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ASTM D388-2005 Standard Classification of Coals by Rank《煤分级的标准分类》.pdf

1、Designation: D 388 05Standard Classification ofCoals by Rank1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 388; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates th

2、e year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This standard covers the classification of coals by rank,that is, according to their degree of metamorphism, or progres-sive alteration, in the natural series from lign

3、ite to anthracite.1.2 This classification is applicable to coals that are com-posed mainly of vitrinite.NOTE 1Coals rich in inertinite or liptinite (exinite), or both, cannot beproperly classified because, in those macerals, the properties that deter-mine rank (calorific value, volatile matter, and

4、agglomerating character)differ greatly from those of vitrinite in the same coal. Often such coals canbe recognized by megascopic examination. In North America, these coalsare mostly nonbanded varieties that contain only a small proportion ofvitrain and consist mainly of attrital materials. The degre

5、e of metamor-phism of nonbanded and other vitrinite-poor coals can be estimated bydetermining the classification properties of isolated or concentratedvitrinite fractions, or by determining the reflectance of the vitrinite (seeTest Method D 2798 andAppendix X1 of this classification). However, inthe

6、 use of these vitrinite-poor coals, some properties normally associatedwith rank, such as rheology, combustibility, hardness, and grindability (aswell as the rank determining properties) may differ substantially fromthose of vitrinite-rich coals of the same degree of metamorphism.The precision of th

7、e classification of impure coal may beimpaired by the effect of large amounts of mineral matter onthe determination of volatile matter and calorific value, and ontheir calculation to the mineral-matter-free basis.1.3 The values stated in British thermal units per pound areto be regarded as the stand

8、ard. The SI equivalents of Britishthermal units per pound are approximate.All other values in SIunits are to be regarded as standard.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 121 Terminology of Coal and CokeD 720 Test Method for Free-Swelling Index of CoalD 1412 Test Method for Equilibrium Moistu

9、re of Coal at 96to 97 Percent Relative Humidity and 30CD 1757 Test Method for Sulfur in Ash from Coal and CokeD 2013 Method of Preparing Coal Samples for AnalysisD 2234/D 2234M Practice for Collection of a Gross Sampleof CoalD 2798 Test Method for Microscopical Determination ofthe Vitrinite Reflecta

10、nce of Coal2D 3172 Practice for Proximate Analysis of Coal and CokeD 3173 Test Method for Moisture in theAnalysis Sample ofCoal and CokeD 3174 Test Method forAsh in theAnalysis Sample of Coaland Coke from CoalD 3175 Test Method for Volatile Matter in the AnalysisSample of Coal and CokeD 3177 Test Me

11、thods for Total Sulfur in the AnalysisSample of Coal and CokeD 3302 Test Method for Total Moisture in CoalD 4239 Test Methods for Sulfur in the Analysis Sample ofCoal and Coke Using High Temperature Tube FurnaceCombustion MethodsD 4596 Practice for Collection of Channel Samples of Coalin the MineD 5

12、016 Test Method for Sulfur inAsh from Coal, Coke, andResidues from Coal Combustion Using High-TemperatureTube Furnace Combustion Method with Infrared Absorp-tionD 5192 Practice for the Collection of Coal Samples fromCoreD 5865 Test Method for Gross Calorific Value of Coal andCoke3. Terminology3.1 De

13、finitionsFor additional definitions of terms used inthis classification, refer to Terminology D agglomerating, adjas applied to coal, the propertyof softening when it is heated to above about 400C in anonoxidizing atmosphere, and then appearing as a coherentmass after cooling to room tempe

14、rature.3.1.2 apparent rank, nof coal, the rank designation ob-tained on samples other than channel samples or core sampleswith 100 % recovery, but otherwise conforming to proceduresof Classification D 388.1This classification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D05 on Coaland Coke and is the

15、 direct responsibility of Subcommittee D05.18 on Classificationof Coals.Current edition approved Sept. 15, 2005. Published September 2005. Originallyapproved in 1934. Last previous edition approved in 2004 as D 388 99(2004)e1.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orco

16、ntact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.1.3 coal seam, nth

17、e stratum, layer, or bed of coal thatlies between two other rock layers whose compositions differsignificantly from that of coal.3.2 Abbreviations:AbbreviationsWhere it is desired toabbreviate the designation of the ranks of coal, the followingabbreviations shall be used:mameta-anthraciteananthracit

18、esasemianthracitelvblow volatile bituminousmvbmedium volatile bituminoushvAbhigh volatile A bituminoushvBbhigh volatile B bituminoushvCbhigh volatile C bituminoussubAsubbituminous AsubBsubbituminous BsubCsubbituminous CligAlignite AligBlignite B4. Significance and Use4.1 This classification establis

