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本文(ASTM D5867-2005 Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Physical Properties of Cotton Fibers by High Volume Instruments《用大容量仪器测量棉纤维物理性能的标准试验方法》.pdf)为本站会员(confusegate185)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM D5867-2005 Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Physical Properties of Cotton Fibers by High Volume Instruments《用大容量仪器测量棉纤维物理性能的标准试验方法》.pdf

1、Designation: D 5867 05Standard Test Methods forMeasurement of Physical Properties of Cotton Fibers byHigh Volume Instruments1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5867; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision

2、, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 These test methods cover the color, trash content,micronaire, length, length uniformity, strength and e

3、longationof cotton fibers using the Spinlab System HVI 900 SA or theMotion Control, Inc. Systems HVI 3500 and HVI 4000 that area series of instruments connected to single dedicated pro-grammed computers.1.2 These test methods are applicable to loose fibers takenfrom raw or partially processed cotton

4、 and some types ofcotton waste.1.3 These test methods contain the following sections:SectionColor of Cotton 7-15Trash Content of Samples of Cotton Fibers 16-24Micronaire Reading of Cotton Fibers 25-33Length and Length Uniformity of Cotton Fibers 34-42Breaking Tenacity and Elongation of Cotton Fibers

5、 43-51Precision and Bias 521.4 The values stated in both inch-pound and SI units are tobe regarded separately as the standard. The values given inparentheses are for information only.1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is there

6、sponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 123 Terminology Relating to TextilesD 1441 Practice for Sampling Cotton Fibers for Test

7、ingD 1445 Test Method for Breaking Strength and Elongationof Cotton Fibers (Flat Bundle Method)D 1447 Test Method for Length and Length Uniformity ofCotton Fibers by Fibrograph MeasurementD 1448 Test Method for Micronaire Reading of CottonFibersD 1776 Practice for Conditioning and Testing TextilesD

8、2253 Test Method for Color of Raw Cotton Using theNickerson-Hunter Cotton ColorimeterD 2812 Test Method for Non-Lint Content of CottonD 3025 Practice for Standardizing Cotton Fiber Test Resultsby Use of Calibration Cotton StandardsD 4848 Terminology of Force, Deformation and RelatedProperties of Tex

9、tilesD 7139 Terminology for Cotton Fibers3. Terminology3.1 For all terminology related to D13.11, refer to D 71393.1.1 The following terms are relevant to this standard:breaking tenacity, elongation at break, mean length, micronairereading, particle count, percent area, span length, Rd and +b,streng

10、th, test beard, uniformity index, uniformity ratio, upper-half-mean length.3.2 For all other terminology related to textiles, efer toTerminology D 123 and Terminology D 4848.4. Significance and UseGeneral4.1 These test methods are used in the trade and areconsidered satisfactory for acceptance testi

11、ng of commercialshipments when the level of tests, of any one or several or allof the individual physical properties, in the laboratory of thepurchaser and the laboratory of the supplier are controlled bythe use of the same laboratory control samples.4.1.1 In case of dispute arising from differences

12、 in reportedtest results when using these test methods for acceptancetesting of commercial shipments, the purchaser and the sup-plier should conduct comparative tests to determine if there isa statistical bias between their laboratories. Competent statis-tical assistance is recommended for the inves

13、tigation of bias.As a minimum, the two parties should take a group of testspecimens that are as homogeneous as possible and that arefrom a lot of material of the type in question. The testspecimens should then be randomly assigned in equal numbersto each laboratory for testing average results from t

14、he twolaboratories should be compared using Students t-test forunpaired data and an acceptable probability level chosen by the1These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D13 onTextiles and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D13.11 on Cotton Fibers.Current edition appr

15、oved March 1, 2005. Published April 2005. Originallyapproved in 1995. Last previous edition approved in 1995 as D 5867 95.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, ref

16、er to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.two parties before testing is begun. If a bias is found, either itscause must be found and corrected or the purchaser and th

17、esupplier must agree to interpret future test results in the lightwith consideration to the known bias.4.2 Being able to measure color, particle count of trash,micronaire, length, strength, and elongation using an integratedand dedicated system has the following benefits:4.2.1 The HVI measuring syst

