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本文(ASTM D5434-2003 Standard Guide for Field Logging of Subsurface Explorations of Soil and Rock《土壤和岩石地下勘察的现场记录用标准指南》.pdf)为本站会员(confusegate185)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM D5434-2003 Standard Guide for Field Logging of Subsurface Explorations of Soil and Rock《土壤和岩石地下勘察的现场记录用标准指南》.pdf

1、Designation: D 5434 03Standard Guide forField Logging of Subsurface Explorations of Soil and Rock1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5434; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision

2、. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope*1.1 This guide describes the type of information that shouldbe recorded during field subsurface explorations in soil androck.1.2 This

3、 guide is not intended to specify all of the informa-tion required for preparing field logs. Such requirements willvary depending on the purpose of the investigation, theintended use of the field log, and particular needs of the clientor user.1.3 This guide is applicable to boreholes, auger holes,ex

4、cavated pits, or other subsurface exposures such as road sidecuts or stream banks. This guide may serve as a supplement toGuide D 420.1.4 This guide may not be suited to all types of subsurfaceexploration such as mining, agricultural, geologic hazardouswaste, or other special types of exploration.1.

5、5 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.6 This guide of

6、fers an organized collection of informationor a series of options and does not recommend a specificcourse of action. This document cannot replace education orexperience and should be used in conjunction with professionaljudgment. Not all aspects of this guide may be applicable in allcircumstances. T

7、his ASTM standard is not intended to repre-sent or replace the standard of care of which the adequacy ofa given professional service must be judged, nor should thisdocument be applied without consideration of a projects manyunique aspects. The word “Standard” in the title of thisdocument means only

8、that the document has been approvedthrough the ASTM consensus process.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 420 Guide to Site Characterization for Engineering, De-sign, and Construction PurposesD 653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and ContainedFluidsD 1452 Practice for Soil Investigation

9、 and Sampling byAuger BoringsD 1586 Method for Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sam-pling of SoilsD 1587 Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Geotechnical Sam-pling of SoilsD 2113 Practice for Diamond Core Drilling for Site Inves-tigationD 2488 Practice for Description and Identification of Soils(Visual-M

10、anual Procedure)D 2573 Test Method for Field Vane Shear Test in CohesiveSoilD 3441 Test Method for Deep, Quasi-Static, Cone andFriction/Cone Penetration Tests of SoilD 3550 Practice for Ring-Lined Barrel Sampling of SoilsD 3740 Practice for Minimum Requirements for AgenciesEngaged in the Testing and

11、/or Inspection of Soil and Rockas Used in Engineering Design and ConstructionD 4083 Practice for Description of Frozen Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure)D 4220 Practices for Preserving and Transporting SoilSamplesD 4403 Practice for Extensometers Used in RockD 4544 Practice for Estimating Peat Deposit

12、ThicknessD 4622 Test Method for Rock Mass Monitoring UsingInclinometersD 4623 Test Method for Determination of In Situ Stress inRock Mass by Overcoring MethodUSBM BoreholeDeformation GageD 4633 Test Method for Stress Wave Energy Measurementfor Dynamic Penetrometer Testing SystemsD 4645 Test Method f

13、or Determination of the In-Situ Stressin Rock Using the Hydraulic Fracturing MethodD 4719 Test Method for Pressuremeter Testing in SoilsD 4750 Test Method for Determining Subsurface LiquidLevels in a Borehole or Monitoring Well (ObservationWell)D 4879 Guide for Geotechnical Mapping of Large Under-gr

14、ound Openings in Rock1This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and Rockand is the direct responsibility of D18.07 onIdentification and Classification of Soils.Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2003. Published December 2003. Originallyapproved in 1993. Last previous edition a

15、pproved in 2003 as D 5434 97(2003).2For referenced ASTM standard, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandardsvolume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page ofthe ASTM website.1*A Summary of Changes secti

16、on appears at the end of this standard.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.D 5079 Practices for Preserving and Transporting RockCore Samples3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 Except as listed below, all definitions are in

17、 accor-dance with Terminology D 653.3.2 Description of Term Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 field loga record prepared during subsurface explo-rations of soil and rock to document procedures used, test data,descriptions of materials and depths where encountered,ground water conditions, and other inf