19、hes categories of coal basedon gradational properties that depend principally on the degreeof metamorphism to which the coal was subjected whileburied. These categories indicate ranges of physical andchemical characteristics that are useful in making broadestimates of the behavior of coal in mining,

20、 preparation, anduse.5. Basis of Classification5.1 Classification is according to fixed carbon and grosscalorific value (expressed in British thermal units per pound)calculated to the mineral-matter-free basis. The higher-rankcoals are classified according to fixed carbon on the dry basis;the lower-

21、rank coals are classified according to gross calorificvalue on the moist basis. Agglomerating character is used todifferentiate between certain adjacent groups.6. Classification by Rank6.1 Fixed Carbon and Gross Calorific ValueCoals shallbe classified by rank in accordance with Table 1. Classify coa

22、lshaving gross calorific values of 14 000 Btu/lb or more on themoist, mineral-matter-free basis, and coals having fixed carbonof 69 % or more on the dry, mineral-matter-free basis, accord-ing to fixed carbon on the dry, mineral-matter-free basis.Classify coals having gross calorific values less than

23、 14 000Btu/lb on the moist, mineral-matter-free basis according togross calorific value on the moist, mineral-matter-free basis,provided the fixed carbon on the dry, mineral-matter-free basisis less than 69 %.6.2 Agglomerating CharacterClassify coals having 86 %or more fixed carbon on the dry, miner

24、al-matter-free basis, ifagglomerating, in the low volatile group of the bituminousTABLE 1 Classification of Coals by RankAClass/GroupFixed Carbon Limits(Dry, Mineral-Matter-FreeBasis), %Volatile Matter Limits(Dry, Mineral-Matter-FreeBasis), %Gross Calorific Value Limits(Moist,BMineral-Matter-Free Ba

25、sis)AgglomeratingCharacterBtu/lb Mj/kgCEqual orGreaterThanLessThanGreaterThanEqual orLess ThanEqual orGreaterThanLess ThanEqual orGreaterThanLess ThanAnthracitic:Meta-anthracite 98 . . 2 . . . .JAnthracite 92 98 2 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . nonagglomeratingSemianthraciteD86 92 8 14 . . . .Bituminous:

26、Low volatile bituminous coal 78 86 14 22 . . . . . . . . . . . .6commonlyagglomeratingEMedium volatile bituminous coal 69 78 22 31 . . . . . . . . . . . .High volatile A bituminous coal . . . 69 31 . . . 14 000F. . . 32.557 . . .High volatile B bituminous coal . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 000F14 000 3

27、0.232 32.557High volatile C bituminous coal . . . . . . . . . . . .H11 500 13 000 26.743 30.23210 500 11 500 24.418 26.743 agglomeratingSubbituminous:Subbituminous A coal . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 500 11 500 24.418 26.7436Subbituminous B coal . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 500 10 500 22.09 24.418Subbitu

28、minous C coal . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 300 9 500 19.30 22.09nonagglomeratingLignitic:Lignite A . . . . 6300G8 300 14.65 19.30Lignite B . . . . . 6300 . 14.65AThis classification does not apply to certain coals, as discussed in Section 1.BMoist refers to coal containing its natural inherent moisture

29、 but not including visible water on the surface of the coal.CMegajoules per kilogram. To convert British thermal units per pound to megajoules per kilogram, multiply by 0.0023255.DIf agglomerating, classify in low volatile group of the bituminous class.EIt is recognized that there may be nonagglomer

30、ating varieties in these groups of the bituminous class, and that there are notable exceptions in the high volatile Cbituminous group.FCoals having 69 % or more fixed carbon on the dry, mineral-matter-free basis shall be classified according to fixed carbon, regardless of gross calorific value.GEdit

31、orially corrected.D388052class. Classify coals having gross calorific values in the rangefrom 10 500 to 11 500 Btu/lb on the moist, mineral-matter-freebasis according to their agglomerating character (Table 1).6.3 Supplemental InformationAcorrelation of the rankingproperty, volatile matter (100fixed

32、 carbon), with the mean-maximum reflectance of the vitrinite group macerals in coalstested in one laboratory over a period of several years is shownin Appendix X1.7. Sampling7.1 SamplesClassify a coal seam, or part of a coal seam,in any locality based on the average analysis and gross calorificvalue

33、 (and agglomerating character where required) of not lessthan three and preferably five or more face channel samples orcore samples taken in different and uniformly distributedlocalities, either within the same mine or closely adjacentmines representing a continuous and compact area not greaterthan

