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ASTM D69-2012 Standard Test Methods for Friction Tapes 《磨擦带的标准试验方法》.pdf

1、Designation: D69 12An American National StandardStandard Test Methods forFriction Tapes1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D69; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of originaladoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in

2、 parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscriptepsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope*1.1 These test methods cover the methods and proceduresfor testing

3、 friction tapes. Such tapes consist of a woven fabricsheeting that has been impregnated with an adhesive insulatingcompound and cut into rolls of narrow width. These tapes arecommonly used for protecting and binding in place, insulationapplied to joints of electrical wires and cables, and for otherm

4、echanical purposes.NOTE 1The material specifications formerly included in these testmethods are now contained in Specification D4514.1.2 The test methods included in this standard are asfollows:SectionsAdhesion 6-11Aged Adhesion 12-17Breaking Strength 18-23Dielectric Breakdown Voltage 24-29Dimension

5、s 30-35Discoloration of Copper 36-40Parallelism 41-451.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are the standard.The SI units in parentheses are for information only.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of th

6、e user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.NOTE 2There is no equivalent IEC standard.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D149 Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage andDielectric S

7、trength of Solid Electrical Insulating Materialsat Commercial Power FrequenciesD412 Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermo-plastic ElastomersTensionD1711 Terminology Relating to Electrical InsulationD4514 Specification for Friction TapeD5423 Specification for Forced-Convection LaboratoryOvens

8、 for Evaluation of Electrical InsulationD6054 Practice for Conditioning Electrical Insulating Ma-terials for Testing3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 For definitions of other terms used in this specifica-tion, refer to Terminology D1711.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 adhe

9、sion, nthe resistance of the tape to unwinditself after being wound up under pressure, in accordance withthis test method.3.2.2 breaking strength, nthe force required, per unitwidth, to break the tape when tested in accordance with thistest method.3.2.3 conditioning, nthe exposure of the tape to the

10、influence of a prescribed atmosphere for a stipulated period oftime.3.2.4 length of tape in a roll, nthe number of linear yardsor metres of tape wound into a roll as measured in accordancewith this test method.3.2.5 parallelism, nthe difference in width between twomated ends of a tape that has been

11、split in half, in accordancewith this test method.3.2.6 tackiness, nthe adherence of the friction tape sur-faces to themselves after light contact has been made, inaccordance with this test method.4. Sampling4.1 The producer and consumer shall agree upon the num-ber of rolls selected. Unless otherwi

12、se specified a minimum ofthree rolls per lot shall be tested.1These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D09 onElectrical and Electronic Insulating Materials and are the direct responsibility ofSubcommittee D09.07 on Flexible and Rigid Insulating Materials.Current edition approv

13、ed April 1, 2012. Published April 2012. Originallyapproved in 1920. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as D69 06. DOI:10.1520/D0069-12.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume

14、 information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.4.2 For sampling purposes, a lot consists

15、 of identifiablematerials of the same type manufactured in one production runand offered for delivery at the same time.4.3 Test each sample roll for conformance to all the require-ments of the specification.4.4 Remove and discard at least 24 in. (610 mm) of the outerlayer of each sample roll before

16、taking test specimens.4.5 Unwind the test specimen from the roll at a slow,uniform rate without jerking.5. Conditioning5.1 Unless otherwise specified, condition the rolls for 16 hin a standard laboratory atmosphere as specified in PracticeD6054.5.2 Unless otherwise specified, condition the test spec

17、imensfor 1 h in a standard laboratory atmosphere as specified inPractice D6054.ADHESION TEST6. Significance and Use6.1 In most applications, a friction tape must have adequateadhesion to remain in place and function properly.7. Apparatus7.1 Adhesion TesterAn assembly similar to that shown inFig. 1,

18、consisting of a mandrel mounted in a level position inball bearings. The mandrel shall be 0.25 in. (6.4 mm) indiameter with a slot approximately 0.0625 in. (1.6 mm) inwidth and long enough to accommodate the full width of tape.The mandrel shall turn freely under a force of 0.25 ozf (0.07 N)suspended

19、 from a thread wound in a single layer on the centerof the mandrel. This assembly is mounted on a wall or othervertical surface to which a vertical scale has been affixed. Thisscale shall begin 2 in. (51 mm) below the mandrel andextended downward for a distance of 36 in. (915 mm). Thescale shall be