18、em can rapidly and objec-tively determine the color of cotton that is an important factorin determining the end use of cotton.4.2.2 The HVI system provides a particle count of the cottontrash that is directly related to textile processing waste.4.2.3 The HVI system determines micronaire, a factor th

19、atis correlated with cleaning efficiency, neppiness, the strengthand uniformity of yarn, and dyeing of fibers, yarns, and fabrics.4.2.4 The HVI system provides a reproducible and eco-nomical procedure to measure length and length uniformity offibers.4.2.5 The HVI system can determine various stress-

20、strainparameters that are useful for research and for relating fibercharacteristics to processing performance and quality of endproducts.5. Sampling5.1 Lot SampleAs a lot sample for acceptance testing,take at random the number of shipping containers directed inan applicable material specification or

21、 other agreement be-tween the purchaser and the supplier, such as an agreement touse Practice D 1441 for bales of fiber or containers of sliver.Consider shipping containers or bales to be the primary sampleunits.NOTE 1An adequate specification or other agreement between thepurchaser and the supplier

22、 requires taking into account the variabilitybetween sampling units, between laboratory samples within a samplingunit, and between test specimens within a laboratory sample to provide asampling plan with a meaningful producers risk, consumers risk,acceptable quality level, and limiting quality level

23、.5.2 Laboratory SampleFor acceptance testing, randomlytake material from each lot sampling unit, or original material,such as: loose fibers from one or more bolls, plants, or rows ina field; bales, mixes, or blends of cotton; or any consignment,shipment, or lot of cotton; of any size or mass to yiel

24、d therequired test specimen(s).5.3 Test SpecimensTake test specimens as directed in thedescription of individual test methods.6. Conditioning6.1 Bring the laboratory samples to moisture equilibrium fortesting in these test methods atmosphere for testing textiles.See Practice D 1776.NOTE 2Cotton is n

25、ormally received in the laboratory in a relative drycondition, making special preconditioning procedures unnecessary.Samples that are obviously damp should be preconditioned before beingbrought into the laboratory for conditioning.NOTE 3If tests are not made for moisture equilibrium, it is recom-men

26、ded that the samples be conditioned for at least 12 h prior to testing.COLOR OF RAW COTTON7. Scope7.1 This test method covers the comparison of the color ofraw cotton with the official standards of the United StatesDepartment of Agriculture for Color Grade of cotton by meansof a cotton colorimeter o

27、f the Nickerson-Hunter type. It can beused to measure the color of any type of raw cotton but isparticularly applicable to Upland and American Pima cotton,for which official grade Standards have been established.7.2 The instrument employs the use of a programmablemicroprocessor with memory for contr

28、olling internal opera-tions and performing required calibration, calculation, and datapresentation.NOTE 4For another method describing the measurement of the colorof raw cotton, refer to Test Method D 2253.8. Summary of Test Method8.1 A smooth representative surface of a cotton sample isplaced over

29、the colorimeter sample window and pressed flat.The instrument colorimeter is energized, and color values aredisplayed on the instruments visual monitor in one or more ofthe following terms: the grayness and yellowness scale devel-oped for cotton, the Rd and +b values, and the United StatesDepartment

30、 of Agriculture color grade code number.9. Significance and Use9.1 Color is the primary factor of the color grade of cotton.Since cotton is graded by visual judgment, an instrument thatmeasures color in terms that are highly correlated with visualjudgement is a decided asset. Color measurements are

31、evenmore important for use as an aid in reproducing copies of theofficial standards for color grade of cotton.9.2 Color is an element of cotton quality, and raw stockcolor measurements are useful in controlling the color ofmanufactured greige, bleached, or dyed yarns and fabrics.10. Apparatus and Ma

32、terials10.1 Cotton Colorimeter, HVI Model, with accessories.10.2 Calibration Tile StandardsA set of five workingcalibration tile standards of designated Rd and + b values.10.3 Cotton Color Check Standards.11. Preparation of Apparatus11.1 Allow the instrument to warm up for at least4horuntil it becom

33、es electronically stable.11.2 By keyboard entry, select the appropriate routine forcalibration from the menu displayed on the monitor.11.3 Follow the displayed instructions requiring keyboardentry of the Rd and +b values of each calibration tile. As eachtile is presented to the instrument, the progr

34、ammed micropro-cessor will cause electronic circuitry to be automaticallyadjusted for agreement of displayed values with the designatedvalues of the tiles.11.4 Perform measurements of the color check standards ofcotton to verify calibration.D586705211.5 If unacceptable results are obtained from the

