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本文(ASTM D816-2006(2016) Standard Test Methods for Rubber Cements《橡胶水泥的标准试验方法》.pdf)为本站会员(赵齐羽)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM D816-2006(2016) Standard Test Methods for Rubber Cements《橡胶水泥的标准试验方法》.pdf

1、Designation: D816 06 (Reapproved 2016)Standard Test Methods forRubber Cements1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D816; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parenthe

2、ses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.1. Scope1.1 These test methods cover tests to measure the propertiesof adhesive

3、s, commonly called rubber cements, that may beapplied in plastic or fluid form and that are manufactured fromnatural rubber, reclaimed rubber, synthetic elastomers, orcombinations of these materials. All tests are not to beconsidered as applicable to a particular type of adhesive nor isevery test in

4、cluded that may be applicable to a particular type.The tests do provide standard procedures for evaluating themore important properties of the usual adhesives ordinarilyclassed as rubber cements.1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as thestandard. The values given in parentheses are

5、for informationonly.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to

6、 use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D413 Test Methods for Rubber PropertyAdhesion to Flex-ible SubstrateD429 Test Methods for Rubber PropertyAdhesion toRigid SubstratesD573 Test Method for RubberDeterioration in an AirOvenD1084 Test Methods for Viscosity of AdhesivesD3182 Practice for Ru

7、bberMaterials, Equipment, and Pro-cedures for Mixing Standard Compounds and PreparingStandard Vulcanized SheetsD3184 Practice for RubberEvaluation of NR (NaturalRubber)2.2 Other Document:SAE Handbook33. Summary of Test Methods3.1 The tests described in these test methods may begrouped into two class

8、es, the first including those procedures inwhich the adhesive is applied to specimens of materials to bebonded together after which the quality of the bond isevaluated, and the second including those procedures appli-cable to the adhesive itself without consideration of thebonding properties. The cl

9、asses are as follows:Class I: SectionAdhesion strength 8 to 15Bonding range 16 to 18Softening point 19 to 21Cold flow 22 to 24Class II:Viscosity 25Stability 26 to 27Cold brittleness 28 to 29Density 30 to 31Plastic deformation 32 to 334. Significance and Use4.1 These tests are used as a means of clas

10、sifying,evaluating, and controlling cement compositions. Adhesionstrength in tension, shear, and in a peeling mode are necessarywhere rubber materials are used in various engineering appli-cations where forces are encountered both normal to theadhesion plane and parallel to the plane of the adhesive

11、interface.5. Materials for Bonded Specimens5.1 The following materials shall be used as specified forthe preparation of specimens bonded with the test cement fortests of Class I and shall be reported with the result of the test:5.1.1 Aluminum Sheet, Cladded Material, gauge 1.6 mm(0.064 in.),1These t

12、est methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D11 onRubber and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D11.25 on RubberAdhesive Systems.Current edition approved July 1, 2016. Published August 2016. Originallyapproved in 1951. Last previous edition approved in 2011 as D816 06 (2011).

13、DOI: 10.1520/D0816-06R16.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from American Society of

14、Mechanical Engineers, ASME Interna-tional Headquarters, Three Park Ave., New York, NY 100165990.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States15.1.2 Standard Rubber Test Sheets, refer to Test MethodsD3184 for a typical rubber formula

15、tion, and refer to PracticeD3182 for preparing the sheets.5.1.3 Cotton Duck, medium texture 1030 g/m2, and5.1.4 Coated Fabrics, of which the fabric strength and theadhesion of coating to fabric exceed the strength of theadhesive bond.5.1.5 Rolled Sheet or Machined Steel, SAE No. 1020, sandblasted or

16、 sanded with medium/fine abrasive, and5.1.6 Special materials such as leather, cork, felt, etc.6. Sampling6.1 Before sampling, the cement to be tested shall bethoroughly agitated to uniform consistency throughout, afterwhich a sample shall be taken of sufficient quantity forperformance of the tests

17、required. The sample shall be kept ina tightly closed container to prevent evaporation and shall beagitated or stirred to uniform consistency immediately beforetest or use in preparation of test specimens.7. Test Conditions7.1 The tests of adhesives shall be conducted at a tempera-ture of 23 6 2C (7

18、3.4 6 3.6F) and relative humidity of 50 65 %. All material and equipment shall be held at theseconditions prior to test for a sufficient time to assure equilib-rium.ADHESION TESTS8. Types of Adhesion Test8.1 The adhesion strength of a cement used to bond twomaterials is measured by determining the f

