1、Designation: D 5743 97 (Reapproved 2003)Standard Practice forSampling Single or Multilayered Liquids, With or WithoutSolids, in Drums or Similar Containers1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5743; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adopt
2、ion or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice covers typical equipment and methods forcollecting samples
3、 of single or multilayered liquids, with orwithout solids, in drums or similar containers. These methodsare adapted specifically for sampling drums having a volume of110 gal (416 L) or less. These methods are applicable tohazardous material, product, or waste. Specific sample collec-tion and handlin
4、g requirements should be described in thesite-specific work plan.1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas the standard. The values given in parentheses are forinformation only.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its u
5、se. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific precau-tionary statements are given in and Notes 1 and 2.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:
6、2D 4687 Guide for General Planning of Waste SamplingD 5088 Practice for the Decontamination of Field Equip-ment Used at Non-Radioactive Waste SitesD 5283 Practice for Generation of Environmental DataRelated to Waste Management Activities: Quality Assur-ance and Quality Control Planning and Implement
7、ationD 5495 Practice for Sampling with a Composite LiquidWaste Sampler (COLIWASA)2.2 Other Documents:Drum Handling Practices at Hazardous Waste Sites, EPA/600/2-86/013, PB 165362, January 19863Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Opera-tions, 19924Occupational Safety and Health Guidance Manual
8、forHazardous Waste Site Activities, No. 85-115, October198533. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 bondingtouching the sampling equipment to thedrum to form an electrically conductive path to minimizepotential electrical differences between the sampling equip-ment and drum, reducing the buildup of stat
9、ic electricity.3.1.2 bungusually a 2-in. (5.1-cm) or34-in. (1.3-cm)diameter threaded plug designed specifically to close a bunghole.3.1.3 bung holean opening in a barrel or drum throughwhich it can be filled, emptied, or vented.3.1.4 deheadingremoval of the lid of a closed-head drum;it is usually ac
10、complished with a drum deheader.3.1.5 drumimplicitly any drum, barrel, or non-bulk con-tainer of 5 to 110-gal (19 to 416-L) capacity.3.1.6 paila small container, usually of 5-gal (19-L) capac-ity. Pails typically have bungs or spouts, or the entire lid can beremoved.3.1.7 paperworkall required site
11、documentation, whichmay include the manifests, waste profiles, material safety datasheets (MSDS), site forms, sample labels, seals, and chain ofcustody forms.3.1.8 sludgeany mixture of solids that settles out ofsolution. Sludges contain liquids that are not apparent as freeliquids.3.1.9 work plana p
12、lan specific to a particular site; it is forconducting activities specified in the plan.1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D34 on WasteManagement and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D34.01.02 onSampling Techniques.Current edition approved March 10, 2003. Publishe
13、d June 2003. Originallyapproved in 1995. Last previous edition approved in 1997 as D 5743 97.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document
14、Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road,Springfield, VA 22161.4Available from National Safety Council, 1121 Spring Lake Dr., Itasca, IL60143.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 1
15、9428-2959, United States.4. Summary of Practice4.1 The drum and its contents are inspected, and appropriatesampling equipment is selected. A clean sampling device islowered slowly into the liquid to be sampled.After the materialhas entered the device, it is removed from the drum. Thecontents of the
16、device are discharged into a sample container.The sampling device is then either disposed of or cleaned anddecontaminated.5. Significance and Use5.1 This practice is intended for use in collecting samples ofsingle and multilayered liquids, with or without solids, fromdrums or similar containers, inc
17、luding those that are unstable,ruptured, or otherwise compromised. Special handling proce-dures (for example, remote drum opening, overpressurizeddrum opening, drum deheading, etc.) are described in DrumHandling Practices at Hazardous Waste Sites.6. Interferences6.1 The condition of the materials to
18、 be sampled, and thecondition and accessibility of the drums, will have a significantimpact on the selection of sampling equipment.7. Pre-Sampling7.1 General Principles and Precautions:7.1.1 Samples should be collected in accordance with anappropriate work plan (Practice D 5283 and Guide D 4687).Thi
19、s plan must include a worker health and safety sectionbecause there are potential hazards associated with openingdrums as well as potentially hazardous contents. See theOccupational Safety and Health Guidance Manual for Haz-ardous Waste Site Activities for information on health andsafety at hazardou
20、s waste sites.7.1.2 Correct sampling procedures must be applied to con-ditions as they are encountered. It is impossible to specify rigidrules describing the precise manner of sample collectionbecause of unknowns associated with each liquid samplingsituation. It is essential that the samples be coll
21、ected by atrained and experienced sampler because of the various con-ditions under which drummed liquids must be sampled.7.1.3 To be able to make probability or confidence state-ments concerning the properties of a sampled lot, the samplingprocedure must allow for some element of randomness inselect
22、ion because of possible variations in the material. Thesampler should always be on the alert for possible biasesarising from the use of a particular sampling device or fromunexpected segregation within the material.7.1.4 The sampling equipment, sample preparation equip-ment, sample containers, etc.
