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本文(ASTM D2718-2000(2011) Standard Test Methods for Structural Panels in Planar Shear (Rolling Shear)《平面剪切(滚剪)结构板的标准试验方法》.pdf)为本站会员(progressking105)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM D2718-2000(2011) Standard Test Methods for Structural Panels in Planar Shear (Rolling Shear)《平面剪切(滚剪)结构板的标准试验方法》.pdf

1、Designation: D2718 00 (Reapproved 2011)Standard Test Methods forStructural Panels in Planar Shear (Rolling Shear)1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D2718; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year o

2、f last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 These test methods determine the shear properties ofstructural panels associated with shear distortion of the planes

3、parallel to the edge planes of the panels. Both shear strengthand modulus of rigidity may be determined. Primarily, the testsmeasure the planar shear (rolling shear) strength developed inthe plane of the panel.1.2 Structural panels in use include plywood, waferboard,oriented strand board, and compos

4、ites of veneer and ofwood-based layers.1.3 Two test methods are included:1.3.1 Test Method APlanar shear loaded by plates.1.3.2 Test Method BPlanar shear induced by five-pointbending.1.3.3 The choice of method will be dictated by the purposeof the test and equipment available.1.3.4 Test Method A, Pl

5、anar Shear Loaded by PlatesThistest method uses a rectangular panel section adhered betweensteel plates with protruding knife edges to create load at thepanel faces. This test method has been used to develop shearproperties of plywood and oriented strand board for thepurpose of confirming design val

6、ues. This test method does notproduce pure shear, but the specimen length is prescribed sothat the secondary stresses have a minimum effect. The methoddetermines shear strength and modulus of rigidity.1.3.5 Test Method B, Planar Shear Induced by Five-PointBendingPlanar shear stress is induced on the

7、 panel whileloaded in bending using two continuous spans. This testmethod determines planar shear strength consistent with panelapplications under transverse loading. This test method is ableto determine shear strength at any moisture condition.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of th

8、esafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D2395 Test Methods for Spec

9、ific Gravity of Wood andWood-Based MaterialsD4442 Test Methods for Direct Moisture Content Measure-ment of Wood and Wood-Base Materials3. Significance and Use3.1 Planar shear (rolling shear) characteristics of structuralpanels determined by these test methods are essential for therigorous design of

10、various glued wood-panel structural com-ponents, such as box beams, folded plate roofs, and stressedskin panels. Planar shear also may govern the design at lowspan-depth ratios encountered in floors subjected to highconcentrated loads, concrete forms at high pouring pressures,and bulk storage struct

11、ures.3.2 The modulus of rigidity determined from Test MethodAis a composite of the entire specimen acting as a unit. Forplywood panels for which the ratio between the shear moduliof the plies with grain oriented parallel and perpendicular to theshear forces is known, the rolling shear modulus of the

12、perpendicular plies can be calculated.3.3 Veneer produced by slicing or rotary peeling maycontain fine checks or separations parallel to the grain on theknife side of the veneer that are produced as the knife is forcedthrough the wood. These checks are termed “knife checks” todistinguish them from o

13、ccasional checks that may be formedon the opposite side of the veneer by forces at the compressionbar, and from checks caused by drying. Knife checks can havea significant effect on rolling shear properties in plywoodpanels and may be of significance in other veneer containingpanels. Test MethodAreq

14、uires (when applicable) the testing of1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D07 on Woodand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D07.03 on Panel Products.Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2011. Published November 2011. Originallyapproved in 1969. Last previous edition a

15、pproved in 2000 as D2718 00 (2006).DOI: 10.1520/D2718-00R11.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1

16、Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.matching specimens having knife checks oriented both openand closed wherever possible (see Fig. 1).3.4 To control or define other variables influencing rollingshear, these test methods r

17、equire determination of moisturecontent, specific gravity, and elapsed time-to-failure. Condi-tioning of test material in controlled atmospheres, determina-tion of depth of knife checks (when applicable), and determi-nation of percent of wood and plywood glueline failure (whenapplicable) are recomme

18、nded.4. Control of Moisture Content4.1 The structural panel samples to be tested at specificmoisture contents or equilibrium relative humidities shall beconditioned to approximately constant weight in controlledatmospheric conditions before gluing to plates. For approxi-mating moisture conditions of

