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本文(ASTM D5125-2010 Standard Test Method for Viscosity of Paints and Related Materials by ISO Flow Cups《ISO流量杯法测定油漆和相关材料的粘性的标准试验方法》.pdf)为本站会员(testyield361)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM D5125-2010 Standard Test Method for Viscosity of Paints and Related Materials by ISO Flow Cups《ISO流量杯法测定油漆和相关材料的粘性的标准试验方法》.pdf

1、Designation: D5125 10Standard Test Method forViscosity of Paints and Related Materials by ISO Flow Cups1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5125; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last rev

2、ision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This test method covers the determination of the flowtime (viscosity) of Newtonian and near-Newtonian paints, andrelated coati

3、ngs and products using ISO capillary flow cups.NOTE 1If the liquid is non-Newtonian, that is shear-thinning orthixotropic, Test Methods D2196 should be used.1.2 The cup-orifice combination (ISO cup with orificediameter of 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm, or 6 mm)2is selected toprovide an efflux time with the range

4、 of 20 to 100 s andviscosities up to 700 cSt (700 mm2/s). The most commonlyused cup is the one with the 4-mm orifice.1.3 This test method is limited to testing materials for whichthe breakpoint of the flow from the orifice of the flow cup canbe determined with certainty. This point is difficult to d

5、eter-mine and reproduce for materials with flow times in excess of100 s due to slowing-down effects.1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded asstandard. The values given in parentheses are for informationonly.1.5 This standard does not purport to address the safetyconcerns, if any, assoc

6、iated with its use. It is the responsibilityof the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety andhealth practices and determine the applicability of regulatorylimitations prior to use.NOTE 2The International CivilAviation Organization (ICAO) and theInternational Maritime Organization (IMO

7、) include in their regulations asimilar test (ISO 2431) to determine the viscosity of hazardous viscousliquids. The viscosity is then used to place these liquids in a hazardpackaging group depending on their viscosity/flashpoint relationship. TheU. S. Department of Transportation permits the use of

8、these regulations fortranshipment of hazardous material within the U.S. when bound forforeign destinations.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:3D2196 Test Methods for Rheological Properties of Non-Newtonian Materials by Rotational (Brookfield type) Vis-cometerD3924 Specification for Environmen

9、t for Conditioning andTesting Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related MaterialsD3925 Practice for Sampling Liquid Paints and RelatedPigmented CoatingsE1 Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers2.2 ISO Documents:ISO 2431 Paints and Varnishes: Determination of FlowTime by Use of a Flow Cup43.

10、Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 dynamic viscosity, nthe ratio of the applied shearstress to shear rate. DiscussionThe SI unit for dynamic viscosity is thepascal second (Pas). The traditional unit is the centipoise (cP);1 cP = 1 mPas.3.1.2 flow time, nthe elapsed time from the moment whenthe

11、material under test starts to flow from the orifice of thefilled cup to the moment when the flow stream of material firstbreaks close to the orifice.3.1.3 kinematic viscosity, nthe ratio of the dynamic vis-cosity to the density of the liquid. DiscussionThe SI unit for kinematic viscosity isth

12、e square metre per second (m2/s). The traditional unit is thecentistokes (cSt); 1 cSt = 1 mm2/s.3.1.4 near-Newtonian liquid, na liquid in which thevariation of viscosity with shear rate is small and the effect onviscosity of mechanical disturbances such as stirring is negli-gible.1This test method i

13、s under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D01 on Paintand Related Coatings, Materials, and Applications and is the direct responsibility ofSubcommittee D01.24 on Physical Properties of Liquid Paints and Paint Materials.Current edition approved July 1, 2010. Published July 2010. Originally approvedi

14、n 1991. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as D5125 97 (2005). DOI:10.1520/D5125-10.2An ISO-type cup with an orifice diameter of 8 mm is available, but it is notlisted in ISO 2431 and precision and accuracy are not known.3For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcon

15、tact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.4Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http:/

16、t ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.1.5 Newtonian liquid, na liquid in which the viscosity isindependent of the shear stress or shear rate. Compare non-Newtonian liquid.3.1.6 non-Newtonian liquid, na liquid in which the ratioof

17、shear stress to shear rate is not constant.4. Summary of Test Method4.1 The ISO flow cup is filled level full with the materialunder test that has been conditioned at the specified measuringtemperature (see 10.2.2) and the time for the material to flowthrough one of the standard orifices is determin

18、ed.5. Significance and Use5.1 This test method is useful for the determination ofpackage and application viscosities of paints and other coat-ings. It is limited to Newtonian or near-Newtonian liquids.5.2 This test method may be used similarly to ISO 2431 inconjunction with flashpoint to determine t

