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本文(ASTM D146-2004 Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Bitumen-Saturated Felts and Woven Fabrics for Roofing and Waterproofing《屋面和防水用沥青浸透毡和编织物的抽样与试验的标准试验方法》.pdf)为本站会员(unhappyhay135)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM D146-2004 Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Bitumen-Saturated Felts and Woven Fabrics for Roofing and Waterproofing《屋面和防水用沥青浸透毡和编织物的抽样与试验的标准试验方法》.pdf

1、Designation: D 146 04Standard Test Methods forSampling and Testing Bitumen-Saturated Felts and WovenFabrics for Roofing and Waterproofing1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 146; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case

2、 of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope1.1 These test

3、 methods cover the sampling and examinationof felts or woven fabrics, saturated or impregnated but notcoated with asphaltic or coal-tar materials, for use in water-proofing or for the construction of built-up roof coverings.1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as thestandard. The val

4、ues in parentheses are for information only.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulat

5、ory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 95 Test Method for Water in Petroleum Products andBituminous Materials by DistillationD 645/D 645M Test Method for Thickness of Paper andPaperboardD 828 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Paper andPaperboard Using Constant

6、Rate-of-Elongation ApparatusD 1079 Terminology Relating to Roofing, Waterproofing,and Bituminous MaterialsD 1682 Test Methods for Breaking Load and Elongation ofTextile Fabrics3D 1910 Test Methods for Construction Characteristics ofWoven Fabrics3D 4072 Test Method for Toluene-Insoluble (TI) Content

7、ofTar and PitchD 4312 Test Method for Toluene-Insoluble (TI) Content ofTar and Pitch (Short Method)3. Sampling3.1 From each shipment of the specified saturated felt orfabric, select at random a number of rolls equal to one half thecube root of the total number of rolls in the lot. If thespecificatio

8、n requires sampling during manufacture, considerthe lot to be the planned production quantity and select the rollsat uniformly spaced time intervals throughout the productionperiod. The minimum sample shall consist of five rolls. If thecalculated number is fractional, express it as the next highestw

9、hole number. For convenience, the following table, showingthe number of rolls to be selected from lots of various sizes, isgiven:Number of Rolls in Shipment Number of Rolls in SampleUp to 1 000 51 001 to 1 728 61 729 to 2 744 72 745 to 4 096 84 097 to 5 832 95 833 to 8 000 108 001 to 10 648 1110 649

10、 to 13 842 1213 843 to 17 576 1317 577 to 21 952 14The rolls so selected constitute the representative sampleused for all subsequent observations and tests pertaining to thelot of material being examined. Identify each individual roll.EXAMINATION OF REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE4. Gross Mass per Roll4.1 Wei

11、gh each roll, intact, to the nearest 100 g (14 lb), andrecord each weight as the gross mass of that roll.5. Mass of Wrapping Material and Mandrel (Core)5.1 Strip each roll of its wrappings and weigh it to thenearest 100 g (14 lb). If mandrels (cores) are used, collect themafter the rolls are unwound

12、 and weigh them together, to the1These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D08 onRoofing and Waterproofing and are the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeD08.04 on Felts and Fabrics.Current edition approved Aug. 1, 2004. Published August 2004. Originallyapproved in 1922. Last

13、 previous edition approved in 2003 as D 146 03.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Withdrawn.1Co

14、pyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.nearest 100 g (14 lb). Calculate the average mass of thewrappings and mandrels per roll and record.6. Mandrels (Cores)6.1 Determine the shape of the cross section of the mandrels(cores) an

15、d report. If circular, measure the outside diameter tothe nearest 1 mm (132 in.). If square, measure each outside edgeto the nearest 1 mm (132 in.). Measure and report the length ofthe mandrel projecting beyond each end of each roll to thenearest 5 mm (316 in.).7. Net Mass7.1 Subtract the average ma

16、ss of the wrappings and man-drels (Section 5) from the gross mass of each roll (Section 4)and record as the net mass of each roll. Calculate the averagenet mass per roll of the representative sample and record as theaverage for the lot.8. Appearance and Dimensions of Rolls8.1 Unwind the rolls. Obser

17、ve the workmanship and finish,and record pertinent defects. Measure and record the length ofeach roll to the nearest 25 mm (1 in.) and its width to thenearest 1 mm (116 in.). Calculate and record the area ofmaterial contained in each roll to the nearest 0.1 m2(1 ft2).8.2 Measure and record the width

18、 of the selvage of each rollto the nearest 1 mm (116 in.).9. Net Mass per Unit Area9.1 From the net mass (Section 7) and the dimensions(Section 8), calculate the net mass per unit area for each roll,as follows:For Felts:g/m25 A/BC lb/100 ft25 1200 A/BC! (1)For Fabrics:g/m25 A/BC oz/yd25 1728 A/BC! (

