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ASTM D5851-1995(2011) 8750 Standard Guide for Planning and Implementing a Water Monitoring Program《设计和执行水监控方案的标准指南》.pdf

1、Designation: D5851 95 (Reapproved 2011)Standard Guide forPlanning and Implementing a Water Monitoring Program1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5851; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of la

2、st revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONWater resource monitoring has taken place in many forms for scores of years. This monitoring hasbeen sponsored and perfo

3、rmed by a variety of federal, state, and local public agencies; and perhapsby an even wider variety of private, quasi-public and industrial entities. Historically, much of the earlydata dealt with quantities of flow, and drinking water quality was judged by the standards of the period.During the pas

4、t several years the problems related to point and nonpoint sources of pollution ofwater resources have become increasingly apparent. Technology has improved dramatically, as theneed for monitoring data has improved. There is a necessity for information on marine beaches andestuarine areas, fresh wat

5、er swamps, ground water, wetlands, streams, and sediment deposits, and tobetter understand the entire hydrologic cycle.The need for more and varied water quality information has expanded as rapidly as ourtechnological ability to generate the information. Further, it has become increasingly difficult

6、 andsometimes impossible to understand and resolve conflicts among the different data sets available.Much of the data have been collected at different times, in different geographic areas, and for differentpurposes. The data have been collected by persons with varied training, using different method

7、s, andwith vastly different analytical capabilities. As a consequence, we presently are at the stage where wemay know more about a given situation than we understand and workers in the field who receive thedata are unable to integrate the data available into a useful solution. The need for standardi

8、zation ofmonitoring programs is evident. Standardization does not herein mean everyone doing everythingexactly the same way. It does mean the use of methods and procedures, where applicable, that followrecognized and documented protocols as well as the accurate recording and storage of the data inac

9、cessible formats.Realizing the difficulties in water monitoring, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of thefederal government charged the Water Information Program (WICP), a program of the U.S.Geological Surveys Office of Water Data Coordination, with studying water quality monitoring in theUn

10、ited States and recommending improvements. The Intergovernmental Task Force on MonitoringWater Quality (ITFM), a federal, state, and tribal partnership, was established under the WICPsInteragency Advisory Committee on Water Data to carry out this study. The results of three years ofwork by about 200

11、 contributors have been captured in a series of three annual reports (1, 2, 3).2The following summarizes the conclusions from those reports:(1) Monitoring programs shall keep pace with changing water-management programs.(2) A collaborative strategy is needed to link the many separate monitoring prog

12、rams.(3) Agenuine appreciation of the need for cooperation currently exists among monitoring agencies.(4) Recent advances in technology provide opportunities for interaction and cooperation thatpreviously were impossible.Based upon those conclusions, the following recommendations were made:(1) Imple

13、ment an integrated, voluntary, nationwide strategy to improve water quality monitoring.(2) Charter a permanent national body to guide the implementation of ITFM recommendations.(3) Develop a framework for monitoring water quality that defines the components of a monitoringprogram.(4) Develop criteri

14、a with which to select parameters that measure progress in achieving waterquality goals.(5) Recommend indicators to measure whether water quality uses designated by the state are beingmet.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United Stat

15、es.(6) Charter a Methods and Data Comparability Council to foster the development and use ofperformance-based methods of collection and analysis.(7) Use the ecoregions concept, reference conditions, and index calibration.1. Scope1.1 PurposeThis guide is generic in its application tosurface or ground

16、 water, rivers, lakes, or estuaries (quantity andquality). It proposes a series of options that offer directionwithout recommending a definite course of action and dis-cusses the major elements that are common to all purposes ofwater monitoring.1.2 The elements described are applicable whether themo

17、nitoring is only for one location or integrates multiplemeasurement sites for the purpose of assessing a wholewatershed, estuary, or aquifer system.1.3 This guide is intended to outline for planners andadministrators the components, process, and procedures whichshould be considered when proposing, p

18、lanning, or implement-ing a monitoring program. The guide is not a substitute forobtaining specific technical advice. The reader is not assumedto be a technical practitioner in the water field; however,practitioners will find it a good summary of practice and ahandy checklist. Other standard guides