23、must be clean, dry, and inert tothe material being sampled. All equipment, including samplecontainers, must be inspected before use to ensure that they areclear of obvious dirt and contamination and are in goodworking condition. Visible contamination must be removed,and the equipment must be deconta
24、minated with the appropri-ate rinse materials. Decontaminated sampling equipmentshould be protected from contamination. This may include, butnot be limited to, storage in aluminum foil, plastic bags,polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) film, or other means of protec-tion that will not impact the sample qu
25、ality or intendedanalysis.7.2 Basic Pre-Sampling Practices:7.2.1 Review all paperwork.7.2.2 Select the sampling equipment and sample containersappropriate for the material in the drum, as detailed in the workplan.7.2.3 Enter the work zone.7.2.4 Inspect all drums to be sampled visually. Note anyabnor
26、mal conditions (for example, rust marks, stains, bulges,or other signs of pressurization or leaks) that may requirespecial handling. The work plan should clearly define thelimiting conditions under which special handling proceduresshall be initiated. See Drum Handling Practices at HazardousWaste Sit
27、es for information on opening overpressurized drumsand the use of remotely operated drum opening equipment.7.2.5 Stage the drums to be sampled in a designated workarea if they cannot be sampled in their current location. SeeDrum Handling Practices at Hazardous Waste Sites for furtherinformation on s
28、taging drums. Move the drums to upright stable positions if nec-essary. Sufficient space shall be left between drums to preventmovement hazards. Allow adequate time for the drum contents tostabilize if movement of a drum is required. The settling timeis dependent on the type of materia
29、l expected. Number or identify uniquely all drums to besampled.7.2.6 Perform a detailed inspection of individual drums. Record all relevant information from drum labels,markings, data sheets, and so forth, in the field log book or onforms specified in the work plan. Verify that
30、there are no discrepancies with existingpaperwork. Any discovered inconsistency from the paperwork(such as evidence of crystals on the drum exterior) should benoted in the field log book.7.2.7 Slowly remove the bung or loosen the ring that securesthe lid, allowing any pressure or vacuum to eq
31、ualize. Precautionary Notes:(1) If the drum or pail appears to be under positive ornegative pressure (that is, a slight bulge or dimple in the lid),control the release of pressure until it has equalized. Forexample, if the drum or pail is equipped with bungs, loosen thesmaller bung first sinc
32、e doing so will make it easier to controlthe release of pressure.(2) Pails equipped with snap-on lids may be difficult toopen. Care must be exercised when opening to minimize thepotential of splashing of the contents.(3) If the top of the drum is dished inward (dimpled), itmay “pop” when equalizing
33、pressure, spraying the samplerwith any material that is sitting on top of the drum.(4) If there is evidence of a chemical reaction or suddenpressure buildup, the sampler should leave the area immedi-ately and evaluate whether remote drum opening equipmentshould be used.D 5743 97 (2003)2(5) For flamm
34、able or explosive materials, the drum andsampling equipment should be grounded if the generation ofstatic electricity while opening or sampling the drum is apossibility. The drum and sampling equipment should begrounded to a ground stake or to an existing ground (buildingground, grounded water pipes
35、, etc.). New glass, plastic thiefs,or composite liquid waste samplers (COLIWASAs) may havesome residual static electrical charge due to the materials inwhich they are packed and shipped. The work plan shouldspecify whether grounding is required. See the AccidentPrevention Manual for Industrial Opera
36、tions for informationon grounding and bonding. Drums should be opened, sampled, and closedindividually to minimize the risk of volatilization and expo-sure. Drums (or Pails) with BungsWhen using amanual bung wrench, cover it with a wipe or cloth to controlpotential liquid spray. Use no