19、2)where:A = net mass of rolls, kg (lb),B = width of material, m (ft), andC = length of material, m (ft).Calculate the average net mass per unit area for the rolls inthe representative sample and record it as the average for thelot.10. Selecting a Representative Specimen10.1 Examine in detail the rol

20、l having the unit net massclosest to the average unit net mass of the lot. Discard theoutside convolution and cut a specimen the full width of theroll. Make the cuts perpendicular to the sides of the roll,straight and 750 mm (30 in.) apart, to the nearest 1 mm (132in.). Collect loose material, such

21、as sand, if any, that maybecome detached from the specimen. Measure the width of thespecimen to the nearest 2 mm (116 in.). Weigh it, together withany detached surfacing, to the nearest 1 g. Calculate the netmass per unit area as follows:For Felts:g/m25 1333.3 D/E lb/100 ft25 1.0582 D/E! (3)For Fabr

22、ics:g/m25 1333.3 D/E oz/yd25 1.5238 D/E! (4)where:D = mass of the specimen, g, andE = width of the specimen, mm (in.).The mass so determined shall be within 1 % of the averagenet mass per unit area (Section 9). If the specimen so selectedfails to conform to this requirement, cut additional specimens

23、from the same roll until one of the proper mass is obtained. Usethis specimen for further examination as described in Sections11-16.11. Detached Comminuted Surfacing11.1 If the material is surfaced with sand or other finelycomminuted material, sweep the detached surfacing from therepresentative spec

24、imen with an Osborn brush (or equivalent),brushing in one direction only. Combine the comminutedmaterial thus removed with the loose material, collected asdescribed in Section 10, and weigh both together to the nearest1 g. Calculate this mass in g/m2(lb/100 ft2), record, and reportas detached commin

25、uted surfacing.NOTE 1The Osborn No. 322 Master Duster is the brush prescribed inSection 11. It is filled with Tampico fiber bristles projecting 73 mm (2.9in.) from its holder.412. Moisture12.1 From the representative specimen, cut four 50- by460-mm (2- by 18-in.) test specimens, as shown in A-1 and

26、A-2of Fig. 1. Cut them into 25-mm (1-in.) squares and select about50 g, at random. Weigh to the nearest 0.1 g and distill with 100mL of solvent as prescribed in Test Method D 95. Read thevolume of water collected in the trap and calculate to grams onthe basis that 1 mL weighs 1 g. Calculate the mois

27、ture to thenearest 0.5 % of the mass of the specimen used (including thedetached comminuted surfacing, if any) and report as moisture,percentage of net mass.NOTE 2Any sample taken for determination of moisture shall beprotected from the time of sampling against change in moisture byenclosing it in a

28、 substantially moisture-proof container.13. Strength13.1 Felts:13.1.1 From the representative specimen, cut ten rectangu-lar test strips, 25 by 150 mm (1 by 6 in.) with the fiber grain,as shown at B-1 to B-10 in Fig. 1, and ten strips across thegrain, as shown at C-1 to C-10 in Fig. 1. Discard anysp

29、ecimens of perforated felt in which a perforation is within 14The sole source of supply of the apparatus (Osborn No. 322 Master Duster)known to the committee at this time is Osborn Manufacturing Co., 5401 HamiltonAve., Cleveland, OH 44114. (If required in less than dozen lots, the order must bemarke

30、d “For ASTM Test.”) If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please providethis information to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receivecareful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1whichyou may attend.D146042mm (132 in.) of an edge. Condition both se

31、ts in air at 23 6 2C(73.4 6 3.6F) for at least 2 h, and test in a room maintainedat the same temperature. In case of dispute, specimens shallalso be conditioned in a controlled relative humidity of 50 65 %. Determine the strength in accordance with Test MethodD 828, except as modified herein. At the

32、 start of the test, setapart the edges of the jaws of the clamps at 75 6 3 mm (3.0 60.1 in.). Use a pendulum-type tensile tester with a driven clampspeed of 305 mm (12 in.)/min, or a load-cell-type tensile testerwith a rate of jaw separation of 51 mm (2 in.)/min, and aresponse time of 1.25 s (or fas

33、ter). Cut additional strips fromadjacent areas of the representative specimen when neededbecause of discarded specimens or false breaks. False breaksoccur within 1 in. of the clamping surfaces of the tensile testerjaws. Average the ten readings for each set and multiply by0.04 to yield the strength

34、in kN/m. Report to the nearest 0.1kN/m for both with and across the fiber grain, respectively.13.1.2 Precision5The following data should be used forjudging the acceptability of results (95 % probability) onsamples from the same lot from the same supplier: RepeatabilityDuplicate results by th