19、 structural panel used under dryconditions a relative humidity of 65 6 2 % at a temperature of68 6 6F (20 6 3C) is recommended. Specimens shall betested without undue delay after the adhesive is cured. Testingin similarly controlled atmospheres is recommended whereverpossible.Test Method APlanar She

20、ar Loaded by Plates5. Scope5.1 The specimen having the form of a rectangular flat plateis bonded between steel plates beveled at opposite ends of thespecimen to provide knife edges for loading the plate at theface bonded to the specimen. The knife edges project beyondthe ends of the specimen. This t

21、est method is conducted byloading the knife edges in compression at a uniform rate whilea suitable gage measures slip between the plates due tospecimen deformation. Shear strength is computed from maxi-mum load, and effective shear modulus for the specimen isdetermined from a plot of load versus sli

22、p.6. Test Specimen6.1 Specimen thickness shall be that of the material. Speci-mens from material that is expected to vary significantly withinthe specimen due to growth or manufacturing features or fromother causes shall be 6 in. (15 cm) wide by 18 in. (45 cm) longor larger as shown in Fig. 2. This

23、size is recommended foruniform material as well. However, smaller specimens ofuniform material may be used if these are not less than fourtimes the thickness in width nor twelve times the thickness inlength.6.2 From each sample of panels containing veneer, twomatching specimens shall be cut. Knife e

24、dges of loading platesfor one specimen of each matching pair shall be orientedperpendicular to one of the primary panel directions or forplywood to cause opening of knife checks during test as shownin Fig. 1(a). Knife edges of plates loading the other specimenshall be positioned perpendicular to one

25、 of the primary paneldirections or for plywood to cause knife checks to close duringtest as shown in Fig. 1(b). Proper plywood orientation may bedetermined from check depth specimens described in 16.3.Itmay not be possible to test samples having two or more pliesstressed in rolling shear in both “op

26、en” and “closed” orienta-tions if these plies are oriented in opposite directions causing a“checks open” failure regardless of direction of loading.6.3 Specimen length and width shall be measured to thenearest 0.01 in. (0.25 mm) and thickness to the nearest 0.001in. (0.025 mm). When applicable, the

27、direction of knife checksin plies having grain perpendicular to its length shall bedetermined and the specimens marked for position of knifeedges. At the time specimens are cut matching samples fordetermination of moisture content and specific gravity inaccordance with 16.1 and 16.2 shall be obtaine

28、d. Whenmeasurement of knife checks is included as discussed in 16.3,a sample for this measurement also may be cut at this time.7. Loading7.1 Figs. 1 and 2 illustrate the specimen and suitable loadingplates and blocks for loading the knife edges of the plates. The(a) Knife Checks Open(b) Knife Checks

29、 ClosedFIG. 1 Orientation of Knife Checks in PlywoodNOTEThe “V” block is supported on a seat that provides rotationabout the axis perpendicular to the knife edge only.Metric Equivalentsin. 6 18mm 15 45FIG. 2 Planar (Rolling) Shear Test Using a Dial Gage forMeasuring Plate SlipD2718 00 (2011)2specime

30、n shall be loaded by steel plates bonded to both facesof the specimen with an adhesive sufficiently rigid to precludecontribution of adhesive creep to measured deformation. Widthof plates shall be that of the specimen. One end of each plateshall be provided with a knife edge projecting14 in. (6 mm)b

31、eyond the end of the specimen at one end and flush with thesurface glued to the specimen. The other end of the plate shallbe square and flush with the end of the specimen. Knife edgesof the two plates shall be at opposite ends of the specimen andshall be oriented to load the specimen in the desired

32、directionin relation to the knife checks. Planar shear properties ofstructural panels should be determined in both directions.Plates for specimens 18 in. (45 cm) long shall be 1 in. (2.5 cm)thick. The thickness of plates for shorter specimens may bereduced proportionately. Loading of at least one V-

33、block shallprovide for uniform load distribution along the knife edge byloading through a pivot having its axis perpendicular to theknife edge and centered along it. Pivots permitting rotationabout an axis parallel to the knife edge or spherical seats freeto pivot in this manner shall not be used as

34、 they create unstableloading which may cause violent ejection of the specimen fromthe machine and hazard to operating personnel. The V-blocksshall be vertically positioned in the machine, one above theother, causing the forces applied to the specimen to act parallelto the axis of the machine. The sp