19、orce required toproduce separation by failure of the adhesive. This force maybe applied as (1) a direct tension pull in the direction normal tothe adhered surfaces, (2) a shearing force in the same plane asthe surfaces, or (3) a stripping or peeling force which producesprogressive separation over th

20、e adhered surfaces. It is obviousthat the stripping procedure can be used only when at least oneof the adhered materials is flexible. Test methods, designatedA, B, and C, are given for preparing and testing bondedspecimens by each of these types of adhesion test. Theadhesion test may also be applied

21、, when specified, to bondedspecimens that have been subjected to deteriorating influencessuch as accelerated aging or action of oils or solvents after theirpreparation and before separation, but in this case full detailsconcerning such treatment shall accompany the statement ofthe result of the adhe

22、sion test.Test Method AAdhesion Strength in Tension9. Preparation of Test Specimens9.1 For testing cements for use in vulcanized applications,the test specimens shall be those specified in Section 8 of TestMethods D429, except that after buffing or grinding thesurfaces to be adhered, and washing the

23、m free from dirt or oilusing acetone, they shall be coated with a uniform film of thetest adhesive 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) in thickness or of anoptimum thickness suitable to the products, as agreed by theparties concerned.9.2 For testing cements for use in unvulcanizedapplications, test specimens simil

24、ar to those specified in 9.1shall be prepared except that the rubber cylinders used in theirpreparation shall be cut from vulcanized rubber and theassembly of the specimen shall be made without vulcanizationin a mold. To accomplish this, the circular faces of the rubbercylinders shall be buffed smoo

25、thly and evenly to parallel planesand shall be coated with a uniform film of the test cement 0.025mm (0.001 in.) in thickness or of an optimum thicknesssuitable to the products, as agreed by the parties concerned.With thin cements, the coating may be done with a brush,applying successive coats and a

26、llowing sufficient time betweencoats for evaporation of the solvent. The faces of the metalplates shall be freshly sand-blasted or ground to a dull finishwith fine emery and washed free of dust and oil withtrichloroethylene or perchloroethylene. The metal faces shallalso be coated with the test ceme

27、nt as in the case of the rubbercylinders. When the cement films have dried to the point wherethere is still aggressive tackiness but no tendency for the filmto lift when touched with a finger, each rubber cylinder shall bebonded firmly by hand between the cemented faces of twometal plates and the as

28、sembly shall be clamped in a suitableloading fixture under a compressive load of 44 N (10 lbf) forat least 24 h.10. Procedure10.1 Test the prepared specimens as described in Section 8of Test Methods D429. Take care to use a tension testingmachine of capacity and sensitivity suitable for loads of the

29、magnitude anticipated with the particular adhesive beingtested. Express the adhesion strength in kilopascals (or poundsper square inch) calculated by dividing the tension load causingfailure by the original area of the adhered surface thatseparates.10.2 Test two specimens and report the higher of th

30、e resultsas the adhesion strength in tension provided the lower value iswithin 10 % of the higher value. Otherwise, test additionalspecimens until results are obtained consisting of a high valueand one that checks this within 10 %. If no check of a highvalue is obtained when six specimens have been

31、tested, theaverage of all six results may be reported as the averageadhesion strength in tension.Test Method BAdhesion Strength in Shear11. Types of Test Specimens11.1 Specimens for shear tests shall be of two types, namely,Type 1 lap specimens and Type 2 sandwich specimens, asshown in Fig. 1. Lap s

32、pecimens shall be used when theadhesive is to be tested for bonding materials that are bothextensible such as rubber, felt, or cork, or both relativelynonextensible like metal, cloth, and leather. Sandwich-typespecimens shall be used when one of the bonded materials isextensible and the other nonext

33、ensible. In both types ofspecimens, two strips of the material 25 mm (1 in.) in widthand 125 mm (5 in.) in length shall be bonded over an area625 mm2(1 in.2) with the free ends extending parallel inopposite directions to permit clamping in a testing machine. InD816 06 (2016)2the case of the laptype

34、specimens the two strips shall be bondeddirectly to each other by means of the adhesive being tested,but in the case of the sandwich-type specimen a 625 mm2square block of extensible material having a thickness of notmore than 3.2 mm (18 in.) shall be bonded between twononextensible strips by means

