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ASTM D4104-1996(2004) Standard Test Method (Analytical Procedure) for Determining Transmissivity of Nonleaky Confined Aquifers by Overdamped Well Response to Instantaneous Change i.pdf

1、Designation: D 4104 96 (Reapproved 2004)Standard Test Method(Analytical Procedure) for Determining Transmissivity ofNonleaky Confined Aquifers by Overdamped Well Responseto Instantaneous Change in Head (Slug Tests)1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 4104; the number immediately fo

2、llowing the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This test met

3、hod covers the determination of transmis-sivity from the measurement of force-free (overdamped) re-sponse of a well-aquifer system to a sudden change of waterlevel in a well. Force-free response of water level in a well toa sudden change in water level is characterized by recovery toinitial water le

4、vel in an approximate exponential manner withnegligible inertial effects.1.2 The analytical procedure in this test method is used inconjunction with the field procedure in Test Method D 4044 forcollection of test data.1.3 LimitationsSlug tests are considered to provide anestimate of transmissivity.

5、Although the assumptions of thistest method prescribe a fully penetrating well (a well openthrough the full thickness of the aquifer), the slug test methodis commonly conducted using a partially penetrating well.Such a practice may be acceptable for application underconditions in which the aquifer i

6、s stratified and horizontalhydraulic conductivity is much greater than vertical hydraulicconductivity. In such a case the test would be considered to berepresentative of the average hydraulic conductivity of theportion of the aquifer adjacent to the open interval of the well.1.4 The values stated in

7、 SI units are to be regarded asstandard.1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory

8、limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and ContainedFluidsD 4043 Guide for Selection of Aquifer-Test Method inDetermining of Hydraulic Properties by Well TechniquesD 4044 Test Method (Field Procedure) for InstantaneousChange in H

9、ead (Slug Test) for Determining HydraulicProperties of AquifersD 4750 Test Method for Determining Subsurface LiquidLevels in a Borehole or Monitoring Well (ObservationWell)D 5912 Test Method (Analytical Procedure) for Determin-ing Hydraulic Conductivity of an Unconfined Aquifer byOverdamped Well Res

10、ponse in Instantaneous Change inHead (Slug Test)3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 aquifer, confinedan aquifer bounded above andbelow by confining beds and in which the static head is abovethe top of the aquifer.3.1.2 confining beda hydrogeologic unit of less perme-able material bounding one or mor

11、e aquifers.3.1.3 control wellwell by which the aquifer is stressed, forexample, by pumping, injection, or change of head.3.1.4 head, staticthe height above a standard datum of thesurface of a column of water (or other liquid) that can besupported by the static pressure at a given point.3.1.5 hydraul

12、ic conductivity(field aquifer tests), the vol-ume of water at the existing kinematic viscosity that will movein a unit time under a unit hydraulic gradient through a unitarea measured at right angles to the direction of flow.3.1.6 observation wella well open to all or part of anaquifer.3.1.7 overdam

13、ped-well responsecharacterized by the wa-ter level returning to the static level in an approximatelyexponential manner following a sudden change in water level.(See for comparison underdamped-well response.)3.1.8 sluga volume of water or solid object used to inducea sudden change of head in a well.1

14、This test method is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D18 on Soil andRock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.21 on Ground Water andVadose Zone Investigations.Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2004. Published December 2004. Originallyapproved in 1991. Last previous edition appr

15、oved in 1996 as D410496.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandardsvolume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Bar

16、r Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.1.9 specific storagethe volume of water released fromor taken into storage per unit volume of the porous medium perunit change in head.3.1.10 storage coeffcientthe volume of water an aquiferreleases from or takes into sto

17、rage per unit surface area of theaquifer per unit change in head. For a confined aquifer, thestorage coefficient is equal to the product of specific storageand aquifer thickness. For an unconfined aquifer, the storagecoefficient is approximately equal to the specific yield.3.1.11 transmissivitythe v

18、olume of water at the existingkinematic viscosity that will move in a unit time under a unithydraulic gradient through a unit width of the aquifer.3.1.12 underdamped-well responseresponse characterizedby the water level oscillating about the static water levelfollowing a sudden change in water level

19、. (See for comparisonoverdamped-well response.)3.1.13 For definitions of other terms used in this testmethod, see Terminology D 653.3.2 Symbols:3.2.1 J0ndzero-order Bessel function of the first kind.3.2.2 J1ndfirst-order Bessel function of the first kind.3.2.3 K LT1hydraulic conductivity.3.2.4 T L2T

20、1transmissivity.3.2.5 S ndstorage coefficient.3.2.6 Y0ndzero order Bessel function of the secondkind.3.2.7 Y1ndfirst order Bessel function of the secondkind.3.2.8 rcLradius of control-well casing or open hole ininterval where water level changes.3.2.9 rwLradius of control well screen or open holeadj