35、e same op-erator should not be considered suspect unless they differ bymore than the following amount:Pendulum methodLoad-Cell method615 %615 % ReproducibilityThe results submitted by each oftwo laboratories should not be considered suspect unless theydiffer by more than the following amount

36、s:Pendulum methodLoad-Cell method615 %615 %13.2 FabricsFrom the representative specimen, cut five100- by 150-mm (4- by 6-in.) test pieces with the longerdimension parallel to the warp yarns, as shown at E-1 to E-5 in5Supporting data are available from ASTM International Headquarters. RequestRR: D08-

37、 25 50 100 150 300 750in. 1 2 4 6 12 30NOTE 1All dimensions are in millimetres.FIG. 1 Location of Test Pieces in Representative SpecimenD146043Fig. 1. Test these pieces at 21 6 1C (69.8 6 1.8F) inaccordance with the grab method described in Test MethodsD 1682.NOTE 3As a referee method, or in

38、case any dispute arises regardingthe strength, repeat the test, with the exception that the fabric before beingtested shall be exposed at least2hinanatmosphere of 65 % relativehumidity at 21 6 1C (69.8 6 1.8F).14. Pliability14.1 FeltsFrom the representative specimen, cut ten 25-by 200-mm (1- by 8-in

39、.) test pieces, five in the direction of andfive across the fiber grain, as shown at F-1 to F-5, and at G-1to G-5 in Fig. 1, respectively. Immerse them in water at 25 61C (77 6 1.8F) for 10 to 15 min; then remove each specimenseparately and immediately bend it 90 over the rounded edgeof a block at a

40、 uniform speed in approximately 2 s. The blockshall be 75 mm (3 in.) square by 50 mm (2 in.) thick, with onelong edge rounded on a radius of 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) andanother edge on the same 75 mm (3 in.) face rounded on aradius of 19 mm (0.75 in.). In bending, hold the specimentightly against the uppe

41、r 50-mm (2-in.) face of the block andbend its projecting end over the specified rounded edge withoutexerting any stress other than that required to keep thespecimen in contact with the block and to avoid kinking.Consider any surface rupture visible to the normal eye andexceeding 3 mm (18 in.) in len

42、gth as a failure.14.2 FabricsCut five 25- by 200-mm (1- by 8-in.) testpieces from the representative specimen in the direction of thewarp, as shown at G-1 to G-5 in Fig. 1. Immerse them in acooling mixture of ice and water at 0C (32F) for 10 to 15min; then remove each specimen separately and immedia

43、telybend it over a 1.60-mm (116-in.) diameter mandrel through anarc of 180 at a uniform speed in approximately 2 s and thenthrough 360 over the same mandrel in the opposite direction.Dry the specimens thoroughly and examine them. If one ormore of the test specimens crack, cut ten specimens fromanoth

44、er portion of the sample and repeat the test. If one or moreof these specimens crack, consider the material as failing.15. Loss on Heating15.1 From the representative specimen, cut two 300- by150-mm (12- by 6-in.) test pieces as shown at K-1 and K-2 inFig. 1. Weigh each specimen to the nearest 1 mg.

45、 Suspend bothspecimens 50 mm (2 in.) apart and parallel near the center ofan oven maintained at 105 6 3C (221 6 5F). Insert athermometer in the oven to such a depth that its bulb will be inline with the center of the specimens. Keep them in the ovenfor5h6 3 min; then remove them carefully and cool a

46、ndweigh each specimen. Calculate the average loss to the nearest0.5 % of the specimen weights (including the detached com-minuted surfacing, if any). Report this figure as the loss onheating. Subtract the percentage of moisture and report as theloss on heating exclusive of moisture.EXAMINATION OF DE

47、SATURATED FELT ORFABRIC16. Weight of Desaturated Felt or Fabric16.1 Cut a 50 6 0.5-mm (2 6164-in.) strip from therepresentative specimen as shown at H in Fig. 1. Measure itslength to the nearest 1 mm (132 in.) and calculate its area to thenearest 500 mm2(1 in.2). Extract the test strip with 1,1,1-tr

48、ichloroethane or other suitable solvent (see Note 4) in asuitable extractor (such as the one shown in Fig. 2) orcentrifuge until washings are colorless. Dry the extractedspecimen in the basket or thimble, first at room temperature ina ventilated fume chamber and then in a ventilated oven at 1056 3C

49、(221 6 5F), and cool in a desiccator. Remove thedesaturated felt or fabric, brush off any adherent comminutedsurfacing into the filter, and quickly weigh the felt or fabric tothe nearest 0.1 g. Repeat the heating, cooling in desiccator, andweighing of the desaturated felt or fabric to constant weight.From the area of the specimens and the mass of the desaturatedfelt or fabric, calculate the mass per unit area of moisture-freedesaturated felt or fabric. Report this mass to the nearest 5g/m2(0.1 lb/100ft2) for felts and to the nearest 10

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