18、ormation.4. Summary of Guide4.1 This guide describes the type of information that shouldbe recorded during the execution of field subsurface explora-tions in soil and rock. The information described relates to theproject, personnel, methods of investigation and equipmentused, visual description of s

19、ubsurface materials and groundwater conditions, in-situ testing, installation of monitoringequipment, and other data that may be appropriate.5. Significance and Use5.1 The preparation of field logs provides documentation offield exploration procedures and findings for geotechnical,geologic, hydrogeo

20、logic, and other investigations of subsurfacesite conditions. This guide may be used for a broad range ofinvestigations.5.2 The recorded information in a field log will depend onthe specific purpose of the site investigation. All of theinformation given in this guide need not appear in all field log

21、s.NOTE 1- The quality of the result produced by this standard isdependent on the competence of the personnel performing it, and thesuitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet thecriteria of Practice D 3740 are generally considered capable of competentand objective sampling.

22、Users of this practice are cautioned that compli-ance with Practice D 3740 does not in itself assure reliable results.Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D 3740 provides ameans of evaluating some of those factors.6. Summary of Work6.1 Soil and rock field logs should include the followi

23、ngwritten information:6.1.1 Project information should include: Name and location of the project or project number,or both, Name of personnel onsite during the exploration,such as drilling crew, supervisor, geologist, engineer, andtechnicians, Names and addresses of organization

24、s involved, Name of person(s) preparing log, Reference datum for project if available and descrip-tion of datum, and6.1.1.6 General remarks as appropriate.6.1.2 Exploration information should include: Exploration number and location (station and coor-dinates if available and app

25、licable, position relative to a localpermanent reference which is identified, or markings of explo-ration location), Type of exploration, such as drill hole, auger hole,test pit, or road cut, Date and time of start and finish, Weather conditions including recent rain or othereve

26、nts that could affect subsurface conditions, Depth and size of completed exploration, The condition of exploration prior to and afterbackfilling or sealing, or both, and6.1.2.7 Method of backfilling or sealing exploration, orboth.6.1.3 Explorations by drill hole or auger hole should in

27、cludethe following drilling information: Type and make (manufacture and model if known)of drilling machine or description and name of contractor, Method of drilling or advancing and cleaning theborehole. State if air, water, or drilling fluid is used. Describetype, source of water and

28、additives, concentration, and testsperformed on fluid, Size, type, and section length of drilling rods (roddesignations should conform with Table 3 of Method D 2113)and drilling bits used. Dates and times of each stage of operation and timeto complete intervals, Size of hole (di

29、ameter and depth), Ground elevation at top of borehole, Orientation of drill hole, if not vertical (azimuth orbearing and angle),NOTE 2Even with careful drilling, the actual subsurface path of bothvertical and inclined drill holes may be different from the intendeddirection of drilling

30、. Deflection of the drill bit due to inclined bedding andhard boulders are some of the many reasons a drill hole might deviatefrom the intended direction. Drill holes that deviate from the intendeddirection can give erroneous data if not corrected. This can lead tosignificant interpretation errors o

31、f subsurface conditions and geologicstructure. Depending on intended use of the data, it may be prudent toperform a borehole survey so the borehole spatial data can be corrected. Size and description of casing, if appropriate,method of casing installation (driven, drilled, or pushed) anddepth

32、 of cased portion of boring (casing size designationsshould conform with Table 2 of Method D 2113), hollow-stemaugers, Methods used for cleaning equipment or drillingtools, or both, when required, and6.1.3.10 Describe and state depth of any drilling problemssuch as borehole instability (cave

33、in, squeezing hole, flowingsands), cobbles, lost drilling fluid, lost ground, obstruction,fluid return color changes, and equipment problems.6.1.4 Exploration by test pit, road cut, stream cut, etc.,should include: Method of exploration, Equipment used for excavation, Type of sh

34、oring used, and6.1.4.4 Excavation problems: instability of cut (sloughing,caving, etc.), depth of refusal, difficulty of excavating, etc.6.1.5 Subsurface information should include: Depth of changes and discontinuities in geologicmaterial and method used to establish change (such as PracticeD