21、acent to water bearing unit.3.2.10 uvariable of integration.3.2.11 H Lchange in head in control well.3.2.12 HoLinitial head rise (or decline) in control well.3.2.13 ttime.3.2.14 bTt/rc2.3.2.15 arw2S/rc2.4. Summary of Test Method4.1 This test method describes the analytical procedure foranalyzing dat

22、a collected during an instantaneous head (slug)test using an overdamped well. The field procedures inconducting a slug test are given in Test Method D 4044. Theanalytical procedure consists of analyzing the recovery ofwater level in the well following the change in water levelinduced in the well.4.2

23、 SolutionThe solution given by Cooper et al (1)3is asfollows:H 52Hop*0exp 2bu2/a!J0ur/rw! (1)uY0u! 2 2aY1u!# 2 Y0ur/rw!uJ0u! 2 2aJ1u!#/Du!#duwhere:a5rw2S/rc2,b5Tt/rc2,and:Du! 5 uJ0u! 2 2aJ1u!#21 uY0u! 2 2aY1u!#2NOTE 1See D 5912 and Hvorslev (2) Bouwer and Rice (3), andBouwer (4).5. Significance and

24、Use5.1 Assumptions of Solution of Cooper et al (1):5.1.1 The head change in the control well is instantaneous attime t = Well is of finite diameter and fully penetrates theaquifer.5.1.3 Flow in the nonleaky aquifer is radial.5.2 Implications of Assumptions:5.2.1 The mathematical equations app

25、lied ignore inertialeffects and assume the water level returns the static level in anapproximate exponential manner. The geometric configurationof the well and aquifer are shown in Fig. Assumptions are applicable to artesian or confinedconditions and fully penetrating wells. However, this te

26、stmethod is commonly applied to partially penetrating wells andin unconfined aquifers where it may provide estimates ofhydraulic conductivity for the aquifer interval adjacent to theopen interval of the well if the horizontal hydraulic conduc-tivity is significantly greater than the vertical hydraul

27、ic con-ductivity.5.2.3 As pointed out by Cooper et al (1) the determination ofstorage coefficient by this test method has questionable reli-ability because of the similar shape of the curves, whereas, thedetermination of transmissivity is not as sensitive to choosingthe correct curve. However, the c

28、urve selected should notimply a storage coefficient unrealistically large or small.3The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end ofthe text.FIG. 1 Cross Section Through a Well in Which a Slug of Water isSuddenly InjectedD 4104 96 (2004)26. Procedure6.1 The overall pro

29、cedure consists of conducting the slugtest field procedure (see Test Method D 4044) and analysis ofthe field data, that is addressed in this test method.6.2 The integral expression in the solution given in (Eq 1)cannot be evaluated analytically. A graphical solution fordetermination of transmissivit

30、y and coefficient of storage canbe made using a set of type curves that can be drawn from thevalues in Table 1.7. Calculation7.1 Prepare a semilogarithmic plot of a set of type curves ofvalues of F (b, a)=H/Ho, on the arithmetic scale, as a functionof b, on the logarithmic scale from the values of t

31、he functionsin Table 1.7.2 Prepare a semilogarithmic plot of the same scale as thatof the type-curve. Plot the water level data in the control well,expressed as a fraction, H/Ho, on the arithmetic scale, versustime, t, on the logarithmic scale.NOTE 2If the water level rise is very rapid with a small

32、 disparitybetween the calculated and measured change in water level, then time = 0can be used as the instant the change was initiated and Hocan be thecalculated rise. If there is a significant time lag between initiation of thehead change and the peak rise or decline is significantly less than theca

33、lculated change use t = 0 as the time of maximum observed change andtake Hoas the maximum observed change.7.3 Overlay the data plot on the set of type curve plots and,with the arithmetic axes coincident, shift the data plot to matchone curve or an interpolated curve of the type curve set. Amatch poi

34、nt for beta, t, and alpha picked from the two graphs.7.4 Using the coordinates of the match line, determine thetransmissivity and storage coefficient from the following equa-tions:T 5brc2/tand:S 5arc2/rw28. Report8.1 Prepare a report including the information described inthis section. The final repo

35、rt of the analytical procedure willinclude information from the report on test method selection(see Guide D 4043) and the field testing procedure (see TestMethod D 4044).8.1.1 IntroductionThe introductory section is intended topresent the scope and purpose of the slug test method fordetermining tran

36、smissivity and storage coefficient. Summarizethe field hydrogeologic conditions and the field equipment andinstrumentation including the construction of the control well,and the method of measurement and of effecting a change inhead. Discuss the rationale for selecting the method used (seeGuide D 40

37、43).8.1.2 Hydrogeologic SettingReview information avail-able on the hydrogeology of the site; interpret and describe thehydrogeology of the site as it pertains to the method selectedfor conducting and analyzing an aquifer test. Compare hydro-geologic characteristics of the site as it conforms and di