20、readable to18 in. (3.2 mm).7.2 WeightsTwo sets of weights and a device suitable forclamping the weights to the end of a tape sample, such that atotal load of 4.0 lbf/in. (17.8 N/25 mm) and 10 lbf/in. (44.5N/25 mm) can be achieved.8. Test Specimen8.1 Cut a test specimen 23 in. (580 mm) in length of t

21、aperemoved from the sample roll, with care being taken not totouch the adhesive surfaces to be tested.9. Procedure9.1 Insert one end of the specimen into the slot of themandrel and wind 2 in. (51 mm) onto the mandrel.9.2 Attach a total weight of 10 lbf/in. (44.5 N/25 mm) to theend of the specimen an

22、d wind the remaining 19 in. (480 mm)of the specimen onto the mandrel at an approximate rate of 12in./min (300 mm/min).9.3 Allow the tape to remain for 3 min with the weightattached, after which substitute a weight of 4.0 lbf/in. (17.8N/25 mm) and allow the tape to unwind.9.4 After the first 2 in. (5

23、1 mm) have unwound, start a timer.Stop the unwinding process after 60 s have elapsed, andmeasure the length which has unwound in that time.10. Report10.1 For each sample roll, report the adhesion as the lengthunwound in one minute.11. Precision and Bias11.1 PrecisionThis test method has been in use

24、for manyyears, but no information has been presented to ASTM uponwhich to base a statement of precision. No activity has beenplanned to develop such information.11.2 BiasThis test method has no bias because the valuefor adhesion is determined solely in terms of this test methoditself.FIG. 1 Tester f

25、or Adhesion Test of Friction TapeD69122AGED ADHESION12. Significance and Use12.1 The adhesion of a friction tape must remain adequateafter the tape has aged. Exposure in a dry oven is an attempt tosimulate such shelf-storage aging.13. Apparatus13.1 OvenAn oven conforming to the requirements ofSpecif

26、ication D5423.13.2 Adhesion Tester, in accordance with Weights, in accordance with 7.2, except that a total loadof 3 lbf/in. (13.3 N/25 mm) instead of 4 lbf/in. (17.8 N/25 mm)can be achieved.14. Test Specimen14.1 Prepare the test specimen as described in Section 8.15. Procedure15.1 Expose t

27、he specimen to dry air in an oven at atemperature of 212 6 2 F (100 6 1 C) for a period of 16 h.Support the specimen in the oven by clips or other suitabledevices, in such a way that the adhesion test portion hangs freeand out of contact with oven parts or other tape specimens.15.2 After aging, allo

28、w the specimens to condition at atemperature of 73.4 6 2F(236 1 C) and 50 6 2 % relativehumidity for a period of not less than 4 h nor more than 8 h,during which the adhesive surface shall be protected fromcontact with foreign material.15.3 Test the specimen for adhesion following the proce-dure of

29、Section 9, except that the load applied to unwind thetape shall be 3 lbf/in. (13.3 N/25 mm) and not 4 lbf/in. (17.8N/25 mm).16. Report16.1 For each sample roll, report the aged adhesion as thelength unwound in one minute.17. Precision and Bias17.1 PrecisionThis test method has been in use for manyye

30、ars, but no information has been presented to ASTM uponwhich to base a statement of precision. No activity has beenplanned to develop such information.17.2 BiasThis test method has no bias because the valuefor aged adhesion is determined solely in terms of this testmethod itself.BREAKING STRENGTH18.

31、 Significance and Use18.1 The breaking strength of the tape is an indicator ofuniform quality and the ability to withstand mechanical load inservice.19. Apparatus19.1 Tensile Testing MachineA constant rate of elonga-tion type tensile machine as described in Test Methods D412.20. Test Specimen20.1 Te

32、st specimens shall consist of a single layer of tape 16in. (400 mm) in length and the width of the tape as received.21. Procedure21.1 Measure the width of the specimen in accordance withSection 33.21.2 Perform the test for breaking strength in accordancewith Test Methods D412, Method A.21.3 Samples

33、shall be tested as straight specimens unlessotherwise noted.21.4 Set the initial distance between the jaws of the testingmachine at 12 in. (300 mm) and the rate of separation of thejaws at 20 in./min (500 mm/min).22. Report22.1 For each sample roll, report the breaking strength inlbf/in. (N/m) width

34、.23. Precision and Bias23.1 PrecisionThis test method has been in use for manyyears, but no information has been presented to ASTM uponwhich to base a statement of precision. No activity has beenplanned to develop such information.23.2 BiasThis test method has no bias because the valuefor breaking s

