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本文(ASTM D6061-2001(2007)e1 Standard Practice for Evaluating the Performance of Respirable Aerosol Samplers《可呼吸的气雾剂样品性能评价的标准操作规程》.pdf)为本站会员(吴艺期)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM D6061-2001(2007)e1 Standard Practice for Evaluating the Performance of Respirable Aerosol Samplers《可呼吸的气雾剂样品性能评价的标准操作规程》.pdf

1、Designation: D 6061 01 (Reapproved 2007)e1Standard Practice forEvaluating the Performance of Respirable AerosolSamplers1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6061; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the

2、 year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.e1NOTEEditorially removed the Metric designation from Specification D 6062 in April 2007.1. Scope1.1 This practice cover

3、s the evaluation of the performanceof personal samplers of non-fibrous respirable aerosol. Thesamplers are assessed relative to a specific respirable samplingconvention. The convention is one of several that identifyspecific particle size fractions for assessing health effects ofairborne particles.

4、When a health effects assessment has beenbased on a specific convention it is appropriate to use that sameconvention for setting permissible exposure limits in theworkplace and ambient environment and for monitoring com-pliance. The conventions, which define inhalable, thoracic, andrespirable aeroso

5、l sampler ideals, have now been adopted bythe International Standards Organization (Technical ReportISO TR 7708), the Comit Europen de Normalisation (CENStandard EN 481), and the American Conference of Govern-mental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH, Ref (1),2developed (2)in part from health-effects stud

6、ies reviewed in Ref (3) and inpart as a compromise between definitions proposed in Refs(3,4).1.2 This practice is complimentary to Test Method D 4532,which specifies a particular instrument, the 10-mm cyclone.3The sampler evaluation procedures presented in this practicehave been applied in the testi

7、ng of the 10-mm cyclone as wellas the Higgins-Dewell cyclone.3,4Details on the evaluationhave been recently published (5-7) and can be incorporatedinto revisions of Test Method D 4532.1.3 A central aim of this practice is to provide informationrequired for characterizing the uncertainty of concentra

8、tionestimates from samples taken by candidate samplers. For thispurpose, sampling accuracy data from the performance testsgiven here can be combined with information as to analyticaland sampling pump uncertainty obtained externally. The prac-tice applies principles of ISO GUM, expanded to coversitua

9、tions common in occupational hygiene measurement,where the measurand varies markedly in both time and space.A general approach (8) for dealing with this situation relates tothe theory of tolerance intervals and may be summarized asfollows: Sampling/analytical methods undergo extensiveevaluations and

10、 are subsequently applied without re-evaluationat each measurement, while taking precautions (for example,through a quality assurance program) that the method remainsstable. Measurement uncertainty is then characterized byspecifying the evaluation confidence (for example, 95 %) thatconfidence interv

11、als determined by measurements bracketmeasurand values at better than a given rate (for example,95 %). Moreover, the systematic difference between candidateand idealized aerosol samplers can be expressed as a relativebias, which has proven to be a useful concept and is includedin the specification o

12、f accuracy (3.2.9-3.2.10).1.4 Units of the International System of Units (SI) are usedthroughout this practice and should be regarded as standard.1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this stan

13、dard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:5D 1356 Terminology Relating to Sampling and Analysis ofAtmospheresD 4532 Test Method for Respirable Dust in WorkplaceAtmospher

14、esD 6062 Guide for Personal Samplers of Health-RelatedAerosol FractionsD 6552 Practice for Controlling and Characterizing Errorsin Weighing Collected Aerosols1This practice is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D22 onAir Qualityand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D22.04 onWorkplace

15、Atmospheres.Current edition approved April 1, 2007. Published June 2007. Originallyapproved in 1996. Last previous edition approved in 2001 as D 6061 - 01.2The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end ofthis practice.3If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please

16、provide this information toASTM Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meetingof the responsible technical committee,1which you may attend.4The sole source of supply of the Higgins-Dewell cyclone known to thecommittee at this time is BGI Inc., 58 Guinan Street, Waltham, M

17、A 02154.5For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive,

18、 PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.2.2 International Standards:ISO TR 7708 Technical Report on Air QualityParticleSize Fraction Definitions for Health-Related Sampling,Brussels, 19936ISO GUM Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Mea-surement, Brussels, 19936CEN EN 481

19、Standard on Workplace Atmospheres. SizeFraction Definitions for the Measurement of AirborneParticles in the Workplace, Brussels, 19937CEN EN 1232 Standard on Workplace Atmospheres. Re-quirements and Test Methods for Pumps used for PersonalSampling of Chemical Agents in the Workplace, Brussels,19937C