19、he hazard groupingof viscous liquids in international regulations.6. Apparatus6.1 ISO Capillary Flow CupsISO cups look like Fordcups, but instead of the non-capillary hole in the bottom of theFord cup, the ISO cup has a 20-mm capillary and is more likea true capillary viscometer.6.1.1 DimensionsThe

20、dimensions of the ISO flow cup andthe tolerances allowed in manufacture shall be as given in Fig.1. The most critical tolerance is the internal diameter of the jetof the cup, because the flow time is inversely proportional tothe fourth power of this dimension. The jet of the cup shall bemade of stai

21、nless steel or sintered carbide unless otherwisespecified, and the body of the cup shall be made of a materialthat is corrosion resistant and is not affected by the products tobe tested.6.1.2 ConstructionThe dimensions not specified, such aswall thickness, shall be such that no distortion of the cup

22、 canoccur in use. The external shape shown in Fig. 1 is recom-mended, but may be modified for convenience of use, ormanufacture, provided that the protruding jet of the cup isprotected from accidental damage as far as possible by anexternal protective sleeve. Such a protective sleeve shall not beimm

23、ediately adjacent to the jet, so as to prevent a capillaryaction when the material under test flows out.6.1.3 FinishThe interior surfaces of the cups, includingthe orifice, shall be smooth and free of turning marks, crevices,ledges and burrs that may cause random flow, or trap sample orcleaning mate

24、rial. The standard of finish required is equivalentto a maximum roughness of not more than 0.5 m (see Note 3).NOTE 3Roughness defined as the arithmetical mean deviation Rafrom the mean line of the profile.6.2 Thermometer, accurate to 0.2C (0.4F) and graduatedat 0.1C (0.2F) intervals. Saybolt viscosi

25、ty thermometerconforming to requirements for thermometer 17C and 17F (10to 27C) (60 to 80F) as prescribed in Specification E1 isrequired. In addition, temperature measuring devices such asnon-mercury liquid-in-glass thermometers, thermocouples, orplatinum resistance thermometers that provide equival

26、ent orbetter accuracy and precision, that cover the temperature rangefor thermometer 17C and 17F, may be used.6.3 Stand, suitable for holding the flow cup and providedwith leveling screws.6.4 Spirit Level, preferably of the circular type.6.5 Flat Glass Plate or Straight-Edge Scraper.6.6 Stopwatch, o

27、r other suitable timing-device with scaledivisions of 0.5 s or finer and accurate to within 0.2 % whentested over a 60-min period.6.7 Temperature-Controlled Room or Enclosure, capable ofmaintaining the cup and sample at a recommended, constanttemperature.7. Reagents and Materials7.1 Certified kinema

28、tic viscosity standards.58. Sampling8.1 Sample material in accordance with Practice D3925.8.2 Before testing, it is advisable to strain the samplethrough an appropriate sieve into a clean dry container. This ismandatory for referee purposes. Mix the material thoroughlywhile at the same time avoiding

29、, as far as possible, loss ofsolvent by evaporation.NOTE 4150 mL of strained material is sufficient for one test.9. Calibration9.1 Dimensionally similar cups will give, with Newtonianliquids, such as a standard oil, similar flow times, provided thatthe temperature of testing is precisely the same. T

30、he use ofsuch liquids to calibrate cups provides a useful means ofinitially checking that dimensionally similar cups are withinthe accepted tolerances of performance and also for checkingfrom time to time whether any wear or damage has taken placesufficient to bring a cup outside the accepted tolera

31、nces.9.2 For calibration of any particular cup, use a standard oil5of known kinematic viscosity and draw a graph of kinematicviscosity versus temperature from the data given by thesupplier for the oil.9.3 Using the relevant procedure described in Section 1010,determine the flow of time of the oil at

32、 a known temperaturewithin the range 20 to 30C (68 to 80F), measured to thenearest 0.1C.9.3.1 Record this flow time, which should be in the range 30to 100 s and preferably near the midpoint of this range, to anaccuracy of 0.2 s.9.4 From the prepared graph, read the kinematic viscosity atthe test tem

33、perature.9.4.1 Using the appropriate calibration graph of Fig. 2, Fig.3, Fig. 4 or Fig. 5, read the flow time corresponding to thiskinematic viscosity.9.5 If the two values of flow time obtained do not differ bymore than 3 %, the cup may be deemed satisfactory for use.9.6 For reference purposes, a c