37、n-sparking tools. Drums with Removable LidsLoosen the ringslowly with a manual wrench or air impact wrench. Usenon-sparking tools. Pails with Removable Lids (Side-Lever LockRing)Release the lever slowly. Pails with Removable Lids (Snap-On)Pry the lidloose slowly with a pail lid
38、opener.7.2.8 Manual or remote puncturing or deheading will berequired if the drum has a stuck bung or the lid cannot beremoved. See Drum Handling Practices at Hazardous WasteSites for further information on manual or remote drumopening.7.2.9 If required, insert a measuring rod (graduated in litresor
39、 gallons) into the drum to measure the liquid volume anddetermine the presence of solids at the bottom and estimatetheir percentage. (If minimal disturbance of the contents isrequired, the measuring rod can be inserted in the vent bunghole when working with a bung-top-drum.) The rod can begraduated
40、in litres or gallons for a specific size drum, or it canbe graduated in linear units (inches, centimetres, and so forth),with the liquid depth converted to volume using an appropriatevolume conversion. The measuring rod should be nonreactiveto the waste being contacted.NOTE 1Before inserting the mea
41、suring rod into the drum, touch therim gently with the rod (bonding) opposite from the bung to equalize anystatic charge that the drum may exhibit. The work plan should specifywhether bonding is required. For many liquids, the sampling equipment can serveas a substitute measuring device. This
42、 can be accomplished bymeasuring the length of the liquid column as it is being heldover the drum and applying an appropriate volume conversion(for example, 1 in. (2.54 cm) equals 1.7 gal (6.43 L) in a 55-gal(208-L) drum).NOTE 2The sampling equipment or measuring rod should be at ornear the temperat
43、ure of the drummed liquid to minimize any reactioncaused by temperature differences.7.3 Sampling Equipment, Selection Table 1 summarizesselection criteria for equipment by the material to be sampled.7.4 Sampling Equipment, Materials of ConstructionEachof the sampling devices listed should be constru
44、cted frommaterials that are inert to any materials that may be encoun-tered at a specific site. These devices are usually made of glass,stainless steel, aluminum, brass, or plastic. Devices withpermanent coatings or liners of an inert nonreactive material,such as PTFE, may be substituted, if approve
45、d by the workplan.7.5 Generic Equipment List:7.5.1 A list of equipment generally required for samplingliquids follows: Sample containers, lids, and liners; Sample labels; COLIWASAs, drum thiefs, sludge samplers, orequivalent devices; Measuring rods; Chain of custod
46、y forms; Field log books; Sample cooler; Wipes or cloths, or both; Ice or gel ice; Grounding cables with alligator clips and emerycloth; and7.5.1.11 Portable monitoring equipment (combustible gasindicator, organic vapor detectors, radiation survey meter, etc.).7.5
47、.2 Equipment needed to open drums should be non-sparking (brass or beryllium copper) and include, but not belimited to, the following: Bung wrenches (one straight and one bent), Flathead screwdriver, Breaker bar (12 in. (13 mm), Ratchet (12 in. (13 mm), Speed handl
48、e (12 in. (13 mm), Adjustable wrenches (10 and 12 in. (25 and 30 cm), Air impact wrench and sockets, and7.5.2.8 Pail lid opener.8. Sample Collection8.1 Basic Sampling Practice:8.1.1 Bond the sampling equipment to the drum, if specifiedin the work plan.8.1.2 Collect a sample from the dr
49、um. Whenever possible,do not sample where the measuring rod has been inserted;however, bung-type drums might not permit avoidance of thedisturbed region.8.1.3 Note the physical characteristics, including any dis-crepancies (such as solidified contents or crystalline material).8.1.4 Place the collected material in a sample container.TABLE 1 Selection Criteria for EquipmentEquipmentASTMStandardOneLiquidLayerTwo orMore LiquidLayersLiquid andSolid(Sludge)LayersDrum thief XAXXCOLIWASA D 5495 X X NBSyringe-type sampler N N XCoring-type sludge sampler CXPiston-Typ
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