38、ffersfrom assumptions made in the solution to the aquifer testmethod.8.1.3 EquipmentReport the field installation and equip-ment for the aquifer test. Include in the report, well construc-tion information, diameter, depth, and open interval to theaquifer, and location of control well. Report

39、the techniques used for observing waterlevels, pumping rate, barometric changes, and other environ-mental conditions pertinent to the test. Include a list ofTABLE 1 Values of H/HoFrom Cooper, Bredehoeft, and Papadopulos (1)b = Tt/rc2a 1011021031041051.00 0.9771 0.9920 0.9969 0.9985 0.99921032.15 0.9

40、658 0.9876 0.9949 0.9974 0.99854.64 0.9490 0.9807 0.9914 0.9954 0.99701.00 0.9238 0.9693 0.9853 0.9915 0.99421022.154.641.000.88600.82930.74600.95050.91870.86550.97440.95450.91830.98410.97010.94340.98830.97810.95721012.154.641.000.62890.47820.31170.77820.64360.45980.85380.74360.57290.89350.80310.652

41、00.91670.84100.70801002.15 0.1665 0.2597 0.3543 0.4364 0.50384.64 0.07415 0.1086 0.1554 0.2082 0.26207.00 0.04625 0.06204 0.08519 0.1161 0.15211.00 0.03065 0.03780 0.04821 0.06355 0.083781.40 0.02092 0.02414 0.02844 0.03492 0.044261012.15 0.01297 0.01414 0.01545 0.01723 0.019993.00 0.009070 0.009615

42、 0.01016 0.01083 0.011694.64 0.005711 0.004919 0.006111 0.006319 0.0065547.00 0.003722 0.003809 0.003884 0.003962 0.0040461.00 0.002577 0.002618 0.002653 0.002688 0.0027251022.15 0.001179 0.001187 0.001194 0.001201 0.001208From Papadopulos, Bredehoeft, and Cooper (5)b = Tt/rc2a 1061071081091010120.9

43、9940.99890.99960.99920.99960.99930.99970.99940.99970.99951034 0.9980 0.9985 0.9987 0.9989 0.99916 0.9972 0.9978 0.9982 0.9984 0.99868 0.9964 0.9971 0.9976 0.9980 0.99821 0.9956 0.9965 0.9971 0.9975 0.99782 0.9919 0.9934 0.9944 0.9952 0.99581024 0.9848 0.9875 0.9894 0.9908 0.99196 0.9782 0.9819 0.984

44、6 0.9866 0.98818 0.9718 0.9765 0.9799 0.9824 0.98441 0.9655 0.9712 0.9753 0.9784 0.98072 0.9361 0.9459 0.9532 0.9587 0.96311014 0.8828 0.8995 0.9122 0.9220 0.92986 0.8345 0.8569 0.8741 0.8875 0.89848 0.7901 0.8173 0.8383 0.8550 0.86861 0.7489 0.7801 0.8045 0.8240 0.84012 0.5800 0.6235 0.6591 0.6889

45、0.71393 0.4554 0.5033 0.5442 0.5792 0.60964 0.3613 0.4093 0.4517 0.4891 0.52221005 0.2893 0.3351 0.3768 0.4146 0.44876 0.2337 0.2759 0.3157 0.3525 0.38657 0.1903 0.2285 0.2655 0.3007 0.33378 0.1562 0.1903 0.2243 0.2573 0.28889 0.1292 0.1594 0.1902 0.2208 0.25051 0.1078 0.1343 0.1620 0.1900 0.21782 0

46、.02720 0.03343 0.04129 0.05071 0.061493 0.01286 0.01448 0.01667 0.01956 0.023201014 0.008337 0.008898 0.009637 0.01062 0.011905 0.006209 0.006470 0.006789 0.007192 0.0077096 0.004961 0.005111 0.005283 0.005487 0.0057358 0.003547 0.003617 0.003691 0.003773 0.0038631 0.002763 0.002803 0.002845 0.00289

47、0 0.0029381022 0.001313 0.001322 0.001330 0.001339 0.001348D 4104 96 (2004)3measuring devices used during the test, the manufacturersname, model number, and basic specifications for each majoritem, and the name and date of the last calibration, ifapplicable.8.1.4 Testing ProceduresReport the steps t

48、aken in con-ducting the pretest and test phases. Include the frequency ofhead measurements made in the control well, and otherenvironmental data recorded before and during the testingprocedure.8.1.5 Presentation and Interpretation of Test Results: DataPresent tables of data collected during t

49、hetest. Data PlotsPresent data plots used in analysis ofthe data. Show overlays of data plots and type curve withmatch points and corresponding values of parameters at matchpoints. Show calculation of transmissivity and storage co-efficient. Evaluate the overall quality of the test on the basis ofthe adequacy of instrumentation and observations of stress andresponse and the conformance of the hydrogeologic conditionsand the performance of the test to the assumpti

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