34、orrection factor correspond-ing to the flow time deviation from that obtained using the oilmay be applied.5Standards, available from the Cannon Instrument Company, P.O. Box 16, StateCollege, PA 16801 have been found suitable for this purpose.D5125 102FIG. 1 Flow Cup ISOD5125 10310. Procedure10.1 Pre

35、liminary check:NOTE 5This check is carried out to show that the material is suitablefor the test (that is, is Newtonian or near-Newtonian).10.1.1 Choose a flow cup that will give a flow time ofbetween 30 and 100 s for the material.10.1.2 Determine the flow time by the procedure specifiedin 10.2, mak

36、ing sure that the material is well agitated beforepouring into the cup. Remove the finger within5soffilling theflow cup.10.1.3 Repeat the determination but this time allow thematerial to remain in the flow cup for 60 s before removing thefinger.10.1.4 If the second result differs from the first by m

37、ore than10 %, the material shall be deemed to be non-Newtonian andtherefore unsuitable for consistency control by flow-timemeasurement.10.2 Determination of Flow Time:10.2.1 Choose a flow cup that will give a flow time between20 and 100 s, but preferably between 30 and 100 s for the testmaterial.10.

38、2.2 Adjust the temperature of the strained sample and theflow cup, to 23 6 0.5C23 6 0.5C (23 6 0.5C (in accor-dance with Specification D3924) to 25 6 0.5C (77 6 1.0F)or to an other alternatively agreed upon temperature.NOTE 6The temperature 23C (73.5F) is the standard environmentFIG. 2 Calibration C

39、urve for 3-mm CupD5125 104for conditioning and testing paint as specified in Specification D3924.Italso is the test temperature specified in international shipping regulations.However, 25C (77F) has been the standard temperature for measuringthe viscosity of paint and other materials for many years

40、and is the choiceof many operators.10.2.3 If the temperature-controlled enclosure is used, asrecommended, it is advisable to condition the cup and thesample before straining, by placing them in the enclosurebefore use. The sample shall be considered ready for testimmediately after any air bubbles en

41、trained during the prepa-ration and sieving procedures have dispersed. Carry out a finalcheck that the temperature of the sample is within 0.5C (1F)of the agree test temperature immediately prior to filling thecup.10.2.4 Place the flow cup on the stand, in a position free ofdrafts and, by using the

42、level and adjusting the leveling screwsof the stand, ensure that the upper rim of the flow cup is in ahorizontal plane.10.2.5 With the orifice closed by a finger, fill the cup withthe freshly strained, bubble-free sample, pouring slowly toavoid the formation of air bubbles. If any bubbles are formed

43、,allow them to rise to the surface and remove them. If the cuphas been properly leveled, the sample will overflow evenlyover the rim into the gallery. Remove any meniscus formedeither by drawing the straight-edge scraper over the entire rimof the cup or by sliding over the rim, a flat glass plate wi

44、throunded edges so that no air bubbles form between the glassFIG. 3 Calibration Curve for 4-mm CupD5125 105and the surface of the specimen. Then draw this plate horizon-tally across the rim of the cup so that, when the plate isremoved, the level of the specimen coincides with the top rimof the cup.1

45、0.2.6 Place a suitable receiver under the flow cup so thatthe distance between the orifice of the flow cup and the surfaceof the received specimen is never less than 100 mm. Removethe finger from the orifice and simultaneously start the timingdevice, stopping it as soon as the first break occurs in

46、thestream of specimen close to the orifice. Record the flow time tothe nearest 0.5 s. If the test is not carried out in the temperature-controlled enclosure, place the thermometer in the stream ofthe specimen so as not to interfere with observation of thebreak in the flow. This is convenient

47、ly done by holding thethermometer in a suitable clamping device with the bulb soplaced that it is at an angle to the direction of flow andcompletely immersed in the emergent stream and not less than100 mm from the orifice. It is convenient to use the samethermometer as is used to adjust the temperat

48、ure of the sampleinitially. Any difference in temperature from the initiallyadjusted temperature shall not be greater than 0.5C (1.0F).10.2.7 Make a second determination on another portion ofthe originally prepared sample and check carefully that thetemperature of testing is within the prescribed li

49、mits. Recordthe flow time to the nearest 0.5 s. Calculate the mean of the twodeterminations. If the two determinations differ by more than5 %, make a third determination. If the third determination andFIG. 4 Calibration Curve for 5-mm CupD5125 106either of the previous determinations do not differ by more than5 %, discard the other determination. Calculate the result as themean of the two accepted determinations. If the third determi-nation does not provide this measure of agreement, the methodof test is unlikely to be suitable beca

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