35、of the test adhesive.12. Preparation of Test Specimens12.1 The faces of the materials that are to be bonded by thetest adhesive shall be buffed by hand using a wire brush, fineemery cloth, or similar suitable abrasive to assure a slightlyroughened surface which shall then be washed free of dirt ando

36、il with acetone. The specimens shall be allowed to drythoroughly and the surfaces shall not be touched after washing.The test adhesive shall then be applied by brushing, spraying,or spreading to form a film 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) in thicknessor of an optimum thickness suitable to the products, as agre

37、edby the parties concerned.NOTE 1With cements of sufficiently heavy consistency to allow theiruse, the volumetric or static-mass cement spreaders shown in Fig. 2 andFig. 3 may be found convenient for applying the adhesive in preparing therequired specimens. With thin cements applied by means of brus

38、hing,several coats may be necessary, in which case adequate drying time topermit evaporation of the solvent should be allowed between coats. Threesuch coats will usually be found sufficient.12.2 When the cement film has dried to the point wherethere is still aggressive tackiness but no tendency for

39、the filmto lift when touched with a finger, the surfaces to be bondedshall be aligned carefully so that 625 mm2(1 in.2) shall beadhered and pressed together firmly by hand. The specimens,resting on a smooth hard base, shall then be rolled with fivecomplete strokes using a metal roller 25 mm (1 in.)

40、in diameterapplied with a hand force of approximately 90 N (20 lbf). Thespecimens shall then be allowed to age for at least 24 h underthe standard test conditions of temperature and humidity(Section 7) without any applied force.13. Procedure13.1 After the required aging period, clamp the preparedspe

41、cimen in the grips of a tension testing machine conformingto the requirements in Section 8 of Test Methods D413, usingshims in the grips as indicated in Fig. 1 so that the applied forceshall be in the plane of the cemented area. Take care to beFIG. 1 Test Specimens for Adhesion Strength in ShearFIG.

42、 2 Volumetric Cement SpreaderFIG. 3 Static-Mass Cement SpreaderD816 06 (2016)3certain that the specimen is properly centered and is straight inthe grips. When testing Type 1 specimens made of extensiblematerials, provide for maintaining the strip during the testapproximately in the plane of the clam

43、ps. This may be done byholding the specimen against a plate attached to the stationaryclamp. Separate the clamps at the rate of 0.8 mm/s (2 in./min)and record the force causing separation of the specimen inkilopascals (or pounds per square inch) of the adhered surfacethat separates.NOTE 2When shims

44、or plates are added to the clamps, the testingmachine must be adjusted for zero force with these additions or the forcedue to their mass must be deducted from the indicated reading.13.2 Test two specimens in each required combination andreport the higher of the results as the adhesion strength in sh

45、ear,provided the lower value is within 10 % of the higher value.Otherwise, test additional specimens until results are obtainedconsisting of a high value and one that checks this within 10 %.If no check of the high value is obtained when six specimenshave been tested, the average of all six results

46、may be reportedas the average adhesion strength in shear.Test Method CAdhesion Strength by Stripping Method(Peeling Test)14. Preparation of Test Specimens14.1 A strip of flexible material at least 150 mm (6 in.) inlength by 25 mm (1 in.) in width shall be bonded by means ofthe test cement except for

47、 50 mm (2 in.) at one end to a strip300 mm (12 in.) in length by 50 mm in width of the othermaterial that is to be adhered. The center lines of the two stripsshall be superimposed. The surface to be bonded shall beproperly prepared, for example, by buffing, washing withacetone, drying, and coating w

48、ith a film of the test cement0.025 mm (0.001 in.) in thickness or of an optimum thicknesssuitable to the products, as agreed by the parties concerned(Note 3). Uniting, rolling down, and aging shall be done asspecified in Section 12 for shear test specimens.NOTE 3In the case of porous material, the t

49、hickness of the cement filmshall not be specified.15. Procedure15.1 Place the test specimens in a tension testing machineby clamping the free end of the 50-mm (2-in.) wide strip in onegrip and turning back the free end of the flexible 25-mm (1-in.)wide strip and clamping it in the other grip. The testingmachine and the procedure used shall conform to that specifiedunder the machine method for strip specimens in Section 8 ofTest Methods D413. The autographic chart obtained constitutesthe report of the test but determine the value of the adhesion bydrawing on the char

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