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本文(ASTM D413-1998(2002)e1 Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property&8212 Adhesion to Flexible Substrate《粘合到软质基底的橡胶特性的标准试验方法》.pdf)为本站会员(李朗)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM D413-1998(2002)e1 Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property&8212 Adhesion to Flexible Substrate《粘合到软质基底的橡胶特性的标准试验方法》.pdf

1、Designation: D 413 98 (Reapproved 2002)e1Standard Test Methods forRubber PropertyAdhesion to Flexible Substrate1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 413; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of

2、last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.e1NOTESection 2 was editorially updated in Febru

3、ary 2003.1. Scope1.1 These test methods cover the determination of theadhesion strength between plies of fabric bonded with rubberor the adhesion of the rubber layer in articles made from rubberattached to other material. They are applicable only when theadhered surfaces are approximately plane or u

4、niformly circularas in belting, hose, tire carcasses, or rubber-covered sheetmetal.1.2 When the adhered surfaces contain sharp bends, angles,or other gross irregularities that cannot be avoided in preparingtest specimens, special test methods must be employed forevaluating adhesion.1.3 The values st

5、ated in SI units are to be regarded as thestandard. The values given in parentheses are for informationonly.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety

6、and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:D 3040 Practice for Preparing Precision Statements forStandards Related to Rubber and Rubber Testing2D 3182 Practice for RubberMaterials, Equipment, andProcedures fo

7、r Mixing Standard Compounds and Prepar-ing Standard Vulcanized Sheets3D 3183 Practice for RubberPreparation of Pieces for TestPurposes from Products33. Summary of Test Method3.1 Two general test methods are given:3.1.1 Static-Mass Method, in which the force required tocause separation between adhere

8、d surfaces is applied by meansof gravity acting on a mass.3.1.2 Machine Method, in which the force required to causeseparation between adhered surfaces is applied by means of atension machine.3.2 Except as may be otherwise specified in these testmethods, the requirements of Practices D 3182 and D 31

9、83,shall be complied with and are made a part of these testmethods.3.3 In case of conflict between the provisions of these testmethods and those of detailed specifications or test methods fora particular material, the latter shall take precedence.3.4 As covered by these test methods, an adhesion tes

10、tconsists of applying to a test specimen, under specifiedconditions, a (measured) force sufficient to strip from thespecimen at a measured rate, a layer of moderate thicknesswith separation (rupture, tearing) at the adhered surfaces. Thenumerical value of the adhesion is expressed as (1) the average

11、force required to cause separation at a definite rate, or (2) theaverage rate of separation caused by a known or specifiedforce. In the machine test method, the rate of separation is fixedand the adhesion value must be expressed in terms of themeasured force. With the static-mass test method, either

12、 (1)or(2) can be used, but the latter is preferable and will be hereemployed.4. Significance and Use4.1 These test methods are used to ensure the quality of aproduct by determining the force per unit width required toseparate a rubber layer from a flexible substrate such as fabric,fibre, wire, or sh

13、eet metal. The acceptable value of adhesionmeasured will, of course, vary from product to product due todifferent rubber formulations, flexible substrates, and types ofproducts. However, once a product is established, minimumvalues of separation force can be determined and agreed to by1These test me

14、thods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D11 onRubber and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D11.25 on RubberAdhesive Systems.Current edition approved Dec. 10, 2002. Published February 2003. Originallyapproved in 1935. Last previous edition approved in 1998 as D 413 98.2Disconti

15、nuedsee 1986 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vols. 09.01 and09.02.3Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 09.01.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.producer and consumer and both can monitor to assuremaintenance of the agreed-

16、upon minimum value.STATIC-MASS METHOD5. Apparatus5.1 The apparatus required for the adhesion test by thestatic-mass test method consists of a supporting frame, testingclamps, mandrels, calibrated masses, and mass carriers. Thesupporting frame is of such design that clamps for stripspecimens hang on

17、it vertically and that mandrels for ringspecimens are supported on it horizontally. The frame hassufficient height to permit the mass carrier to be suspendedfrom the test specimens by means of clamps and to hang freelyduring the progress of the test. Provision also is made tosupport the mandrels so

18、that they revolve freely with minimumfriction. Suitable apparatus is shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.6. Test Specimens6.1 Strip SpecimensType APlane strips having a widthof 25 + 3, 0 mm (1 + 0.125, 0 in.), and a minimum lengthsuch as to permit 180 peel separation over sufficient distanceto indicate the a