35、 4544).D 5434 0326.1.5.2 Description of material encountered with origin orformation name, if possible, and type of samples used fordescription. The system or method of soil (such as PracticesD 2488 and D 4083) or rock description should be referenced. Description of nature of boundary betwee

36、n strata(gradual or abrupt, as appropriate) and other relevant structuralfeatures such as breccia, slickensides, solution zones, discol-orations by weathering or hydrothermal fluids, and otherstratigraphic information.6.1.6 Soil or rock sampling and testing information shouldinclude: Depth of

37、 each sample and number (if used), Method of sampling (reference to appropriateASTM standard, for example, Practice D 1452, Test MethodD 1586, Method D 1587, Practice D 3550, or other method). Description of sampler: inside and outside dimen-sions, length, type of metal, type of coatin

38、g, and type of liner, Method of sampler insertion: pushed, cored, ordriven, Sampler penetration and recovery lengths ofsamples (rock quality designation (RQD) and rate of coring inthe case of rock), Method of sample extrusion. Mark direction ofextrusion, Method of preserv

39、ing samples and preparing fortransport (refer to Practices D 4220 or D 5079), Mark top and bottom of samples and orientation, ifpossible, Depth and description of any in-situ test performed(reference to applicable ASTM standard, for example, TestMethods D 1586, D 2573, D 3441, D 4623,

40、D 4633, D 4645,D 4719, or other tests if applicable), Description of any other field tests conducted onsoil and rock during the exploration such as pH, hydraulicconductivity, pressuremeter geophysical, pocket penetrometer,soil gas/vapor analysis, or other tests, and6.1.6.11 Destination or re

41、cipient of samples and method oftransportation.6.1.7 Ground water information should include: Depths and times at which ground water is encoun-tered, including seepage zones, if appropriate, In the case of drilling using drilling fluid, depth offluid surface in boring and drilling dept

42、h at the time of a notedloss or gain in drilling fluid, Depth to ground water level at the completion ofdrilling and removal of drill steel and description of datum(note condition of borehole, for example, cased or uncased).Date and time measured, Depth to ground water level at some re

43、ported timeperiod following completion of drilling and description ofdatum, when possible. Method or equipment used to determine depth ofground water level, such as Test Method D 4750, Method and depth of ground water samples ob-tained, including size of samples taken and description o

44、fsampler, and6.1.7.7 Description of any field tests conducted on groundwater samples such as pH, temperature, conductivity, turbidity,or odor.6.1.8 Information regarding installation of instrumentationor monitoring equipment should include: Type of equipment installed, for example, piezom-ete

45、rs, monitoring well screens, inclinometer, including sizesand types of materials, Depth and description of equipment installed (refer-ence to applicable ASTM standard, for example, Test MethodD 4622, Practice D 4403, or other standards or procedures), Methods used for installation of e

46、quipment andmethod used for sealing annular space, and6.1.8.4 Methods used to protect equipment (casing cap orlocks).6.2 Soil and rock field logs should include the followingpictorial information:6.2.1 Maps, drawings, or sketches of area of exploration andsubsurface surfaces observed. Include pertin

47、ent surface infor-mation such as neighboring outcrops, as appropriate. Describesystem of mapping, such as Guide D 4879 for rock, or legendfor symbols of materials. Include dimensions, directions, andslopes, and6.2.2 Photographs of activities, surfaces, or core. Describesequence, dates and time, dire

48、ction, objects used for scale, andsubject.7. Keywords7.1 drilling; explorations; geologic investigations; groundwater; logging; preliminary investigations; sampling; soil in-vestigations; subsurface investigationsD 5434 033SUMMARY OF CHANGESIn accordance with Committee D18 policy, this section ident

49、ifies the location of changes to this standard sincethe last edition (D543497(03) that may impact the use of this standard.(1) Section 2 Added Practice D 3740 to the ReferencedDocuments Section.(2) Section 5 Added Note 1 on the use of Practice D 3740.(2) Section 6 Added Note 2 after Section International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the riskof infringe

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