35、measure-ment of the color check standards of cotton, repeat thecalibration tile procedure (see 11.3) until acceptable results areobtained.12. Test Specimens12.1 Test two specimens, one from each side of the labora-tory sample.12.2 Select a smooth surface of the laboratory sample that isjudged to be

36、representative for color as the test specimen. Thesurface of the sample should be large enough to completelycover the instruments viewing window and thick enough to beopaque (no light transmitted through the sample). From expe-rience, a thickness of 50 cm (2 in.) or more has been foundacceptable.NOT

37、E 5Laboratory samples usually consist of samples cut from sidesof bales or taken by an automatic sampling device. Such samples come inlayers, and different surfaces can be observed easily by opening thesamples in a manner similar to turning pages in a book. The surfaceselected should be fairly smoot

38、h and free of lumps or folds which manycause dark shadows and produce erroneous results.13. Procedure13.1 By keyboard entry, select the appropriate routine fortesting cotton from the menu displayed on the monitor.NOTE 6The test routines are governed by software programs tailoredfor individual requir

39、ements, such as necessary for sample identificationnumber and other identifier entries, number of tests per sample, choice ofunits of measure (such as millimetres or inches), selection of testparameters, necessary for statistical summary, need for hard copy printout,forwarding data to compatible ext

40、ernal data handling systems andcomputers, and other parameters.13.2 Place the surface of the specimen to be measured overthe sample window and energize the instrument by pressing theappropriate switch that will cause a plate to apply pressure tothe specimen.13.3 Hold the specimen until the instrumen

41、t, by display atthe visual monitor, advises that the measurement is complete.13.4 Make one observation on each side of the specimenunless it is obviously nonuniform in color.13.4.1 If the specimen is nonuniform in color, make addi-tional observations on it at different places in the specimen toobtai

42、n a measure of the full range of color.14. Calculation14.1 All calculations are performed by the instrumentsinternal programmed microprocessor.15. Report15.1 State that the samples were tested for color as directedin these test methods. Describe the material and the method ofsampling used.15.2 Repor

43、t the following information:15.2.1 The number of specimens tested for each sample.15.2.2 The average Rd value and the average +b value to thenearest 0.1 unit.15.2.3 The color code of the United States Department ofAgriculture cotton color grade diagrams that shows the variouscolor grades of cotton i

44、n relationship to the scale of Rd on thevertical axis and the +b on the horizontal axis.TRASH CONTENT16. Scope16.1 This test method describes the measurement of theamount of trash as seen by a video camera focused on thesurface of a test specimen of cotton pressed against a glasswindow.NOTE 7For ano

45、ther method describing the measurement of trash ornon-lint content of cotton, refer to Test Method D 2812.16.2 The instrument may be incorporated within the spaceoccupied by and adjacent to the apparatus to measure color ofraw cotton (see Sections 7-15), thus permitting simultaneousmeasurement of co

46、lor and trash on the same test specimen.17. Summary of Test Method17.1 A smooth representative surface of a test specimen ofcotton is placed over the colorimeter/trashmeter sample win-dow, the specimen is pressed flat. The trash meter is energized,and test values are read directly from instruments v

47、isualmonitor trashmeter.18. Significance and Use18.1 Trash content is an element in determining the qualityor use value of raw cotton. Trash is the primary factor of theleaf grade of cotton. Since cotton is usually graded by visualjudgement, an instrument that measures trash in terms that arehighly

48、correlated with visual judgement is a decided asset.18.2 Trash content is useful for: estimating the net amountof manufactured textile product obtainable from raw cotton,predicting the quality of cotton textile products, particularlytheir aesthetic properties, assembling and blending values in amix

49、on a trash content basis, adjusting ginning and textileprocessing machinery for maximum efficiency in removingtrash from cotton, and relating trash content of cotton toprocessing efficiency and end-product quality.19. Apparatus and Materials19.1 Trashmeter, HVI model.19.2 Calibration Tile StandardsA set of working calibra-tion tile standards of designated value for use in instrumentcalibration.20. Preparation of Apparatus20.1 Allow the instrument to warm up for at least1horuntil it becomes electronically stable.20.2 By keyboard entry, select the appropriate routine

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