19、dhesion value.6.1.1 Cut the specimen to 25 + 3, 0 mm (1 + 0.125 0in.) wide. The thickness will vary according to the constructionof the article being tested. The maximum thickness of thespecimen is limited to 13 mm (0.5 in.). To comply with thisrequirement, slice or buff the specimen. The ply or lay

20、er beingseparated should never be over 6.5 mm (0.25 in.) thick.6.1.2 Cut the specimen from the article in such a mannerthat the adhered parts have the same width where practicable.The technique used in 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 may be applied here.When necessary, or specified, cut only the layer to be separat

21、ed(by application of load) to the prescribed width. In such cases,remove the portions of that layer remaining outside of the testwidth to avoid edge constriction during separation.6.1.3 Curved specimens for test in strip form shall havecurvature only in the length dimension of the specimen.6.2 Strip

22、 SpecimensType BThe same as Type A, withthe exception of 90 peel and the separation line in the centerof the specimen.6.2.1 Cut the specimen 35 mm (138 in.) wide. Remove theexcess plies to obtain a thickness of 6 mm (14 in.) and leave theseparation line in the center of the specimen to ensure a 90pe

23、el.6.2.2 Buff to a width of 30 mm (118 in.) with a coarse gritemery cloth (grit No. 40) with care to prevent burning orgumming the sides of the specimen.6.2.3 Make a 2-mm (116-in.) deep slit with a knife alongeach side exactly where the specimen is to be separated duringtesting. Use a knife with an

24、adjustable blade where only thedesired depth of cut (2 mm) of blade is exposed.6.3 Ring SpecimensClosed rings having a width of 25 mm(1 in.) and maximum internal diameter of 100 mm (4 in.).6.3.1 Mount the article on a smooth, close-fitting, slightlytapered wooden mandrel.6.3.2 Rotate the mandrel (a

25、lathe is preferred) and cut25-mm (1-in.) wide ring sections by forcing a sharp pointedknife gradually through the article.6.3.3 Cut rings with internal diameters over 100 mm (4 in.)through and open to form strip specimens.7. Procedure7.1 Strip Specimen: Type A, 180 PeelMeasure the widthof the strip

26、cut to the nearest 0.2 mm (0.01 in.) and record.Separate the parts to be tested by hand at one end of the stripspecimen and at a sufficient distance to permit the jaws of thetesting clamp to be attached. Suspend the strip from thesupporting frame by the separated end, holding in the jaws ofthe testi

27、ng clamp all separated ends except the one under test.Attach to the lower end of the test specimen a minimum masssufficient to maintain the strip specimen in approximately avertical position. Or, hold the specimen against a vertical platein such a manner as to keep the specimen in approximately aver

28、tical position during the test to ensure a 180 peel. Apply aspecified or known mass by means of a clamp and mass carrierto the layer of which the adhesion is being determined. Includethe mass of the clamp and carrier in the total mass causingseparation. Release the mass slowly without jerking and in

29、Dimen-sionmm in.Dimen-sionmm in.A 75.0 3 N 10.018B 45.0 114 P 90.0 312C 37.5 112 R 30.0 114D 15.038 S 20.034E 40.0 11116 T 18.02332F 15.018 U 30.0 118G 10.01118 V 3.018H 11.01332 W 6.014J 13.012 X 3.018K 8.0116 Y 3.0764L 16.038 Z 8.0516M 50.0 118 AA 6.0732AB 75.0 3FIG. 1 Clamp for Adhesion TestD 413

30、 98 (2002)e12such a manner that the separating layer is stripped from thespecimen at an angle of approximately 180.7.2 Strip Specimen: Type B, 90 PeelTest specimens inthe same manner as Type A, with the exception that theunpeeled portion of the specimen is kept in a horizontalposition using a plate,

31、 if necessary, to ensure a 90 peel.7.3 Ring SpecimensPlace the ring specimen snugly on amandrel that has an outside diameter substantially the same asthe internal diameter of the ring. Separate the parts to be testedsufficiently by hand to permit the jaws of the testing clamp tobe attached. With the

32、 mandrel resting on the supporting frame,apply a known or specified mass by means of the clamp and amass carrier to the layer of which the adhesion is being tested.Include the mass of the clamp and carrier in the total masscausing separation. Release the mass slowly without jerkingand in such a mann

33、er that the separating layer is stripped fromthe specimen at an angle of approximately 90.7.4 Rate of SeparationRecord the time needed to com-plete the separation using a stop watch or a watch having asecond hand. Remove the mass and measure the lengthstripped between marks placed at the beginning a