20、EN EN 13205 Workplace Atmospheres- Assessment ofPerformance of Instruments for Measurement of AirborneParticle Concentrations, 200172.3 NIOSH Standards:NIOSH Manual ofAnalytical Methods, 4th ed., Eller, P. M.,ed.: Dept. of Health and Human Services, 19948Criteria for a Recommended Standard, Occupati

21、onal Expo-sure to Respirable Coal Mine Dust, NIOSH, 199593. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 For definitions of terms used in this practice, refer toTerminology D 1356 and ISO GUM.3.1.2 Aerosol fraction sampling conventions have beenpresented in Performance Specifications D 6062. The relevantdefinit

22、ions are repeated here for convenience.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 aerodynamic diameter, D (m)the diameter of asphere of density, 103kg/m, with the same stopping time as aparticle of interest.3.2.2 respirable sampling convention, ERdefined explic-itly at aerodynamic diam

23、eter D (m) as a fraction of totalairborne aerosol in terms of the cumulative normal function (9)F as follows:ER5 0.50 1 1 exp20.06 D! F lnDR/D/sR# (1)where the indicated constants are DR= 4.25 m andsR= ln1. DiscussionThe respirable sampling convention,together with earlier definitions, is s

24、hown in Fig. 1. Thisconvention has been adopted by the International StandardsOrganization (Technical Report ISO TR 7708), the ComitEuropen de Normalisation (CEN Standard EN 481), and theAmerican Conference of Governmental and Industrial Hygien-ists (ACGIH, Ref (1). The definition of respirable aero

25、sol isthe basis for the recommended exposure level (REL) ofrespirable coal mine dust as promulgated by NIOSH (Criteriafor a Recommended Standard, Occupational Exposure toRespirable Coal Mine Dust) and also forms the basis of theNIOSH sampling method for particulates not otherwise regu-lated, respira

26、ble (NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods).3.2.3 size-distribution C-1dC/dD (m-1)of a given air-borne aerosol, the mass concentration of aerosol per unitaerodynamic diameter range per total concentration C. lognormal size distributionan idealized distribu-tion characterized by two parameters: t

27、he geometric standarddeviation (GSD) and mass median diameter (MMD). Thedistribution is given explicitly as follows:C21dC/dD 51=2p D lnGSDexpF212lnD/MMD2/lnGSD2#(2)where C is the total mass concentration.3.2.4 conventional respirable concentration cR(mg/m3)the concentration measured by a conventiona

28、l (that is, ideal)respirable sampler and given in terms of the size distributiondC/dD as follows:cR5*0dD ERdC / dD (3) DiscussionNote that samples are often taken overan extended time period (for example, 8 h), so that dC/dD ofEq. 3 represents a time-averaged, rather than instantaneous,size-d

29、istribution.3.2.5 sampler number s = 1, ., S a number identifying aparticular sampler under evaluation.3.2.6 sampling effciency Es(D, Q)the modeled samplingefficiency of sampler s as a function of aerodynamic diameterD and flow rate Q (9.1). model parameters up, where p = 1, ., P (for ex-ampl

30、e, 4)parameters that specify the function Es(D, Q).3.2.7 mean sampled concentration csthe concentrationthat sampler s would give, averaged over sampling pump andanalytical fluctuations, in sampling aerosol of size-distributionC-1dC/dD is given as follows:cs5*0dD EsdC / dD (4)3.2.8 mean concentration

31、 cthe population mean of cs.3.2.9 uncertainty components:6Available from International Organization for Standardization, Caisse Postale56, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland.7Available from CEN Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels,Belgium.8Available from Superintendent of Documents,

32、 U.S. Government PrintingOffice, Stock No. 917-011-00000-1, Washington DC 20402.9Available from NIOSH Publications, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, OH45226.FIG. 1 Respirable Aerosol Collection EfficienciesD 6061 01 (2007)e123.2.9.1 analytical relative standard deviation RSDanalyticalthe standard

33、deviation relative to the true respirable concen-tration cRassociated with mass analysis, for example, theweighing of filters, analysis of a-quartz, and so forth. pump-induced relative standard deviationRSDpumpthe intra-sampler standard deviation relative to therespirable concentration cRasso

34、ciated with both drift andvariability in the setting of the sampling pump. inter-sampler relative standard deviation RSDinterthe inter-sampler standard deviation (varying sampler s) rela-tive to the respirable concentration cRand taken as primarilyassociated with physical variations in sample