19、have or will be pre-pared that address the necessary detail.1.4 Monitoring ComponentsA water monitoring programis composed of a set of activities, practices, and proceduresdesigned to collect reliable information of known accuracy andprecision concerning a particular water resource in order toachiev

20、e a specific goal or purpose. The purposes may range inscope from tracking status and trends on a regional or nationalbasis to gathering data to determine the effects of a specificmanagement practice or pollution incident such as a spill. Thisguide suggests and discusses the following process and co

21、m-ponents:1.4.1 Establishment of program goals and objectives andrecording of decisions in a written plan (see 6.1),1.4.2 Developing background data and a conceptual model(see 6.1.12),1.4.3 Establishment of data (quality, quantity, type) objec-tives (see 6.2),1.4.4 Design of field measurement and sa

22、mpling strategiesand specification of laboratory analyses and data acceptancecriteria (see 6.3),1.4.5 Data storage and transfer (see 6.6),1.4.6 Implementation of sampling and analysis strategies(see 6.4),1.4.7 Data quality assessment (see 6.5),1.4.8 Assessment of data (see 6.7),1.4.9 Program evaluat

23、ion (see 6.8), and1.4.10 Reporting (see 6.9).See also Fig. X1.1 in Appendix X1 and the condensed list ofheadings in Appendix X2.1.5 Monitoring PurposesEstablishing goals defines thepurpose for monitoring. Each purpose has some monitoringdesign needs specific to itself. There are six major purposes f

24、orwater monitoring. They are as follows:1.5.1 Determining the Status and Trends of WaterConditionsThis can require long term, regular monitoring todetermine how parameters change over time.1.5.2 Detecting Existing and Emerging ProblemsDetermining if, how, or where a substance may move throughan aqua

25、tic system, or if water quantities are changing.1.5.3 Developing and Implementing Management andRegulatory ProgramsIncludes baseline and reconnaissancemonitoring to characterize existing conditions such as toidentify critical areas or hot spots; implementation monitoringto assess whether activities

26、were carried out as planned; andcompliance monitoring to determine if specific water quality orwater use criteria were met.1.5.4 Responding to an EmergencyPerformed to provideinformation in the near term.1.5.5 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Water MonitoringProgramsIs the monitoring able to achieve

27、the stated goals?Also, monitoring to check on monitoring.1.5.6 Supporting research objectives or validating of simu-lation models.1.6 This guide is applicable to these purposes and providesguidance on some of the specific needs of each.After goals andobjectives have been established, a specialist ca

28、n define thetype, frequency, and duration of sampling and measurements.The specialist also will be able to forecast the data analysisneeded to meet the objectives.1.7 There are related standards currently available or underdevelopment and several documents that prescribe protocolsfor water monitorin

29、g (49). See also Section 2.1.8 This guide suggests that water monitoring programs usestandardized documented protocols for all aspects of theprogram. Where they are not available or appropriate, themethods used should be documented.1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety conce

30、rns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.1This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D19 on Water and is the dir

31、ect responsibility of Subcommittee D19.02 on Quality Systems, Specification, andStatistics.Current edition approved May 1, 2011. Published May 2011. Originally approved in 1995. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as D5851 95 (2006). DOI:10.1520/D5851-95R11.2The boldface numbers in parentheses re

32、fer to a list of references at the end of this guide.D5851 95 (2011)22. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:3D1129 Terminology Relating to Water2.2 Other Documents:Compilation of Scopes of ASTM Standards Relating toEnvironmental Monitoring, 1994, ASTM, Philadelphia,PA. PCN: 13-600003-16 (700 stan

33、dards)4ASTM Standards on Ground Water and Vadose ZoneInvestigations. PCN: 03-418094-3842.3 EPA Documents:U.S. EPA813/B-92-002 Definitions for the Minimum Set ofData Elements for Ground Water Quality5U.S. EPA 910/9-91/001 Monitoring Guidelines to EvaluateEffects of Forestry Activities on Streams in t