35、ecimen itself will be slightlyinclined when placed in the machine. A means of holding theplates in an upright position after the specimen has shearedapart is desirable as a complete separation of the specimenpermits the plates to be thrown out of the machine withattendant hazard to the operator.7.2

36、Load shall be applied continuously throughout the test atconstant rate of cross-head motion to normally produce failurein the range of 3 to 12 min elapsed time from beginning ofloading. For plywood, the approximate speed may be deter-mined as follows:N 5 0.0075 (T|1 R(T! (1)where:N = crosshead speed

37、, in./min (cm/min),(T|= total thickness of plies having grain parallel todirection of shear force, in. (cm),R = 8 (assumed ratio of shear modulus of parallel pliesto shear modulus of perpendicular plies), and(T= total thickness of plies having grain perpendicularto the direction of shear force, in.

38、(cm).7.2.1 Elapsed time from beginning of load application tofailure of each specimen shall be measured and recorded to thenearest half minute. Machine speeds calculated by the aboveformula will normally produce failure in the range of 3 to 12min elapsed time from the beginning of loading. Shouldela

39、psed time to failure fall greatly outside this range, machinespeed should be modified to obtain times within this range.7.3 Both epoxy and polyvinyl adhesives have been foundsatisfactory for bonding steel plates to specimens. Minimumrequired surface preparation of steel plates consists of removalof

40、residual adhesive. This can be accomplished most easily bymild heating of the plate and any portion of the specimenremaining from the previous test in an oven which weakens thebond to the steel sufficiently to permit peeling the remainingwood and adhesive from the plate. The residual adhesive maybe

41、scraped off with a sharp-edged tool. Further degreasing andcleaning has frequently been found necessary in addition to theabove to ensure adequate bond strength. Curing the adhesive ata slightly elevated temperature has also been helpful.8. Measurement of Deformation8.1 Slip between the steel plates

42、 during load applicationshall be measured to at least the nearest 0.0001 in. (0.002 mm)at no less than twelve and preferably more equally spacedincrements of load to proportional limit from which a load-deformation curve shall be plotted. Slip can be measured witha dial gage as illustrated in Figs.

43、2 and 3 or with appropriateautomatic measuring and recording equipment. Gage geometryand position on the specimen shall be such as to minimize anyeffects of unsymmetrical loading or deformation.9. Calculation9.1 Shear stress shall be calculated as follows:fv5 P/LW! (2)where:fv= shear stress, psi (N/

44、mm),P = maximum or proportional limit load (force), lbf (N),W = specimen width, in. (mm), andL = specimen length, in. (mm).Maximum shear stress obtained from specimens having finalfailure of the bond between the plate and the specimen shall beregarded as defective and shall be clearly indicated in t

45、hereport of results.9.2 Effective modulus of rigidity for the specimen acting asa unit shall be calculated as follows:G 5 P/D!t/LW!# (3)where:G = apparent modulus of rigidity for the entire speci-men, psi (N/mm),t = specimen thickness, in. (mm),P/D = slope of the force-deformation curve below propor

46、-tional limit load, lbf/in. (N/mm), and other notationis as indicated in 9.1.For plywood, modulus of rigidity of the cross plies may becalculated from that given above if the ratio of moduli ofrigidity and thickness of the parallel and perpendicular plies isknown.D2718 00 (2011)3Test Method BPlanar

47、Shear Induced by Five-PointBending10. Scope10.1 Specimens are tested in a two-span continuous beamsupport configuration with line loads applied at midspan ofeach span as shown in Fig. 4. Induced shear stresses areconsistent with those developed in conventional panel appli-cations under transverse lo

48、ading. Specimens may be tested inany moisture condition.NOTE 1Research that led to the development of the test method isavailable.3,4Research on the test methods usefulness for determiningelastic constants is also available.511. Test Specimen11.1 The test specimen shall be rectangular in cross-secti

49、on.The depth of the specimen shall be the thickness of thematerial, and the width shall be at least 4.5 in. (115 mm) andno greater than 10 in. (255 mm) (see Note 2).NOTE 2Specimen width may be modified for practical purposes.Since shear strength may vary slightly with specimen width, specimenwidth shall be reported with shear strength results.11.2 MeasurementsSpecimen thickness and width shallbe measured to the nearest 0.001 in. (0.02 mm) at midlength(over center support) and at midspan (under line loads).Thickness measurements shall be determined at these l

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