobtaining

8、samples which are not strictly representative of thematerial or are contaminated after removal. Therefore it isincumbent upon the producer, transporter, user, and sampler toexercise continuous precaution in the sampling and handling ofthese materials.5. Selection of Samples5.1 Whenever practicable,

9、bituminous materials shall besampled at the point of manufacture or storage, and at suchtime as to allow the tests controlling acceptance or rejection tobe made in advance of shipment.5.2 When the samples cannot be taken at the point ofmanufacture or storage, they shall be taken from the shipmentimm

10、ediately upon delivery.6. Size of Samples6.1 The sample size of liquid materials shall be as follows:6.1.1 For routine laboratory examination, 1 L 1 qt (emul-sions 4 L 1 gal),6.1.2 From bulk storage, 4 L 1 gal, or6.1.3 From barrels or drums, 1 L 1 qt.6.2 The sample size of semisolid or solid materia

11、ls shall beas follows:6.2.1 From barrels, drums, or cakes, 1 to 2 kg 2 to 3 lb, or6.2.2 From crushed or powdered material in bulk or bags, 1to 2 kg 2 to 3 lb.7. Containers7.1 Type of Containers:7.1.1 Containers for liquid bituminous materials, exceptemulsions, shall be wide-mouth cans with lined scr

12、ew caps ortriple-seal friction-top cans.7.1.2 Containers for emulsified bituminous materials shallbe wide-mouth jars or bottles made of plastic, or wide-mouthplastic-lined cans with lined screw caps, or plastic-linedtriple-seal friction-top cans.7.1.3 Containers for crushed or powdered bituminous ma

13、-terials shall be triple-seal friction-top cans or plastic sacksplaced in other containers suitable for handling.7.2 Size of Containers:1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D04 on Road andPaving Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D04.30 onMethods of Samp

14、ling.Current edition approved June 1, 2009. Published July 2009. Originally approvedin 1922. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as D 140 01 (2007).2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStan

15、dards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.7.2.1 The size of the container shall correspond to therequired amount of sample.8. Protection

16、and Preservation of Samples8.1 Sample containers shall be new. They shall not bewashed or rinsed, or wiped with an oily cloth. If they containevidence of solder flux, or if they are not clean and dry, theyshall not be used. Top and container shall fit together tightly.8.2 Care shall be taken to prev

17、ent the sample from becom-ing contaminated. Immediately after filling, the container shallbe tightly and positively sealed.8.3 The filled sample container shall not be submerged insolvent, nor shall it be wiped with a solvent saturated cloth. Ifcleaning is necessary use a clean dry cloth.8.4 Samples

18、 of emulsions shall be protected from freezingby correct packaging.NOTE 1When sampling emulsions, care should be taken not to samplematerial under pressure as such resultant velocities tend to cause airentrapment which could result in erroneous test results. Any visualbubbling of the material is one

19、 indication air has been entrapped. Inaddition, the sampling container should be completely filled to minimizea skin formation at the air-emulsion interface.8.5 Samples shall not be transferred from one container toanother except where required by the sampling procedure.8.6 Immediately after filling

20、, sealing, and cleaning, thesampling containers shall be properly marked for identificationwith a suitable marking pencil on the container itself, not onthe lid. Labels or tags also may be used for identification if theycan be securely fastened to the container in such a manner asto ensure that they

21、 will not be lost in transit. Labels or tagsshall not be attached to containers by using the lids to securethem. All identification materials shall maintain their integrityat temperatures up to 200C 390F.9. Sampling at Place of Manufacture9.1 Vertical Tanks Not Capable of Being Agitated (LiquidMater

22、ials or Materials Made Liquid by Heating) (800 m35000 bbl or more capacity)Three sampling methods arerecommended (Note 2):9.1.1 Sampling-Valve MethodValves shall be located,with easy and safe access provided, on the side of the tank withthe first in the top third of the tank, but no higher than1m3ft

23、 from the top; the second in the middle third of the tank; andthe third in the bottom third of the tank, but no lower than 1.1m 3 ft from the bottom. A recommended design of thesampling valve is shown in Fig. A minimum of 4 L 1 gal of the product shall bedrawn from each sample valve and di

24、scarded before taking thesample for test, and9.1.1.2 One to 4 L 1 qt to 1 gal shall be drawn from eachsample valve for test.9.1.2 Thief Sampler Method (not suitable for asphaltcements)Samples shall be taken in the top, middle, and lowersections at levels indicated in 9.1.1, of the tank by lowering a

25、thief sampler into the material. A satisfactory type withinstructions for use is shown in Fig. 2.NOTE 2Most bituminous materials in the liquid state are of suchviscous and adhesive character that, after normal emptying of a containerby pouring, the container retains enough material to cause signific

26、antFIG. 1 Typical Submerged Sampling DeviceNOTE 1This type sampler is lowered into the tank with bottom valveopen (there is no top closure). When the desired depth is reached, thelowering chain is given a snap tug which closes the bottom valve. Thesampler is then withdrawn from the tank and the cont

27、ents transferred tothe sample container. This sampler may be used for repetitive sampling inthe same tank.FIG. 2 Thief SamplerD 140/D 140M 092contamination of any second samples secured before the container wasthoroughly cleaned. The aforementioned properties of bituminous mate-rials also make conta

28、iner cleaning a difficult, tedious, and time-consumingtask.NOTE 3The thief sampler described in Fig. 2 may be used forrepetitive sampling because significant sample contamination by previouscontents is avoided by the self-cleaning action provided by the passage ofmaterial through the tube-shaped thi

29、ef sampler which is open at both ends.The practice of raising and lowering the sampler 3 or 4 times through adistance of a metre (several feet) at the sampling depth is recommended.9.1.3 Throw-Away Container MethodSamples shall betaken at top, middle, and lower levels by lowering into thematerial a

