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本文(ASTM D5147-2007a Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Modified Bituminous Sheet Material《改良沥青薄板材取样和试验标准试验方法》.pdf)为本站会员(rimleave225)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM D5147-2007a Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Modified Bituminous Sheet Material《改良沥青薄板材取样和试验标准试验方法》.pdf

1、Designation: D 5147 07aStandard Test Methods forSampling and Testing Modified Bituminous Sheet Material1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5147; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last re

2、vision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 These test methods cover procedures for sampling andtesting prefabricated, reinforced, polymer-modified bituminoussheet mate

3、rials designed for single- or multiple-ply applicationin roofing and waterproofing membranes. These products mayuse various surfacing materials on one side.1.2 These test methods appear in the following order:SectionSampling 3Conditioning 4Thickness 5Load Strain Properties 6Tear Strength 7Moisture C

4、ontent 8Water Absorption 9Dimensional Stability 10Low-Temperature Flexibility 11Heat Conditioning 12Accelerated Weathering 13Granule Embedment 14Compound Stability 15Coating Thickness 16Low Temperature Unrolling 17Precision and Bias 181.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as thestanda

5、rd. The values given in parentheses are for informationonly.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-b

6、ility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D95 Test Method for Water in Petroleum Products andBituminous Materials by DistillationD 146 Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Bitumen-Saturated Felts and Woven Fabrics for Roofing and Wa-terproofingD 1204 Te

7、st Method for Linear Dimensional Changes ofNonrigid Thermoplastic Sheeting or Film at ElevatedTemperatureD 4073 Test Method for Tensile-Tear Strength of Bitumi-nous Roofing MembranesD 4798 Practice for Accelerated Weathering Test Condi-tions and Procedures for Bituminous Materials (Xenon-Arc Method)

8、D 4977 Test Method for Granule Adhesion to MineralSurfaced Roofing by AbrasionD 5636 Test Method for Low Temperature Unrolling of Feltor Sheet Roofing and Waterproofing MaterialsD 5869 Practice for Dark Oven Heat Exposure of Roofingand Waterproofing MaterialsE 177 Practice for Use of the Terms Preci

9、sion and Bias inASTM Test MethodsE 691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study toDetermine the Precision of a Test Method3. Sampling3.1 From each shipment or fraction thereof, select at randoma number of rolls equal to one half the cube root of the totalnumber of rolls in the lot. If the ca

10、lculated number is fractional,express it as the next highest whole number. For convenience,a table showing the number of rolls to be selected from the lotsof various sizes is given in Test Method D 146. When mutuallyagreed upon by the concerned parties, other sampling frequen-cies may be used and re

11、ported within the framework of theseprocedures. The minimum sample shall consist of five rolls.The rolls so selected constitute the representative sample usedfor all subsequent observations and tests pertaining to the lot ofmaterial being examined.4. Conditioning4.1 Unless otherwise specified, condi

12、tion test specimens fora minimum of4hat236 2C (73.4 6 3.6F) and 50 6 5%relative humidity before testing.1These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D08 onRoofing and Waterproofing and are the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeD08.04 on Felts and Fabrics.Current edition approv

13、ed May 1, 2007. Published May 2007. Originallyapproved in 1991. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as D 5147 07.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to

14、the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.5. Thickness5.1 The thickness measuring device shall be a micrometerof the dial or digital-electronic type capable of measuringdim

15、ensions to an accuracy of 0.1 mm (0.004 in.). The mi-crometer shall be equipped with a flat, circular presser footwith a diameter greater or equal to 9.5 mm (0.375 in.) and lessthan 32 mm (1.25 in.). During operation, contact between thepresser foot and the specimen shall be maintained either by asp

16、ring inside the micrometer or by the weight of the presserfoot and attached parts.5.2 One specimen shall be obtained from each of the rollsselected in accordance with the Sampling section of these testmethods. Each specimen shall be at least 700 mm (2712 in.) inlength by the manufactured width of th

17、e roll. Five measure-ments of sheet thickness and five measurements of selvagethickness shall be taken on each specimen. All measurementsshall be taken in a manner that requires the presser foot tocontact the side of the sheet that is intended to be exposedwhen applied in accordance with the manufac

18、turers instruc-tions.5.2.1 Take five measurements of the sheet thickness along aline parallel to cross-machine direction. Two of the fivemeasurements shall be taken 150 615 mm (6 6 0.5 in.) fromeach edge of the specimen. The remaining three measurementsshall be taken at three points approximately eq