35、trength is determined solely in terms of this testmethod itself.DIELECTRIC BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE24. Significance and Use24.1 This value does not correspond to the dielectric break-down voltage to be expected in service. It may be of value incomparing different materials and in controlling manufacturingp

36、rocesses. This product usually is used only for mechanicalprotection. When coupled with experience, dielectric break-down voltage may have limited value for design in the fewcases where electrical breakdown is of functional significance.25. Apparatus25.1 Dielectric Test Apparatus, in accordance with

37、 TestMethod D149.25.2 ElectrodesFlat plates corresponding to Type 4 ofTest Method D149.26. Test Specimen26.1 Make the test specimen from a single layer of tape 6.0in. (150 mm) in length. In order to prevent flashover, increasedwidth may be obtained by attaching to each side of the testspecimen an ad

38、ditional piece of tape, making a18 in. (3.0 mm)lap seam carefully rolled down.27. Procedure27.1 Determine the dielectric breakdown voltage in accor-dance with Test Method D149 using the short time test. Startthe test with an applied voltage that is less than 100 V, and raiseit at a rate of 100 V/s u

39、ntil dielectric breakdown occurs.D6912328. Report28.1 Report the dielectric breakdown voltage in volts foreach sample roll.29. Precision and Bias29.1 PrecisionThis test method has been in use for manyyears, but no information has been presented to ASTM uponwhich to base a statement of precision. No

40、activity has beenplanned to develop such information.29.2 BiasThis test method has no bias because the valuefor dielectric breakdown voltage is determined solely in termsof this test method itself.DIMENSIONSLENGTH, WIDTH, ANDTHICKNESS30. Significance and Use30.1 Measurements of length, width, and th

41、ickness arenecessary to ensure receiving the correct quantity of tape. Thethickness measurement is of particular value in controllinguniformity and meeting design criteria.31. Apparatus31.1 Steel RuleA steel rule capable of measuring to thenearest164 in. (0.04 mm).31.2 Thickness GaugeA dead weight d

42、ial micrometergraduated to 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) and having a presser foot0.25 6 0.01 in. (6.35 6 0.25 mm) in diameter, exerting a totalforce of 10.0 6 0.1 ozf (2.78 6 0.03 N).32. Test Specimen32.1 The test specimen is a full roll of tape as received fromthe supplier.33. Procedure33.1 Length Determin

43、ationUnwind the tape from the roll,placing it on a hard smooth surface, and measure the length tothe nearest 1 in. (25 mm).33.2 ThicknessPlace the tape against the anvil of thegauge. Lower the presser foot onto the tape without excessiveimpact and observe the reading. Make five measurements atrandom

44、 in a length of not less than 1 yd. (0.9 m).33.3 WidthPlace the tape on a hard smooth surface andmeasure the width perpendicular to the edge with the steelscale, to the nearest164 in. (0.40 mm). Make five measure-ments at random in a length of not less than 1 yd (0.9 m).34. Report34.1 Report the len

45、gth, average thickness, and averagewidth for each sample roll.35. Precision and Bias35.1 PrecisionThis test method has been in use for manyyears, but no information has been presented to ASTM uponwhich to base a statement of precision. No activity has beenplanned to develop such information.35.2 Bia

46、sThis test method has no bias because the valuesfor length, width and thickness are determined solely in termsof this test method itself.DISCOLORATION OF COPPER36. Significance and Use36.1 The tendency of a friction tape to discolor copper is anindication of the level of sulfur or sulfur containing

47、curativespresent in the adhesive compound.37. Apparatus37.1 Copper RodClean, bright, and smooth. Approxi-mately14 in. (6.4 mm) in diameter and 3 in. (75 mm) in length.37.2 Test Tube, capable of being sealed.37.3 Oven, maintained at 212 6 9 F (100 6 5 C).38. Procedure38.1 Wind five superimposed layer

48、s of tape on the copperrod taking care to avoid touching the surface of the rod near thetape layers.38.2 Place the sample in a closed test tube and heat at 212F (100 C) for 16 h.38.3 Cool the sample and visually inspect for the presenceof a blue-black discoloration on the surface of the rod at theed

49、ge of the tape.39. Report39.1 For each sample roll, report the presence or absence ofdiscoloration.40. Precision and Bias40.1 No statement is made about either the precision or thebias of this test method since the result merely states thepresence or absence of discoloration.PARALLELISM41. Significance and Use41.1 Parallelism is an indicator of the potential of a roll offriction tape to resist fraying at the edge when the roll isunwound. Parallelism is also an indicator of the overall qualityand the degree of care which has been taken in s

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