30、container in a suitable weighted holding device. Theessential feature of the method is to use a clean container totake the sample, pour this sample into another clean container,and throw away the container used to take the sample from thetank. A satisfactory type with instructions on how to use thed

31、evice is shown in Fig. The three samples from bulk storage tanks may betested separately for consistency to detect stratification. Theymay be combined, thoroughly mixed, anda1to4-L1-qt to1-gal sample may be taken for other tests that may be requiredfor determining average characteristics of

32、the material.9.2 Bulk Storage Tanks (Liquid Materials or MaterialsMade Liquid by Heating) Equipped with Mechanical AgitatorsWhen the tank is equipped with operating mechanicalagitators which, by observation through the sampling orinspection hatch, are performing adequate mixing of the tankcontents,

33、a single sample taken by any of the methodsdescribed in 9.1.1, 9.1.2,or9.1.3 will be satisfactory to use fortest purposes.10. Sampling from Tank Cars, Vehicle Tanks, DistributorTrucks or Recirculating Storage Tanks10.1 The sample may be taken from the sample valve or tapif the tanks are provided wit

34、h them. When such samplingdevices are required, they are to be built into the tank itself. Asampling device of this type is shown in Fig. 1. Before thesample is taken, 4 L 1 gal shall be drawn from the samplevalve and discarded.NOTE 1This type sampler is lowered into the tank with the stopper in pla

35、ce. When the desired depth is reached, the stopper is removed by meansof the attached wire, cord, or chain and the container allowed to fill. Complete filling is indicated by the cessation of bubbles of air from the can at thesurface of the liquid. The sampler is then withdrawn from the tank and the

36、 contents poured into the clean sampler container. A clean can (bottle) mustbe used for each sample taken.FIG. 3 Throw-Away Container SamplerD 140/D 140M 09310.2 Samples of liquid materials and materials made liquidby heating may be taken by the dip method using a cleanwide-mouth or friction-top can

37、 in a suitable holder as shown inFig. 4. A clean container must be used to take each sample, andthe material sampled shall then be transferred to another newand clean container for retention or testing sample.10.3 A detachable fitting, similar in design to the one shownin Fig. 5 may be inserted in t

38、he discharge line. Before thesample is taken 4 L 1 gal shall be drawn from this samplingvalve and discarded.11. Sampling from Tankers and Barges11.1 For liquid materials (including all cut-backs madeliquid by heating) top, middle, and lower samples shall betaken using the methods as described in 9.1

39、.2 and For all other materials made liquid by heating, a topsample only shall be taken by the dip, thief, or throw-awaycontainer method.12. Sampling from Pipe Lines During Loading orUnloading12.1 When tankers and barges are being loaded or unloadedsamples may conveniently be taken from th

40、e pipe line throughwhich the material is flowing by insertion of a sampling pipeinto a rising section of the pipe line on the discharge side of thepump or in a completely filled line in which gravity creates thematerials flow.Asuitable in-line sampling pipe is shown in Fig.5. The sampling pipe shall

41、 be not more than one eighth thediameter of the pipe line and its opening should be turned toface the flow of the liquid. This pipe shall be provided with avalve or plug cock and shall discharge into a sample receiver.At least three 4-L 1-gal samples shall be taken at uniformintervals throughout the

42、 entire loading or unloading. At thecompletion of the loading or unloading, the individual 4-L1-gal samples shall be combined, thoroughly mixed withoutaltering its characteristics, and a 4-L 1-gal sample takentherefrom.12.2 When sampling tankers and barges 4000 m325 000bbl, or less, capacity, at lea

43、st five 4-L 1-gal samples shall betaken at uniform intervals throughout the entire loading orunloading (4000 m325 000 bbl), or larger, capacity requires atleast ten 4-L 1-gal samples. At completion of the loading orunloading the individual 4-L 1-gal samples shall be com-bined, thoroughly mixed in a

44、manner designed to not alter itscharacteristics, and a 4-L 1-gal sample taken therefrom.13. Sampling from Drums or Barrels13.1 After thorough mixing, samples of liquid bituminousmaterial from barrels or drums shall be secured by tube or thiefsampling by taking 1 L 1 qt of material from packagesselec

45、ted at random according to Section 14.14. Sampling Semisolid or Uncrushed Solid Materials14.1 Drums, Barrels, Cartons, and BagsWhere the lot ofmaterial to be sampled is obviously from a single run or batchof the producer, one package shall be selected at random andsampled as described below. Where t

46、he lot of material to besampled is not obviously from a single run or batch of theproducer, or where the single samples selected as describedabove fails on test to conform to the requirements of thespecifications, a number of packages shall be selected atrandom equivalent to the cube root of the tot

47、al number ofpackages in the lot. The following table is given, showing thenumber of samples to be selected for shipments of varioussizes.Packages in Shipment Packages Selected2to8 29to27 328 to 64 465 to 125 5126 to 216 6217 to 343 7344 to 512 8513 to 729 9730 to 1000 101001 to 1331 11Samples shall

48、be taken from at least 75 mm 3 in. below thesurface and at least 75 mm 3 in. from the side of thecontainer. A clean hatchet may be used if the material is hardenough to shatter and a broad, stiff putty knife if the materialis soft. When more than one package in a lot is sampled, eachindividual sampl

49、e shall have a mass of not less than 0.1 kg 14lb in weight. When the lot of material is obviously from asingle run or batch of the producer, all samples from the lotshall be melted and thoroughly mixed, and an average 4-L1-gal sample taken from the combined material for examina-tion. In case more than a single run or batch of the producer ispresent and the batches can be clearly differentiated, a com-posite 4-L 1- gal sample shall be prepared for examinationfrom each batch. Where it is not possible to differ

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