35、r dimensions.3.2.10 mean relative bias Dof measurement c relative tothe conventional respirable concentration cR, defined as fol-lows:Dc2cR!/cR(5)3.2.11 symmetric-range accuracy Athe fractional range,symmetric about the conventional concentration cR, withinwhich 95 % of sampler measurements are to b

36、e found (8,10-13and the NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods).3.2.12 flow rate Q (L/min)the average flow rate of airsampled by a given sampler over the duration of the samplingperiod.3.2.13 flow number Fthe number (for example, 4) ofsampler flow rates Q tested.3.2.14 replication number n (for example,

37、 4) the numberof replicate measurements for evaluating a given sampler atspecific flow rate and aerodynamic diameter.3.3 Symbols and Abbreviations:Asymmetric-range accuracy as defined in terms of biasand precision (see 3.2.11).estimated accuracy A.NOTE 1Hats as in A refer to estimates, both in sampl

38、er applicationand sampler evaluation.95 %A95 % confidence limit on the symmetric-rangeaccuracy A.c(mg/m3)expected value of the sampler-averaged concen-tration estimates cs.cs(mg/m3)expected value (averaged over sampling pumpand analytical variations) of the concentration estimate fromsampler s.scovi

39、jcovariance matrix for sampler s and efficiency pa-rameters uiand uj.cR(mg/m3)concentration measured by a conventional (thatis, ideal) respirable sampler.D (m)aerosol aerodynamic diameter.D0sampling efficiency model parameter.DR(m)respirable sampling convention parameter equal to4.25 m in the case o

40、f healthy adults, or 2.5 m for the sick orinfirm or children.Esampling convention in general.ERrespirable sampling convention.Essampling efficiency of sampler s.Fnumber of flow rates evaluated.GSDgeometric standard deviation of a lognormal aerosolsize distribution.MMDmass median diameter of a lognor

41、mal aerosol sizedistribution.MSEcmean square element for sampler in application (see10.4).MSEmean square element for evaluation data (see A1.5).nnumber of replicate measurements.Pnumber of sampling efficiency parameters.RSDrelative standard deviation (relative to concentrationcRas estimated by an id

42、eal sampler following the respirablesampling convention).RSDanalyticalrelative standard deviation component charac-terizing analytical random variation.RSDevalrelative standard deviation component character-izing uncertainty from the evaluation experiment itself (AnnexAnnex A1).RSDinterrelative stan

43、dard deviation component character-izing random inter-sampler variation.RSDpumprelative standard deviation component character-izing the effect of random sampling pump variation.ssampler number.Snumber of samplers evaluated.tsampling time (for example, 8h).Uexpanded uncertainty.uccombined uncertaint

44、y.v (m/s)wind speed.Dbias relative to an ideal sampler following the respirablesampling convention.eeval srandom variable contribution to evaluation experi-mental error in a concentration estimate.esrandom variable contribution to inter-sampler error in aconcentration estimate.usampling efficiency m

45、odel parameter.s0sampling efficiency model parameter.sevalevaluation experimental standard deviation in a con-centration estimate.sinterinter-sampler standard deviation in a concentrationestimate.sRrespirable sampling convention parameter equal toln1.5.smassweighing imprecision in mass collected on

46、a filter.Fxcumulative normal function given for argument x.4. Summary of Practice4.1 The sampling efficiency from D = 0 to 10 m and itsvariability are measured in calm air ( 1 is negligible. Then 3.2.11implies the following inequality:c1 195 %A, cR,c1 295 %A(16)for 95 % of estimates c, at 95 % confi

47、dence in theevaluation experiment. Note that the interval of Eq. 16 is notexactly symmetrical about the estimate c, unlike intervals usingthe expanded uncertainty U (ISO GUM), with bounds c 6 U.10.6.3 An example of the difference between95 %A and Acan be given: At MMD = 10m and GSD = 3, the Higgins-

48、Dewell cyclone has (5) D=7%, RSDinter=5%RSDpump95 % of the time.95 %A then plays the role of the expanded uncertainty U (ISOGUM).”13. Keywords13.1 aerosol; air monitoring; bias; confidence; conventions;deposition; evaluation; fractions; particle; particulates; pen-etration; performance; random varia

49、tion; respirable; samplingand analysis; sampling efficiency; size-selective; tolerance;uncertainty; workplace atmospheresD 6061 01 (2007)e17ANNEX(Mandatory Information)A1. STATISTICAL DETAILSA1.1 The sampler performance assessment of this practiceaccounts for uncertainty in the sampler evaluation by comput-ing a confidence limit on the combined mean square elementMSEc(Eq. 15) as well as an estimate of MSEcitself. This isaccomplished by analyzing the concentration estimates

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