19、ually spaced(615 mm (0.5 in.) between these two points. Refer to Fig. 1for an illustration of the sheet thickness measurement loca-tions.5.2.2 Take five measurements of the selvage thickness alonga line parallel to machine direction. The measurements are tobe taken midway between the surfacing edge

20、and the sheetedge or, in the case of smooth products, midway between thelaying line and the sheet edge, and spaced 150 6 15 mm (6 60.5 in.) apart. Refer to Fig. 1 for an illustration of the selvagethickness measurement locations.5.3 For each specimen, report the individual point measure-ments, mean,

21、 and standard deviation for both the sheet thick-ness and selvage thickness measurements.5.4 Calculate the mean of the specimen sheet thicknessmeans and report this value as sample sheet thickness. Calcu-late the mean of the specimen selvage thickness means andreport this value as sample selvage thi

22、ckness. Unless otherwiserequired by the standard product specification that referencesthese test methods, sample sheet thickness and sample selvagethickness are the values used for comparison with the productspecification requirements.5.5 Precision and Bias:5.5.1 Interlaboratory Test ProgramInterlab

23、oratory stud-ies were run in which randomly drawn test specimens of threematerials (sand-surfaced SBS-modified base sheet, fiberglass-reinforced SBS-modified cap sheet, and polyester-reinforcedAPP-modified cap sheet) were tested for sample sheet thick-ness and sample selvage thickness in each of ele

24、ven laborato-ries. Each laboratory tested two sets of five specimens of eachmaterial. Practice E 691 was followed for the experimentalFIG. 1 Location of Thickness MeasurementsD 5147 07a2design and analysis of the data. Details of the experiment areavailable in ASTM Research Reports RR: D081010 andRR

25、:D081011.3, 45.5.2 Test ResultThe precision information given belowfor sheet thickness and selvage thickness in the units ofmeasurement (millimetres) is for the comparison of two testresults, each of which is the average of five test determinations.5.5.3 Precision:Selvage Thickness Sheet ThicknessTe

26、st range 1.952 to 2.706 mm 1.959 to 3.824 mmr, 95 % repeatability limit(within a laboratory)0.088 mm(0.040 to 0.157 mm)0.048 mm(0.039 to 0.054 mm)R, 95 % reproducibility limit(between laboratories)0.281 mm(0.148 to 0.366 mm)0.252 mm( 0.239 to 0.277 mm)The above terms (repeatability limit and reprodu

27、cibilitylimit) are used as specified in Practice E 177. The respectivestandard deviations among test results may be obtained bydividing the above limit values by BiasSince there is no accepted reference materialsuitable for determining the bias for the procedure in this testmethod for meas

28、uring sheet thickness and selvage thickness,no statement on bias is being made.6. Load Strain Properties6.1 This test method covers the determination of the loadstrain (tensile elongation and strain energy) properties ofpolymer-modified bituminous sheets.6.1.1 SpecimensPrepare five specimens from ea

29、ch sampleroll in both the longitudinal and transverse directions for eachtemperature to be tested. Specimens shall be 25 mm (1.0 in.)wide by a minimum of 150 mm (6.0 in.) long for sheetmaterials having an ultimate elongation of 75 % or less at18C (0F). Specimens shall be 12.5 mm (0.5 in.) wide by am

30、inimum of 100 mm (4.0 in.) long for materials having anultimate elongation of greater than 75 % at 18C (0F).6.1.2 Procedure: Condition each specimen at least 2 h at the selectedtest temperature. If conditioning is done outside the machineclamps, allow the specimen to equilibrate at the testin

31、gtemperature for at least 15 min before the testing force isapplied. Test specimens at both 23 6 2C (73.4 6 3.6F) and18 6 3C (0 6 3.6F). Use a constant rate of elongation (CRE) tensiontesting machine, preferably with automatic load and strainrecording equipment, and clamps that permit

32、a uniform clamp-ing pressure on the specimen without slipping. The initialclamp separation shall be 75 6 2 mm (3.0 6 0.1 in.) for sheetmaterials having an ultimate elongation of 75 % or less at18C (0F), and 50 6 2 mm (2.0 6 0.1 in.) for sheet materialshaving an ultimate elongation greater than 75 %

33、at 18C(0F). Maintain a rate of separation of 50 mm/min 63%(2.0 in./min 63 %) for specimens tested at 23 6 2C (73.4 63.6F) and a rate of separation of 2.0 mm/min 63 % (0.08in./min 63 %) for specimens tested at 18 6 3C (0 6 3.6F). Record the percent elongation of each specimen atspecimen