34、approximately four square miles in regions of geologicaluniformity. In regions in which conditions indicate that the coalprobably varies rapidly in short distances, the spacing ofsampling points and grouping of analyses to provide averagevalues shall not be such that coals of obviously different ran

35、kwill be used in calculating average values.7.1.1 Take channel samples by excluding mineral partingsmore than 1 cm (38 in.) and lenses or concretions (such assulfur balls) more than 1.25 cm (12 in.) thick and 5 cm (2 in.)wide, as specified in Practice D 4596.7.1.2 A drill core sample may be used pro

36、vided it wascollected as specified in Practice D 5192 and meets thefollowing provisions: core recovery is 100 % of the seam, themajor mineral partings and concretions are excluded as speci-fied in 7.1.1, and drilling mud is removed from the core (seealso 7.1.6).7.1.3 Place all samples in metal or pl

37、astic cans with airtightlids, or heavy vapor impervious bags, properly sealed topreserve inherent moisture.7.1.4 Analyses of samples from outcrops or from weatheredor oxidized coal shall not be used for classification by rank.7.1.5 In case the coal is likely to be classified on the moistbasis, that

38、is, inclusive of its natural complement of inherentmoisture, take samples in a manner most likely to preserveinherent moisture for purposes of analysis. Because some ofthe moisture in a freshly collected sample condenses on theinside of the sample container, weigh both the container andthe coal befo

39、re and after air drying, and report the total loss inweight as air-drying loss.7.1.6 If the sample is a core or if it is impossible to samplethe coal without including visible surface moisture, or if theremay be other reasons to question the accuracy of inherentmoisture content determinable from the

40、 sample, and the coal islikely to be classified on the moist basis, the sampler shallinclude the following statement in the description: Moisturequestionable. Samples so marked shall not be used for classi-fication on a moist basis unless brought to a standard conditionof moisture equilibrium at 30C

41、 in a vacuum desiccatorcontaining a saturated solution of potassium sulfate (97 %humidity) as specified in Test Method D 1412. Analyses ofsuch samples that have been treated in this manner shall bedesignated as samples equilibrated at 30C and 97 % humidity.7.2 Other Types of SamplesAstandard rank de

42、terminationcannot be made unless samples have been obtained in accor-dance with 7.1. However, the relation to standard determina-tions may be usefully given for other types of samples takenunder unspecified conditions, providing the same standards ofanalysis and computation are followed. Designate t

43、hese com-parative indications as apparent rank, which indicates thecorrect relative position for the sample analyzed but does notimply any standards of sampling. Whenever apparent rank isstated, give additional information as to the nature of thesample.7.2.1 The apparent rank of the coal product fro

44、m a mineshall be based on representative samples taken in accordancewith the Organization and Planning of Sampling Operationssection (Section 7) of Practice D 2234/D 2234M.7.2.2 In case the coal is likely to be classed on the moistbasis, take samples at the tipple or preparation plant and sealthe sa

45、mple to prevent loss of moisture.8. Methods of Analysis and Testing8.1 Laboratory Sampling and AnalysisPrepare coal inaccordance with Method D 2013 and analyze it in accordancewith Test Methods D 3173, D 3174, D 3175, D 3177 orD 4239, D 3302, and Practice D 3172. Determine its grosscalorific value i

46、n accordance with Test Method D 5865. Deter-mine the sulfur trioxide (SO3) retained in the ash in accordancewith Test Method D 1757 or D 5016 and express the result ona dry basis. Inherent moisture is reported as as-receivedmoisture if the sample was collected according to 7.1.1 or asequilibrium moi

47、sture if 7.1.6 (Test Method D 1412) applies.8.2 Adjust the ash value determined in accordance with TestMethod D 3174 to be free of sulfate as follows:A 5 AdS12SO3100DS12M100D(1)where:A = adjusted ash value on the inherent moist basis,Ad= ash yield, dry basis, determined in accordance withTest Method

48、 D 3174,SO3= in the ash determined in accordance with TestMethod D 1757 or D 5016, andM = inherent moisture.Add to the value of fixed carbon that is determined inaccordance with Practice D 3172 the value of the SO3deter-mined in the ash to obtain the value FC to be used in Eq 2.8.3 Agglomerating Cha

49、racterThe test carried out by theexamination of the residue in the platinum crucible incident tothe volatile matter determination shall be used.3Coals which,in the volatile matter determination, produce either an agglom-erate button that will support a 500-g weight without pulver-izing, or a button showing swelling or cell structure, shall beconsidered agglomerating from the standpoint of classification.In addition, a result of 1.0 or more on the Free Swelling Index3Gilmore, R. E., Connell, G. P., and Nicholls, J. H. H., “Agglomerating andAgglutinating

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