34、nd end of thetest on the portion other than that stripped.MACHINE METHOD8. Apparatus8.1 A tension testing machine, power-driven, accurate towithin 61 % is used for measuring the force required toseparate the layers of the test specimen. A constant rate ofextension testing machine satisfies this cond

35、ition and is pre-ferred although an inclination-balance, pendulum-type, or aspring-balance apparatus may be used. Requirements of thetesting machine are in 8.2.1 to Testing Machine:8.2.1 The testing machine shall be capable of being operatedwithout any device for maintaining maximum l

36、oad indication.For pendulum-type machines, do not engage pawls that preventthe mass lever from swinging freely.8.2.2 The machine shall be equipped with the chart wherethe distance separated is one axis and the applied force is theother axis of coordinates. The preferred chart speed is the sameas the

37、 cross-head speed for ring specimens and one half thecross-head speed for strip specimens.8.2.3 The force applied shall be greater than 15 % and lessthan 85 % of the capacity of the machine.8.2.4 GripsStrip specimens shall be held in the testingmachine by grips that clamp firmly and prevent slipping

38、 at alltimes during the test. For ring specimens, replace the gripattached to the recording head of the machine with a freelyrotating mandrel with an outside diameter substantially thesame as the inside diameter of the ring specimen. Mount themandrel so that its axis of rotation is in the plane of t

39、he plybeing separated and the applied force is normal to the tangentof the ring circumference at the line of separation.8.2.5 The preferred rate of travel of the power-actuated gripis 0.8 mm/s (2 in./min) for strip specimen Type A, 2.5 mm/s (6in./min) for Type B, and 0.4 mm/s (1 in./min) for ringspe

40、cimens. These rates are to be uniform throughout the tests.9. Test Specimens9.1 Prepare the specimens in accordance with Section 6.10. Procedure10.1 Strip Specimens: Type A, 180 PeelMeasure thewidth of the cut strip to the nearest 0.2 mm (0.01 in.) andFIG. 2 Mandrels and Frame for Static Mass Adhesi

41、on TestD 413 98 (2002)e13record. Separate the parts to be tested by hand at one end of thetest specimen and at a sufficient distance to permit grips of themachine to be attached. Attach the separated end of thespecimen, with all separate parts except the one under testsecurely gripped, to the record

42、ing head by means of a clamp,using care to adjust it symmetrically in order that the tensionshall be distributed uniformly. Provide for maintaining the stripduring the test approximately in the plane of the clamps. Thismay be done either by attaching the minimum mass required tothe free end of the s

43、pecimen or by holding the specimen againsta plate attached to the stationary clamp but, in either case, takeinto account the added mass in determining the force causingseparation. Grip that layer of the specimen of which theadhesion is to be tested symmetrically and firmly withouttwisting in the pow

44、er-actuated clamp. Adjust the autographicmechanism and chart to zero and start the machine. Strip theseparating layer from the specimen at an angle of approxi-mately 180, and continue the separation for a sufficientdistance to indicate the adhesion value.10.2 Strip Specimen: Type B, 90 PeelSeparate

45、by hand asufficient distance along the separation line in the center of thestrip to permit the grips of the machine to be attached. Makeprovision to keep the unpeeled portion of the test specimen ina horizontal position using a plate if necessary to ensure a 90peel. Peel along the previously cut sep

46、aration layer for 40 to100 mm (112 to 4 in.).10.3 Ring SpecimensSeparate by hand a sufficient lengthof a layer of the specimen to be tested to permit the power-actuated clamp of the machine to be attached. Place thespecimen snugly on the test mandrel. With the mandrelattached to the recording head o

47、f the machine and the separatedlayer gripped symmetrically and firmly without twisting in thepower-actuated clamp, adjust the autographic mechanism andchart to zero and start the machine. Strip the separating layerfrom the specimen at an angle of approximately 90 to thetangent of the specimen surfac

48、e, and continue the separationfor a sufficient distance to indicate the adhesion value. Duringthe test, the mandrel shall rotate freely so as to maintain theline of separation at all times approximately in the sameposition.PRECAUTIONS, INTERPRETATION, CALCULATION,AND REPORT11. Precautions11.1 Tearin

49、g:11.1.1 If, during a test, the substrate rubber begins to tearinstead of separating at the bonded interface, cut the materialbeing torn with a knife up to the surface of contact between thetwo parts and start the test again.11.1.2 If one of the substrate rubbers repeatedly tears,instead of separating from the other part at the bondedinterface, a satisfactory result may be secured in the static-massmethod by reducing the amount of the mass used if this ispermitted. In case of repeated tearing when using the machinete

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