34、 break and also at peak load using an extensometer, orcalculate the percent elongation at specimen break and also atpeak load from the chart of the stress versus time knowing thespeed of the chart drive and the jaw separation rate. Record the breaking load and peak load of eachspecimen.6.1.3

35、Calculation: Determine the percent elongation at break obtainedfrom the extensometer in accordance with the manufacturersinstructions, or read directly, calculate the percent elongationdetermined from the chart, without an extensometer, as fol-lows:Percent elongation 5a 2 bb3 100 at break (1)

36、where:a = jaw separation at specimen break,=maximum extension on chart 3 jaw separation ratechart speedandb = initial jaw separation. Determine the average percent elongation at break ineach direction and the deviation of percent elongation at breakin each direction based on the total number

37、of measurementstaken. Calculate the percent elongation at peak load ob-tained from the extensometer in accordance with the manufac-turers instructions, or read directly, calculate the strain at peakload determined from the chart, without an extensometer, asfollows:percent elongation 5c 2 bb3

38、100 at peak load (2)where:c = jaw separation at maximum load,=maximum extension on chart 3 jaw separation ratechart speedandb = initial jaw separation. Calculate the average percent elongation at peakload in each direction and the standard deviation of percentelongation at peak load in each d

39、irection based on the totalnumber of measurements taken. Calculate the average breaking load in each direc-tion and the standard deviation of the breaking loads in eachdirection based on the total number of measurements taken. Calculate the average peak load in each directionand the st

40、andard deviation of the peak loads in each directionbased on the total number of measurements taken. If the load elongation curve is not available, estimatethe strain energy. The strain energy should be reported as eithermeasured or estimated.NOTE 1The estimation technique requires knowledge

41、of the maxi-mum tensile strength and elongation values of the test specimen. This3Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and maybe obtained by requesting Research Report RR: D081010.4Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and maybe obtained by

42、requesting Research Report RR: D081011.D 5147 07a3technique can only be used for fibrous glass-reinforced specimens. If thevalues generated by this technique are in question, verification must bemade by analysis of the load-elongation curve. Strain energy for fibrousglass-reinforced specimens is est

43、imated by:se =1/2 3 peak load kN lbf!# 3 elongation mm in.!#25 mm 1 in.!3gage length mm in.!#where 25 mm (1 in.) = sample width.Strain energy represented as the area under the load-elongation curve mayalso be calculated by direct computer integration or analog techniquessuch as, the trapezoidal rule

44、, use of planimeter, or gravimetrical analysis. Calculate the average strain energy at peak load andat break in each direction and the standard deviation of thestrain energies in each direction based on the total number ofmeasurements taken.6.1.4 Ultimate ElongationDetermine the ultimate elon

45、ga-tion using data obtained from tests conducted in accordancewith 6.1.2. Ultimate elongation is defined as the elongationmeasured on the load-elongation curve at which point the loadhas dropped to 5 % of its maximum value, after the peak loadhas been reached.6.1.5 Report: For each specimen i

46、n each direction, record thetemperature of the test, specimen size, and individual measure-ments of peak load in kN/m (lbf/in.), percent elongation at peakload, breaking load in kN/m (lbf/in.), percent elongation atbreak, method of determining elongation, strain energy inkNm/m2(inch-pound/in.2) at p

47、eak load, strain energy in kNm/m2(inch-pound/in.2) at break, and method of determiningelongation. Report the average and the standard deviation ineach direction based on the total measurements taken of peakload in kN/m (lbf/in.), breaking load in kN/m (lbf/in.), percentelongation at peak load

48、 percent elongation at break, strainenergy in kNm/m2(inch-pound/in.2) at peak load and strainenergy in kNm/m2(inch-pound/in.2) at break.7. Tear Strength7.1 This test method determines the tensile tear strength ofpolymer-modified bituminous sheets.7.1.1 Prepare five specimens from each sample roll in

49、 eachdirection in accordance with Test Method D 4073. Conditionspecimens as set forth in Section 4 of these test methods.7.1.2 Test procedure shall be in accordance with TestMethod D 4073, except that the rate of jaw separation shall be50 mm/min 63 % (2.0 in./min 63 %) for testing at 23 6 2C(73.4 6 3.6F), and the moisture content test required in TestMethod D 4073 shall not be conducted.7.1.3 Calculate the average tear strength in each directionand the standard deviation of the tear strength in each directionbased on the total numbe

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