34、he PacificNorthwest and Alaska53. Terminology3.1 For definitions of terms used in this guide, refer toTerminology D1129.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 analyzeto determine the relationship of parts or thevalue of a particular parameter.3.2.2 assessto determine importance of

35、data.3.2.3 evaluateto determine significance or worth.3.2.4 measurementdetermining the values of a character-istic within a sample or in situ.3.2.5 metadataancillary data that describe the naturalconditions under which an environmental data value is mea-sured, the purpose for collection, the methods

36、 and standardsemployed, and the organization responsible.3.2.6 samplingthe removal of a portion of the waterwhich may or may not be representative of the whole. This isnot monitoring.3.2.7 water monitoringwater monitoring consists of sys-tematic activities conducted to characterize the quantity orqu

37、ality, or both, of water.4. Significance and Use4.1 The user of this guide is not assumed to be a technicalpractitioner in the water field. This guide is an assembly of thecomponents common to all aspects of water monitoring andfulfills a need in the development of a common framework fora better coo

38、rdinated and more unified approach to monitoringwater.4.2 Limitations This guide does not establish a standardprocedure to follow in all cases and it does not cover the detailsnecessary to meet a particular monitoring objective.5. A Primer on Water Monitoring Programs5.1 The Problem Why is water mon

39、itoring difficult?5.1.1 The movement of water through the hydrologic cycledwarfs other material cycles operating on the earths surface,such as the carbon and oxygen cycles. Waters chemical andphysical properties enable it to dissolve many substances andphysically remove and suspend others. Consequen

40、tly, as waterencounters various substances in the atmosphere, on landsurfaces, and below ground, the waters chemical compositionchanges, and the composition of materials suspended in thewater changes. Physical and chemical processes further changeits composition as water moves through the hydrologic

41、 cycle.5.1.2 Human activities using land and water have greatlyaltered the kind and amount of substances that water encoun-ters as it moves through the hydrological cycle. Often, somesubstances, including those biological communities livingwithin water, are present at concentrations that impair vari

42、ouswater uses. These substances are regarded as pollutants. Muchof our effort to manage water resources is directed at reducingthe addition of pollutants in water. Other management effortsare directed toward altering local pathways of water flow andmaintaining or enhancing aquatic and marine habitat

43、s.5.1.3 Across the globe or across a county there are largespatial and temporal variations in water flows and volumes, inthe natural features, which impact water resources, and in thenature and extent of human land and water uses. Consequently,there can be large spatial and temporal variations in th

44、ecomposition of water. The problem that must be addressed inwater monitoring is how to spatially and temporally character-ize the composition of water and the source of this compositionwith sufficient accuracy and precision to support local andregional water uses and management efforts. Monitoring w

45、ateras it flows through the hydrologic cycle is not easy.5.1.4 Reading through the following list of procedures andconsiderations will provide the administrator or planner withinsight into the details of needed expertise, complexity, andwork tasks in the design, implementation, and evaluation of amo

46、nitoring project.6. Procedure6.1 Establish Program Goals and Objectives:6.1.1 Define goals and objectives using a multidisciplinaryteam. This requires a variety of professionals with specialinsights in order to prepare a sensible plan. Review existing data.6.1.2 Prepare a plan of work from th

47、e goals, objectives, anddecisions. This will be an iterating process as progress is madedeveloping the components. The plan can use a pilot approachor phased-in approach. Coordinate activities with other relevant agencies,groups, and persons.6.1.3 Develop a project schedule and budget.

48、 Establish budgetary and personnel requirements.6.1.4 Set timelines.6.1.5 Set interim goals, checkpoints, and review periods.6.1.6 Identify adaptive management parameters in accor-dance with the projects objectives; these are project specificparameters, such as ground water flow direction and concen

49、-tration, that are selected to be observed on a regular basis inorder to determine the need for change of monitoring proce-dures.3For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.4Available from ASTM Headquarters, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Consho-hocken, PA 194282959.5Available from Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office,Washington, DC 20402.D5851 95 (

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